4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Example of an Implementation Plan
Identification and payment of venue: Convenience in terms of accessibility, neutral for masses Nomkhosi 28/10/2013 Pietermaritzburg City Hall booked & secured at no cost, receiving letter of confirmation 28/10/14. Only need to pay for caretaker's overtime. Done
City Hall , floor/set-up plan Thando/Blossom/Padmani 14/11/2013 To be done and submitted 14/11/13 Done
Confirm date Nomkhosi 25/10/2013 Date confirmed as the 23rd of November 2013. Communicated with Khathu at HO Done
Identification of files Deano / Nompumelelo 25/10/2013 Determination confirmed 55/110 files excluding enquiries Done
Settlement of claims: Handlers to contact claimants as per list of files provided and advise them of the RAF DAY. Manual offers to be made on the day. 18/11/2013 All claimants contacted as per list of files received Done
Staff transportation from the office to the venue Nomkhosi 25/10/2013 1 x 22 seater- depart on 22/11/2013 to PMB at 15h00 and return to Durban on 23/11/2013 at 19h30. 4 x 22 seater’s depart from Durban on 23/11/2013 at 04h30 and return 19h30 on 23/11/2013. Done
Organise staff members Nomkhosi 28/10/2013 Final list received and confirmed Done
ACCOMODATION: Accommodation for the set-up team HO to organise & pay for 31/10/2013 Names submitted, PR raised and accommodation secured Done
Organise security Mankwana Mmola 29/10/2013 ES done and PR raised Done- supplier appointed
Engage SAPS in the area and sensitise them of the need for visible policing if not possible to station some at the venue Mankwana Mmola 31/10/2013 The SAPS has been angaged, planning is ongoing. Security plan to be submitted Friday 15/11/2013 Done
Organise ambulance and staff to assist on the day Nonhlanhla Khubone 29/10/2013 Submit ES and raise PR. Done- supplier appointed
Stakeholder relations to plan and implement a CSI project during the event Stakeholder Relations HO 04/11/2013 2 schools being identified by Msunduzi Municipality. Giving away school shoes, reflective vest and caps Done
Transport for equipment Thokozani Mhlongo 04/11/2013 Use of RAF pool cars Done
Catering for 100 staff 70 (tbc) for stakeholders
• Breakfast
• Lunch Afternoon tea HO to organise 31/10/2013 ES done and PR raised. Supplier selction in progress Done
Fruit and water Nomkhosi/Thabsile 28/10/2013 ES done and PR raised Done- supplier appointed
IT: • 20 plus thin clients, extra laptops with the managers as back-up
• 5 Laptops
• 2 Printer (request for 3 printers. Tbc)
• Photocopying machine
• Cabling for router
• Projector, Screen Malibongwe 14/10/2013 Computing equipment is available and Networking testing was complete successfully. To organize projector and screen Done
• Microphone/Speaker Thokozani Mhlongo 20/11/2013 To organize microphone/speake Done
Organise list of stationery to the branch:
• Information Starter packs
• All necessary forms
• Envelopes
• Paper for printer
• Staplers & Staples
• Stationery
• Pens
• Other necessary stationery Padmani and Thabsile 18/11/2013 Send a request for this to be done 13/11/2013 Done
MATERIAL • Need to Know pamphlets/POP/Undertakings pamphlets / Registration forms Charity 14/11/2013 Undertakings pamphlets have been received from HO. Reg forms being sorted by originations. Done
DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE: To be printed and laminated – Size A3 Charity 14/11/2013 Have these in storage Done
Investigate the possibility of home visits Masakhane 11/10/2013 Select 1 home. Awaiting report Done
Road Safety to develop an activation plan Agnes,Thabo 14/11/2013 1. Road block with the traffic department on the 20th November 2013 (location to be communicated at a later stage). Done
2.Taxi rank awareness campaign at a taxi rank that will be identified for us by SANTACO and be communicated to you at a later stage as well. They have requested branding: gazebos, tear drops, table and table cloths, need to know pamphlets and officials who will assist on the day.
To provide 2 call centre agents to assist on the day Bandile 18/11/2013 Done Done
Procurement of all requested services: Phakamani/Nwabisa at branch level & HO Amelia 11/11/2013 To have procured transport, pamphlets, posters, fruits/water, Done
No aircorns inside the hall, so we will bring fans Zamandla/Mankwana/Thokozani 18/11/2013 Zama to request fans from each floor, to take on the 18th of Nov 2013. Done
List of staff coming from HO Khathu 18/11/2013 To provide us with a list from Marketing, PR & Media, etc & tasks /responsibilities on the day. Done
Pinky 18/11/2013 To provide us with a list from Stakeholder Relations, etc. & tasks /responsibilities on the day. Done
Malibongwe 18/11/2013 To request the list from IT & tasks/ responsibilities on the day Done
BRANDING BRANDING: 16 X Teardrops, 10 X pull-ups, 6 X sided Banners, 2X Media Banners, 30 X RAF Table Cloths, 30 Table Cloths, Laminated directional signage A4/A3, Gazebo / Umbrellas, 4 Boxes of Z cards, Colour coded stickers, pamphlets and possibly street pole posters. Nomkhosi & Benny 04/10/2013 300 X street posters and 25000 pamphlets delivered. HO as done ES and PR raised for tables, chairs, and table clothes. Supplier selection in progress Done
Event notification pamphlets to be distributed to neighbouring areas, malls, SAPS & other public areas.
Posters will be placed in public places and malls. Branch Mobilisation team 15/11/2013 Community mobilisation to start Saturday 19, 26 Oct the also 02, 9 & 15 Nov 2013 Done
All staff to be dressed in their RAF T-shirts or reflective vests Nomkhosi 18/11/2013 All those staff members who did not return the reflective vests, to bring them back prior the event to ensure we have enough especially for security staff and ushers. Managers to please make this notification to their respective departments by the 31st of October. Done
To engage the office of the Minister of Transport and send invitation to the Minister to attend the event on the day. Stakeholder Relations HO 28/10/2013 Stakeholder Relations to mobilize the DOT, Minister of Transport. Done
To engage the Major of Msunduzi Municipality and His councillors about the event, to get their full support and to mobilize their wards. Nomkhosi, Kwanele and Bassy 28/10/2013 Meeting with Msunduzi Municipality today 6/11/2013. Task Team meeting took place on 11/11/2013 with RAF, Msunduzi Team, DOT, SANTACO, Traffic Dpt, to count a few stakeholders Done
To engage SANTACO KZN, so they can play a big part in supporting the team during mobilisations Nomkhosi, Kwanele and Bassy 28/10/2013 Meeting with SANTACO regional office today 06/11/13 Done
Stakeholder relations to plan and implement a CSI project during the event Nomkhosi, Kwanele and Bassy 04/11/2013 Engage with HO tomorrow 28/10/2013 Done
Send invitations to all the KZN Provincial stakeholders Stakeholder Relations HO 08/11/2013 Formal invitations to be issued two weeks before the event. Done
Programme for the project:
Draft programme for the whole duration of the project Stakeholder Relations HO 08/11/2013 To finalise 2 weeks before the event Done
Stakeholder engagement programme:
Draft programme for the stakeholder engagement Stakeholder Relations HO 08/11/2013 To finalise 2 weeks before the event Done
Develop programme of engaging the media. Sello 15/11/2013 Sello to send copy to Nomkhosi. Media Statement to be issued on 15th of November 2013
RADIO: HO paying for Ukhozi FM and iGagasi FM. There will also be OB on the day. Contact has been made for free publicity with KZN Capital 104FM and Radio Pietermaritzburg.
TV: 1KZN TV - contact has been made, currently in discussions.
NEWSPAPERS: Contact has been made with Capital Newspapers, who have agreed to publish in their stable of newspapers, to name a few: Edendale Eyethu, Maritzburg Echo, etc. To give them Media statement on 14.11.14
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
The initiative was wholly organised by the Marketing & Communications Department of the RAF. As time went by, we obtained buy-in from other stakeholders such as the South African Police Service, the Department of Home Affairs, South African Social Security Agency and other government entities who wished to showcase their services at our events.
As large settlements are often made to claimants, the RAF has arranged for the Financial Planning Institute (FPI) to be at these events to provide advice to the claimants on how to utilise the monies paid to them.
The Department of Health has also recently joined us and does various checks on the day, such as HIV, blood sugar levels, high blood pressure, etc.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
The project is fully funded by the RAF. During March 2014, the RAF hosted an event called ‘4 Cities RAF on the Road’ where we hosted 4 events on the same day in different regions. Costs for the ‘4 Cities’ event are captured below:
Activities Giyani Alexandra Port Elizabeth Cape Town Total
Morning Live TV 550 000,00
Radio Outside Broadcasts 480 000,00
Daily Sun Newspaper 83 549,23
Alex Pioneer Newspaper 9 570,97
Eastern Cape Today 11 689,20
Izindaba Newspaper 10 927,62
Umhlobo Wenene Radio 137 172,00
Thobela FM Radio 88 147,50
Munghana Radio 34 707,00
Phalaphala Radio 54 096,00
Radio 2000 Radio 37 881,00
TV adverts 912 000,00
Trucks 68 500,00 395 000,00 186 219,00 649 719,00
Posters & Flyers 40 500,00 23 940,00 19 414,46 26 494,62 110 349,08
Staff Accommodation 108 962,00 127 980,00 236 942,00
Staff Catering 65 770,00 59 733,00 41 550,00 56 270,97 223 323,97
Photographer 31 920,00 14 500,00 29 859,00 8 800,00 85 079,00
Executive Toilets 22 500,00 3 976,00 5 094,43 31 570,43
Stakeholder Catering 82 960,00 38 851,43 43 980,00 34 320,00 200 111,43
Bus 60 000,00 26 100,00 66 550,00 24 738,00 177 388,00
Marquee 15 000,00 15 960,00 30 960,00
Total 473 612,00 580 624,43 333 309,46 357 897,02 4 155 183,43
We assisted 5,872 claimants on the day and settled claims to the value of R152.4 million.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
• Taking our services to the doorsteps of communities who would otherwise not have had the opportunity to interact with the RAF;
• Promoting direct claims;
• Increasing positive publicity;
• Assisting with the lodgement and resolution of complaints;
• Identifying fraudulent claims;
• Exposing our stakeholders to the RAF’s post-crash rehabilitation initiatives through our Patient Outreach Programme;
• Contributing to local economies; and
• Showing all RAF employees that the Fund’s business is not merely about administration, but about rendering services to victims of car crashes who need support.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
• The event is first captured in the form of a project/implementation plan.
• A Local Organising Committee is selected from the specific region where the events will take place.
• The Promotions and Activations unit within the Marketing Department ultimately has an oversight role to play. During these meetings, issues such as mobilisation, media engagements and advertisements are discussed.
• The Stakeholder Relations Management (SRM) unit is involved to identify and invite relevant stakeholders in the community, which has been targeted.
• The SRM unit advises on protocol arrangements for the day.
• A post-event analysis report is compiled after the event and outlines the positives and negatives of the day.
• A debriefing session is also held twice: Once within the Marketing & Communications Department and again with the regional representatives of the area where the event took place.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
• During the first few events, setting up (IT services, tables and chairs, etc.) of the hall where the event was to be hosted posed some challenges. Having the team arrive on the day of the event made it virtually impossible to have everything set up in time. This was overcome by ensuring that the IT team arrives one day prior to the event to set up all IT systems and have them for the event.
• Having knowledgeable people to assist with claims and to guide claimants to the correct service areas were important. This was addressed by identifying the right staff to man the areas of their expertise.
• Language played an important role and this was a challenge that needed a quick solution. We addressed this by placing employees who understood the language and culture of the different areas at the events.
• Branding and awareness amongst communities also posed challenges. By liaising with local civic institutions, community leaders, ward councillors, traffic and law enforcement and tribal authorities, this eased our task of gaining entrance into communities. Posters and banners could be erected next to the roads indicating where the event would be held.
• Registrations were also done manually and our IT Department has now devised a scanning device to scan ID documents and capture correct data and numbering in the queuing system.