4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
The creative and innovative aspects of SOS are: (i) Public transparency, SOS is an excellent service that brings services closer to taxpayers. SOS also attempts to meet the rights of taxpayers related to vehicle tax information in an open and accountable manner; (ii) Effective and efficient service provision, SOS services address the problem of busy taxpayers who are constrained by distance, location, and time in order to pay vehicle tax. By providing SOS service in place, tax payment services can be conducted in an uncommon situation: (a) At certain time, which means the SOS service is not only conducted during working hours, but also in the agreed time between taxpayers and SOS officers; (b) At the location of taxpayer, which means the taxpayers do not need to come to SAMSAT Karangploso; (c) Without distance, which means the services can be provided on the spot wherever the taxpayer located. (iii) System change, SOS service changes the paradigm of how public services are delivered. SOS service changes the system by having the officers of public services visit the taxpayers not only to create public trust but also to meet an excellent service.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
Parties involved in the development and implementation of SOS service are: (i) East Java SAMSAT Steering committee consists of East Java Police Command, East Java provincial government, and PT Jasa Raharja (insurance) of East Java branch; (ii) East Java SAMSAT technical team consists of Directorate of Traffic of East Java Police Command, East Java Revenue Office, and PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) of East Java branch; (iii) North Malang and Batu City UPTs’ Technical Team consists of the Head of North Malang and Batu City UPTs, Head of Traffic of North Malang Police force and Head of PT Jasa Raharja Representative of Malang as SOS’s initiators; (iv) The UPTs act as the director in tax information section and as the hub between the technical team and steering committee at the provincial level; (v) Head of Traffic of North Malang Police force acts as director of vehicle registration, STNK, BPKB and number plate (TNKB) update section; (vi) PT. Jasa Raharja representative of Malang acts as the director of Jasa Raharja tariff imposition section; (vii) UPT’s Head of Payment and Collection conducts socializations to companies and institutions having more than 500 taxpayers, followed by preparation of database and SOS Service scheduling; (vii) PKB and BBNKB Service Administrator of SAMSAT Karangploso coordinate with the police office and PT Jasa Raharja for scheduling SOS service; (ix) Call Center officers (0341-463234) receive request from companies proposing SOS service. (x) The management of PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya (private sector) is the hub as well as a company conducting socialization to all employees regarding the SOS services and schedule (time and days).
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
The implementation strategy of SOS Service : (i) Funding of these activities in principle be charged to the Local Government Budget of East Java province, especially the budget in East Java Revenue Office good for Coordination, Infrastructures (Car Service SOS) and outreach to the stakeholders SOS; (ii) SAMSAT technical team and steering committee conducted studies regarding the development of excellent services which is fit with local wisdom in all working area of East Java SAMSAT; (iii) Establishing implementation unit of SOS service. The establishment of this unit consists of North Malang and Batu City East Java Regional Revenue agencies, Police force of Malang District and PT. Jasa Raharja (Persero) of Malang Representative; (iv) Promoting SOS Service. The promotion is addressed to all stakeholders and targeted beneficiaries of SOS Service that consist of several stages : (a) Spot selection (Location target); (b) Resources preparation; (c) Implementation; (d) Evaluation. (v) Development of SOS Service action plan consisted of 3 main stages: (a) Promotion by the head section of Payment and Collection. The officers approach the companies and institutions with more than 500 taxpayers. If an agreement is achieved, socialization to all taxpayers will be conducted using leaflet and banners regarding requirements and implementation timeline; (b) The spot selection (location targeting) is set based on criteria, such as companies or institution with 500 taxpayers. Several institutions meeting the criteria have been recorded in the annual schedule of SOS service, that are PT. Bentoel, PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya, PT. Indomarco, PT. Otsuka, PT. BDF dan PT. Adiputro and PT. Restu Abadi. Moreover, two universities with thousand taxpayers are also included namely Institut Teknologi Nasional (ITN) Malang and Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang; (c) The resources preparation stage is conducted by setting and preparing the SAMSAT officers who will be involved in the SOS service calendar: (-) The head of section of Payment and Collection prepares the data and develop SOS service schedule; (-) Implementing administrator coordinates with the police office and PT. Jasa Raharja regarding the SOS service schedule; (-) Call Center’s officers receive request from companies proposing to get SOS service through call center (0341)-463234. (vi) Implementation stage consists of visiting the spot scheduled by the SAMSAT and the targeted companies or institutions : (a) Initial stage of SOS service implementation had been conducted as pilot with PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya located at Jl. Raya Singosari KM. 76 – 86 Singosari – Malang. This company is recorded to have about 1,500 taxpayers, both two wheels and four wheels vehicles; (b) The result of SOS Service at PT. Sumber Alfaria will be used as the evaluation and monitoring case for the improvement of future SOS service; (c) Evaluation stage is conducted by assessing the efficacy rate that is measured by the ratio of taxpayers compared to total taxpayers; (d) The validation and agreement stage by the SAMSAT steering committee regarding the determination of SOS Service as an innovative service in UPT North Malang and Batu City
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
SOS involves several stakeholders in its design and implementation, which are: (i) East Java SAMSAT Steering committee consists of East Java Police Command, East Java provincial government, and PT Jasa Raharja (insurance) of East Java branch; (ii) East Java SAMSAT technical team consists of Directorate of Traffic of East Java Police Office, East Java Revenue Office, and PT. Jasa Raharja (Persero) of East Java branch; (iii) North Malang and Batu City UPTs’ Technical Team consists of the Head of North Malang and Batu City UPTs, Head of Traffic of North Malang Police force and Head of PT. Jasa Raharja Representative of Malang as SOS’s initiators: (a) The UPTDs act as the director in tax information section and as the hub between the technical team and steering committee at the provincial level; (b) Head of Trafic of North Malang Police force acts as director of vehicle theft registration, STNK, BPKB and number plate (TNKB) update section; (c) PT. Jasa Raharja representative of Malang acts as the director of Jasa Raharja tariff imposition section. (iv) UPT’s Head of Payment and Collection conducts promotions to companies and institutions having more than 500 taxpayers, followed by preparation of database and SOS Service scheduling; (v) PKB and BBNKB Service Administrator of SAMSAT Karangploso coordinate with the police office and PT Jasa Raharja for scheduling SOS service; (vi) Call Center officers (0341-463234) receive request from companies that want to receive SOS service; (vii) The management of PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya (private sector) is the hub as well as the one who conduct socialization to all the employees in companies regarding the SOS services and schedule (time and days).
During the implementation of SOS Service (December 2015 to December 2016), the average transaction of vehicle tax payment reached 46 transactions per day. The total acquisition could reach IDR 16,936,400 (USD 1,302) per day. Therefore, the SOS succeeded to improve vehicle tax collection under SAMSAT Karangploso by 7.3 percent in a year (From IDR 231,025,000.00/USD 17,771 in December 2015 to IDR 247,961,400/USD 19,073) per day. SOS Services total transactions reached IDR 5,284,787,712 collected from the total payment of 14,462 taxpayers.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Outputs and impacts of SOS service: (i) The improvement of number of vehicle taxpayer getting benefit of SOS service. During the implementation of SOS Service (December 2015 to December 2016), the average transaction of vehicle tax payment reached 46 transactions per day. The total acquisition could reach IDR 16,936,400 (USD 1,302) per day. Therefore, the SOS succeeded to improve vehicle tax collection under SAMSAT Karangploso by 7.3 percent in a year (From IDR 231,025,000.00/USD 17,771 in December 2015 to IDR 247,961,400/USD 19,073) per day. SOS Services total transactions reached IDR 5,284,787,712 collected from the total payment of 14,462 taxpayers. In 2017, SOS is targeted to collect vehicle tax of IDR 11,707,776,313 (USD 900,598) of total taxable income of 29,545 taxpayers, both two wheels and four wheels vehicles; (ii) The increasing number of institutions that have been visited by the SOS Service from 3 institutions/companies to 15 institutions/companies; (iii) The availability of economical, easy, fast, and transparent vehicle tax payment mechanism; (iv) Improving accessibility of SAMSAT Karangploso’s service among Taxpayers in order to raise tax compliance. SOS succeeded to reduce SAMSAT Karangploso’s outstanding debt of vehicle tax from IDR 27,766,584,676 (USD 2,135,891) in the beginning of 2016 to IDR 15,729,281,661 (USD 1,209,945) in the end of 2016. In other words, SOS succeeded to reduce the debt by 43.35 percent.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
There are some obstacles and solutions during the development and implementation of SOS service: (i) Unsynchronized schedule between SAMSAT Office and the targeted companies. To solve this problem, SAMSAT office adjusts the SOS service schedules to all companies and institutions’ requested schedules; (ii) Limited access to Internet to provide service at the targeted location/spot. The solution to this problem is by increasing the cooperation with Internet Provider by increasing the bandwidth (internet quota).