A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
Govt of Odisha . has set up vocational training institutes in the state to develop skilled manpower. Basically the poor youths of the society take admission in institute. In some trades higher secondary passed outs and in some trades HSC failed students take admission. Out of them 33% are women, 38% are socially backward, 2% are physically disabled take admission to uplift their skill and get employment in various industries. They were exposed to 20% theory and 80% practical classes. Depending on the trades the vocational training was 1 to 2 year duration. After completion of the training it is observed that only 30% to 40% students get employment. Remaining 30% to 40% students are under employment. Remaining trainees do not get an employment. They failed to have self employment as their quality of training is not as per the requirement of market. As a result there was poor response to take admission. The poor youths of the area were migrated to different industrial cities as unskilled labours. The basic aim of the Govt. to develop skilled manpower and to eradicate poverty is not fulfilled. In 2008-09, 75 trainees have joined in TATA Motors, but out of 75 students 25 students left the industry. The industry has not extended the training period of 10 students as they were not compatible with their industry. 100 students joined in Enercon India Ltd. and 30 students have left the industry within one year. 120 students have been selected in Suzlon energy limited, Karnataka. Approximately 25 students left the industries within a span of one year. We have made a detail case study of all the students who have left and who have retained in the industry after one year was recorded. More than 200 students have suggested “what we are studying in ITI is totally different what are doing the industry”. All most all the students who have left the industries have a common problem that the working environment is very hard in the industries. When contacted with the industries it is reported that the trainees are not compatible to work with the industrial environment. After detailed discussion with the students it is observed that students are lacking exposure to work in an industry environment. They are not exposed with the types of work going on in the industries. The feedback received from industries and CII is a common problem stated that students are not compactable to work in the industries. There is a large skill gap existing between the trained youths and the need for the industry. Due to lagging in skill they fail to be self employable. In normal process for an ITI passed out student after completing 2 years of training at ITI, they has to go for an Apprentice training for one year in industries. In Odisha approximately 7000 seats are located by the Govt. to undergo Apprenticeship training but every year 50-55 thousand students pass out from various institute. Remaining 45,000 students go to the market without an industrial exposure.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
The head of the institute Dr. Rajat Kumar Panigrahy, Principal proposed a solution and started an innovative process. A novel method of tracking the students who passed out from the institute is started by tracer study. Feedback from the passed out students who are working in various industries, Left their job or removed by the employer, students who failed to be self employable. All the industries who came for placement to ITI from 2007 to 2010 along with all the data received are summarized. After summarizing, it was felt to enhance the skills of youths as per the need of industries. As ITI, Berhampur is a Govt. institute which follows All India Level NCVT syllabus without modifying the existing syllabus of the Govt. an innovative method “Teaching Hospital Approach to ITI education by teaching factory” is planned in which both the training (industries & institution) are integrated. The trainees after completion of their course join in the industries can’t feel the skill gap. So the concept of “Teaching hospital approach to ITI education by teaching factory” is started as a pilot project at ITI, Berhampur. It is just like training given to doctors in a Medical college and Hospital. The Medical students are being trained at the hospital by the professor. At the same time the professors from Hospital take classes at the medical college. The medical students are being exposed directly to patients & their treatment at hospital. So they get a very good exposure to practical. This is a continuous process during their “Span of Course”. This methodology is started for the students of Automobile sector students of ITI, Berhampur. The main purpose of the initiative is to produce highly skilled technicians who are highly acceptable by the industries. Under this project the students of ITI are being trained in the institute & nearby industries Automobile service centre by the faculties of ITI as well as employees of industries. At the same time of their training period the students are getting exposure to industrial environment. Students are attached to the industries to do the practical jobs .The technicians, supervisor’s engineers working in the industries guide the trainees. By this the trainees can be exposed to the industrial environment. The technicians, supervisor’s and engineers working in the industries guide the trainees. By this the trainees can be exposed to the industrial environment. At the same time of their training period the students are getting exposure to industrial environment. The teaching faculty of ITI visit the industries to guide the students during their industrial training. The engineers from the industries visit the institute and take classes. This is just a teaching factory. When the student is exposed to the industrial environment the Technical Competency of trainees is increased. This method adopted helped to minimise the skill gap as pointed by industries. The placements of the youths are increased. The students who were leaving the industries or retranced by industries during one year of time is decreased. The minimum salaries offered to the trainees are increased and most important parameter is that the industries are to be satisfied by our products (students) so that they can continue the relation for recruiting more and more students in future years also. Students who go for self employment became successful. As they are trained with all the modern vehicles available in the market.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
The methodology to be trained like a “Medical students in a medical college is innovative”. The students after completion of their training by this innovative process are fully exposed to industries. There was no need To go for any internship to an industries. As the students are exposed to several industry work with the professional of industries their problem solving skill is enhanced. These students are being trained like a doctor. This method of enhancing skill for the students is totally unique. This initiative is creative and innovative because it helps to achieve an optimal & more effective learning process. To encourage and cultivate culture of innovation & sharpen problem solving skills, to maintain currency & relevance to the industry, to foster closer links with industry. It is an important platform for staff development & capability development . “Teaching factory” is not a rigid structure. It is not a industry based with production focus. The company employees are not project leader. “Teaching Factory” is a management system for adaptive organization. It is institute based. The Teaching Faculties are project leader & competent engineers.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
It is observed that there is a large skill gap exists between the skill acquired by ITI, passed out students and skill requirement of industries. In various forums it is a common problem stated by the people from industries that the ITI passed out students are lacking the skill to work in the industries as they have not been trained as per the need of the industries. The syllabus is developed by reputed persons from industries, experts from Ministry of labour, Government of India. The syllabus contains 80% practical and 20% theory. After summarizing the each form it was felt to minimize the existing skill gap of the trainees. As ITI, Berhampur is a Govt. institute which follows All India Level NCVT syllabus. It is felt that the problems of industries can be addressed by involving the persons from industries in training practice at ITI level teaching and deputing ITI students for industrial training. An innovative method “Teaching Hospital Approach to ITI education by teaching factory” is planned. By this both the training (industries & institution) are integrated. The trainees after completion of their course join in the industries can’t feel the skill gap. So the concept of “Teaching hospital approach to ITI education by teaching factory” is started as a pilot project at ITI, Berhampur. It is just like training given to doctors in a Medical college and Hospital. The Medical students are being trained at the hospital by the professor. At the same time the professors from Hospital take classes at the medical college. The medical students are being exposed directly to patients & their treatment at hospital. So they get a very good exposure to practical. This is a continuous process during their “Span of Course”. This methodology is started for the students of Automobile sector students of ITI, Berhampur. Under this project, all the small scale industries and automobile service station who depends on the skill manpower are invited for a seminar. Dr Panigrahy motivated the authorities of the local service station to allow the trainees for practical session in periodically basis. Most important thing is the authorities agree to depute their best technician/engineer to ITI for taking practical classes with in their normal working hour. Transportation of the trainees from ITI to Different service stations is arranged by the Institute. For this purpose Institute procure a star bus, Tata Sumo, Scorpio. In consult with expert technical persons from Industries, Institute split the NCVT syllabus as it is completed as per schedule decided by DGE&T. After completion of one chapter of the syllabus the trainees are deputed to various service stations for more exposure to advanced machinaries, techniques in different latest model of vehicles available In market For example if a ITI Automobile trainees study the brake system in institute and he get some knowledge about the vehicles brake system. Then he will go to 6 automobile service station i.e Honda, Maruti, Suzike, Ford, Tata and Mahindra for practical job. In service station he get more knowledge and improve their technical skill as per industries requirement. To fulfill the requirement of the industry, the students are attached to the industries to do the practical jobs and the technicians, supervisors engineers working in the industries guide the trainees. By this the trainees can be exposed to the industrial environment. The ATOs of ITI will visit the industries to guide the students during their industrial training. As a result of high exposure there is a heavy demand of ITI Berhampur pass out trainees in the various industries.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
The stake holders are The ITI students who are studying in the institute are main beneficiary of the project as they get practical concept from the industries. After that the employers of the industries are also beneficiary as they are getting theory concept from the ATOs of ITI. In the industries and service centers like TATA, Maruti care, TVS Suzuki like industries take part. DTE&T, Odisha is one major stakeholder who allowed to sign an agreement with the industries to depute the students for training to the industries. Principal ITI, Berhampur motivated the industries to allow the ITI trainees to work in their workshop. They allow their technicians to involve themselves with ITI students. By his effort 465 seats for training are located in various industries. Further they have deputed their workers to have Short Term Vocational courses at ITI Berhampur. By this only the cycle of teaching hospital concept is completed. People from industries come to ITI & Students from ITI go to industries. In this process the seats are located in the industries like Indian Rare Earth Ltd., Jayashri Chemical, Aska Sugar factory, South co and the various automobile service centre of TATA, Hero Honda, Suzuki, TVS, Kinetic Honda, Mahindra etc As a result of high exposure there is a heavy demand of ITI Berhampur pass out trainees in the various industries like Suzlon India Ltd. Karnataka, Enercon, Mumbai, LG, New Delhi, Welspun India Ltd. Gujarat, TATA NANO, Panthanagar, Uttrakhanda, JCB, Barbil, Orissa, J.K. Paper Mill, Rayagada, Modern Packing , Gujarat, Baxter Pvt. Ltd. Noida, UP etc. As these industries there is a reduction in skill gap.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
For successful implementation of the project Transport facility for movement of the students from institute to various industries by vehicles were procured with a cost of 16 Lakhs. The guest faculty engaged for teaching the students paid honorarium at a rate Rs. 9300 maximum per month. Manpower involved were the teaching faculty from ITI, Technicians, Engineers from industries. They were paid honorarium. Procurement of transport vehicle was funded by govt. of Odisha. The honorarium of the teaching faculty was funded by Govt. of Odisha. There was no extra financial burden as the vehicles procured for the purpose were also utilized for training practice of the students. The main resource used was the industries were motivated to allow to work the students. In some case the help of CII and local industrial association is taken.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
Minimum salaries offered to the trainees are increased. The problem of under employment group is totally removed. 90% of students get employment in almost all the places. Real – life industrial environment where the teaching and learning environment is emulated and integrated. Project work as an integral component to draw from the pool of knowledge . Where skills learnt are applied in real-life multi-disciplinary environment. Technical education and industrial environment co-exist seamlessly leading to higher impact to industry and education. Employability of students is drastically increased The main purpose of the initiative is to produce highly skilled technicians who are highly acceptable by the industries. The placements of the trainees are increased. The minimum salaries offered to the trainees are increased and most important parameter is that the industries are to be satisfied by our products (students) so that they can continue the relation in future years also. Due to heavy demand of ITI students capacity expansion is being started and the seating capacity is increased from 484 to 1413 numbers in three years. All most all the students in technical trades get appointment well before the annual AITT examination. There was heavy demand to read in ITI. The capacity expanses was done 484 to 2649.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The placement data is the most important parameter to measure the success of the project. Feedbak from the students, industries are more parameter to measure the success. The quality of training imparted by the ITIs and ITCs in the whole country are evaluated by Director General of Employment & Training, Ministry of Labour & Employment Govt. of India, New Delhi. The students from each state who secure highest marks in state level skill competition conducted by respective SCTE&VTs participate in the All India skill competition. The Institute whose trainee secured highest total mark in the All India level Skill Competition is declared as the BEST INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE in India. As per the Certificate Sl. No. 0055 dated 6.01.2012 ITI, Berhampur, Ganjam, Odisha is declared best ITI in the country by Director General DGE&T, New Delhi, Govt. of India. This is possible due to exposure of the trainees to industrial environment. During rescission time also Tata motors Panthanagar who has shifted its NANO car unit from west bangle to Panthanagar Uttarakhanda had recruited more than 100 trainee by 2008-09 in campus interview.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Industries have large infrastructure and advance technology with limited manpower. The industries are not interested to allow the trainees for practical expose, As they think that this may affect their productivity. It is difficult to motivate the industries for this job . Finally, the industries were motivated by this system as they know that the industries and the trainees both are benefited specially industries were more benefited due to more technical skill manpower with minimum skill gap will be available to them. The employee/technician also motivated to train the student in their normal official hour. By organizing seminars, motivating by CII and narrating the success stories, the industries are motivated.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
Almost all the large scale industries, service stations, fabricating units. South co, Grid co., Automobile service centres in Ganjam district was surveyed. Totally 465 no of seats were located for deputing the trainees from 72 establishments. All these industries were registered by DTE&T for providing training & statutory notice was issued. The automobile sector trainees under COE were deputed during their 2 year duration course curriculum at ITI. During training the students were exposed to all the advanced model vehicles coming to the service centre. They work together with the skilled technicians of the establishments. By this the technical skill of the trainees are enhanced. During this time Modular Employability Skills is implemented by the Govt. A majority of Indian workforce does not possess marketable skills which is an impediment in getting decent employment and improving their economic condition. Large number of workforce working in the industries does not possess certificates and they are not well trained theoretically and systematic in the practical. These persons from the industries are admitted in the ITI beyond their working hour. After being trained at ITI up to 270 hour they were accessed by DGE&T, New Delhi and certified. This system helped both the persons from industries and ITI trainees. The ITI trainees are being trained by industrial people and the industrial people are being trained by ATOs of ITI. It is just like a Medical college and Hospital. The Medical students are being trained at the hospital by the doctors. At the same time the professors from Hospital take classes at the medical college. This approach gives nice results to the ITI. As the persons coming from the industries to undergo MES courses are highly skilled in practical and their experience is shared by the staffs of ITI as well as the students of ITI. By MES training after getting NCVT certificate by the non recognised skilled worker of the industries get a platform to go outside the country approximately 30 trainees so far have got overseas appointment. The workers who continue in the same industries get wages payment as a skilled labour. So their payment structure is increased. ITI, Berhampur is the only one government institute in the state who has successfully trained 372 in 2008, 346 in 2009, 559 in 2012 and 1120 in 2013 this is the highest number in every year in the state. Industries & institute work together. By this teaching hospital concept industries & institute both are benefitted. Under COE a well equipped workshop amounting 1.5 Crore is setup. This workshop is unique in the state. The industries take help of the equipments. TATA motors have signed a MOU with ITI to share the system & to provide new equipment. Since it is a continuous process of education this initiative will sustain.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
This initiative is sustainable. Industries & institute work together. By this teaching hospital concept industries & institute both are benefitted. Since it is a continuous process of education this initiative will sustain. This is also transferable as it minimizes the skill gap. Worldwide all the industries face the same technical manpower problem due to skill gap. By replicated this system world wide/nationwide to minimize the skill gap. It takes a leading role to enhance the wages of the unskilled and semiskilled workers to skilled workers after getting NCVT Certificate. The institute is taking a leading role in the southern part of Odisha to provide employment to the local youth by providing vocational training. By getting vocational training the local youths who are getting higher wages as a skilled labour. The economic condition of the local youth is increased. The main attraction is once the project started automatically it will go up. On 13-11-2014 the Chief Minister of Odisha recognized the achievement and awarded the project for “Excellence and Innovation in Governance and Public Service Delivery”. Very shortly this will be implemented throughout all Govt. institutions of the State.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
This initiative is really challenging without hampering the curriculum of the system the entire industrial visits are to be integrated with the system. We got a lot of positive motivations from the industries. Govt. has cooperated but it was a challenging task to motivate the industries. The normal work of the industries are not to be hampered. When the students visit to the industries normally the technicians have to spare their time. So, in order to motivate the workers from industries. Financial honorarium was provided. Worldwide all the industries face the same technical manpower problem due to skill gap. By replicated this system world wide/nationwide to minimize the skill gap. It takes a leading role to enhance the wages of the unskilled and semiskilled workers to skilled workers after getting NCVT Certificate. The institute is taking a leading role in the southern part of Odisha to provide employment to the local youth by providing vocational training. By getting vocational training the local youths who are getting higher wages as a skilled labour. The economic condition of the local youth is increased The result was excellent. At present Govt. is planning to implement this throughout the country.

Contact Information

Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Title:   DR.  
Telephone/ Fax:   +919438293909
Institution's / Project's Website:  
E-mail:   muna2867@gmail.com  
Postal Code:   760010
State/Province:   ODISHA

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