4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
1) Conceptual & Strategic Planning: Officials in charge of strategic planning from two departments discussed the draft plan and various ideas on different approaches were articulated. A shared vision on how to proceed was shaped.
2) Analysis: The idea was discussed extensively by the respective personnel of the Foreign Ministry. The basic tenets of the application were laid down. Related government bodies such as Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Interior and National Airliner (Turkish Airlines) were consulted. Whole analysis has been completed within 4 months.
3) Design: After the completion of the preliminary drafts in accordance with the structure which was developed as a result of analysis, the drafts were reviewed as being user-friendly. Finally the design was completed in accordance with the input of the respective personnel working in the Foreign Ministry, totally with its own resources. (15 days for mockup, 1 month for final drafts)
4) Development: Processes of the project development have been completed accordingly. (it lasted 4 months)
5) Tests: Comprehensive tests were conducted both in Ankara headquarters and in overseas Missions. In light of the feedbacks received from the missions and the evaluations made at the capital, a roadmap was outlined to accommodate the debugging and further development phases and the system has been determined to be made operational in 15 days.
6) An online Support Desk and call center were established before the project was launched to reply questions of the users.
7) The application was launched at the 17th of April 2013.
8) Embassies in Ankara were briefed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the new application before the project was launched.
9) Further Development: The application was modified and improved in line with the feedback received from the users; in this context, the following changes were adapted to the project.
9-a) In the beginning the application was made available in English only. Then, Turkish, French, Spanish, German, and Polish have been added. In near future, more languages, (Dutch, Norwegian, Chinese and Arabic) will be added into the system.
9-b) Group and family applications have been made possible for tour operators and families.
9-c) Payment methods have been diversified.
9-d) Citizens of 101 countries can obtain their e-Visas over the system now. The number of countries will be increased.
9-e) E-Visa kiosks have been placed and free Wi-Fi areas have been created at major Turkish airports for foreigners arriving in Turkey without visas.
9-f) Turkish Foreign Ministry is trying to make protocols with various Airlines so that citizens of certain countries can get e-Visa with the condition that they travel to Turkey by these Airlines companies. To that end, web services have been implemented in order to make the Airline companies issue e-Visa.
9-g) The application can be made only for touristic and trade purposes at the moment. But, there are attempts to enable people to take also their work and study visas by the way of electronic visa application system in near future, therefore there will be saved more time and energy to the benefit of citizens of different countries.
9-h) The practice of visa upon arrival will be replaced by e-Visa soon.
9-i) The application was also introduced in the social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
During the design and implementation of the initiative, together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the respective personnel from the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Directorate General Of Migration Management, TÜRSAB (Association of Turkish Travel Agencies), Turkish Airlines and Pegasus Airlines worked closely.
The security clearances of the visa-applicants have been acquired on-the-fly by the web service, provided with the Ministry of Interior which is in charge of homeland security. Thus, the motto for having the system faster and safer has been succeeded.
As a result of the work carried out by the Ministry of Finance, the visa application fees are being paid online.
When the visitors arrive in the border, they don’t need to submit any additional print, as their visa information is being transmitted directly on the system to “Directorate General of Migration Management “as soon as their visa is issued. Therefore, there is no paper waste.
TÜRSAB (Association of Turkish Travel Agencies) has provided information to the travel agencies and helped receiving feedback.
The Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Turkish Embassies, Consulate Generals, Turkish Airlines and Pegasus Airlines have contributed to advertising activities.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
The sources have been mobilized by the Directorate for Information Technologies of the Foreign Ministry to achieve user friendly and technically sound e-Visa application.
A work group has been formed in the Directorate for Information Technologies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The group has been comprised of administrative personnel, analysts, designers, developers, testers and user assistants. Technical infrastructure of the Ministry has been made use of. No additional budget has been allocated to develop the application.
Additionally, the personnel, who have already been employed under the UNDP project for the e-Consulate services of the Foreign Ministry, has contributed to e-visa system development. In this sense, UNDP has contributed to the initiative indirectly.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
1) Since 17 April 2013 up to now 7.3 million foreigners have visited the web site and the system has issued 5.7 million e-Visas. They seem to be quite satisfied with it (For the comments posted on the website: https://www.evisa.gov.tr/en/comments/)
2) Approximately, more than 120 million USD has been collected as visa fee, which has been directly transferred to the Treasury as of the starting date.
3) Significant amount of time has been saved on the part of Turkish authorities. Approximately, each day avg. 10,500 people make visa applications by using e-visa application system. This figure increases to an average of 40-50 thousands during the summer season. If we think that each people spends 15 minutes while waiting in visa lines at the airports or consulates, this means that these 10,500 people saved roughly 105,000 minutes (72.9 days) by choosing e-visa application system.
4) Considerable amount of time has been saved by the foreigners who has visited Turkey with e-Visa.
5) We could reach out to thousands of people, who didn’t have a Turkish mission in their vicinity. The statistics show that the number of visitors from these countries have increased by 21,09 per cent in the first half of 2014 compared to the same period in 2013.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The application has been monitored over several different ways:
The system features administration dashboard, which instantly displays the real time data such as, number of e-Visas issued, the amount of money collected, the number of the web site visitors. There is also a separate section which displays information regarding the applicants. The information provided can be used for various statistics studies.
Besides, there is a section devoted to feedbacks, giving the comments and impressions about the whole process. There is an optional questionnaire on the e-Visa download page where applicants evaluate their overall satisfaction by giving votes (on a scale of 1 to 5 stars) and commenting. The questions and suggestions of the applicants could also be given over a “contact us” page. (https://www.evisa.gov.tr)
Feedback received through both channels are collected in a single pool and replied by support desk staff. All these feedbacks are statistically examined and used to improve the system.
The mentioned data as well as the visitors’ statistical data in different fields, who use the system, are collected in an analytical system and used regularly for various reports. In this way, the different characteristics of the people who visit the site, can be evaluated altogether.
By using the assessments of the users, the improvements stated below have been carried out;
When it has been observed that making single applications for large families and visiting groups, two new options have been added to the system. With the new “family application” option, any member of the family can add other applicants (up to 10 people) by simply uploading an Excel document, containing the information of the applicants. Hence, “group applications” option offers agencies a practical way to create for a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 300 applicants in a very similar way. As the payments are made only once in these multiple application types, time cannot be disregarded.
Although the system was originally in English, upon the demands and the results of statistical analysis of the languages the users use in their computers, it has been decided to add new languages. So that, French, Spanish, German, Polish languages have recently been added to the system, and Dutch, Norwegian, Chinese and Arabic languages will be added to the system in the near future.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The most frequently encountered challenge while developing the solution was to adapt for entries of the data with varying features. Since the applicants themselves entered the data, it was really difficult to collect the data and ensure that the data-entry fields are relevant-for-all. From the date formats to the rules of script, scores of problems had to be addressed and many features needed improvement. For instance, while rendering the surname field “optional” on online application for some countries where “surname” was not an established practice, the software team had to ensure that even 50-year-valid passport could be used in the system as well.
On another specific note, the system was expected to accommodate the entries of dates and not to render applications with non-traditional date formats invalid. Despite the automatically opening calendar-check, it was witnessed through feedbacks that the applicants entered irrelevant date inputs. This particular challenge, which involved a vital piece of information on their visits was addressed without any need for applicants to change their usual practice and switch to one single date format and still enabling them to type-in the dates. A new feature was developed where the users entered (either typed or cursor-clicked) input on “date” fields, the detailed form of that specific date was displayed instantly. Consequently, it has been seen that the inconvenience was addressed.
Another obstacle was to entertain all requests sent by the users. Local practices that bound us did not make much sense for the users in some cases. For example, some users did not want to enter their parents’ names in the related fields, as some of them claimed that they did not have this information. We had difficult time explaining this situation to our customs authorities. Yet we finally did and information about parents became optional to fill up.