4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Integrated management is the key area we focus. Integrated management is a socially defined concept that is interpreted and understood in a variety of ways. Integrated management system is to integrate all of an organization’s systems and processes in to one complete framework, enabling an organization to work as a single unit with unified objectives. We also concern about benefits of public people. Our strategy is setting think tank teams, to check or evaluate our action. Importantly, we use reliable and updated data to be a base of our action plan. Also, in our organization it needs to be an accountable workplace. We believe that accountability has a clear link to higher work performance. It’s also known to improve creativity and innovation. We try to give benefits to our employees who work efficiently.
Awakening Organization is also our theme. We try to acknowledge our team workers such as Training of employees. We believe that training is the process of enhancing the skills, capabilities and knowledge of employees for doing a particular job.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
Sakaeo Shelter for Children and Family under Department of Children and Youth is the main sector. Director-General and Deputy Director-General of Department of Children and Youth are our consultants and main persons to support our work about human trafficking. Sakaeo Shelter for Children and Family also cooperates with all related sectors both government and non-government such as Office of social development and human security in provincial level, for the Destitute, local police, provincial employment office, Ministry of Education, Royal Thai Police, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Tourism and Sports, Department of Consular Affairs, Thai embassies and diplomatic missions abroad.
The population in Sakaeo is about 556,922 people. Others are people who migrate from other countries. From the statistics, in 2016, there are 381 victims of human trafficking. There are 93 men and 288 women. There are 212 people from Thailand, 69 people from Loas PDR, other 69 people from Myanmar, 24 people from Cambodia and 7 people from other countries. Most victims of Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation are Thai. Most victims from Trafficking for Forced Labour are Myanmar. Some victims especially Cambodian are forced into street begging. Notably, most victims are under 18 years old. Most victims of human trafficking migrate to Thailand by helping from brokers whom the victims have never known before. The victims of human trafficking will be sent to other provinces to be the labours. In addition to Thai victims of trafficking, some of these migrant workers are also believed to be forced, coerced, or defrauded into labor or sex trafficking. There are reports that some of those labor trafficking victims are exploited in commercial fishing, fishing-related industries, factories, and domestic work. Some migrant workers who are trafficking victims are deported without proper screening due to inconsistencies in the victim identification process. Some victims are forced into street begging. Sex trafficking remains a significant problem in Thailand’s extensive sex trade—often in business establishments that cater to demand for commercial sex. Thailand is a source, destination, and transit country for men, women, and children subjected to forced labor and sex trafficking. For Thai people, they are the victims in sex trafficking working in both Thailand and other countries. Displaced persons, minorities and other marginalized groups are vulnerable to human trafficking. Sex trafficking victims are typically found in sex clubs, basement brothels, remote massage parlors and street prostitution.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Plan for protection of women, children and families. Prevention and Suppression of Human Trafficking a master plan to determine strategies to prevent human trafficking. With the focus on the measures. Then raising the monthly clearance and public awareness which will include the development of competent personnel to aid human trafficking.
Strategic defense and prevention the emphasis on performance measures. Raising the monthly clearance In places / areas vulnerable to human trafficking. Publicity campaign through various workshops to educate. And related meetings projects and activities focused on creating awareness to the public. And capacity building of officers of the law against human trafficking. And laws the meeting was to strengthen cooperation with the relevant authorities in both countries. And international
Strategic litigation law enforcement and the integration of operations in conjunction with law enforcement agencies involved intensive. and take legal measures to punish the offenders are required. the building is divided into sections like leadership, team building, corporate team building quality. and strategies proposed to the federal government recognizes the importance to accept the modified policy. the problem of human trafficking
Creating love, understanding the work on the basis of humanitarian aid. This is different from a historical perspective to solve the problem of human trafficking with a view to the enemy. Seen as a problem that needs to be changed to push the understanding. Which require more power to you and encouraging team work is essential. The basic personnel often overlooked and tend to think with their brains, thus resulting in a drop goal in the level of consciousness, but when the decision to transcend the barriers of leadership in times of crisis, essentially required. Momentum from a strong heart and a conscious focus sharp. And interest that doing good for the King was inspired by the great buried within the subconscious of citizens Thailand. Great to be able to appreciate the differences of professional opinion.
A clear goal of success. It is important to understand the nature of what the administration. Create adapting to the changes. Adaptability when confronted with change. Changes happen all the time. The only thing certain is uncertainty. Integrating confidence and faith in the capacity that exists in us and the team. Appreciate and respect the uniqueness of one of our staff and a good different, unique and different, not like a critical attitude to the power of ideas. Taking into account the various different powers with regard to victims who have been helped at the center.
Create a process to happiness Working as a group aims to focus on the victims to get help build pride in working to help the victims. The problem of human trafficking we went to find success as we see customers or clients will be happy and glad. The driver of a smile to happen from inside of us.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
Victims of human trafficking, both in Thai and foreign processes related to work together as a team
Sakaeo shelter for children and families and office of Sakaeo Social Development and human Security klongnamsai self-help land settlement Sakaeo Protection Center Immigration Bureau Policed division
and NGO Thai Cambodia and Japan
The team includes individuals with the knowledge, skills, abilities, specializations, different work together
To strive to resolve problems together as a system.
The process is based on the same goals and objectives.
Evaluate the problems and plan and perform together. Contact continues
There is a shared responsibility from beginning to end the process.
Complex conditions Borderless World The growth in transport Information Technology As well as defining the legal definition. Exploitation and forced labor A new form of human trafficking There is also a network of business law is more complex. Become transnational crime
Poverty the exploitation of poor people who need jobs to earn a good attitude, values, social factors that exploit children and women. The exploitation of the many activities and infringement. Risk of disease the risk of violence is ignored. And the dangers of working experience related to human trafficking, victims of human trafficking needs to be taken care of both health and mental processes of human trafficking, which led to an operating model for integration. This is to the benefit
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
This project is a product of good practices and lessons learned in working on trafficking under the partnership networks. One Home for Development on Assisting Victims of Trafficking projects a good practice for security personnel and victims. To prepare the staff to help assess the risks carefully grilled, as is planned for the staff to answer the phone when the accident occurred. And to assist the police or hospital clinic immediately helping children or women who are victims of trafficking in sensitive details. And fragile It must have staff who are trained well to prevent errors. Without planning to firmly tightened May cause people to help the victims and not be safe for work. The officer must have a friend or a partner. It is necessary to take a pragmatic approach. Sorting by victim multidisciplinary screening.
Causes of human trafficking in the area.
Thailand's higher education the selection of works chosen profession
Workers lack labor and fishery workers
The migration of people from the neighborhood came to Thailand.
The frustration of registered foreign workers.
Born broker registration process for foreign workers instead.
Foreign workers change employers frequently they have hired undocumented workers
Result in the exploitation of human trafficking, especially prostitution. Forced labor and begging
Thailand has three states of origin, destination and transit.
Performance management
1. Prioritize personal safety and security identify and minimize risks
2. Do no harm be compassionate but neutral
3. Get informed consent with no coercion
4. Ensure anonymity and confidentiality to the greatest extent possible
5. Adequately select and prepare interpreters and field teams
6. Prepare referral information, and be prepared for emergency intervention
7. Do not hesitate to help others put your information to good use
8. Based strategy 5Ps Prevention Protection Policy Partnership and Prosecution
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Policy issues in a clear overview of the policy to the local. there are also people who have conservative approach to the concealment does not want the media to make the public aware of concerns about damage to its image It is difficult to work with media and NGO resource management problems and a limited budget, the government increased the burden of measures to implement the policy. Evaluation and reporting system and clear the union. Coordination is also integrated with little experience. as the coordinator of the local government. Lack of integration of public to encourage public participation, lack of unity and lack of connection to the problems. Dislocation lack of transparency reliability the causes and solutions
Solutions by One Home for Development on Assisting Victims of Trafficking project
Are there any policies structure data management and building partnerships both within and outside its effectiveness the principle is
1. Creating transparency in the implementation of practical policy level, public agencies have earned the trust of local people confidence. The data center is the correct date.
2. Create credibility of news and public relations. Adjustment method to be effective
3. Create an effective integration. Cooperation policy practical cooperation a data center practices to prevent human trafficking operated in an efficient manner.
4. Increases in the policy of partnership, transparency, reliability is key. Build effective cooperation policy. on the subject of proceedings for registration of a screening policy overview. Reliability, transparency and the involvement of the team.