The Achievement of Efficiency Through the Intermediary of the Motivation of People (AMP)
Prefeitura Municipal de Duque de Caxias

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
As we began activities ahead the City Department of Administration we identified the absence of motivation from servants as well as disbelief and distrust in the announced changes as a great problem to be faced and solved. This is because the social tissue was very affected due to various harmful practices that have been developed over the years that favored few over many. Furthermore, there were several other issues that needed urgent answers and results, such as: (a) high number of lost and paralyzed administrative processes; (b) errors in payment of the servants that were above the constitutional limit, producing severe damage to the public exchequer; (c) overpayments of subsidies for political agents who were in disagreement to the law; (d) the incorporation of values to the remuneration of servants through improper or fraudulent way; (e) overpriced billed contracts; (f) loss of control in the procedural course; (g) uncontrolled payroll causing losses to the municipality as salary differences were inserted in obscure way in the remuneration of servants; (h) the absence of mechanisms to supervise movable and immovable property of the municipality; (i) lack of training and qualification of servants; (l) nonexistence of a digital database; (m) the existence of "ghosts" servants and the consequent necessity of relisting the servants; (n) nonexistence of procedures for the documents course and administrative procedures; (o) inadequate and unsanitary facilities for the performance of work activities inside the Municipal Administration.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
From the various problems encountered, the City Department of Administration, in accordance to the ideals also dispelled by the municipal executive chief, namely to valorize the human capital and promote the recovery of infrastructure, without forgetting the urgent need to promote interventions on the payroll of the county, determined that measures based on ethics and efficiency were immediately adopted, This is because different measures were taken in violation of the law and contrary to public morality, which produced severe damage to the exchequer. For this reason, five pillars were defined as being essential for the organ action: 1) the adoption of austerity measures and control the payment of active servants; 2) adoption of qualification policies and human capital welfare; 3) adoption of control measures and standardization of process flow; 4) adoption of sustainable practices; 5) restructuring of the organ infrastructure, procedures and administrative activities. Immediately, it was observed that politicians received values above the constitutional limit, as well as advantages and bonuses at odds to the Article 39, § 4 of the 1988 Constitution: which professes: "The member of power, the holder of an elective office the Ministers of State and state and municipal secretaries will be paid exclusively by fixed subsidy a single installment, prohibited the addition of any bonus, extra, reward, expense account or other remuneration species obeyed in any case, the provisions of Article 37, X and XI. In the same vein, several servants were receiving their salaries without observing the constitutional limit on their salaries and had fraudulently incorporated values. Control measures and compliance with legal commandments were taken providing to the public coffers such an economy in the order of more than R$ 20 million reais, as well as the reimbursement of improperly amounts received was determined. Regarding the politics of recognition and qualification of human capital, which were until then non-existent, mechanisms based on meritocracy have been implemented, as well as new ways were made available for developers team to qualify themselves, thus ensuring provision of a quality service to the whole society. This fact has been widely recognized, raising the Municipal Administration of the municipality to a situation never before experienced: to be qualified as one of the top 100 secretaries in Brazil. It was also observed that the administrative processes had no effective control in their course. In the analysis of the year 2012, only 200 processes were processed in the Office of the Secretary City Department of Administration. In the year 2013, considering the same computation period, it reached the astonishing number of almost 20,000 processes dispatched, which showed the changes implemented by the organ. Sustainability and consciousness practices were adopted, generating savings in materials and reducing waste production, a fact of significant impact on operating costs of the organ, and especially the reduction of waste production, historic landmark in Duque de Caxias, worldwide known for this unfortunate history of bad disposal of solid waste.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
Incontestable fact is that the Municipal Administration found itself in a situation of true abandonment. In previous administrations, there were no measures that seek the development of human resources, improvement of working conditions and infrastructure, and there was mo adoption of tools that optimized working routines. The initiative fits as innovative as it availed by its own human capital to achieve own goals, striving for economy, so with zero cost and engendering excellent results. The goals presented were only achieved because of the initiative of the City Department of Administration backed by the Municipal Chief Executive. They have implemented a new way of managing public affairs, basing the acts, as stated in the preceding lines, on the enhancement of human capital.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
To solve the problems described in item 1, a general action plan (attached) was elaborated, being replicated in a particular way by all departments of the organ (four in total). 1 - adoption of measures on the payroll of serving personnel: payments made to the servants got along under the breach of constitutional principles and even of municipal legislation. This fact occasioned damage the public exchequer, judging by improper expenditure of amounts. Legal measures adjustments needed to be made. Nevertheless, there were no routines for granting benefits and preparation of the payroll, resulting in time-consuming and often erroneous concessions; delay in making payments and recurrently payments made in error, causing damage to municipal servants. 2 - Adoption of actions and policies of qualification of personnel: there were no incentive and qualification of human capital programs. Fact which caused generated discontent by the servants, low self-esteem, unproductive service and low quality. Carrying out activities aimed at physical, mental activities and professional well-being, as well as the the range of activities for training of employees is substantial for providing a quality and effective public service. 3 - Revision of the procedural flow and processing of documents: the quest for breaking the culture of "it has always been that way" is essential so that significant changes can be brought to the cape. The lack of flow control of processes and documents massive delays occasioned unnecessary considering ways they roamed, not to mention the constant loss of processes and documents, causing damage to the applicants. Therefore, the normalization of the flow and the adoption of effective control mechanisms, as well as the daily guidance of those involved in the process is primordial to provide a service of quality. 4 - Adoption of sustainable practices: the adoption of a culture of conscious and regimented use of materials hadn’t existed. This fact entailed in unnecessary expenditure of various materials, impacting negatively and significantly in the budget and, most important, the environment. Thus, reversing this scenario is essential to preserve the environment and also to reduce costs. 5 - Restructuring the infrastructure, procedures and activities: the rooms of the organ were found in a state of abandonment and precariousness. In this sense, the Municipal Administration acted as centralizer organ for various demands, creating problems for the definition of tasks and responsibilities and, anyway, to achieve the ascertainment of them. The completion of infrastructure works and a review of activities and their subsequent normalization were more than necessary for the proper achievement of the organ activities.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
In order to qualify servants and reverse the situation here presented, a partnership with the School of Management Accounts and the Audit Court of the State of Rio de Janeiro, responsible for external control of the activities of the municipality was held. The goal was to offer the skilled workers essential to the performance of their duties within the public administration areas. Among the activities, we highlight those related to the improvement in text production, application of the Fiscal Responsibility Law in designing public budget, thereby aiming to improve the efficiency of the accounts of the municipality and the ongoing management of people, this particularly directly linked to innovative proposals practiced by the current municipal administration.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
In order to achieve the settled goals, we started to make a study of the human capital of the Municipal Administration. As explained in item 3, the initiatives have zero cost to public funds. With motivation of staff, the servants were relocated, efficiently, at which time the organ began to develop efficiently results presented here.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
As already explained, the situation in the city was, in general, a chaos. Several measures were taken in order to reverse the scenario previously presented under the Municipal Administration, among them, the adequacy of the salaries to the constitutional limit, when the “super salaries” were removed from the payroll of the municipality as well as was reviewed the salaries of values incorporation, once there were illegal cases. The rules for granting benefits were also revised, such as extra classes, pays for double shifts works and payment of liabilities, which led to decreased these liabilities and therefore turned into a satisfaction factor for the municipal servant. Noteworthy is that such measures have generated savings of around R$ 12 million. The savings brought through the actions of austerity could be reversed in public services to citizens, such as paving of streets, the reconstruction and opening of hospitals, reconstruction and opening of day nurseries and schools. Such measures brought Duque de Caxias as an example to be followed at national and international level, such as in the V Congreso Internacional en Gobierno, Administración and Políticas Públicas and in the XIX Congreso Internacional del Centro Latino Americano de Administración para el Desarrollo.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
In order to monitor and ensure the full effectiveness of the measures put in motion, the use of action plans by the departments of the organ, with particular coadunated measures was needed. Thus, the presentation of evolutionary monthly reports are prepared by the department and forwarded to the discretion of the City Department of Administration which, in turn, verifies if the actions were initiated and are in progress according to the general plan. After this analysis, specific meetings are held on the matter, at which time department directors can explain clearly their goals and results, and share experiences with other directors to keep all departments guided toward the same goals. It is worth clarifying that the departments, although possess specific skills, are harmonious with each other and interact during the development of all administrative activity. Soon, meetings and dissemination of results are essential for adaptations, even made by other departments not the developer's goal.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Changes to be implemented generate, at first, negative reaction in most of people that will be affected. The main obstacles observed during the transformation process fit to those related to human capital and the lack of proper care of the infrastructure of the organ. This can be evidenced by the disbelief and also the lack of faith in a promising scenario. The total abandonment that has been perpetuated for years became part of everyday life of the servants. The initial impression was of a lifeless place where people worked in repetitive and mechanical manner, without any stimulus. Another factor presented as an obstacle was the need to implement new work routines. As already mentioned, the municipal servants performed their daily tasks repetitively, mechanically and somewhat archaic. It required the deconstruction of what is presented and the implementation of a new working methodology based on the human capital. New methods and tools began to be used, the analysis of potential talent began to be performed, allowing the servants that were previously ignored to raise their voice and opinion and propose changes. Regarding to the organ infrastructure, several works and repairs had been hired by previous managers, but had never been implemented. Immediately, the analysis of such situation was realized and needed repair to improve the quality of work and life of public servants were initiated.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
Unfortunately, many problems accrue from a lack of attention to public affairs. Actions were triggered outside the law to serve the interests of few over the needs of the community. It is not by chance that the Brazilian constitutional legislator erected at the constitutional level principles of administrative activity inserted in Article 37 of Federal Constitution caput, namely, the principles of legality, impersonality, morality, publicity and efficiency that should guide all actions of management of public affairs. This involves the public administration, unlike what happened in the past, that their conduct and legal actions must be produced in compliance with applicable legal standards with clear aim to achieve the best possible results towards the collectivity. Therefore, public management necessarily involves continuous monitoring, diligent and professional attitude of the manager responsible so that no harm is done to public treasury. It is not by chance that the Fiscal Responsibility Act assigns severe punishment to those who adopt awkward postures in the conduction of the public affairs. In this sense, only with the actions of austerity that have been implemented within the Department of Administration of Duque de Caxias, throughout the year 2013, duly presented in this study, the City reached the relevant figure of approximately R$ 20,000,000.00 (twenty million reais) savings per year, a value already better spent on public works services, such as the reform of schools, day nurseries and construction of health facilities, paving roads, drainage, sewerage, among others. It’s meaningful to highlight the significant change in the processing of cases. It outstripped the mark of 200 cases a year to the substantial sum of almost 20,000 processes in 2013. Even in 2014, counting up to the month of August, the organ has already provided the processing of more than 21,000 processes, numbers demonstrating the compromise of the current administration with the ETHICS, EFFICIENCY and TRANSPARENCY. However, measuring the impact of the initiative is essential to assess the quality of the job in progress stage. For that and, as noted in the upper lines, it was used as reference data in previous years, and for surprise, all of them were, by far, surpassed.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
By sustainable development is understood a way development that meets the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to achieve the satisfaction of their own interests. Thus, the sustainability has, as its content, the maintenance of vital bases of production and reproduction of human beings and their activities, ensuring a satisfactory relationship with their environment. Regarding organizational sustainability is evident that this is presented as a set of actions that an organization takes, for compliance with environmental and sustainable development of society. In this sense, can be presented as benefits of sustainable practices, the improving of the image of the organ close to those who benefit from its services, as well as the community at large; economy, reducing production costs, as for example, by recycling, reusing water, recycling of leftover raw materials and measures of electricity savings; employee satisfaction. In the particular case of Municipal Administration, it is observed that there was a breach in the previous paradigm, where a new culture is presented and adopted by all employees. The actions set in motion had zero cost to public affairs, since it sought to qualification and use of human capital of the organ, allocating key people in strategic positions hence translating into simple but guarantors measures of greater service efficiency provided. Note that to guarantee perpetuation and future transfer of the implemented changes, all were normalized by their own instruments, so linking the next manager to implement such activities. It remains to be seen that the project of management focused on the optimization of human capital deployed in Municipal Administration was recognized as a model nationwide, serving as a paradigm for change in public service carried out by the various entities of the federation.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
Unfortunately there is a big problem in Brazil regarding the lack of zeal to public matters which brings severe harm to society. Public space cannot be mistaken by with the private and, therefore, imposes to the public administrator in technical activities, knowledge and nobility in their actions. It imposes diligent, steady, ethical and legal conduct where you glimpse the achievement of best possible outcomes for the benefit of the communit. From the lived experience, it’s clear that it is possible to transform the unfortunate reality that routinely arises when it comes to public management. It is possible to obtain satisfactory, efficient and effective results in public administration when the activity is carried out seriously and ethically, where the servants are seen as people, not things, and especially when it is certain that in the end it’s all worthy.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Prefeitura Municipal de Duque de Caxias
Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Sidney Guerra
Title:   Secretary  
Telephone/ Fax:   (5521)27736263
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   Alameda Dona Esmeralda, 206
Postal Code:   25215-260
City:   Duque de Caxias
State/Province:   Rio de Janeiro

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