4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Analysis of the problems considered the whole scenario of problems, seeking for the potential of local resources including human and natural resources. The biogas program offered by URU searched the body of knowledge. However, this technology cannot be promoted without desire of Huay Bong people. Finally, the biogas program significantly demonstrated its benefits by the corporation among academic institute,Huay Bong people and Pasaosubdistrict municipality. As a result, systematical policy of biogas in Huay Bong has been firstly implemented. All in all, the unique of initiative was applying of knowledge for policy formulation achieved by participation of stakeholders.
The initiative addressed the problem with knowledge as the first priority rather than formulation of policy. In facts, the key approach created from the integration of 4 subjects such as science (S), technology (T), environment (E) and management (M) or STEM. This is the most important fundamentalinitiated biogas program and its consequences.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
There were 4 groups of organizations that implemented the initiative;
1) Local government: Pasaosubdistrict municipality
2) Academic institute: UttaraditRajabhat University
3) A group of people such as community leaders, a group of local commerce and farmers
4) Private sectors such as Thai health promotion foundation, Institute of Renewable energy Development of Asia Pacific Foundation.
There were 743 people who lived in Huay Bong village who affected by this initiative.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Two strategies were employed for local research and development can be explained in 2 stages.
1) The strategy of balancing betweem participation management and knowledge of science for local development. There were 3 groups of people who work together such as local people, local government and academic institute with very kind supported from private sectors.
2) Knowledge management and broadcasting the information through all kinds of media as possible. There were several activities undertaken in the area in past 7 years.
In 2009-2011, survey of local context which related to local capacity and potential were undertaken for settinga clear goal for development project. Community leaders, took a role as community researchers, participated the meeting and analysedthe real problem of Huay Bong. The series of solution were designed by the incorporation between community researchers, lecturer from URU and public servants from local government. A study tour and seminar on science and technology was organized to improve knowledge, skill and attitude for Huay Bong people. All activities in the early stage were emphasized people to gain learning system, researching of science and technology to overcome a problem as their behaviors. Furthermore, all activities lead public policy formulation. Mass communications were done via media such as a newspaper, an agriculture journal, a book and television etc.
In 2012 - 2014, local leaders formed a group of commerce. This group runs the business about the rust column production which guaranteed its effectiveness from a research carried out by URU lecturer.
In 2015 - now, the learning center was established in Huay Bong village. The learning center welcomed more than 50,000 people across the country.
Resources associated the initiative were human resources (explained in topic 5), financial resource and management knowledge. It was 2.7 million baht funded for the biogas project. Management knowledge has more details in term of research and development such as development of cow breeding, applying good agricultural practices for farmers, searching for an appropriate alternative energy as a choice for people. Furthermore, development of marketing and social enterprise was also undertaken to serve people in country scale. There were many activities such as recognition building up, exhibition, creating learning centers.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
There were 5 stakeholders that can be described their roles as following;
1) Community leaders, civil servants from local government and lecturers from URU who designed the action plan and solutions for Huay Bong village. The concept was created base on the participation of people, consumption of local resources. From this program, there were 10 people performed themselves as a group of community researchers taken research and development as their common practices and using a school as a hub.
2) Pasaosubdistrict municipality who is a representative of Huay Bong people. The role of the local government was to support and employ innovation for policy formulation and Implementation.
3) Farmers who involved in agreement formulation, obtained technology, and building learning atmosphere for other people in community. Moreover, “Huay Bong energy conservation group”, a social enterprise was also established by the group.
4) District and provincial government offices who drove the strategies and supported finance.
5) Lecturers of UttaraditRajabhat University who employed a choice of clean technology for the community optimized and made it more achievable.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The initiative that integrates STEM contributed significant outputs such as sustainable development and prosperity of problem solution. The outputs that illustrated the success of the initiative were Huay Bong people combat the root of problem such poor soil caused poverty with their knowledge. People at all ages involved all activities and lead sustainable agriculture.
Since the program has been established, there were many activities in relation to by-product of biogas system such as agricultural ecosystem management using fermented cow dung to fertilize agricultural land. This can help farmer reduce cost of fertilizer 280,000 baht. For livestock, cow breeding increased its value approximately 14.1 million baht. The biogas replaced using LPG with could be estimated it cost of 15.8 million. In 2016, farmers gained average income 64895 baht or increased 29.6%. There was a small community bank established that all people can access money and do all financial transactions.
The program also supported a farmer who low in competitiveness and encouraged people to improve their potential. Furthermore, it promotes self-sufficiency strengthening community and quality of life. There were various kinds of fruits and vegetables grown in house backyards that safe and people at all ages and genders could spend their time together. This brought food safety and food security to community. People who moved out from Huay Bong have returned their home permanently as they recognized that there were many job opportunities they can work.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The main obstacle encountered with was how to design the program activities for poor educated people. As it should be realized that implementation of biogas and related activities is based on science and technology such as breeding of cows, development of quality fertilizer. Therefore, simplicity of communication is needed. Moreover, some activities need financial support and investment. Funding agencies were important and needed for corporation.