State Office of Planning and Management

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
In Brazil, despite major legal developments, studies and scenarios still indicate an inherent need for expansion of activities aimed at improving accessibility for people with severe mobility impairments, linked to public policies for the promotion and defence of human rights, connected to the evolutionary disability concept, resulting from the interaction between people with impairments and barriers due to attitudes and environment that obstruct their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others. In Pernambuco, the IBGE Census 2010 recorded 36,599 people with absolute mobility impairments, 30,000 of them living in urban areas. From these, 1,564 people had an income below the minimum wage. Studies also revealed the painful picture of these people and their caregivers to leave their homes and overcome the environment barriers just to get to bus stops, which forced them to leave many hours in advance in order to get to rehabilitation services on time, facing another long hours in their return home. Along with these difficult accessibility conditions, low-income families also suffered with a high number of delays or absences to scheduled sessions or even withdrawing treatment and rehabilitation services, compromising its results. Furthermore, these delays generated idleness and costs for public health services, reducing its effectiveness. It was also found that those people with severe mobility impairment and their caregivers, due to difficulties of accessibility, lived secluded in their homes on weekends or holidays, not enjoying any leisure activity, another right that should have been guaranteed to them. In this scenario, it is also noted the survey in regional human rights conventions held in 2010 in Pernambuco, endorsed by the demands of society, where the accessibility needs of people living with severe mobility impairments were identified as one of the main requests, especially to ensure their right to regular access to health and rehabilitation services, essential for improving the quality of life and to enhance their integration into the world as citizens, also linked to the need to expand, in the State, aspects that were presented in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol, signed at the UN in New York on 30/03/2007. Based on the presented scenarios and rates at the time, the need to improve studies for the creation of a special shuttle service for people with severe degree of mobility impairment (understood as such the ones unable to move in wheelchairs without the direct support of caregivers) was inherent to the State Government. The priority of this service is to meet the needs of people with the lowest income, unable to afford the cost of the required special transportation. Thus, in November 2010, the Government of the State of Pernambuco created the Pernambuco Transports Programme.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
Pernambuco Transports, created in November/2010 by the Government of Pernambuco, is linked to the public policy of Promotion and Defence of Human Rights, through the Secretary of Social Development and Human Rights and State Superintendence of Support for Persons with Disabilities, and intended to ensure accessibility through door to door free transport for people with severe degree of mobility impairments. In this sense, its target audience are people with physical disabilities with severe mobility impairments, who do not meet the requirements for unattended access to public transport, with the need for ongoing health care appointments, and per-capita income below one minimum wage. The programme, designed from studies/scenarios that signalled the need for expansion of actions to improve accessibility for people with severe mobility impairments, linked to the Human Rights public policy, as well as the expansion, in Pernambuco, of aspects presented in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Its Optional Protocol, signed at the UN on 30/03/2007. Within this context, the need to undertake coordinated actions within the government, in order to provide a comprehensive care for those people was identified. Thus, in 2010, a strategy to implement a program to solve the problem was designed. The first objective was to develop a program of permanent nature, with structured actions involving secretaries of State related to the issue of accessibility for persons with disabilities, attached to the Promotion and Defence of Human Rights policy, ensuring coordinated and joint action among diverse government segments and organs. The second objective intended to structure teams/work processes through the creation of the steering committee, involving stakeholders from all participating departments, with defined functions ensuring the development of the program through a sound organizational structure, aiming cohesive decisions. The third one was designed to ensure that potential problems had effective and efficient resolutions in the first months of implementation; it also aimed to gradually implement the programme, prioritizing low income people with severe mobility impairments and difficult conditions for accessibility residing in the metropolitan area of Recife, with its expansion within the state being stipulated as a subsequent target. The fourth aimed to guarantee that the program was strategically assimilated in State programmes linked to priority public policies, becoming part of the Government's Strategy Map, accompanied by the Pernambuco Integrated Management Model through systematic monitoring. The fifth focused in actions to ensure its own budget, in order to avoid that amounts allocated to Programme actions were absorbed by other initiatives. The sixth aimed to ensure the operation through planned routes and optimized pathways, assuring users comfort through adapted vehicles, tracked in real time and equipped with communication with the operation centre. The seventh consisted in structuring actions to optimize the use of available health care in the state rehabilitation network and its associated clinics. The eighth objective aimed to ensure access control and effective use of transport by the beneficiaries, through a registration process and the effective control of scheduled trips, using automated systems. The ninth intended to promote joint actions with Municipalities, NGOs and society, constituting a network of actions taken by these entities, understanding that the problems afflicting the targeted audience would require joint action. The tenth consisted on planning and creating a space of reference for the administration, operation and call centre. Finally, the 11th objective was focused on aligning and adjusting resources in order to enable effective management, monitoring of performance indicators, identifying and promptly correcting deviations between planned and realized actions.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
The programme is creative/innovative in the sense that provides access to people with severe mobility impairments not only to transportation, but also to the whole health care system. For this purpose, the person's entire treatment is registered, ensuring the provision of the service to users throughout the period, without discontinuity, a key condition to improve their health and life quality conditions, increasing their chances of living and developing their potential and possibilities of citizenship and human dignity. It innovates by ensuring adapted vehicles, equipped with support personnel specialized in transporting people with disabilities, operating in door-to-door system, and humanizing care for residents of outlying areas. Even when the vehicle is unable to directly access the house, the support personnel and the caregiver ensure home-vehicle and vehicle-home transfers, overcoming physical barriers. It's the only one in Brazil with service integrating various municipalities, focused on the users. Another aspect: use of information technology to facilitate and humanize the relationship with beneficiaries/Programme, facilitating services and operation, providing transparency and generating information based on facts for monitoring and improvements. The programme also innovated by creating leisure routes on weekends for its users, who previously had no access to any activities, changing their lives.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Following the previously outlined strategy, the completion of studies and the consolidated document containing the assumptions, goals and definitions of governance structure and actions to be implemented, the Pernambuco Transports Programme was created by Law No. 14,218 of November/2010, aiming to ensure free special home transport care, for people with a high degree of disability and severe mobility impairments, without means of autonomous locomotion in public transport. In the same period, with coordinated actions by a steering committee involving stakeholders from all departments participating in the Program, the Logical Framework and the Programme Work Plan were designed, involving activities related to the planning of the operational model. Between 2010 and 2011 the implementation of the program in the Metropolitan Region of Recife commenced. Initially, the Fire Department purchased 15 vans, adapted for the transportation of persons with disabilities, and was also responsible to provide fuel, fleet maintenance and personnel, with a member of the corporation in each vehicle. At this stage, the Pernambuco Christian Fellowship for Disabled People Support was hired for the management and operation of services. During this period, the programme was incorporated into the Government's Strategy Map, with adherence to the Strategic Objective on the promotion of citizenship, and the implementation of the programme was rated as one of Pernambuco priority goals. Also in 2011, working groups were structured to develop manuals and define the service's methodology operation and details of all work processes, as well as all staff training, including drivers and rear personnel, acquisition of mobile communication devices, installation of monitoring and operation central, and installation of the call centre facility, followed by the registration of beneficiaries and programming of initial routes. The operation begun in August 2011, attending beneficiaries registered in the Metropolitan Region of Recife-RMR. With increasingly strong results, each month more beneficiaries were registered. In mid-2013, given the acceptance of the program and demand growth, the State Government has defined as Priority Goal the "Expansion of the Specialized Transportation System PE TRANSPORTS". Studies to expand the service program within the RMR and its internalization to Caruaru and Petrolina were then initiated. At this stage, the decision was made to conduct a bidding process for contracting a company specialized in delivering the Programme services. The company should operate and maintain the existing fleet of vans and provide 30 more new adapted ones, being responsible for the fleet custody, maintenance and operation. All necessary management and operation personnel, including drivers, technical and back office staff, computer systems and the call centre were handed to the contractor's responsibility. Once the bidding was finished, the URJA Social was hired, starting in June/2013 the operation of extended care services. Even in 2013, the need to broaden the beneficiaries' accessibility to leisure was detected through user surveys. Thus, during this period, following the outlined strategy to extend the accessibility within the human rights policy, leisure routes were introduced on weekends. With the expansion of the programme spatial coverage, the growth in the number of beneficiaries and the methodological and technological improvements implemented over time, the Programme currently has 40 adapted vehicles, including 30 in RMR, 5 in Caruaru and 5 in Petrolina, serving over 25% of the disabled population with severe mobility impairments and per capita income below the minimum wage in Pernambuco, involving more than 200 professionals and IT tools, presenting real-time results for managers.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
A commitment was made by the leaders of the State of Pernambuco to consolidate and solidify innovative programs to ensure accessibility for people with disabilities, tied to the public policy for the Promotion and Defence of Human Rights, being endorsed by the demands of society in regional human rights conventions. The State Governor, in early 2010, demanded to the Secretary of Social Development and Human Rights - SEDSDH and the State Superintendence of Support for Persons with Disabilities - SEAD, the development of a door to door, free, comfortable and safe transport programme, for people with severe mobility impairments and per capita income below the minimum wage. Given the request, representatives of those agencies, along with representatives of other government institutions, such as the Fire Department of Pernambuco, Secretary of Cities and the Secretary of Health, formed a working group to devise the key assumptions and assembly the scope of the Pernambuco Transports Programme, as well as its subsequent implementation. Throughout the process, other actors contributed, such as organs of local governments, non-governmental and civil society organizations, giving structure to the service, as well as providers like the Christian Fellowship for Disabled People Support and URJA Social, which were responsible for operation and management of the Programme implementation, the first between 2011 and 2012, and the latest since 2013. This working group formed an articulated network to manage the programme, acting in the implementation and monitoring of the programme execution, whose participants were the SEDSDH, through SEAD, the Secretary of Social Development, through the Fire Department of Pernambuco, the Secretary of Cities, through the Great Recife Metropolitan Transport Consortium, and the State Secretary of Health.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
With the programme creation in November/2010, the working group, with public servants from the participants Secretaries, including health professionals, social workers, engineers, administrators and military servants, originally formed for studies and installation of PE Transports, becomes the Managing Committee. This Committee, with 12 members, including the Superintendent for Persons with Disabilities of Pernambuco, took the General Programme Coordination, meeting on weekly basis, managing the development of the actions and the articulation of the actors involved. The Pernambuco Christian Fellowship for Disabled People Support was hired in June/2011 for the programme’s management and operation, with 30 drivers and 10 management professionals involved in services monitoring. Between 2011 and 2012, the institution was in charge of the programme’s management and operation, employing an indicator-based system that was monitored through data collected by automated systems, in real-time, from the door-to-door transport service. With the programme’s expansion, and the need for new resources, the programme began to be operated/managed by a specialist company, the URJA SOCIAL, hired after the bidding process. This company mobilised 200 professionals, among managers and employees, working directly with the guidelines, coordination and support of servers and managers from the State Government, and with the support of the municipalities where the actions are operationalized. Within the context of human resources, all professionals involved directly and indirectly with people with disabilities were trained, in order to sensitize them to the conviviality and treatment of these people, and to the technical handling of adapted vehicles. Following one of the Programme’s guidelines, the call centre is operated by people with disabilities, naturally empathic to the attendance of PE TRANSPORTS beneficiaries. Regarding technical and material resources, the programme is based in the Secretary of Social Development and Human Rights. The head offices in Recife, the State Capital, in Petrolina and Caruaru are installed in URJA’s own spaces, which holds custody of vehicles, operation management and public service. Altogether 40 vans are suited for the transportation of persons with disabilities, 10 remaining from the original fleet and 30 acquired by URJA, all equipped with means of communication. The Pernambuco Transports operates with a specific computerized system for users’ registration, real time monitoring of transported beneficiaries and the related actions and evaluation of results, operating via the web and connecting all head offices and participant municipalities. In terms of financial resources, between 2011 and 2012 the programme had an annual budget of R$1.2 million for its activities, allocated by the various secretaries involved. During this period, besides the aforementioned budgetary resources, the costs of vehicles, including acquisition, fuel and maintenance, were funded by the Fire Department budget, which also provided corporation staff to act as rescuers for each vehicle. In 2013, with the expansion, the programme received annual budgetary resources in the order of R$14 million, comprising all its costs, including the previously financed by the Fire Department.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
Among the main results of the Pernambuco Transports Program, the continued growth in the number of users since the beginning of operations can be highlighted. Even in its first year of operation in the Metropolitan Region of Recife, comprising 12 municipalities, the program recorded a 17% increase in the number of beneficiaries, between August and December 2011. With the programme continued expansion between 2011 and 2014, there was a 77% increase in the total number of attended people with severe mobility impairments. Likewise, a growth of 81% in the number of attendances (users return trips) was recorded, and in September 2014 a total of 5,400 weekly visits was recorded, attending over 25% of the poor population of Pernambuco with severe mobility impairments and per capita income below the minimum wage. After PE TRANSPORTS’ implementation other advances were observed, such as the substantial improvement in assiduity and punctuality of attendance to persons with disabilities for treatment sessions, representing 63% of users, who before failed to appear due to the difficulties of transportation, and now no longer miss them. Also worth noting is the data from health and rehabilitation services, which also points to the best use of sessions offered and the results of treatments carried out by optimizing and increasing their efficiency and effectiveness. Another important outcome of the program for its beneficiaries is the saving on the cost of public transportation. Program beneficiaries (users and caregivers) state an improvement of about 20% in their disposable income with these savings. With the basic premise of the service being not only door-to-door public transport, but also focussing on the patient, aiming to ensure their continuous and comprehensive treatment through access and security, also worth mentioning as one of the successful and meaningful results is the accessibility to leisure provided for patients and their families using the program. These routes were created with the expansion of the program in 2013. Routes to beaches, parks, and other public facilities are created weekly.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The Program’s actions are monitored and evaluated in four management levels: i) the service operation level, directly by the management company; ii) the PE TRANSPORTS executive level, by the State Superintendence for Support of Persons with Disabilities – SEAD; iii) the program strategic level, conducted at regular meetings of the PE TRANSPORT Steering Committee, and iv) the Government strategic level. Monitoring actions use the indicators and targets set, and the results are obtained through information systems developed for PE TRANSPORTS. At the operational level, the contractor performs the user management records, the availability of automated processes, implementation of on-board solutions, service routing, operation management through an Operational Monitoring Centre – OMC, periodic evaluation of the service , maintaining a web portal for communication with service users and updating and making adjustments in operational and managerial processes. The OMC enables the real-time monitoring of current routes, location and punctuality of vehicles; the real time experience of users during service, classifying them as awaiting transport, on-board or disembarked; also monitors scheduling of routes and driver shifts; the quality of drivers and operational support personnel’s service; occurrences are recorded and resolved, enacting the inspection team if necessary for problem resolution; as well as generating management reports based on predefined indicators to evaluate the service. At the executive management level, the SEAD systematically monitors the services regarding the indicators and targets set by identifying, addressing and correcting any contractor with observed deviations. This level of executive management is also responsible for monitoring and implementing plans for expanded services and programs. At the strategic level, the aggregate results of PE TRANSPORT are monitored and evaluated by analysing and correcting deviations between goals and results, also making decisions to refocus and adjust the program design, its indicators, targets and performance guidelines. As PE TRANSPORTS is part of the State Strategy Map, its actions and results are monitored by the government, in the scope of the All for Pernambuco Model. In this process, which culminates in weekly meetings chaired by the Governor and organized around each Strategic Objective, PE TRANSPORTS is accompanied on the physical and financial results through process indicators.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Among the problems faced, the initial delay for the registration of users stood out. To mitigate the problem, direct links were made to encouraging beneficiaries to deliver complete data and eligibility documents. Actions with the local governments were conducted to expedite the registration of Program candidates, as well as partnerships with the Health Departments of the counties and clinics. Another obstacle in the initial phase of the process was the delay in document delivery. To overcome the problem, an active search for documents in the candidates’ residences was performed, along with social visits, aimed to streamline the registration of those who met the eligibility requirements, enabling them to use the services. The delay in issuing medical reports was also one of the obstacles encountered in the implementation. To expedite this, partnerships between the state and the local governments were promoted, aimed at increasing the supply of these services by municipalities. Here, the Municipal Secretaries of Health assumed responsibility for issuing medical reports and promoted the inclusion of rehabilitation treatments in their clinics. There were still problems with maintenance downtime for 15 adapted mobile units due to high mileage and the difficulties of the Fire Department to promptly perform the services. This reduction in fleet availability entailed the exclusion of new users, as well as cancellations of the service. Another issue concerned the growth in the number of candidates, which in the first 2 years of the program resulted in an over-demand of 255 people. These two problems have been addressed with a fleet expansion of another 30 vehicles and transferring the responsibility of maintenance and availability of the entire fleet to the contractor. Expansions of the offer, although necessary, require budgetary resources, which is always an obstacle for the expansion of public services.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
One major impact with the adoption of Pernambuco Transports Program is the substantial improvement in accessibility for 95% of program beneficiaries who once used the bus for transport, with an average time exceeding one (1) hour each direction, apart from the difficulties, in many cases, to overcome the environmental barriers getting to the bus stop and vice versa. Users considering that with PE TRANSPORTS they gained at least one (1) hour per day in their displacement, and in some cases 2 or more hours. Another significant and positive impact on the target audience is the increase percentage for treatment completion caused by this opportunity to access specialized transportation. Prior to PE TRANSPORTS, 38% of disabled people with severe mobility impairments had discontinued treatment for missing appointments or inability to access rehabilitation services. With the program, they returned to treatment facilities. Noting that between 2011 and 2014, more than 66,000 consultations were carried out for the 600 registered users, of whom about 8% have completed their rehabilitation treatments, and 25% had continuous service for more than two years, demonstrating their disabilities’ degree of severity. This regularity in attending sessions means that 91.2% of caregivers and/or users perceive improvements in health and quality of life from inclusion in the program. According to data from research with users and their caregivers, the significantly positive evaluations made by them on quality of life improvements can be divided into two major groups: i) improving the quality of life obtained directly through the offering of special door-to-door transportation, when compared with the extremely difficult conditions experienced by people with disabilities and their caregivers to have access to rehabilitation services via public transportation; and ii) a general improvement in quality of life due to the results obtained with the improvement in health and development of new skills – phonetic, mental and motor – resulting from regularly attending rehabilitation sessions. Also concerning quality of life, people with disabilities and their caregivers stated in the surveys the benefits and satisfactions obtained with the inclusion of leisure on weekends by PE TRANSPORTS, one of the innovations introduced from June 2013, also including the event promotion for program participants on special dates, such as Children’s Day, Mother’s Day, Christmas and Carnival. In this regard, the testimonials of people with disabilities, their caregivers and relatives are even moving, like a mother who said she had returned to living with her son on weekends, after years of loneliness and suffering. Indeed, 60% of respondents indicated that they have never had access to leisure activities prior to participation in PE TRANSPORTS. This dynamic makes the program also involve families in the rehabilitation process, strengthening the link between patient and trainer. Another important impact recorded for Program users is the savings on transportation costs. Program beneficiaries (users and caregivers) declare an improvement of about 20% in their disposable income with these savings. In addition to the results reported above, one cannot omit the following impacts of PE TRANSPORTS: improved use of the services offered by rehabilitation services in the state; improving the conditions of people with disabilities to attend and make better use of educational and other social inclusion programs, ensuring citizenship rights, increasing their degree of autonomy for life to the limits of their possibilities. Finally, and not least importantly, is the development of the sense of belonging of all people with disabilities and their caregivers, forming a community of people affected by similar problems, able to grow in association for treatment and facing difficulties, generating attitudes and important learning for improving policies and actions for safeguarding rights of people with disabilities.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
Efforts for the sustainability of PE TRANSPORTS involve actions on several fronts: i) enactment of Program Institution State Law and its upgrade and improvement from developed learning; ii) inclusion of the program as a priority goal of the Government within its Strategic Map since its inception and to date; iii) linking the program to the State Policy for People with Disabilities; iv) in efforts to design and systemize the Program since its inception and documentation of work processes; v) development of its governance structure, including Secretaries and various related state bodies; vi) development of a technological infrastructure; vii) training and development of personnel involved, enabling them to handle the special needs of disabled people with severe mobility impairments; and viii) increasing budget allocation to ensure the provision of services and its expansion to meet the Metropolitan Region of Recife and the rest of the state. At the institutional level, the Pernambuco Transports Program has Law No. 14,218/2010 as a base for its sustainability, which first created it. In addition to this creation law, PE TRANSPORTS is an instrument of the State Policy for People with Disabilities, established by Law No. 14,789/12, which has “guarantee access to social goods” among its principles and “ensure access” for people with disabilities among its objectives. At the political-administrative level, the State Government included PE TRANSPORTS as a Priority Target for 2010 in its Strategic Map, linked to the strategic objective “Promoting citizenship, combating inequality and appreciating sport, leisure and culture.” Meeting this goal, the State Government set as a new priority target from 2013, within the same goal, “the Expansion of PE TRANSPORTS Specialized Transportation System”. This goal remains and has given rise to resource allocation in the state budget for its care, leading to increased fleet and services, both in the Recife Metropolitan Region – RMR – and in the rest of the state. To ensure standardization and registration of their practices, PE TRANSPORTS has its design, conception and all work processes systematized and documented, allowing not only the standardization of its operations, but easy access and knowledge of stakeholders in organization and functioning, allowing its dissemination and replication when needed. The systematization of processes and automation of its procedures, as well as operation monitoring in real time have been important tools for program management and benchmarking results, allowing to identify and promptly correct problems. Data and records of registration, scheduling and attendance has been essential for management evaluation and program improvement. Such data and information have proved essential to the performance of the Program Managing Committee and to supplement the “All for Pernambuco” planning and monitoring system established by the State Government to manage government actions.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
The experience accumulated with the successful design, implementation and operation of a project of this magnitude and with such a challenging purpose allowed us some learning opportunities, namely: Initially, accessibility programs for the care of people with severely impaired mobility are necessarily costly, due to the demands of adapted vehicles and specialized support staff, and cannot be assessed strictly on their financial aspects, but also in terms of the ultimate benefits provided to its users, bases for quality of life and social and economic inclusion of these people in the world. Secondly, the benefits and impacts generated by such programs naturally tend to generate a high demand from potential beneficiaries, which determines the need for a proper dimensioning of the public for structuring the program, and a prioritization for services in accordance with clear criteria for eligibility, always preferring the service to the most in-need. Without this, the costs for funding these programs become impossible to be supported by public finances. Another point is that guaranteeing the right of access should be seen as a necessary and indispensable means to a greater end. In the case of PE TRANSPORTS, this objective is to ensure that through this service, people with disabilities with severe mobility impairments have assured access to care for their health treatment, rehabilitation and recreation needs. For this, enough trips need to be booked for each user to meet all their treatment requirements, as long as necessary. This differentiates PE TRANSPORTS from a conventional special shuttle service. We reaffirm that the involvement of people with disabilities and their family caregivers as well as civil society organizations representing them, during the planning and design of services and monitoring of its operation, is an important contribution in adjusting the proposals and the means employed to the true needs of the target audience, and to continuously improve delivery over time. We reinforce that the management of these programs, with its breadth and complexity, depends on IT solutions for its efficiency and effectiveness, automating its processes, remote assistance and effective control over the information generated directly from the operation in its various phases. We also point out that the care of all the aspects involved in attending people with disabilities, such as standardization and adaptation of the fleet; cleaning of vehicles; uniforms and the presentation of expert drivers and support staff; humanization of care; and promptness in access and call-centre responses are essential to form a concept of excellent and high-standard service, basic conditions to mobilize and engage users and earn their respect and cooperation. And finally, such programs have to be included among objectives and strategic goals of governments, otherwise it will not obtain the political and administrative support necessary for its maintenance and development.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   State Office of Planning and Management
Institution Type:   Government Department  
Contact Person:   MARCOS ALVES
Title:   Planning Analyst, Budget and Management  
Telephone/ Fax:   55 81 31823832
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   Rua da Aurora, 1377 Santo Amaro
Postal Code:   50040-090
City:   Recife
State/Province:   Pernambuco

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