4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
While Project Management Unit was in existence since long, emphasis on placement of a professionally managed SPMU to endure the much required institutional innovation dates back to 2012-13A. A group of ten [10] state level experts were hired during 2012 to shape the framework of Community participation.
In absence of PRIs, some ‘Not for Profit’ agencies have worked in the state to promote Self Help Groups. Conscious step was taken by SPMU officials to form VWSCs building on capacities of existing Women Savings & Credit groups. Experienced and credible NGOs in this field were roped in by SPMU for faster transformation. Chronology of Key techno managerial interventions tried by SPMU to roll out VWSC managed WASH program plan is mentioned below;
1. Women Leaders from VWSC [Jal Sahiya] took up Field Test Kit based Water Quality Testing from 2012-13.[Test Conducted in more than 2000 Habitations]
2. Transfer of Operation & Maintenance of PWS to VWSC started from 2010-11 . Involved women Members took up Tube well maintenance & Masonry work from 2011-12 [more than 400 women trained and employed]
3. Engaging VWSC to prepare Micro Plan on water security and sustainability work from 2011-12. [164 VWSC have taken up this work on pilot basis]
4. Engaging domain experts at District and block Level through placement of DPMU and BRC started from 2013-14 .[70 District Level and 500 Block Level workers engaged]
5. CSR Convergence initiative for assisting VWSCs 2012 26 CSR contacted; 14 participated and expressed their commitment. Experimentation with Collaborative project among DWSD, CSR and VWSC started from 2013-14.[ 2 project with ECL and TATA Steel under execution]
6. Adoption of Community Led Total Sanitation as IEC Strategy for Sanitation since 2012-13 across the State with 30 villages at Ranchi as tool .[ 90 Gram Panchayaet taken up on priority basis in 14-15]
7. Regular guidance note to VWSC for Demystification of Process and Technology were issued by senior officials since 2011.
8. Since 2011 a state level Award policy was adopted to Award performing PRI Institution & Individuals.[40 performers till date were Honoured on Jharkhand Foundation Day ]
9. New Website for DWSD started from 2012. The website helps VWSC leaders to reach DWSD. Computerization of Grievance Management System started working since 2012. [Mandate for operation is solving Tube Well problem within 72 hours]
10. Regular Field Visit by DWSD Officials 2012 Monthly field Visit and review is mandatory
11. Mobile Water Testing Laboratories for WQ Test initiated in 2013; Scientific Water Testing Facility is being provided at the door step of Villagers. Mobile Water Treatment Plants initiated in 2012.
12. Open defecation free Village achieved through participation of VWSCs since 2012. [400 Villages taken resolution to stop open defecation and constructed toilets on their own]
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
Shri Sudhir Prasad, Additional Chief Secretary, DWSD, championed the initiative by engaging different stakeholders in various aspects of the initiative. The accrued efforts of the various stakeholders, has helped in strengthening the initiative of making peoples’ participation visible in the communities.
Particulars of stakeholder engagement during the last two years (2010-12) are given below;
A. PRADAN [Started 2012]: Community Managed Rural Water Supply Scheme is implemented through VWSC as pilot program in 20 Villages across 6 Districts
B. BASIX [Started 2012]:Helping department with professional manpower support to establish and strengthen State Water and Sanitation Mission
C. TSRDS [Started 2012]: Community Managed Rural Water Supply Scheme is being replicated with the help of UNICEF in 3blocks of 1 District
D. Water Aid [ Started 2012]: Developed communication materials and training modules for the JalSahiyas and trained around 600 Jalsahiyas; developed community based participatory water security plans in around 30 villages in Santhal Pargana region of Jharkhand.
E. WSSCC- GSF[ Started 2011]: NRMC Delhi as executing Agency of Global Sanitation Fund is working to create ODF villages under Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan in 4 districts through Nine partner Organizations
F. WSP-South Asia [Started 2011]: World Support Program engaged to extend Research, Monitoring and evaluation support in sanitation domain
G. Block Resource Centres [Engaged 2012]: 16 Civil Society Organizations were Selected as Block Resource centre through transparent process to scale up community involvement through appropriate IEC work
H. CLTS Foundation[ Started 2012-13]: Facilitated international workshop and seeded foundation of Community based Total sanitation Movement in the state
I. World Bank [Started 2012]: World Bank was roped in for a special project grant of 600 Crore over the next five years
J. UNICEF -UNICEF provides strategic support to the department by enabling UNICEF provides strategic support to the department by enabling Communication and Capacity Development Unit: They are involved in demonstration Projects at a number of locations.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
SPMU, DWSD receives Fund from Government of India and Government of Jharkhand under Flagship schemes and state Plan support. Year wise financial outlay of the Department is estimated to enhance during this period from 315.21 Crore in 2010-11 to Rs. 609.21 Crore in 2013-14.
However, Women Led VWSC initiatives was primarily planned and implemented through SPMU and hence expenses on State and District Level Project management Units have had a direct bearing on the initiative. During the period, approximate expense on the institutional structure i.e. Human Resource and administrative Expenses from Government Fund has increased from 3.53 Crore in 2010-11 to 19.34 Crore in 2013-14.
Additional Support was mobilized from stakeholders and International donor agencies like UNICEF , WSSCC ,Water Aid and WSP-SA from time to time for training and capacity building of PMU [State and District Level], VWSC and its members.
The initiative is presently being supported by 12 State Level, 62 District Level and570 Block Level Human Resource in 24 districts of Jharkhand . Additional 10 State level human resources and 40 district level human resource are placed with separate World Bank supported cell that is functional since 2013.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
A. Jharkhand has 29413 villages with human occupancy. Among them VWSC was formed in 28177 villages. 26250 VWSC has their bank account. Through this at least 1, 60,000 women members were mobilized to work on WASH issues.
B. Presently More than 60 Rural Pipe water Supply schemes are owned and managed by VWSC. And many more new Mini Pipe Water supply schemes are being planned and installed in the same line involving VWSC from the designing phase. .
1. Bhurkunda PWS today has 850 connections. They collect Rs.62.5 /- as monthly charge. Total collection at present is Rs.14, 00,000/-.
2. Nirsa PWS today has 235 connections. They collect Rs.62 /- as monthly charge. Total collection at present is Rs.13, 00,000/-.
3. Noamundi Bazar PWS today has 215 connections. They collect Rs.150 /- as monthly charge. Total collection at present is Rs.11, 00,000/-.
4. Kolhan Hatin PWS today has 292 connections. They collect Rs.100 /- as monthly charge. Total collection at present is Rs.6, 80,000/-.
5. Siulibari East PWS today has 489 connections. They collect Rs.62 /- as monthly charge. Total collection at present is Rs.9, 00,000/-.
C. Creation of Open defecation Free Village, Gram Panchayet and Block has been made possible by act of empowered VWSCs. Cases like Use and Maintenance of Community toilet in Bero Village of Ranchi District, Open Defecation Free [ODF] villages like Gadri, Hutar and Kewtia Village in Ranchi and Bakshi village in Lohardaga District, revival of Slip back toilets by Jalsahiya Yashmin Samad in Kashya Panchayat of East Singhbhum District ,Solid- Liquid Waste Management pilots in Latehar and Bokaro District are a few to be mentioned among a long list of villages where sustainable sanitation under Swach Bharat Mission[Grameen] was taken up by VWSC.
Empowered VWSCs are provided with Funds to take up water and Sanitation schemes of their choice. During the last 2 year Fund transfer to VWSC by State are as under;
1. In 2012-13, 1576 VWSC were provided with NBA Fund worth 11.62 Crore. During this FY 1.45 Crore Fund was additionally transferred to VWSC.
2. In 2013-14, 8949 VWSC were provided with NBA Fund worth 33.20 Crore. During this FY 14.74 Crore Fund was additionally transferred to VWSC.
The Funds were used by VWSCs for IHHL, O & M of Hand pumps, PWS and Soak Pit construction. For World Bank Project VWSCs are the executing authority and they are inviting Expression of Interest. Participatory Water Security plan has been prepared by more than 40 VWSCs. VWSC members successfully placed their plea for Energy tariff reduction and succeeded in getting the cost reduced 3 times over a period of 3 years.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
1. SPMU Monitors the strategy through Online MIS, physical verification as per protocol and concurrent evaluation by qualified third party.
2. Regular Physical and Financial data are entered into online MIS created by Ministry of Drinking water and Sanitation on monthly basis.
3. SPMU website has provision to receive grievance related to non-functional Hand pump.
4. GPS based Real time monitoring system for water and Sanitation schemes is carried out by Designated Junior engineers and Hydro Geologists.
5. As a routine process Call centre records and responds to the questions by VWSC members on regular basis.
6. Status of Fund transfer and Availability with VWSC is being monitored online and through Mobile Messaging Service in association with Bank of India from 2014-15.
7. Concurrent monitoring has been done on regular basis involving IIM Ranchi, National Institute of Financial Management [NIFM] and other 3rd Party Agencies.
Additionally UNICEF is helping SPMU to facilitate the process and measure impact of innovations by closely monitoring 500Sample villages in 90 Gram Panchayets of the District.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
As we have discussed earlier the administrative and Political setting of the State itself was the major obstacle in this process. There was initial inertia internally from DWSD as well. However , lack of peoples participation ,Knowledge and idea are the key issues that is faced by any instructional change or Business Process re-engineering initiative were typical hurdle of this initiative as well. The inertia among officials was overcome by organizing monthly competitions on best performing officials and encouraging them by appreciation. This helped the officials understand, read and know about the minute aspects of the initiative and hence focus better . At the community level, VWSC played a crucial ole in informing people and making them participate.