4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Nongluang Sub-District Administrative Organization set to creative learning atmosphere and learning environment, in order to prepare better and proper care for children. The center wishes children who came to us to learn;
1. Communication Skills such as; Thai, other languages in ASEAN.
2. Learn about culture and wisdom knowledge.
3. Enhance basic “Sufficiency Economy” knowledge of King Bhumibol.
4. Healthcare activities by start at the childcare center to each house.
5. Learn how to use and create material from nature and organism.
6. Health inspections before children get into transport.
7. Enhance children to manage waste at both home and school.
8. Evaluate individual children to help problem solving.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
The childcare Center Nongluang Sub-District Administrative Organization is managed by participation of Nongluang Sub-District Administrative Organization, local community, and parents, by focusing children’s needs and branded locality, and multiculturalism. The management of the importance of early childhood development (2-5 years) to meet the needs of the local community for a solution to match the local context is vital. All citizens receive equal opportunities. Remove them from the local economic and social policy measures vision of education, religion, arts and culture to promote local development, parenting, early childhood (2-5 years), child poverty, disadvantaged migrant children to develop good fit by age.
All sectors of the importance of developing children as well as by the all parties involved, to continue the consultations, operational and command appointments. Assignment plan defined in the Child Development Center. Services parenting young children (2-5 years), child poverty, disadvantaged migrant children, and to develop the appropriate age.
The benefit is affected to children and their families who live in Nongluang Sub-District. The childcare center provided day-time care for children while their parents and/or grandparents go to work. These people will get opportunities to develop and learn with appropriate direction under concept “Competency & Experience Based Learning”. On the other hand, the childcare center hire local workers to work in the center which is profit to other areas such as; social, and community, et. The positive impact will be;
1. Children get effectively and equally education and development.
2. Parents have more time to work.
3. Community members have some opportunities to share their point of will, and working together with official.
4. The childcare center as a learning study effectively can be place and model for other organizations to study and to improve their own.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
In 2004, Nongluang Sub-District Administrative Organization founded six of childcare center, according to concepted of childcare development which are physical, emotional, social, and intelligent. In 2012, these were combined into one childcare center, in order to provide better management. The main idea of the local childcare centers is to give children years 2-5 proper child development for all children in Nongluang Sub-District. In order to mobilize the strategy;
1. Nongluang Sub-District Administrative Organization combined into one childcare center, in order to provide better management by agreement to every part in sub-district.
2. Concept “Competency & Experience Based Learning” which will be use and teach to children between 2-5 years old. Children are center while learning and let them generate their ideas, observe, do experiment and so on.
3. All children are welcome to the childcare center with no fees. The center will provide lunch, milk, stationary, et.
4. Promote healthcare knowledge from center to children and children to their families.
5. Evaluate individual child to help problem solving by visiting each family to transfer knowledge to each of their member.
6. Encourage all community and all sector to participate by focusing on children, parents’ needs and local context as a core. For example, teach parents to lace their children in appropriate way.
Resources that the childcare center has;
1. Budget that runs the center, came from Department of Local Administration and Nongluang Sub-District Administrative Organization.
2. Staff members have to graduate in childcare degree and have at least 3 years’ experiences working with children which suit to the childcare’s concept.
3. Equipment and instructional media, there is committee to search, evaluate and to purchase, in order to use effectively.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
The childcare center is operated by;
1. CEO of Nongluang Sub-District Administrative Organization, who acted as an advisor, set policy, and manage budget to the childcare center
2. School principle acted as committee, who look after strategic plan and give some advice.
3. Head of childcare center; manage, operate the center, look after human resources in the childcare center
4. Caretaker; look after children.
5. Chef; make healthy and clean foods for children
6. Maid; look after cleanliness
7. Representative of community; participant and give public opinion
8. Representative of parent; as committee helping choose instructional tools and activities
9. Senior in community; pass wisdom knowledge, tradition and culture
10. Temple and monks; teach moral for both children and teachers
11. Schools in Nongluang Sub-District; participate in area of curriculum
12. Nongluang Sub-District hospital; look after healthcare services and healthcare planning
13. Rajapat Kamphaeng Phet University; develop learning processes
14. Public Health Office of Kamphaeng Phet; participate, evaluate and advice area of child development
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
From strategic planning that Nongluang Sub-District Administrative Organization childcare center has been use. It can point into three main ideas;
1. Physical readiness, the childcare center has set an alluring space where suited for children. The surrounding environment and space management harmonize to number of children. It can be seen that this childcare center is place for research and development.
2. Learning System and Process of the center have been set up according to the concept “Competency & Experience Based Learning” which are physical, emotional, social, and intelligent well-being, as well as enhance ways of living, wisdom knowledge, and basic “Sufficiency Economy” of King Bhumibol. There are 2 different classes which are 2-3 years old and 3-5 years old.
3. All children are welcome to the childcare center with no fees. The center will provide lunch, milk, stationary, and transportation, etc.
4. Approach all families which have children to participate and send children to the center. Childcare center provides transport for children. There is team from the center, visit children home to evaluate children learning progress.
5. The childcare center is managed and practiced by participation of Nongluang Sub-District Administrative Organization, local community, and parents, by focusing children’s needs and branded locality, and multiculturalism.
There is some successful achievement which can be complied SDGs (Sustainable Development Goal) such as;
1. Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere;
2. Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages;
3. Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all;
4. Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Some parents have to work very far from home, they did not allow children to come to childcare, or children have to be alone when they reach home. The development of these children is slow both physically and intellectually. Although, some parents are divorced, these affected to children. That is why, childcare staffs have to observe and to evaluate children individually.
In some case, staff has to visit children at home and approach to parents, in order to prevent aggressive behavior or slow development in children who have problems. Staffs have to give an intensive care. Moreover, staff will check and handover children directly to parents or grandparents to prevent children stay alone.