The initiative was proposed by the Commissioner, Women Empowerment, Ms. Kalpana Srivastava. She actively involved various stakeholders in every process of designing and implementation of project.
What the initiative is about?
ANMOL ( is the country’s first state level innovative initiative which facilitates the adoption process by bridging gaps between children and PAP's, by linking all stakeholders’ viz.: children, parents, homes, child welfare committees and the state adoption and resource agency (SARA) on a single platform/network. (PAPs) once registered with ANMOL would access all information on adoption, available children, their legal status, waiting list status online. ANMOL has brought transparency in SARA functioning and made all stakeholders’ responsive.
The Objectives
• Providing easy access to citizens /PAPs to procedures/ amendments
• To ease process of adoption.
• Ensuring strong interface between SAA, PAP's, Police, Child Welfare Society (CWC), District Authorities/DCPS (District Child Protection Society).
• Tracking status / availability of child staying in homes by gender / age, admission of children, death if any, legal status, adoption status, PAP’s registered with SAA, children available for inter-country adoption, status of adopted children till 3 years.
• Providing technical support to CWC
• Ensuring transparency and trustworthiness in SAA functioning.
• Interlinking every home to ensure expeditious delivery mechanism
• Monitoring of special cases and target monitoring.
• Developing analytical reports for management.
• Enabling management for action against irregularity/ malpractice in adoption
• Reducing no. of children in SAA & waiting of PAP’s.
• Publicity of ANMOL
Target Audience
Orphan children staying in homes and PAP's.
Description of Strategy
Base Line Study
Prior to ANMOL, an inadequate manual system was in place for adoption process. As this was the first initiative in the country there was no model or prototype to observe within the country. Hence, there was a need for a baseline study to come up with the right solution (software development). The study pointed out huge gaps between child and PAP's during the entire adoption process.
Roll out/Implementation Model
The next stage was to evolve a prototype of the solution required in the allocated timeframe and resources. A credible, reliable, accurate, flexible, transparent, accessible, responsive, dynamic, system was required to register PAP's, check availability of child in different homes in state, to monitor/ track PAP's all children and SAA, no. of cases brought before the court, no. of children adopted, no. of waiting list cleared, aligning all the SAA, monitoring timely floating of advertisements, disposal of applications, linking with CWC and police for expeditious processing, resolving queries/ problems.
Suitable hardware solutions were finalised to ensure no time lag in proposed solution. ANMOL was developed using Scrum, an iterative and incremental agile framework for managing software development. This enabled management to face unpredicted challenges and provided it space for adaptability and flexibility in the system. The algorithm and logic were developed in a months time with proper documentation right from the beginning.
This was followed by development of web application in incremental parts, which was sequentially tested and approved. Database development involved integration of data available at different homes and agencies with upcoming registration of parents. Strict care was taken in data feeding to avoid any discrepancies. Web application was ensured to run smoothly on all current popular browsers like Mozilla, Chrome, Opera and Internet Explorer. Feedback was collected again, district wise in documented form and changes were incorporated. SAA were provided with demo/training at their respective locations by trained professionals.
Communication and Dissemination Strategy
Effective communication has been taken up to promote ANMOL through advertisements hoardings, mobile applications, web and help desk etc.