East Java pro Apprenticeship (Jatim ProMag (jawa Timur Pro Magang Kerja))
Manpower and Transmigration OfficeEast Java Province (Dinas Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi ProvJatim)

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
The task of Department of Labor and Transmigration of East Java province is especially handling those who will enter the world (pre employment). The target is the employment batch, job seeker, unemployment, under unemployment. East Java Province consists of 38. 8 million population, based on the data of BPS per August 2015, the number of class work amounted to 20, 27 million, who worked as many as 19.36 million people and the remaining 906 thousand people remained unemployed. In East Java, there are still 32.24 per cent of workers who work less than 35 hours per week, on the other hand the potential for increased labor force from vocational school graduates, D3 and Scholars continue to rise. Therefore, the role and active participation of direct stakeholders should be encouraged by the slogan ‘Internship First then Work’. Some of the problems underlining this innovation are: 1. The high number of unemployed were 4.47% in 2015, or there was an increase of 0.28% compared to the amount of 4.19% in 2014. Unemployed youth and high school education, vocational school, D3 and Bachelor increased with an average of 1.9% per year. Judging from the number of unemployed contributed most from vocational school graduates (11.74%), high school (8.73%), D3 (8:11%) and Bachelor (4.9%). 2. Based on the record of labor market information report from 38 Department of Labor districts / municipalities in East Java late December 2014, from the aspect of supplt, registered job seekers amounted to 59.02% female and 51.87% dominated by the category of job seekers in young age, aged 25-29 years old. Seen from the graduates of the education, amounting to 23.128%, were from SMK. Registered job seekers have not obtained a job are more caused by their lack of qualifications needed by the company, in addition to time limit of registration. 3. Companies are difficult to get manpower with competence according to their needs 4. Job seekers and graduated form education are difficult to obtain information and access of internship in companies 5. The implementation of internship for job seekers done by companies are prone to the occurance of deviation of normative regulation existing and the lack of working competence increase support. 6. The labor competency standards have not been widely informed and correct either for companies, job seekers and world of education 7. The number of companies who implement and report the Internship Program are little. 8. Role and human resources capabilities of the Department of Labor in the district / city is not optimal in facilitating the implementation of internships for companies and job seekers in their area.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
The above matters, by encouraging to improvement and enhancement of services through innovative information and consulting services of Integrated Internship, or abbreviated ’Jatim ProMag ’.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
Things above, which encourages improvement and enhancement of services as a solution to overcome these problems through: 1. Innovation information and consulting services Integrated Internship, or the abbreviated East Java PROMAG'. 2. Strengthening Networks Apprenticeship at the Provincial and District / City

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Through the strategy of provision of internship information menu that is always updated, consultation and program of internship implementation assistance for companies integratedly either directly or online and encourage active participation of companies, thus through this innovation, it will obtain solution to the issue as below : 1. Ease of society, especially job seekers and graduates of education to obtain information on internship places verified by Department of Province and District / City 2. Ease and efficiency in getting information of prospective apprentices work, mounting vacancies to internship, curriculum and internship agreement according to the rules as well as internship consultancy assistance. 3. The assurance of legality and implementation of internship information according to the rules 4. Containers and means for communities and companies, job seekers, educational institutions, training institutions and Department of Labor District / City obtain internship information that is fast, easy and actual. 5. Consultation and direct assistance to jobseekers / alumni of education to gain the skills / experience with the best quality and standards and for corporate users of internship program. 6. Connectivity with Special Employment Exchanges (BKK) in the unit of vocational training institutions of work and Department of Labor District / City. 7. The presence of the guarantee and protection of both apprentices as well as to companies implementing internship

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
Several matters showing tha this innovation is creative and innovative, as below : 1. Aspect of Public Transparency. This service is able to reform public service administration where the information can be accessed via online 2. The provision of effective and efficient service. This service is able to solve the issue of distance, space and time in information service, consultation and assistance physically mainly related to curriculum, internship agreement and appoval by Department of Labor Province /District /City 3. Provide additional skills, competencies, recognition of internship which are standards to improve the competitiveness and quality of work apprentices and workers in the company, in addition to the potential for post-internship placement. 4. Replication. Able to encourage district/ city to replicate to become internship standards in the Department of Labor District/ City mainly areas with many industries. 5. Cooperation. Through a Memorándum of Understanding and Cooperation (MoU) with FKJP and vocational school education units and universities and vocational training institutions. 6. Increase the establishment of apprenticeship networking forums in districts / cities in providing a qualified workforce and apprenticeship programs in the company independently. 7. Become Trusted Guarantor and Information of Internship. The community and the company has a high trust to information and the implementation of the internship because it has been verified and safe.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
1. The initiator is the Governor according to the vision and mission of the Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD) East Java Province. The vision :”The Realizatiion of East Java more prosperous, equtable, independent, competitive, and morals ”. Mission:”Getting Independent and Prosperous together with the Community”. One of the main agenda of regional development in East Java in 2014 - 2019, is “increasing labor force participation and employment “,through the priority program of Unemployment Rate Reduction (TPT), which is translated, among others, by improving the quality and productivity of the workforce through training and apprenticeship. 2. Innovation of information services and internship was conducted by Disnakertransduk Prov. East Java, through the provision of information services, consulting and curriculum provision of SKKNI / apprenticeship agreement adjusted to the needs of the workforce. The main goal is to help ease those job seekers finding a internship according to their ability and help the company implement apprenticeship programs according to the rules. This service also aims to be a model of apprenticeship services connected with job placement, internal human resource development (provincial and district / city) and improve the synergy of Provincial / District / City with Company. 3. The information and consulting services of internship constructed from creativity and innovation with an integrated approach to online services, start to update vacancy information of internship, consulting and assistance in establishing the standard curriculum (SK / SKKNI) as well as internship agreement and the means of verification of internship requirements. Through integrated and online activity, the supply of job seekers or alumni of education would be easily and quickly getting information of internship, increase the number of companies of apprentices, increasing the competence of labor / labor competitiveness and increase the chance of getting formal employment in the company. On the other hand the companies will be assisted to more quickly get prospective apprentices working, easy to qualify and support facilities for internships according to the rules as well as consulting and implementation of the internship program. 4. Innovation of this service is supported by the Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia Manpower, Indonesia Employers Association (Apindo), Special Employment Exchange (BKK) in the unit of vocational schools and colleges, and Internship Network Communication Forum (FKJP) in East Java. 5. Companies that become members of FKJP East Java, which actively convey the information of the needs of internship.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
Who are the stakeholders involved in the implementation 1. Governor as initiator, Parliament Prov. East Java which helps to support the budget, the Head of Disnakertransduk Prov. East Java as policy makers and supervisors, trained service attendant who directly serve the customers and the entire staff in the field of Training and Productivity. 2. 38 Department of Labor districts / municipalities in East Java as partners and beneficiaries to replication 3. Network of Internship Communication Forum (PKJP) East Java and the company is active as a service user. 4. Job seekers and alumni of the education world as service users 5. Schools in units of vocational school, college and Training Institute as a development partner of work exchange networks / internship. 6. Public Service Commission (KPP) which monitors the service to the community 7. Apindo and International Institutions / NGOs as a companion and motivator when stub, development of partners as well as the replication of services

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
1. The use of SDM to build technology-based systems in cooperation with universities, Department of Labor District / City for replication and cadres as well as the provision of internal human resources so that the program of innovation is sustainable and capable of increasing the benefits for society. 1. The most important mobilization aspect is implementation of the commitments of leadership, service personnel, along with the service staff in the Field of Training and productivity that directly interact with users, which basically should be mandatory to understand vision, mission whose main task is to help people improve the quality and productivity as well as having the skills and competence enough to enter / competitiveness in the world of work 2. The budget of a special Local Budget for the promotion and management of Online Internship is Rp. 39.8 million for the maintenance of facilities / network and institution building of internship in 2014 and budget support deconcentration of Local Budget (center) for human resource development is Rp. 1.275 billion. And Rp. 5.014 billion in 2015 for human resource development in some FKJP District / City (in Malang district, Mojokerto district, Jombang, Kediri City and FKJP East Java), extra-budgetary for human resource development, provision of means of computer and networking of Online Internship Service. Table of Promotional Budget and Management of Online Job Market For Innovation Service Jatim - ProMag Type Year 2014 Year 2015 Human resource development 665.000.000 698.600.000 Procurement of IT / Computers Facilities - 25.000.000 Maintenance of Facilities / Network 4.800.000 - Operational Service institution building 35.000.000 - Help Center What are the most succesful output? 1. Availability of information services, consulting related to online internship program 2. The number of members and participants of the consultations via online related to internships information, consulting internship program and other information each year increased. Description Year 2014 Year 2015 Participant of Domestic Industry Internship 460 people 950 people Consultation Related to Internship 247 People 330 People 3. The number of active company as the members that acted upon independent internship in accordance with the rules / regulations applicable, every year is increasing. Companies belonging to the Network of Internship Communication Forum (FKJP) in a standing start in 2007 as many as 20 companies. Up to 2015 the number of companies belonging to FKJP changed and tended to increase (47 companies), as shown in the following table: Description Year 2014 Year 2015 Companies Belonging to FKJP Prov.East Java 20 Companies 47 Companies Independent company organizing internships (CSR) 10 Companies 12 Companies 4. The number of agencies both vocational schools, Training Institutions (BLK / private) and other institutions that are members of the network of work exchange / internship every year is increasing. Description Year 2012 Year 2013 Year 2014 Year 2015 BKK / SMK contained in FKJP 4 District/City 6 District/City 10 District/City 15 District/City LPK / LPKS 3 Companies 5 Companies 10 Companies 12 Companies 5. Value of IKM (Community Satisfaction Index) to internship services for employment information network increased, 72.57 in 2014 and 74.91 in 2015 6. Being one of the icons of educated young job seekers, especially in urban areas to look for internship information reliable in website www.latmag-jatim.com, as well as being a reference of information legality of internship and company as the organizer of legal internships.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
1. HRD of officers to the use of Information Technology (internet facility) is still limited. 2. Mind set and limited awareness of the officer in charge of employment agency districts / cities often transfer their tasks or lack of support and commitment to the organization. 3. Understanding of especially those in regions still lacking on Information Technology and instant understanding of the phases of achieving by community and quality of competence in working. 4. Many companies who have not understood and lack of respect to work competency standards that the impact is to place labor correctly (the right man in the right job) and an increase in labor productivity. 5. HRD/personnels labor recruitment parties still rarely fill the description of specifications and terms of office jobs, limited ability to create curriculum, employment contracts and organizing internships according to the rules. Several attempts have been made to overcome the obstacles : 1. On the internship, train young workers in collaboration with a third party for a change of mind set, maintance program (www. www.latmag-jatim.com) and promotion inviting participation of all stakeholders to improve the information network of internship. 2. Making Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) basic services of employment as an important step to improve services and employment placement results. 3. Promotion of replication to the department of labor in district main in the area of urban, industrial density and have adequate working workout officer. 4. Coop with FKJP and Job Fair at the vocational school, Center for vocational training, universities as well as with the Department in the Province (Department of Education and the Department of Communication and Information) to assist the dissemination of information of internships and job competence 5. Procure technical assistance, regular meetings and visits to companies providing special guidance to HR / personnel to provide information describing specifications

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
With the innovation of information services and internship, and rewarding them very much: 1. Moving closer and increased service in the ranks of the East Java Provincial Government and a new approach to agency conducted at provincial level in order to improve service is more proactive (promotive), informative and participative and based on e-governent 2. Online consultation service for job seekers and the public, information related to internships and internship vacancies. 3. The community also participate directly expressing appreciation, complaints and suggestions in the menu of suggestions and complaints via online services. 4. The presence of efficiency in terms of time and cost. need for information and enrolment vacancies and apprenticeship programs of the company is listed on the service to spread to 38 districts / cities as well as the networking job market, other than to be informed through the media of sms gateway, email and social media (Facebook and twitter) as well as the activities of the job market , Jobseekers / alumni of education also received more opportunities to access information about employment, training, familiar with professional standards, competency maps and tips to enter the world of job / internship. 5. The search service of recruitment needs of prospective apprentices (job search and job matching) online for member of companies. 6. Information of internship has been verified and protected. People obtain job information verified, secured its legality and protected from fraud as well as free of charge, meaning that every internship information has been verified and is safe from fraud and in accordance with the normative and legal regulation. 7. Increasing the quality of service of officer training and internship at Department of Labor in districts / cities. 8. Increasing the number of internship job information and the number of companies as the member of internship as member, as material to help further process of labor placement and reduction of unemployment in East Java. Table of Benefit of Activity Results (Outcome) by Jatim ProMag The increase of chance of labor placement, 94.07% post internship will be directly accepted to work in a company when internship was held. (Data FKJP 2015) 10. As a reference for job seekers, companies, model of assistance from the department labor in district/ city East Java and comparative study visits of officials, Parliament, ILO, Labour Exchange in units of Vocational School, Carer Center College as well as the Agency in charge of the provincial-level employment and Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Indonesia. 11. Becoming the only mode of information service development and consultation of internship and training of officers for internship

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
With information services through Java PROMAG apprenticeship community will receive services effectively and efficiently. It also allows leaders of institutions conduct oversight of the executive officer of the apprenticeship. Because the Information Technology-based services, will be able to minimize or save time, cost and effort. So the possibility of irregularities in providing certain services to the community may be reduced or avoid. As the levy funds, request additional fees and other related costs are not authorized services. Because people can instantly access information about apprenticeships online, from anywhere or wherever. Information technology-based services is taken with the consideration that the East Java province is a large province, has natural resources and great human resources. Soul population of 38.85 million, the number of Work Force 19.95 million people, while the number of total 19.11 million People Who Work, So the Unemployment Rate In East Java sum of 840,000 people or 4.21% Period Month August 2016 With a large number of labor force must be coupled with quality of life and a better life. Total labor force amounted to 19.95 million people dominated by the population aged 15-25 years. This means that young people have pembagunan if not accompanied by adequate human resources will be a new problem and can lead to more social unrest. With this service people will be able to obtain information about matters related to apprenticeship easily and quickly as the following table; Result Data type Description Benefits 2014 2015 Information Internship Opportunities in the Company 600 1,180 Up 96.6% Apprenticeship Partner Company number 20 Perush 47 Perush Up 135% Off Consulting Services / Online 247 330 Up 33.60% Participants Internship Placement 556 / 92.67% 1,110 / 94.07% Up 1.4% Total labor market network partner institutes FKJP 4 5 FKJP institutions Up 25% With East Java PROMAG service innovation will provide facilities for the young, educated workforce puff Upper School graduates and Vocational, both men and women in obtaining information about an internship working at the company. In the course of time this service innovation has also been successful in placing internships for young, educated labor force until they can be accepted even work at the company where the internship. Even the impact of this training in addition to place workers in the formal sector can also put the informal sector or independent business.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
Specific policies relating to gender mainstreaming in every development program in the field of employment in East Java will impact directly or indirectly on female labor. So the apprenticeship services have also been successful in placing the women workers with little education and p ersons with disabilities in employment or occupation in accordance with the conditions. This means that the female labor can work in the company internships and footwear industry. So as to improve their skills and standard of living, as well as her confidence in social staus in society. Apprenticeship program has been running since 2008, and is engaged in the processing industries are large scale and multi-national and strategic. However, with the presence of East Java PROMAG (apprenticeship) service that began in 2014 was known for the apprenticeship program by the social services sector and small industry. So that the program can be known by the public more broadly to the village level. In the end, thanks to this training service has been successfully memagangkan and put the female workforce in the labor-intensive small industries and services kemasyarkatn (Hospital).

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Manpower and Transmigration OfficeEast Java Province (Dinas Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi ProvJatim)
Institution Type:   Local Government  
Contact Person:   SUhartoyo SUmali
Title:   head Devition  
Telephone/ Fax:   +62318295578(Tel & Fax)
Institution's / Project's Website:  
E-mail:   latprojatim@gmail.com  
Address:   Jl. Dukuh Menanggal No.124-126 Surabaya
Postal Code:   60234
City:   Surabaya
State/Province:   East Java

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