4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Creative Idea / Innovation Grants & social assistance online media sabilulungan involving public participation in the process of disbursement of grants and social assistance is the first in Indonesia to change the paradigm and society's view of Bandung related to the management of grants and social aid that were previously done manually and closed to open, transparent and accountable.
2. All stages of the process started the budget process to the disbursement of funds in the bank, and social assistance Address & photo Recipient, the amount of money received, details use of Money, manuscript Regional Grant Agreement, Mayor regulation about the details of the use of social assistance visualized online through www.sabilulungan.bandung.go.id.
3. The public can view them online at any time the data grantees and social assistance and have opportunity to go to the field for watching the activities carried out grantees and social assistance as well as a comparison between inputs (funds) received with the output generated.
4. Grant and social assistance Online media provides a solution to the Provincial Government, Regency / City else in Indonesia, which has the same issues with the Government of Bandung associated with the distribution of grants and social assistance.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
sabilulungan.bandung.go.id is implemented by DPKAD as PPKD as the leading sector of initiative, helped by 22 Related SKPD who do Evaluation / Giver Recommendations, Chairman: The Chief SKPD Related, Advisory Team from Head Inspector Bandung, Local Government Budget Team and Chairman of the Regional Secretary, Department of Finance and Asset Management Area (Head DPKAD As SKPKD).
Each organization involved in the management of sabilulungan.bandung.go.id website has been set up roles and functions in Bandung Mayor Regulation No. 891 of 2011, as amended several times and most recently by Mayor Regulation No. 846 2016 About the Eight Amendment Mayor Regulation No. 891 In 2011 Concerning Procedures Budgeting, Execution and Administration Accountability and Reporting and Monitoring and Evaluation Expenditure Expenditure Grants and Social Assistance Originating from Budget and Expenditure
sabilulungan.bandung.go.id serve every people and community organization in Bandung city that intend to request the government assistance.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
1. Develop Regulation Changes of Mayor related to distribution of grant funds and social assistance.
2. Implement socialization to the head SKPD referrals and representatives of NGOs and other Social Organization and disseminate information.
3. Implement Related Technical Assistance to SKPD to operate applications sabilulungan.bandung.go.id
Work process carried out as follows:
Stages of budgeting:
1. Submission of grant expenditure and social assistance spending of candidates with a written application to the Mayor through the Regional Secretariat of Administration, and attached to the proposal, the administrative requirements and other technical documents by the end of June.
2. The Head of Administration Secretariat checks the completeness of the required administrative and the incomplete will returned to the applicant, whereas when the full requirements forwarded to the Mayor.
3. The mayor will dispositioning to the Head of Administration Secretariat to be recorded and submitted to the Advisory Team.
4. SKPD related to evaluate the validity of the request for grant expenditures and social assistance spending in aid by sub-district and village chief.
5. The Head of SKPD present the results of the evaluation of grant expenditure and the expenditure of social assistance in the form of a recommendation to the government budget team through the Advisory Team to be discussed.
6. Consideration team based on the results of discussions with relevant SKPD, sub-district and urban village head, giving consideration of the application grant expenditures and expenditures in the form of social assistance: Recommendations Can or Can not Be Considered.
7. The government budget team give due consideration to the recommendation in accordance with the priorities and fiscal capacity, as outlined in the DNC-PHB.
8. The mayor sets DNC-PHB approval set forth in the form of sheets Approval Mayor, and the basis for the inclusion of budget allocations for grants and social assistance expenditure in the draft of general policy of budget (KUA) and temporary budget ceiling priority (PPAS).
Aid disbursement stages:
1. The recipient of grant expenditures in the form of cash disbursement, applying for a grant to the Mayor through Department of Finance and Asset Management of Bandung (DPKAD).
2. Any provision of grant expenditures in the form of money poured in NPHD signed by the Mayor or appointed official and Beneficiary or Chairman Grant expenditures.
3. Recipients of grant expenditures in the form of money to complete the document requirements for the withdrawal, including: Application Disbursement, Grant Spending Plan Details User, Mail Accountability stamped, NPHD, Photo Copy of ID card, Photo Copy Bank account number that are still active, 4 Receipts 2 duty stamped,
4. If the proposal Recipients of grant expenditures complete, then published SPP - LS by PPKD Spending Treasurer, and if it is not complete, the file is returned to the receiver for submitting file. file submitted to the KDP - PPKD.
5. If the document requirements for the withdrawal declared complete, PPK - PPKD published SPM to be signed by the Head of DPKAD as PPKD. If the document is incomplete will returned again to the Treasurer Expenditures to be checked.
6. If the SPM documents and other requirements are complete, the Authorization BUD publish SP2D.
7. The funds transfered to the account of the done.
1. Human Resources
sabilulungan.bandung.go.id users there are in 27 government organizations Bandung, which consists of:
a) Administrative Regional Secretariat (Under Secretary of Regional Coordination)
b) 22 Related SKPD who do Evaluation / Giver Recommendations
c) Advisory Team, Head Inspector Bandung
d) Local Government Budget Team
e) Department of Finance and Asset Management Area (Head DPKAD As SKPKD)
2. Financial Resources
sabilulungan.bandung.go.id applications developed using budget funds of Bandung Fiscal Year 2013
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
Stakeholders involved in the implementation:
1. Mayor of Bandung period 2013-2018 M. Ridwan Kamil For Bandung as the first initiators Grants & social assistance Sabilulungan online media.
2. The Local Government Budget Team is a team established by the Decree of the Mayor and chaired by the Regional Secretary who has the task to prepare and implement policies in the context of preparing the budget whose members consist of local planning officials, PPKD and other officials as needed.
3. Consideration team is the team in charge of helping Local Government Budget Team (TAPD) in discussions with Related government working units (SKPD), sub-district and village chief and consideration of the application for grant expenditures and social assistance
4. Related SKPD 22 referrals
5. Community organizations, NGOs, Community Groups
6. Community of Bandung
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Output creative ideas grant & social assistance online media:
1. The application sabilulungan.bandung.go.id, weakness in the distribution of grants and social assistance as happened in 2012 successfully repaired
2. Information on data from the Budget Implementation Document (DPA) related to the organization's name and the name of the grantee and social assistance were complete and valid and open for people in Bandung on:
a) Proposal approved applicants;
b) Results of evaluation Related SKPD;
c) The text of the Regional Grant Agreement (NPHD), which outlines the Government of Bandung Party Agreement with Grant Recipient Organization and Social Assistance following the amount of money received, the obligation of the government and the donee
d) Statement of Responsibilities Recipients of grants, Address grantees / social assistance, Bank Account Number, id card (KTP), details Use of Grants and Social Assistance, Photo Receiver Grant and social assistance and Photographs activity, Accountability Report of use of grant funds and social assistance
3. Criticism and suggestions as well as complaints related to community organizing activities by grantees and social assistance.
4. Information on the implementation of development throughout the city of Bandung which is implemented by the grantee social assistance with a variety of physical activities (infrastructure) as well as non-physical activities (seminars, religious activities, social and cultural, education, health).
5. Digitizing data archive grantees and social assistance.
6. Information and model / example for the Provincial Government, Regency / City else in Indonesia, especially who are facing simultaneously the General Election related budgeting, administration, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the distribution of grants and social assistance Bandung.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The main obstacle faced:
1. A lot of interests that need to be accommodated, so a lot of pressure both the interests of community welfare and political interests in a broad sense.
2. Coordination between SKPD
3. Commitment to manage sabilulungan.bandung.go.id
4. It should be the development and refinement of these applications such as:
• Addition of Data Base E-ID card to ensure that the applicant grants and social assistance are the citizens of the city of Bandung.
• Addition of Data Base Legal Entity institutions and organizations.
• The addition of video menu of activities undertaken by the grantee as a form of visualization of real accountability of grantees on the activities undertaken.
• IT infrastructure in each village and sub-district