Konya Metropolitan Municipality

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
Water, canal, electricity, gas, telephone and internet, institutions and organizations providing infrastructure services such as satellites must work under the Infrastructure Coordination Center. While infrastructure services are being performed the same route can be dug by different infrastructure services with close date ranges. This causes a lot of times to do the same operation on the same route. Basically, to find solutions to the problems below has become the target of the project; a) Request for infrastructure services take a long time meet the request because of procedures, b) Repetition of digging, c) By taking a draft of infrastructure service

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
After identifying the problems within the scope of the project to find the solutions first of all system requirements have been found by doing structural system analysis and design work. In the scope of these requirements Urban Information System integration has become directly integrated with the following headings: a) Path attribute information, b) Reconstruction plan information, c) Address information d) Infrastructure network information

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
Institutions under the scope of the project should be met in a common database, this databases infrastructure should be prepared by an web service architect, integrating the newly modeled architecture with electronic and mobile signatures will constitutes the innovative and powerful ways.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
The project started in 2006, the first database was entered in 05.02.2007, the chronological calendar can be summarized in years as follows ; In 2006 : Presentation of the project In 2007 : Infrastructure data’s collection from relevant institutions and organizations, the development of the interface program, in the same year old infrastructure database has been rearranged and integrated in to on database.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
Institutions partners under the project; Konya Metropolitan Municipality Infrastructure Directorate, Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration General Directorate, Meram Electricity Distribution Company, The Enerya Natural Gas Distribution Company, Telecom, Turksat and all district municipalities connected to Konya has the project as direct partners.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Project initiative was organized in 2006 with the tender price of ₺ 879,000 in 2006 the Kent Information System was auctioned. The project was entirely funded by the Konya Metropolitan Municipality, with direct and indirect partners in the projects became infrastructures that strengthened the projects database and web service. Between 2006-2009 the auction contractor was commissioned later the system was installed and given to the Urban Information System Center with the source code that was under the Konya Metropolitan Municipality and continued. Today the project; software coding services within the Konya Metropolitan Municipality, with database and reporting activities are continued in the Urban Information System Center. The developed system infrastructure to business intelligence (Business Intelligence) efficient reporting and statistical infrastructure was achieved by integrating the infrastructure.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
1. To increase the processing speed of the walking environment, software environment based on paper 2. Work routes the that will be worked on will need to enter drafts via software from infrastructure institutions and the different works that will be done on the same work routes will work on the same date range to avoid the repetitive work. 3. The integration of electronics and mobile signature software infrastructure. 4. Data from infrastructure institutions and organizations will be kept on a single database and will always be kept updated 5. Through the Urban Information System software Infrastructure institutions and organizations can identify areas they want to invest, according to data in the database.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
In the scope of the project the database that was obtained was integrated to a common database and developing common data access web services-based software interfaces were made available to the user authorization and presented to the partner institutions. Also to check the accuracy of the data entered on-site field investigation team of purposeful institution reports have been integrated into the software. For the purpose of managers decision-support a smart business intelligence reporting screens Infrastructure Map was created. Since infrastructure maps use Kent Planning as a base land-map updates were kept constant and synchronization became traceable.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
At the beginning of the project especially during integration partner institutions having standards to enter data unaware of each other, the repetitive infrastructures the process took too long because of the signature hierarchy constituted the basic problems. First of all stakeholder organizations to ensure the normalization of the data with minimum standardization and by enabling use of all. The resulting data were integrated into the system infrastructure.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
Infrastructure works that were done by the infrastructure institutions were transferred from paper work to the software environment. This way infrastructure institutions will be aware of each other and will know which field they are working on and also will be able to apply to the same route. Ease of operation was provided by integrating mobile electronic signature software. With the updated infrastructure data the results that are obtained by the analysis show the infrastructure needs and are able to report to the institutions, this way the institutions are able to direct their investments accordingly. Key benefits titles can be listed as follows; a) The work will be taken from paper work to electronic software and the integration to mobile signature will lead to the acceleration of formal procedures. b) Thanks to the infrastructure lines entered via Software the infrastructure network is continuously kept up to date c) With mobile devices the control of the work going on in the field and preventing illegal infrastructures d) Institutions can see what other infrastructure institutions are doing or will be doing this allows them to make their investments accordingly e) The prevention of recurrent digging,

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
Infrastructure investments are in general expensive, cannot be seen by the naked eye and by social psychology are thought to be investments that cause trouble in a daily life. Correct use of resources from this investment, ensuring the coordinated working order, the infrastructure company is an important input to provide fast service without damaging the line of one another. When these entries are combined with the smart map and electronic signature infrastructure they are able serve a effective infrastructure investment service. The basic logic of the project is based on these elements. In addition to also not harm the public, on behalf of not wasting public resources infrastructure companies that will work on the same location on the same time will be profitable for investors and, constitute the coordinated service quality in public. For this reason, infrastructure services in normal routines in the scope of the project being done with software allows the projects to ensure its sustainability. Making economically joint excavation programs, all the infrastructure industries allowing each other to see and work with the routes they have allows profit. Directly supports sustainability

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
Infrastructure services are services that should always be available for local governments. Correct use of resources, to not do repetitive digging, to quickly and successfully finish a infrastructure project, to provide monitoring and control of infrastructure lines is the most important topic in the fulfillment of infrastructure services. The project is provided along with these titles the development process of the project has started.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Konya Metropolitan Municipality
Institution Type:   Government Department  
Contact Person:   Şenol Aydın
Title:   Head of Department  
Telephone/ Fax:  
Institution's / Project's Website:  
E-mail:   aykome@konya.bel.tr  
Postal Code:   42020
City:   Konya

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