Ministry Of Education

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
As Ministry of Education is one of the most important ministry in any country we focus on how to apply the best technology that help (Student , Teachers & parents ) which is our Aims in ministry We got a lots of feedback that • Student may lose book • Books is so heavy • Student may forget the book in school one day before exam so how he will study • The parent try to make some review for the student and he need to keep some notes on the book • Sometime the student is out but they like to review something so he need the book to be available with him • Etc.. From all of the above we got the need for our project (eBook )

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
In Ministry of education we work as one big team the Idea come from getting feed back from schools and parents that they have problem with the student when they lose there book and how to help them to minimize the bag size because of the heavy books that they are carrying so it came to the mind the need for the ebooks that is available in the new devices and it solve the problem and to make this idea available for all we add it to app store as free App so all who need it can use it

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
1. Ebook App Allows Select classrooms user review wants , and then download selected books only , and the application contains the advantages of allowing the teacher explains and interact in a classroom and student browsing, and writing notes on the electronic pages of the book as well as provide several advantages , including: 2. • Easy to move between classrooms and access to the textbook . 3. • Possibility to download specific books or books all grade soft way . 4. • Ability to delete unwanted books to read 5. • After downloading the selected books can be reviewed without the need for review of the Internet . 6. • Easy to browse the textbook . 7. • The ability to search for specific text ( in the case of e- books assets ) . • Ability to add / delete notes on the pages of the book . And much more

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
There was full plan for implement this project that is focus on the biggest part of our community Start by gathering the information and end with the application that were lunched on 2013 We can send the full project plan for this project

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
1. The implementation of the project under a contract with the Regional Centre for the development of educational software (ReDSOFT), a non-profit regional organization back its origins to the Emiri Law No. 23 of 1996 Decree on hosted in Kuwait within the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research , and in accordance with the agreement signed in New York City on 13 / 6/1989 m between each of the governments of Kuwait and the Arab Republic of Egypt , UNDP and the United Nations (UNDP) and the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD). And undertake a study and development and production of educational software and educational materials , the center works mainly on the transfer of the production of educational software technology to the Arab region and to develop and improve the educational system in the Arab educational institutions through good employment for Lossless and contact information .
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
We apply this project in latest technology in the market using 1- System Server HP DL380p Gen8 8-SFF CTO Server, 6 core , 24 GB RAM 2- Internet Bandwidth 10 MB fiber optic 3- Firewall system (ASA 5505) include a fully featured policy based firewall and routing engine which allows you complete control of which traffic you allow in and out of your network. Layer 2/3 firewalling allows you to specify which hosts are allowed access through the ASA and also to perform Network Address Translation to map internal hosts to public IP addresses. Layer 7 firewall goes several steps further and also allows you to define access policies based on application and protocol type, providing extremely granular control over Internet access and protection against advanced types of network attack. Unlike many competitor's firewalls the ASA's policy and interface based approach to access control gives you complete control over traffic leaving your network as well as incoming, for example allowing you to restrict Instant Messaging use to only your approved client application

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
1. The project has been loaded on App Store and Google Play on 04/05/2013 . 2. Application is free and available for all. 3. • Application for second place among free applications in the App Store Kuwait happened after only one day of its launch . 4. • The number of users of the application 176 213 user stood up to the date 11/15/2014 . 5. • The number of downloads of textbooks reached 943 074 and book it until the date of 15.11.2014

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
After add this App to App store\play store we find that a lot of people start to download it and installing it on there devices and we got 4.3 out of 5 in rating the program from users side, which is every good rate until now before adding the new feature that we are looking to do it in the future The development of the control system and management of the application where they are through : • lifting and update e-books and statements immediately upon receipt . • The system provides users the ability to view data and observations . • The system provides statistics of the number of users and categories of books that have been downloaded and the most downloaded books , and other statistics . • The system provides the ability to send an electronic mail (Push Notification) to categories of users according to the classroom.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Kuwait is one the country that is looking forward in the technology and trying to be one of the best in medal east so any new idea that help the community and support the Education field will not have any problem in Appling all what we need is need a good study showing how this new idea will change the Education to the best. and this is what we did exactly we got the idea as team and make the study then show it to the minister which welcome the idea and help us in submitting it in the App store as free App to be available for all

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
After Applying this project and make it available for all as free in App store & play store we notice that a lot of people start to download it and using it , as parent or student it make them have the book anytime and anywhere so they can study , review and check what they want in easy and quick way. They can check the notes they add it to the eBook that help them in study and review for exam After we lunched and get the feedback from the end user we find that they like It and they ask for adding more feature to it , because its helping them a lot

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
Ensure the continued operation and maintenance of the application and continuous updating of textbooks online , work is underway to prepare a contract operation, maintenance and development of the project in collaboration with one of the companies , and are updated and raise the e-books on the application as soon as provided by the curriculum and textbooks management of the ministry . It is proposed to develop the application and included all Kuwaiti Portal project for e-learning activities to operate through the application.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
As a parent, I work directly with this program, which help me and help my kids in taking note and having the books available in anytime and anywhere, with no need to have the heavy bags with them anymore. We can take notes and underline the important part for the quick review. In the future, we may add videos and teacher note once we use the tablet for each student in this case the student will have all what he need in his hand in light Wight and available any time

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Ministry Of Education
Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Huda Almutairi
Title:   Manager  
Telephone/ Fax:   97222776
Institution's / Project's Website:  
E-mail:   hudaam@moe.edu.kw  
Address:   Shuwaikh - MOE -Bulding 4 - IT Department
Postal Code:  
City:   Kuwait
State/Province:   Kuwait

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