4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
This was the first time in the country that a centralized permit allotment process through lottery was followed the department had to re-engineer the existing AS-IS processes entirely.
The following paragraph details the AS-IS permit allotment process:
• Step 1: The first step was to call applications from the aspirants by way of advertisements. The forms shall be submitted RTO office-wise.
• Step 2: Post advertisement, the aspirants will submit the forms manually and each RTO office will accept the applications
• Step 3: After the forms are submitted, there will be a manual scrutiny of eligibility of applicants
• Step 4: Finally, there will be office – specific decentralized processing of applications and allotment of permits.
As can be seen, the AS-IS process was totally subjective with a potential for errors and malpractices. To avoid these issues, the department reengineered the entire process as below.
Reengineered Process:
• Step 1: The first step is to call online applications by way of advertisements
• Step 2: Online submission and acceptance of applications through web based system. The department utilized the services of 6000+ Maha e-Seva Kendras (CSCs) for the benefit of people staying in remote or rural areas to submit their applications hassle-free.
• Step 3: Automated system checks for scrutiny of eligibility of applicant
• Step 4: State level centralized acceptance of applications and selection of successful applicants by way of lottery
The reengineered process ensure that
• there is no scope for middlemen to operate
• the process is efficient and transparent processing
• there is high degree of accuracy and fairness
• there will be fast-track dissemination of information to the applicants by way of SMS, Email, Web broadcast etc.
• the permit allotment process is totally objective
Considering the fact that the auto rickshaw permit lottery process for the entire state needs to be completed in a short span of two months, the department adopted a three-phased strategy the following implementation strategy for fast-track execution:
Phase 1: Pre-lottery stage
• Formation of "Special Task Group" (STG) consisting of officials from the Transport Commissioners office and some of the field offices
• Selection of MahaOnline Ltd. as the SI for speedy development of the system as MahaOnline has already worked in such lottery systems for organizations like MHADA
• Adherence to time limits by frequent review meetings of the STG with SI & also VC meetings to instruct field offices
• Involvement of field officers for vetting of logic of the system and ensuring thorough functional testing of the application for flawless operation
• Involvement of external bodies such as IIT Bombay for validation of randomization software
Phase 2: Lottery stage
• Formation of oversight committee involving Hon. Principal Secretary (IT) and ex- Upalokayukta to ensure fair and transparent lottery process
• Broadcasting of the actual lottery event live on www.autorickshawlottery.in and making available the complete list of lottery winners and waitlisted candidates on the lottery portal.
• Participation of Transport Unions as observers / "Panch" and conducting the entire lottery draw in the presence of print and electronic media
Phase 3: Post - Lottery stage
• Use of software for speedy intimation to each winner / waitlisted applicant through email, SMS and letters
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
It was envisaged that any resident of the State who wishes to obtain the permit to drive an auto rickshaw. During the project execution, the department received about 2 Lakh applications were received for distribution of more than 81,000 auto rickshaw permits throughout the State.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Technology used:
• Microsoft ASP .NET 4.0 technology
• Microsoft SQL 2012 database server
• Microsoft IIS server
• JavaScript and CSS
• HTML 4
• Use of web services for integration with Payment Gateway and Census / Aadhar databases
The application is integrated with Census and Aadhar databases as well as with payment gateway.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
• The project has been implemented on Build-Own-Operate basis which helped in ensuring project sustainability
• Allotment of 81,000+ auto rickshaw permits (for 2 Lakhs forms received) across the state in an efficient, transparent and centralized manner in less than 2 months
• Complete list of lottery winners and waitlisted candidates were posted on the lottery portal immediately within 30 mins of the actual lottery, which is available till today.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Regular steering committee and project implementation committee meetings with the help of Video Conferencing
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Time constraint. The entire project was conceptualized, designed and implemented within a short period of 2 months. With agile planning and implementation methodology and with strategic use of IT, the department could successfully implement the project in 2 months.
Coordination with multiple stakeholders (such as Transport Commissioner's Office, Field offices, MahaOnline, DIT, IIT Bombay, Transport Unions, Press etc.) – With use of tools such as emails, Video Conferencing, the communication and coordination with multiple stakeholders was possible.
Ensuring complete and unquestionable transparency – This was achieved by appointment of oversight committee, involvement of observers / panch, verification & certification of randomization logic by IIT Bombay etc.
Providing appropriate real time publicity to the results of the lottery for the benefit of the beneficiaries. This was achieved by live streaming of the event, live video projections in 21 field offices, publishing of the list on the portal within 30 mins of the lottery and through Email & SMS
Providing facility for hassle free online submission of application forms and e-payment - The department utilized the services of 6000+ Maha e-Seva Kendras spread across the State for the submission of application forms and e-payment of the fees