4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
In summary the action plan was very efficient to meet the targets and deadlines set by the central bank of Jordan (CBJ), it included the following elements:
• Forming a professional team to manage this project composed of key resources from each concerned department in Orange.
• Analyzing the project requirements from CBJ side which took into consideration the requirements of the banks and billers country wide and Orange was a key member of defining the telecom sector requirements.
• Analyzing our current systems at Orange and the customizations required to connect to eFawateerCom service and enable our customers to inquire and pay on-line from any electronic channel offered by eFawateerCom.
• Implementing the project requirements and the integration specifications of eFawateerCom project with its operator Madfoo3atCom for ePayments company, which is a Jordanian company selected by the CBJ to build and operate eFawateerCom project and facilitate the billers and banks usage of eFawateerCom service.
• Testing the new service on the testing environment with eFawateerCom.
• Soft launching the service for selected bank/biller employees for few days.
• Launching the service to the live environment and enable it to all customers after passing successfully the UAT with the CBJ and its operator (Madfoo3atCom).
Marketing the service to the customers through various channels, i.e. SMS, on-line…
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
This initiative was designed and implemented by a collaboration of several public and private institutions such as:
The Central Bank of Jordan: From the part of the CBJ, the Oversight of Payment and Settlement Systems / Payment & Domestic Banking Operations Department was the main contributor to the project, in addition to the IT and finance departments as well .
Several banks: Egyptian Arab Land Bank, BANK AL ETIHAD, Bank Of Jordan, Cairo Amman Bank, Arab Banking Corporation, InvestBank, Societe Generale De Banque-Jordanie, the Jordan Islamic Bank, the Islamic International Arab Bank and others.
Utility companies: From Orange Jordan’s part, the Orange Money unit was the main contributor to the project, in addition to the It department as well. Other telecom companies contributed as well, Including Irbid electricity company and The Water Authority.
More utility companies are expected to be included such as the Water Company and the Electricity Company.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
As far as Orange Jordan is concerned, many working hours were exerted from our IT engineers and technicians to set up the connections with our billing system and providing the needed capacity in our servers, while maintaining the integrity of our systems by providing the necessary safety fire walls.
Also, our finance team were involved with setting up the processes.
The project’s costs related to Orange Jordan was funded from our own internal resources.
It is worth mentioning that since inception in May 2014, the number of transactions that occurred using eFawateerCom was more than 5,000 transactions valued at more than JD 119,000 for all of our services.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
Project Outputs:
1- Public Private Partnership (PPP): This project provided the perfect atmosphere and grounds for properly applying the well longed for public private partnership. This project proved the successful partnership. Both resources of the public and private were utilized for the better future of the society both serve.
2- Automation of bill and service acquiring: This project enabled customers to automate their bill settlement as well as acquiring services online, and to pay for such services from their bank accounts directly.
3- Saving time, efforts and money: By paying online and at home, customers do not have to travel or drive to our shops to do their business.
4- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): From a CSR perspective, this project enabled us to Serve an important and needy sector of our customers, the disabled and elderly.
Improve and enhance image: eFawateerCom improved our image to our customer proving that we care about their needs to pay their bill with ease.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
We used our internal monitoring systems and tools to monitor the progress and evaluate the activities; some of which included project planning and monitoring tools and we used project implementation and product life cycle methodology according to the best practices which we have in Orange as a default in all of our projects and products.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The main obstacle was to allocate the scares resources needed for the project. This required the dedication of engineers, technicians and finance. The time and effort required to the design and implementation was huge, not to mention the hardware needed.
Also, the education of the customers to accept and trust such ways of payment and settlement. In Jordan, although it is time and efforts consuming, the culture is stand in line to pay or purchase what a person needs. It takes several tries and advertisements to convince customers to use this way of payments.
Finally, bringing the way of thinking of both public and private which proved that both are correct and can work together to achieve wonders.