Prefeitura do Jaboatão dos Guararapes

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
The city of Jaboatão dos Guararapes is the second largest municipality in the state of Pernambuco, Northeastern region of Brazil, with 644,000 inhabitants.Despite an increasein theHuman Development Index (HDI) – from 0.625in 2000 to0.717in 2010, poverty, low educational attainment, poor health with high infant mortality and violence were among the major social problems of the population before the implementation of the initiative. In 2010, medium annual income was R$ 12,009 (US$ 4,517), below the Pernambuco State average. The city had high poverty levels with one fifth of the head of the households (21%) earning up to ¼ of the minimum wage. Social inequalities were also present. The Gini coefficient was 0.5961 in 2010. Educational level of population was low with a 14.7% grade failure rate and 42% school drop out rate in 2008. Among the 173,311 youth citizens aged 15 to 29 years old (28% of the total population), only 40% were attending school or university and 27% were neither attending school nor working. This figure also reflects the high levels of unemployment and lack of opportunities for personal development among the youth population. In 2008, the infant mortality was 19.7 per 1,000 children. Most deaths were due to lack of sanitation, diarrhea and infectious diseases, all preventable causes. Jaboatão dos Guararapesreached a record position in violence in 2006. It scored as the 7th most violent city of Brazil, according to the Map of Violence. The homicide rate among the youth population was 178.3 per 100,000 15 to 24 years old inhabitants. In addition to the social problems, the city’s public administration system was a complete chaos.Social welfare, education, health, infrastructure, finances and management systems were disorganized and fragmented. There were no systematic social welfare policies. The public educational system was precarious with no pedagogical development policies and not even school buildings. In 2008, 80% of the schools were running in rented buildings.Public basic infrastructure and utilities did not reach most of the population; only 3% of the households were connected to the municipal sewage system, only 10% of the households had garbage collection and only 10% of the streets were paved. The financial situation of the city’s administration was incredibly difficult with high debt and total default with public banks and federal agencies. Finally, there were poor strategic planning, monitoring, reporting and evaluating of public policies. Management of the public policies and actions were based on improvisation and individual interventions, with no prioritization of actions, project delays and poor optimization of resources. The information flowed in a disorganized and unreliable way, andreporting of the policies and actions were done using spreadsheets and power point presentations with inconsistent information that quickly became outdated.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
At the beginning of the current municipal administration, in 2009, the city administrators implemented a sharp transition of the governance model, characterized by meeting and strengthening the social demands. The problems identified above required a more structured intervention with implementation of public policies that could boost projects and initiatives around the inclusion of citizens, historically excluded from the administrative process. Public policies were then formulated by community advisory committees, resulting in more than 1,000 actions proposed by citizens and city administration departments and agencies. To implement these actions, the mayor called for a solution - a new management model involving modern, fast, and efficient whole-of-government mechanisms to integrate all Municipal departments and agencies, with a focus on results and improvements of the negative indicators found in the early scan. The Municipal Department of Planning, Management and Economic Development-SEPLAG was charged with this task. The proposed initiative is a new management model for strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation of the public administration with the use of collaborative and integrated decision support system and information technology tools. The target public of the initiative is the municipal managers and administrators as the direct beneficiaries and all the population of Jaboatão dos Guararapes as indirect beneficiaries. As the cornerstone for establishing a new standard of municipal management, the following guiding principles for the new Collegiate Management Model were defined: 1. Transparent, democratic, participatory, decentralized and integrated public management; 2. Planning, monitoring and ongoing evaluation; 3. Optimization of resources for the execution of actions; 4. Consolidation of regionalized actions; 5. Development of mechanisms for ongoing communication with society. The execution of the new management model was based on two strategies: • Implementation of a new decision support system based on streamlined information flow, shared administrative and financial decisions, transparency and accountability known as the Collegiate Board System. The Collegiate Boards are formed by staff from the different administrative departments and agencies responsible for the Strategic Plan operationalization. Inter-departmental meetings to overcome barriers for implementation of the plan known as the Situational Meeting Rooms are conducted as needed using conflict resolution methods.Overall analysis of the actions and goal achievementshappens at the Cycles of Monitoring and Evaluation (CMA) of the Government Action. • Adoption of a web-based technology solution, known as the Integrated System for Monitoring and Management (Sistema Integrado de Monitoramento e Gestao – SIMAG) that could not only be a repository for data from the Register of Scheduled Actions of the Strategic Plan, but also evolve along with the ramifications of those actions in a dynamic, easily understandable and practical way. The SIMAG is characterized by: 1. Hierarchical Structure: Sub-actions are grouped under planned actions that are connected to axes and public policies. 2. Management Maturation: With a process of "choices and prioritization" of Actions, we included information about the staff accountable for the action and timeline. 3. Commitment to Effectiveness: With the process of "control and evaluation", we establish and report the degree of implementation of actions and sub-actions. 4. Shared System: The SIMAG tool is based on shared systems with cloud computing and mobile device compatibility for seamless integration. 5. Transparency: The SIMAG tool will allow citizens to access in real time the information on progress on the actions aiming to foster population participation in policy-making. By integrating vital government services across different agencies using collaborative dynamic processes andsystems with open dataand cloud computing for seamless integration, the Collegiate management model and the innovative tool SIMAG enhanced organizational performance, minimized duplication of efforts and reduced costs through knowledge sharing and data exchange and more effective deployment of resources.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
The Collegiate Management Model and the SIMAG tool present as a differential the adoption of methods of well-defined activities (accountability, timelines and targets), the introduction of new concepts and values and the use of a computerized tool available on the web environment. This is innovation, especially in a public sphere that traditionally does not use these methods in their processes of municipal governance. Much more than a simple tool of "registration" of the Strategic Plan, the ICT tool is a "single-product" belonging to the Collegiate Management Model.The systematic activities of monitoring and evaluation bring results and relevant efficiency gains, once the actions are discussed in an integrated manner and everyone who is involved participate actively to handle and solve existing setbacks and ensure the deadlines and the targets previously established are met. Another factor is the transparency and the governance that were unknown concepts and values in previous administrations. This new governance practices has been consolidated between internal teams of the municipal administration. The Mayor monitors the actions through SIMAG. The Secretaries monitor their respective policies and actions on specific boards through SIMAG. The Collegiate Management Model and the SIMAG tool are innovative and creative solutions for public management.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
The Collegiate Management Model and the SIMAG tool were implemented using improvement cycles with four phases: exploration, installation, implementation and extension. The implementation of the strategy demanded redefinitions and constant improvements in the functional system requirements to ensure that the construction of the SIMAG tool met the needs and specificities of Jaboatão dos Guararapes, guaranteeing the premises and the institutionalization of the new collegiate management model. In the exploration phase, the following activities were conducted: • Assessment of the appropriateness of the management model; • Definition and hierarchization of the strategic axes of the public policies; • Quality information survey; • Environmental scan including a diagnosis of the regional economies; • Definition of goals and products, based on indicators; • Strategic alignment of goals; and • Development of the SIMAG tool. In the installation phase, planning agents were qualified, priority actions were registered, teamwork was promoted, and education of executives and managers regarding the new management model and tools was provided. In the implementation phase, technical and operational support to administration staff was provided; frequent meetings of the Collegiate Management Boards were conducted (as described below); frequent reports for monitoring and tracking of the planned actions were generated; and presentations of progress towards reaching the goals were done for various audiences including citizens and administrative personnel from other cities. The Collegiate Management Model has different Collegiate Boards at three hierarchical levels: 1) Collegiate of Strategic Management of the Government formed by the Mayor, Vice Mayor, municipal and executive secretaries and special advisors (bimonthly meeting); 2) Collegiate of Departmental Management formed by municipal and executive secretaries, advisors and managers (weekly meeting); and 3) Collegiate of Departmental Extended Management - formed by the above described including coordinators and center directors (bimonthly meeting).In addition to the bimonthly or weekly meetings, Situational Room Meetings are conducted by demand from Departments to resolve problems related to specific actions; and Cycles of Monitoring and Evaluation (CMA) of the Government Action are conducted monthly for a global analysis of the actions and goal achievement with the mayor and a broad set of stakeholders. In the extension phase, feedback from executive and management staff were obtained for the continuous improvement of the model and the tools; evaluation of enhancements to the model is being conducted and plans to expand the capabilities of the SIMAG tool are under way. SIMAG Communities is a great innovation being developed now that will allow citizens to access in real time the information on progress on the actions, to send messages to the mayor and to share information on social networks. It will be a powerful tool to foster population participation in policy-making.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
The highlight on the design and implementation of the strategy was the Mayor who broke down barriers and prejudices and encouraged the accomplishment of the project because he believed in the benefits that the implementation of such management model would bring to the administration and, consequently, the population in general. Several departments of the civil administration contributed to the development of the initiative. In particular, the Department of Planning, Management and Economic Development-SEPLAG was responsible for the development and implementation of the Collegiate Management Model and oversight of the development of the SIMAG tool. The SIMAG tool was developed through a partnership between the Jaboatão dos Guararapes City Hall and the software development private company FACILIT from Porto Digital, Recife- PE. The system uses Java programming language and features a panel based on the Communis platform and Portlet Container technology. SIMAG is cloud-based and accessed through secured login from the Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers at The tool has more than 100 features that directly serve the Collegiate management model. Relevant civil servants included the following: Secretary FátimaLacerda who coordinated the initial discussions; Secretaries MirtesCordeiro and Teresa Falangolawho executed the system implementation; manager Nereida Pontes and monitoring and evaluation coordinators JosuéCavalcanti and Marcos Dias who executed the mapping of theinformation system architecture, trained technical staff and provided technical support. In a more comprehensive manner all executives and managers of the City Hall who use the decision support system and tools in their daily routine contributed to the improvement and expansion of the initiative. Finally, citizens were involved in the implementation as the reason for this new management model is to improve our ability to deliver public policies to the population and cause a positive impact.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Our biggest problem was promoting the financial viability of the project, since the city still needed to fulfill the basic needs of the population, such as sanitation, education, health etc. However, we realized that without this new management model we would be delaying and even defaulting the delivery of products and results for the population.After many internal discussions we achieved a consensus about the need of financial resources to implement the initiative and the possibility of a positive return of investment both in the short and long terms. Financial resources were then provided by the city administration. Costs for the technical assistance from the FACILIT Company to develop and support the SIMAG tool included monthly payments of US$11,000 (R$30,000) since 2010 which totals approximately US$385,000 (R$ 1,030,000). The development and implementation costs of the SIMAG tool were indirectly subsidized by Pernambuco State Government given that the company is part of the Porto Digital, a hub of information technology and creative businesses, which receive incentives from the State government. Costs for human resources involved the creation of the Superintendence of Governance Systems, Management, Monitoring and Evaluation within the Executive Department of Planning, Coordination and Evaluation with a staff of 10 people to provide assistance in the implementation of the initiative. Monthly costs per person is on average US$1,000 (R$ 2,680), which totals so far approximately US$480,000 (R$1,286,400). In addition, all departments of the city administration have a planning and monitoring structure with staff partially dedicated for feeding the system and participating at the Collegiate Boards. Since they are involved in other activities, not only the management activities, it was not possible to assess the costs of these managers.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
The main concrete outputs that contributed to the success of the implementation of the Collegiate Management Model were 1) the technical design of an improved management model with strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation of public administration actions and policies;2) the specification of processes, measurements and status reports that pertain to the planning and management of the actions; and 3) the SIMAG information and communication technology tool for tracking the planning and execution of the actions and policies. The initiative resulted in the design of a management model that values shared-decision making, transparency, autonomy, integration, accountability, optimization and efficiency, planning, monitoring and ongoing evaluation. It was a complete restructuration of the internal organization, with better understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each area and individual and with better communication and conflict resolution. The initiative defined the administration’s strategic focus with planned actions, defined goals and outcome indicators that were known and attainable; identified the key barriers and bottlenecks in the flow of execution of actions rationalizing the use of public funds andincreasing the completion of bureaucratic processes, with greater agility and efficiencyof the administrative machinery. This has been possible by the development and implementation of rules and clearly defined and standardized procedures and reporting, minimizing the communication problems and conflicts arising from the blurring of responsibilities of the different bodies of the institution. The ICT output was the SIMAG tool that allowed executives and managers to track the planning and execution of the strategic plan actions and policies, assign responsible actors and timeline, avoid duplication of efforts, and bring agility to the public administration. Other outputs of the intervention werethe knowledge and experience that all stakeholders involved in the process gained; and most importantly the organizational culture change.The initiative promoted a culture change in the municipal management with the appreciation of the planning and monitoring of the programs and projects, and respect for pre-established goals. The interventionmotivated the municipal departments and agencies to work collaboratively with the staff being accountable for their actions, and also aware of the actions being done by others.Engagement of stakeholders is high. Currently about 80% of the actions being planned or executed by the departments and agencies are being monitored, a striking contrast with the 0% at the beginning of the current administration.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The monitoring and evaluation of the Collegiate Management Model and its tool SIMAG is done systematically by managers. In the beginning of the implementation, it had a schedule that involved adjustments in the system, adequacy to the reality of the city, planning and registration of the actions of the Secretariats, and the monitoring of the actions in the Departments. In addition, current weekly meetings are held with managers to assess the needs for corrective actions. Managers also used the SIMAG tool for the planning and monitoring of the actions involved in the implementation of the initiative.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Resistance accompanies every change in public management because people prefer to deal with their sediment practices and do not usually bet on the new. In this sense, our main problem was related to the understanding of managers and executives that the new management model and the SIMAG tool were to improve the performance of actions and not just a monitoring system. People distrusted in the management area of the City Hall. They did not believe that there would be direct financial return to the population, since this initiative is primarily geared for management. The courage of the mayor to invest in such a system resulted in a breakthrough not only for managers, but also for the population.The need for change and better organizational structure for achieving the desired goals and consolidation of a channel of communication with the population generated a strong motivation and commitment of the strategic team that supported the work with much credibility.The initial questions and concerns of some employees were dispelled by the use of a participatory methodology that allowed collective discussion and provided the contribution of all, adopting attitudes of transparency with full disclosure of the material produced at each stage of the process. In this context, we have observed a significant culture change on the part of the staff of municipal managers. The cultural impact upon the Municipal staff managers have been assessed in relation to the significant number of projects deployed and monitored by SIMAG. Currently 80% of all the projects of municipal departments are being monitored in contrast to 0% before the initiative. This fact alone reinforces the cultural transformation of the municipal managers in enhancing the planning of their projects and engagement in the monitoring activities of their projects respecting the pre-established goals.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
Direct and indirect gains of thenew Management Model are the impact in the processes of the municipal administration and in the reduction of the negative indicators of the population.Since its implementation, progress towards better social conditions for the population has been reached. Among other public policies, policies to reduce poverty and violence and improve education, health and infrastructure have been implemented with the support of the initiative. The initiative had a central role in the efficient planning and implementation of the activities, the monitoring of the progress towards achieving the established goals in a timely manner and the reporting of the activities and outcomes. In relation to poverty and welfare policies, the city’s administration expanded several programs. Expansion of Reference Centers for Social Welfare (Centro de Referência para Atenção Social – CRAS) from 5 to 13 units increased by 55% the provision of multiple welfare services to families. The Network for Protection of Children and Youth was strengthened resulting in reduction of youth violence and homicides (see below). In the “BolsaFamília” Program – a federal program that provides monthly cash incentives for families living below or at the poverty level for children’s vaccination and school attendance, enrollment increased by 57% from 42,000 to over 66,000 beneficiary families. A concerted effort led by the Youthandthe SocialAssistance Departments resulted in a dramatic decrease in the homicide rate in Jaboatão dos Guararapes. From 2008 to 2014, the city moved from the 4th to the 172nd position in the rank of the most violent cities in Pernambuco State. One example of the actions taken was the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan for Drug Policy: Prevention, Suppression, Assistance and Reintegration as part of the Network for Protection of Children and Youth. In relation to education, the municipal administration led by the Education Department performed several actions to improve access and quality. Through the implementation of the pedagogical improvement program, the municipal administration provided continuing education courses, distributed educational materials to students and teachers, uniforms to students, and 2,000 laptops for teachers with an investment of more than US$ 3.2 million. Physical conditions of the schools were improved by acquisition of 51 land lots with construction of 25 buildings so far. School attendance was made a priority and the project Active Search identified school and preschool children not attending school and helped families to enroll them, These actions aided by welfare and health policies resulted in improvements in the indicators between 2008 and 2013: 30% reduction in the failure rate from 14.7% to 10.3%; 84% reduction in the dropout rate from 42% to 7%; and 1st place in the National Evaluation of Grade School Students (IDEB) among the Recife Metropolitan Region municipalities. In relation to health, the initiative helped the strategic planning and monitoring of the actions led by the Health Department. The coverage of the primary and secondary prevention program - Family Health Strategy increased 25% from 72 to 90 communities. Nine health facilities were constructed,90 renovated and a laboratory with molecular biology was restructured. Vaccination campaigns were improved and home care services implemented. These actions aided by welfare, educational and infrastructure policies resulted in 35% reduction in infant mortality from 19.7 in 2008 to 12.3 in 2013. Infrastructure was greatly improved after the implementation of the initiative with major projects being monitored and completed in the city. Infrastructure actions to improve mobility included construction of two major transportation hubs (binaries), re-qualification of two major avenues with addition of bicycle paths, and paving and drainage of 1,000 main transportation corridors and streets. Infrastructure actions to improve sanitation included the closure of an open-air landfill, renovation of the sewage system and 80% coverage of garbage collection systemwith implementation of selective garbage collection, The biggest infrastructure project was the Fattening of the Beach; which consisted of regenerating 5.8 km of seafront (about 76% of the total extension) destroyed by marine erosion using hydraulic fill (30-meter fattening). The program Community That Works was implemented and, with the active participation of community members, 240 public equipments were constructed. These infrastructure actions improved the quality of life of the population, increased mobility, leisure, culture and sports activities as well as tourism activities.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
Given the organizational culture change and positive impact of the implementation of the Collegiate Management Model and the SIMAG platform, the initiative seems to be sustainable. The model has been in full operation since 2010, and has already been institutionalized. SIMAG has received more than 3,500shares andregisteredsub actions. To ensure continuity of the initiative, a budget to cover the human and financial resources needed for maintaining the 10 planning consultants and the SIMAG tool has been allocated, respecting the annual budget laws (LOA) and other financial regulations. The initiative has potential to bereplicated toother administration systemsbecausethe strategic planning and monitoring processes are simple and effective and the SIMAG platform can be acquired and tailored to the needs of different entities.The expansioncould applytoother administrativespheresother thantheMunicipaljurisdiction. Thegeneral conceptofmanagementmodel, monitoring and evaluationsystems can be transferable as long as it is adjusted tothe realityof each organization.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
The quest for efficiency and transparency in publicadministration has required a continuous effort to improve management practices. In this context, the use of strategic planning and techniques for monitoring and evaluation are crucial for a better understanding of the performance of governmental actionsand use of public resources. The planning of strategic actions linked to a computerized tool had a positive impact on the strengthening of the organization culture. Currently, managers of all Secretariats consider the strategic planning and monitoring activities with the use of SIMAG part of their routine work. This is a strong ally in confronting challenges in public management and efficient use of resources. Thefactor “informationtechnology”is crucialfor anymanagementto streamlineits flows, for completeconnectivity,monitoring and evaluation ofactions, processes and outcomeindicators and to contribute tothedecision making and/orredirectionofprojectsin real timefrom the perspective ofeffectivenessand consolidation ofMunicipalManagement. Thus, based on the strategic guidelines of the newmanagement modelof the Municipality of Jaboatão dos Guararapes, we learn, believeand increasinglyimplementthe monitoringandevaluationof the government actionsthrough this system. Itdrives usto promotea transparent, democratic,participatory, decentralized and integrated public administration. With this aim, our next challengeis to consolidatethe access toSIMAGfor anycitizento monitor the implementationofactionsof interest through the program JABOATÃO EM MUDANÇA (Jaboatão in times of change). Citizens will be able to access the information about the strategic plan and its actions and policies in real time. It is a breakthrough not only for managers, but also for the population, that can access the public works done in their area and communicate directly with the mayor, bringing transparency to the actions taken.The participation of the citizens in the monitoring of the actions will generate greater visibility for these City Hall bodies and will move the concept of citizen awareness forward.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Prefeitura do Jaboatão dos Guararapes
Institution Type:   Other  
Contact Person:   Teresa Falangola
Title:   Executive Secretary of Planning, Management and Ev  
Telephone/ Fax:   +55 (81) 3476-9805
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   Avenida General Barreto de Menezes, n° 1648, Prazeres
Postal Code:   54330-900
City:   Jaboatão dos Guararapes
State/Province:   Pernambuco

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