4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
First, the action plan of this project sought to analyze the processes of improvement and evolution of Espaço Cidadão. It was found that for the sustainability it was necessary to maximize the use of space and lead to the population the most effective meeting local needs in order to provide actions that promote the development of the State of Paraná. During the analysis and restructuring of project, studies and quantitative surveys on the number of accesses and use of the spaces still called telecenters and also its coverage of the state were held; qualitative studies and surveys which showed that improvements and actions viabilizariam project sustainability.
As shown earlier, the SEAE has restructured the project expanding the number of Espaço Cidadão to improve the quality of services provided from this project. To expand the infrastructure of Espaço Cidadão, it received computers as donations from various partners.
It was also necessary investment in training of attendants - officials responsible for the care and guidance of people in Espaço Cidadão. They have a key role in the smooth functioning of the project, since they are mobilizing agents in their communities and are also responsible for conducting and promoting social inclusion and digital design goals. Empowered to act in order to support these mobilizers, the strategy included investment through training geared to the attendants, and performed regularly in person, leveling knowledge, promoting the exchange of experiences and good practices, encouraging the performance of each in the community, advising on courses and lectures available to the citizen, and efficiently to attend the demands from citizens. This training happens consistently every month with groups of 15 to 25 attendants, with the following contents: use of System Manager (SGP) and institutional-mail, e-government services, and use of social networks, averaging of several classroom courses and the distance.
In this model the Municipality is responsible for donation and maintenance of the physical space, including the furniture and the employee's salary. The SEAE is responsible for providing the link for Internet access, delivery of computers throughout the management and functioning of the project to achieve the objective. CELEPAR performs the installation and standardization of software, maintenance of computers, recorded and transmitted lectures webs and updates, development information system, Management System (SGP) and BI (Business Intelligence).
Other partner institutions is to contribute to completion of courses, lectures and classroom training and/or away for free to the public. Investment in education and quality of life of the population is a constant goal of the project and, therefore, the partners of the qualification must provide agendas and new themes that, during the course of the project, new capabilities that bring new knowledge to the citizens, can be held .
The SEAE is paying attention to the goal of benefiting the 399 municipalities of Paraná, deploying new spaces and refitting the technology park constantly. It holds a budget forecast for 2015 of four million reais (equivalent to about two million dollars).
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
The design and restructuring of this project passed the planning of the SEAE team by analyzing the technical CELEPAR team. It also had the guidance and support of advisory SEBRAE - Brazilian Service of Support for Micro and Small Enterprises.
Coordinated by SEAE, it is conducted and it was funded by articulating joint actions between the Government of the State of Paraná, CELEPAR, Municipalities, Associations and Neighborhoods Organized Communities. To the structure of computers, in addition to the acquisition by the State Government, the project has a constant donation for used equipment of the Banco do Brasil. Attendants are responsible for the care and guidance of people in Espaço Cidadão, and have a key role in the smooth functioning of the project because the communities are mobilizing agents, and to promote social responsibility and digital inclusion.
Professional qualifications and other courses offered throughout the state of Paraná have a partnership with renowned institutions, known for their commitment to providing excellent service and great content, namely: Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial – SENAC, Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial – SENAI, Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Rural – SENAR, Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas – SEBRAE, Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV, Secretaria de Estado da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior – SETI, Escola de Governo, Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Paraná, Intel, Associação Gente de Bem and also lecturers and experts in various fields of knowledge.
Actions result in quality service to the Espaço Cidadão, be they of all ages and social groups - illiterate, handicapped, elderly, youth, disadvantaged communities, companies, individual entrepreneurs, small business owners, managers of the third sector (NGOs, neighborhood associations, etc.) and inmates (convicted persons serving sentences in prison systems).
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
The SEAE performs a significant management of this project to promote the integration of agencies and entities. This action involves state and local government, the interest of professional categories institutions, professional associations and private economy provides. The result of this integration results in standardization and agility of citizen service.
By formalizing the formal agreement each responsibility is specified the rights and duties of partners. Regarding the budget issue, each participating institution is responsible for the resources required for the Project, this being one of the key elements that make it sustainable, since all participants understand the importance of investing in a social, conscious and inclusive and committed society. The City Hall makes the granting and maintenance of adequate physical space for receiving the Espaço Cidadão project, including the furniture, also allowing an employee to perform the service to the population. When the training of the operators are realized, the City Hall also absorbs the costs of travel and lodging.
The SEAE is responsible for providing access links to the Internet, for supplying the kits computers, the training of attendants and the actual management of the program, and the necessary financial resources. The viability of these elements are provided in budget allocations and specific contracts that are part of the ongoing process of administrative office, where in 2015 there will be a budget estimate of four million reais. The computers that make up the infrastructure of the Espaço Cidadão are from the acquisition by the State Government and from donations made by the Banco do Brasil.
CELEPAR installs and standardization of software, maintenance of remote computers and in-place, recorded web conferences and the development of the management system, a technique involving about 15 employees and all this performance is scheduled in a specific contract between the SEAE and CELEPAR. Other partner institutions promote the completion of courses, lectures and classroom and / or distance training, absorbing all their own costs and help to build a project that improves people's lives by promoting the social, professional and digital inclusion.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
From 2011 until October 2014, the project generated more than two million cases in Paraná. The results which showed a better performance were:
1 Training the citizen
The Espaço Cidadão act as facilitators in the professional development of Paraná citizen, which already surpassed more than 12,600 participants. For example, in Anahy, city with only 2,922 inhabitants, the Menor Aprendiz program offered by the partner SENAI is a great protagonist in Espaço Cidadão. From this interaction, there are many success stories in the local community. One of those, a young user of courses offered by this project, attends since 2013. The various courses conducted by it, including the Menor Aprendiz, earned her a differentiated curriculum, making it suitable for a new job in Anahy. Currently, this girl is crowded into a better job in another municipality in the region. This case shows that it is possible for the population to improve their professional skills for free, getting better integration in the labor market. This is just one example of the students who attends the courses offered at Espaço Cidadão.
2 Digital and social inclusion of the elderly
In Matelândia, city with 17,186 inhabitants, border with Paraguay and Argentina, Espaço Cidadão performs digital inclusion for older people, with didactic exclusive to this audience. Identified older people without literacy, first began literacy and later digital inclusion with a computer course. After the course, some seniors have lost their fear of technology and bought their own computer. In 2014 there were more than 1,600 participants in the state of Paraná in this segment. This case shows the important role of the clerk in being responsive to community needs.
3 Use of technology for the benefit of citizens
In 2011 the project had 166 Espaço Cidadão, 144 cities, covering 36% of the state of Paraná. After deploying some management changes, the project has made a qualitative and quantitative leap. Currently the project has 370 Espaço Cidadão in 350 cities, and it covers about 90% of the Paraná state. It is a project that looks to the future, technological resources available to people who are ready for use. One example is the web conference, which expand and enhance the participation of the population, leading content anywhere, anytime. Last year, more than 60 broadcasting were performed in careers and professions segment.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The Espaço Cidadão is supported by three management systems, all with integrated data. The main system is the SGP (Sistema de Gerenciamento do Projeto). The web version was developed in postgreSQL database using php, which allows two lines of action, operational and management. The operational activities allows each Espaço Cidadão run daily management of the use of space through user registration, appointment, categorization of the purposes of use of IT resources. The managerial role allows the mapping of local reality, the identification of new development opportunities, beyond the qualitative and quantitative monitoring of courses offered by the partners. To maintain the integrity of information, the SGP is access only by access keys security previously registered. The GSP can be accessed at espacocidadao.pr.gov.br/sistema/main.php?modulo=login&action=telaLogin
Data from Espaço Cidadão are filled from a checklist performed by the CELEPAR technical staff and allows a wide view of the park equipment allocated to each unit. This data lets knows the quality of the equipment, know who is responsible for the partnership in the municipalities, and includes important information such as name, phone, email and social networks of people to contact in these spaces, represented by attendants.
The monitoring data links are supported by a duly integrated into the SGP, giving graphical view of the access and consumption of the internet, showing how the communication resources are being utilized in each Espaço Cidadão. The monitoring can be daily, weekly and monthly, enabling the constant decision making.
Has also developed an application from BI (Business Intelligence) with information that brings constantly updated and allows tracking and evolution of Espaço Cidadão. On the SEAE website brings full information about Espaço Cidadão, it is result of data integration by SGP. This service is available by clicking the icon “Espaço Cidadão Endereços”. To accompany the technical actions as well as the demands of operation and maintenance support in all the Espaço Cidadão, is used the Service Request System (SOC), developed and maintained by CELEPAR. This system integrated to SGP provides informations for monitoring e performance management.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Because it is a dynamic project it requires continuous improvement. Thus, a major difficulty was the restructuring of the SGP, adhering to process and maintaining this with qualitative and updated information. The solid partnership with CELEPAR, made it possible by the development of the new version of the system, addressing new data and new queries associated with a new form of work of the technical team.
The standardization of the architecture of the information technology was also challenging, since there were back reflections in all existing units, impacting on all setting and maintaining these machines. The solution was to establish a standard environment for both software and hardware. Three levels of support were established: the first level is through the Customer Service Center by phone (+55 41 3200-5995) where it is held the telemarketing, done by highly trained professionals; the second one happens by recording a technical occurrence and remote assistance; and the third level of support is conducted in person on site.
Another challenge is to establish a continuous interaction with Espaço Cidadão in order to motivate them to maximize the use of infrastructure for the benefit of the population, whether it is in digital inclusion, vocational training or development of projects aimed at calling the city and especially in social inclusion. The strategy is to invest in periodically training of attendants to promote the exchange of experiences and good practices, encouraging them to act in promotion of new knowledges, to treat citizens with more assertiveness and agility.
The acquisition of equipment is undoubtedly a great challenge to maintain technologically advanced computers. In this sense, there are made partnerships with companies that provide equipment that fit the project, beyond the traditional acquisition process.