4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Until 2015, the Federal District Government did not have an integrative tool to manage its day-to-day processes and its priority projects. Such a situation contributed to unproductive efforts, dispersion of fundamental information for decision making, bureaucratic obstacles and lack of focus on the delivery of results to the society of Brasília.
The GESTÃO-DF has a set of functionalities based on Balanced Scorecard (Planning) and PMBOK (Management) methodologies, which allow the customization of public management technologies to the reality of Local Government. With the implementation of this system, decision-makers now have online access to information such as real-time images of hospital emergencies and emergency care units, city cameras, traffic cameras, and physical and financial data on the execution of actions and projects under their responsibility.
The GESTÃO-DF includes, in a personalized way, Project Portfolio Management and its Programs, Processes, Indicators and Budget. Concentrated in a single system, a set of information and products necessary for the execution of the Management for Results Model of the Federal District. In this way, the system is an "accelerator" of governance, which allows integrated management of government strategy, projects and processes.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
Due to the financial and budgetary resources restriction that afflict our economy, it was necessary to innovate, making use of administrative staff in order to devise a solution that would meet this relevant demand of the Government in an efficient and effective manner.
In this way, instead of hiring a tool with the Private Sector, the team of the Planning Department of the Federal District developed and implemented the entire solution, saving software acquisition and maintenance costs.
The Results Management Model, operationalized by GESTÃO-DF, contributes to improving the delivery capacity of public policies and projects that directly and indirectly affect the entire population of the Federal District.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
When the current administration took office in early 2015, the proposal included the implementation of the management model, but some adjustments needed to be made. The administration decided to establish a risk management so that essential services were not interrupted. In the first 120 days, therefore, the Government focused on correcting problems and organizing the administrative structure according to the new management, which included the cutting of positions and an administrative restructuring. Then the model started to be implemented.
After administrative adjustment, the first step in the installation of the model was the creation of the so-called management network, with strategy management agents and projects in each of the related departments/institutions covered by the model. These agents would then be the contacts of the planning secretariat in each of these areas.AGEPs are answerable for monitoring and supporting the planning department for the management model to be implemented. They are essentially responsible for tracking projects and indicators and serve as a focal point for strategic management in each area.
Then, with the help of these local agents, indicators and projects portfolios were created to be part of the so-called Results Agreements. The agreements are the formal commitment of each area to the governor in relation to the strategy.
Once the agreements have been formed, strategy management enters a monitoring phase, where each agreement is periodically monitored with the use of the GestãoDF electronic platform in result agreement meetings and strategy alignment.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
As previously mentioned, the Government of Brasilia has created a management network involving all the secretaries, presidents and leaders of public administration institutions. In this sense, the government as a whole was involved, as well as the strategy management teams so that it was possible to unify the government and have a single model of planning and management. We then have 24 secretaries, all state-owned enterprises and related entities and foundations comprising a total of about 50 institutions of the direct and indirect administrations of the federal district involved in this initiative.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Based on this model we were able to follow closely the main strategic projects of the government of Brasilia. Using a system of weekly monitoring, with the participation of the governor and secretaries, to follow these strategic projects we have managed to give a much more satisfactory result for the population of the Federal District.
Examples are the deactivation of the landfill of Estrutural and the construction of a new landfill. Projects that are accompanied by this model so that the execution of them is carried out and completed to the satisfaction within this model that we are implementing and of which we are already reaping the fruits.
Projects directly linked to 1st, 3rd, 6th, 10th, 11th and 12th SDGs and carried out with the support of the management for results model and its associated platform, GESTÃO-DF.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The cultural change of the users that form the management network and feed the monitoring system were decisive steps in the successful implementation of the model. Keeping the network of management capable, united, empowered and synergistic to solve obstacles is a necessary condition for success in implementing the model. Nevertheless, the cultural change in the leaders of each organization is fundamental for good implementation of the model and management system. Making each manager internalize the model is critical to the success of the system and model.
When there are obstacles in the projects and indicators due to the transversality of the topics, these are discussed in the meetings with the governor and given the due referral at the same time. Redirection of funds, when they become obstacles are also taken to the meeting with the governor and resolved on time. Adaptations in the system are constant in order to facilitate its use.