Pemalang Regency Land Officer (Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Pemalang)

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
In the administration of land services Kantah Pemalang experienced the following major problems: a. Geographic and topographical constraints that caused lack of accessibility for some communities to benefit land services since Kantah Pemalang is located only in the downtown. b. Large numbers of population with diverse incomes, professions, social identities, economic circumstance, level of education, and mobility that made land services not easily and equally attained. c. There are numbers of poor, vulnerable and low income people who were not able to reach access to economic and financial resources; d. Inefficiency and ineffectiveness of the previous administration of land services so that: 1) the delivery of land services was not equitably and accessibly obtained by all members of the public; and 2) the mechanism of control, monitoring and evaluation of the performance and accountability of land services administration was inadequate. Relating to the major problems emerged, below is the issues need to be further addressed: a. The improvement of public access to land services, the extent of service delivery, and the affordability of the public particularly the poor, low income, and vulnerable people to attain land services; and b. The development and implementation of an innovative breakthrough of land services system which: 1) enables an inclusive, integrated, affordable, transparent, accountable, fair, impartial, reliable, effective, prompt, and moveable system of land services; 2) orientates to: a) the fulfillment of constitutional rights of the public as citizen; b) the fulfillment of public necessity and satisfaction; and c) the integrity and accountability in the execution of land services administration. These issues significantly drew public concern recalling: a. that the quality of land service administration meticulously relates to the fulfilment of constitutional rights of the citizens; b. that land is of a basis and capital to access economic and financial resources; c. the impact of legal certainty and assurance with regard to land tenure, land ownership and land utilization which is of crucial importance, especially to prevent potential land disputes; and d. the settlement of these issues will considerably underpin the success of regional and national development program as well as the achievement of prosperity for all people. The above problems and issues influenced not only a large group of the public including the poor and vulnerable people but also other social groups as indicated below: a. sharecroppers, small planters, salt farmers, traditional fishermen, disabled, and elderly; b. indigenous community of which their interest was regard to the delineation of indigenous land borders; c. social and religious organization and foundation that were in connection with wakaf land and other social and religious land uses; and d. NGOs for their roles in community assistance and civil society empowerment.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
a. As the solution Kantah Pemalang has developed and implemented an innovative breakthrough called INTAN BERKILAU as the acronym of “Inovasi Pertanahan Berikan Ketersediaan Layanan Administrasi Pertanahan (Land Service Innovation that Makes Adequate Land Service Administration Available)”, which was initially implemented on February 2013 and was later expanded and modified on October 2014. b. INTAN BERKILAU integrates land services system which is developed on the basis of information and communication technology and is applied both at the front-office service and the pro-active service in order to provide an excellent land service that is equitable, fair, transparent, accessible, affordable, effective, efficient, accountable, non-discriminative, and inclusive. c. INTAN BERKILAU delivers five service components as follows: 1) Pro-active service named “LAJU PEMALANG” (Layanan Antar-Jemput Kantah Pemalang or Kantah Pemalang Pick-up and Delivery Service); 2) “STAR” Service (Sertifikasi Tanah untuk Akses Reform or Land Certification for Reform Access)”; 3) SMS Center Kantah Pemalang +62 821 3561 3561; 4) Spatial Analysis-based Land Service utilizing web Geographic Information System (GIS) technology; and 5) “AYO WAKAF” for social and religious land uses certification program.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
INTAN BERKILAU has become the effective solution and has positively contributed to the well-being of Pemalang citizens as describe below: a. The implementation of LAJU PEMALANG as pro-active mobile services succeeds in expanding the accessibility, the extent, and the affordability of the quality land services since through this implementation: 1) geographical and topographical constraints have been eventually eliminated and the access for all people from all regions especially from remote areas can be obtained; and 2) the coverage and the extent of land services are able to reach widespread area with equal service standard. LAJU PEMALANG applies the following strategies: 1) pick-up and delivery service; 2) priority is given to the remote locations and the locations accessible for the poor and vulnerable people like disabled, elderly, and retired citizens. 3) provided by officers wearing special uniform and equipped with particular attributes, laptop with GIS system and SMS gateway installed, cellular phone, modem, application form, printer, scanner, and EDC machines. 4) dissemination of information, communication, and education. b. STAR service works well in performing land certification program particularly: 1) for access reform, which correlates with the improvement of land economic value, feasibility and bankability of small and medium business and agricultural and fishery affairs including economic activities run by the poor and low income people; 2) in fostering civil society based-economic development. The delivery of STAR service has facilitated the poor, low income, and vulnerable people, small and medium entrepreneurs, small farmers, and traditional fishers: a) to have access to venture capital and loan from financial institutions; b) to empower people in conducting economic activities and optimizing available economic resources that relates with land. The strategies of STAR are as follows: 1) partnership and joint-service with state-owned bank and local bank; 2) establish point of service of land certification and the application of loan located in the bank offices; 3) dissemination of information, communication, and education through formal and informal forums. c. SMS Center Kantah Pemalang +62 821 3561 3561 succeeds to realize accessibility of information and transparency of land services administration, to facilitate public participation and inclusiveness and to support information technology literacy and awareness since this service provides: 1) complaint handling and public participations facility; 2) general information regarding procedures and requirements, duration of completion, and tracing position and latest status of applications; 3) applications of land services for mobile services and other relevant applications requiring follow-up in front office services such as land rights registration, transfer of land rights, land mortgage removal, amendment of land rights, and substitution of land rights certificates; 4) notification regarding pertinent subjects of service applications and land administration. SMS Center applies the following strategies: 1) free and automated service; 2) coding form communication scenario and user automated guidance; 3) recorded communications for follow-up actions; 4) quick response; and 5) verification of the proposed services. d. Web-based GIS service succeeds in providing real-time output with high accuracy regarding land tenure, land title, land utilization, land use and spatial planning. The following strategies are applied to this service: 1) digitalization of maps; 2) integration of digital map to one server for auto-spatial analysis; 3) programming on the basis of relevant regulations, policy, and scientific basis of spatial planning; 4) internet-based and android-based platform; and 5) developing product template compatible with template output as mentioned in SOP. e. AYO WAKAF service runs well in providing legal certainty assurance for social or religious land uses, which applies the following strategies: 1) partnership with Local Office of Ministry of Religion, Pemalang Regency Government, Indonesia Wakaf Institution; 2) free and mobile service; 3) product delivery service.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
INTAN BERKILAU through its five service components implements innovative, creative, and inclusive approaches that distinguishes it from previous mechanism as follows: a. Integrated approach that combines information and communication technology-based service and social-based service, which comprehensively generates pro-active, public-oriented and quality land services; b. Automated information and communication technology-based approach that is provided for free to access relevant information regarding agrarian and spatial planning matters, which has made this initiative accessible, affordable, and equitable; c. Simplification of procedures, which is applied as an approach to undertake land certification program for citizens to gain economic resources and reform access that has enabled the poor, low income, and vulnerable people to empower themselves properly and economically and to promote feasible local economic growth; d. Spatial analysis-based and web-GIS based services that provide real-time result and accurate spatial analysis to support one map one policy and licensing process undertaken by local and central government, as well as to assure legal certainty in the area of agrarian rights; and e. Participative and evaluative approach that involves public participation and provides sufficient space for public to monitor, control, and give feedback concerning land services administration.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
The implementing organization of INTAN BERKILAU is Kantah Pemalang as the inventor of the initiative and this corresponds with the accomplishment of its authorities as stipulated in Presidential Regulation Number 20 Year 2015 and The Regulation of Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Head of National Land Agency Number 38 Year 2016. Kantah Pemalang is vertical institution of Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency that is established in regency/city and is under and responsible to Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Head of National Land Agency through the Head of National Land Agency Regional Office (Kanwil). The idea of the development of INTAN BERKILAU originated from the Head of Kantah Pemalang. This idea was later discussed within the internal organization of Kantah Pemalang for consolidation and finalization of the the initiative conception. The development of the initiative acquired full support from all personnel of Kantah Pemalang. Following the series of discussions, Land Service Innovation Development Team was established as a part of Bureaucratic Reform Team of Kantah Pemalang. The main tasks of The Innovation Development Team were to design and build the system, to formulate technical policy and procedures of services, to evaluate and to test the system as well as to ensure the reliability and the operation of the system especially during trial. The execution of these task was directly under monitoring and supervision of the Head of Kantah Pemalang to ensure its effectiveness and acceleration of development of INTAN BERKILAU. The development of INTAN BERKILAU was also intensively communicated and reported to Kanwil of Central Java Province. Besides, this initiative was also communicated, disseminated, and deliberately discussed with Pemalang Regency Government, House of Representative of Pemalang Regency, NGOs, mass media, and citizens of Pemalang Regency. INTAN BERKILAU has been implemented since February 2013 and has given benefits in the area of land service administration for about 1,3millions population of Pemalang Regency.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
The strategy implemented in INTAN BERKILAU was as described below: a. Intra-institutional Approach Focused on the strategy of capacity building and strengthening the organization of Kantah Pemalang, which comprised but not limited to the aspects of brain-ware, hardware and software, financial resources, and facilities and infrastructure of land services. At this point, the following measures were taken: 1) The establishment of the Innovation Development Team, which was assigned: a) to assess the real condition and quality of service; b) to identify the obstacles and problems of service; c) to propose the solution and its steps; d) to formulate technical policy and procedures of services; e) to design and build the system; f) to evaluate and test the system; g) to ensure the reliability of the system especially during trial. 2) Commitment building of all personnel of Kantah Pemalang together with the signing of integrity pact of each individual. 3) Development and testing of INTAN BERKILAU to discover individual trustworthiness, to get feedback, to ensure the reliability, responsiveness of the system and the accuracy of the results. 4) Internalization of the concept and methodology of five service components through on-the-job training completed with the user’s guide and handbook of each service component. 5) Implementation of INTAN BERKILAU in front-office service or through mobile services equipped with the devices and performed by well-trained service officers. 6) Daily briefing prior to service hours and review of the service performance fortnightly. 7) Monthly evaluation and weekly report. 8) Introduction and publication of INTAN BERKILAU and participation in the public service exhibitions at local, regional and national levels. b. Inter-institutional Approach Focused on the strategy of reinforcing co-ordination, co-operation and partnership with relevant institutions that was achieved through below actions: 1) Establishment of partnership co-operation to form synergy and mutual program networking at all levels. 2) Introduction and dissemination of INTAN BERKILAU to all stakeholders. 3) Involving village government to actively participate and to encourage people to utilize INTAN BERKILAU. 4) Engaging land notaries and their professional association in using INTAN BERKILAU to process land transactions and transfer of land rights transactions. c. Socio-culture Approach Emphasized the strategy of encouraging inclusiveness of the people and propelling public participation in the delivery of service and social control with social and cultural circumstances being taken into considerations. In this context, these measures were put into action: 1) Involvement of public figures, traditional leaders and religious leaders to take a part in the introduction and dissemination of INTAN BERKILAU in informal gatherings or other relevant social assemblies. 2) Engagement of journalist to transmit news or announcement regarding INTAN BERKILAU via mainstream and social or social mediadi media cetak maupun online. 3) Co-operation with the local government-owned radio to air talk-show and interview program concerning spatial planning issues and land services delivered with INTAN BERKILAU on evening prime time broadcast. 4) Utilization internet-based publications and social media for more mobile and real-time access. The mobilized resources were: 1) Brain-ware of 1 front office service manager; 1 mobile service manager; 1 administrator of SMS Center; 1 administrator of web-based GIS; 4 front office operators, 4 mobile service operators; 1 CSO and back office assistants; 2) Hardware of HP DL 380 G9 server, PC, laptop, internet modem, printer, scanner, and EDC machine; 3) Software of Windows 2005 server, ARC GIS Web-Server, SQL Server, and INTAN BERKILAU application; 4) Data of relevant digital map and land registration data; 5) Facilities and infrastructures of services. The financial resource of INTAN BERKILAU implementation was from State-Budget and Non-Tax State Revenue that was allocated on yearly basis.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
The stakeholders involved in the design of INTAN BERKILAU were as stated below: a. land service innovation development team of Kantah Pemalang; b. bureaucratic reform team of Kantah Pemalang; and c. Kanwil of Central Java Province. In the implementation stage of INTAN BERKILAU, the following stakeholders were involved: a. all personnel of Kantah Pemalang; b. management of Kanwil of Central Java Province; c. the Regent of Pemalang and local government institutions of Pemalang Regency; d. House of Representative of Pemalang Regency; e. Law enforcement institutions in Pemalang Regency; f. Tax Office of Pemalang Regency; g. State Auction Office of Pemalang Regency; h. Office of Ministry of Religion of Pemalang Regency; i. Indonesia Wakaf Agency of Pemalang Regency; j. GSM operators; k. financial institutions; l. head of subdistricts and head of villages in Pemalang Regency; m. public notary/land notary and the notary/land notary professional association; n. state-owned enterprises, local government-owned enterprises, village-owned enterprises; o. NGOs; p. local mass media including radio and newspaper; q. all citizens of Pemalang Regency as the users of land services; r. groups of indigenous communities of Pemalang Regency; and s. social and religious organizations and foundations in Pemalang Regency.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
a. Outputs of INTAN BERKILAU are as follows: 1) Pro-active services of LAJU PEMALANG provide 12 services, which 11 out of 12 generate land rights certificates and the remaining generates information about land value. 2) STAR provides integrated land certification service and access to loan grant, which generates land rights certificate and land mortgage certificate. 3) SMS Center service generates the following outputs: a) data/information of complaints handling, feedback, and response to public participation and aspirations; b) information regarding among others procedures and requirements, duration of completion, and tracing position and latest status of applications; c) data/information regarding 12 services; and d) data/information to notify schedule of cadaster survey, verification, blocking by tax office or the court, postponement of service and announcement of physical and juridical data. 4) Spatial analysis with web-based GIS service generates the following outputs: a) information about land value, land use and spatial planning; b) document of technical recommendations regarding land acquisition for development for public interests and prerequisite of spatial and land use licenses; c) worksheet map of land cadaster survey; d) thematic map; and e) documents of land parcels check plot. 5) Output of AYO WAKAF service is wakaf certificate. b. INTAN BERKILAU commits and corresponds to SDGs as indicated below: 1) It enables the eradication of extreme poverty for all people in Pemalang Regency and ensures that all genders particularly women, the poor and vulnerable citizens benefit from equal economic resources and access to land services, land tenure and ownership and control over land as stated in GOAL 1 and GOAL 5. 2) It encourages the realization of GOAL 2 that the agricultural productivity and incomes of small farmers and fishers and other vulnerable group are improved and these people have secure and equal access to land and financial services. 3) It promotes the capability and empowerment of women to utilize information and communication technology to access land services as articulated in GOAL 5. 4) It fosters regional development planning of Pemalang Regency as set in GOAL 11. 5) It ensures the achievement of GOAL 16 through: a) the eradication of corruption and bribery in land services; b) effectiveness, accountability, and transparency of land services administration; c) responsive, inclusive and participatory decision-making in the area of land administration and spatial planning; and d) availability of public access to information and protection of land rights of the citizens.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The obstacles encountered during the implementation of INTAN BERKILAU are as follows: a. The implementation of INTAN BERKILAU required vast and thorough adjustment in the delivery of services since it introduced new and different service mechanism, which applied full front-office service and the use of technology that made the former back-office services left. On one hand, the delivery of services had to continue with the new system applied and without delay due to the commitment to prioritize public necessities. On the other hand, this change had to be followed with the change of mindset, culture set and behavior set of all personnel, which demanded a process and could not instantly occur. Experiencing this challenge, the following is the taken way out: 1) internalization of the values of implementing the new system; 2) applying on the job training method; 3) providing coaching and adjunct technical assistance; 4) periodic and incidental supervisions; 5) convening daily morning brief 30 minutes prior to service hours; 6) weekly individual evaluation; 7) reward and punishment to stimulate optimum performance. b. The unavailability and unstable internet connections since internet networks had not been evenly available throughout Pemalang. To overcome this hindrance, the mobile service of INTAN BERKILAU was operated in the locations where internet connections were available such as in sub-district office, post office or office of local government. Else, in an emergency situation INTAN BERKILAU was operated in offline mode. c. Unreliable and unavailable of electricity infrastructure in remote areas to deliver mobile service that was anticipated with generator-set brought by Kantah Pemalang personnel for power supply. d. Different level of public technology literacy and comprehension that was addressed through periodic and frequent dissemination of information, providing adequate and specific service guidance for special need customers and distribution of user-friendly manuals.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
INTAN BERKILAU is successful in creating positive impacts for the fulfillment of agrarian rights, right of access to information, right of transparency of public service, and right to participate in good governance. The positive impacts of INTAN BERKILAU are as described below: a. The needs of all Pemalang citizens to acquire access to quality land services are well responded with LAJU PEMALANG implementation, which delivers equitable, accessible, affordable, prompt and effective services. The fulfillment of this needs enables them to allocate resources efficiently. Besides, the equitable land services hold significant roles to prevent social conflicts and land disputes, to maintain stability of secure situation and to uphold conducive economic activities. b. The integration of land certification service and access to financial services through STAR brings economic advantages for the poor and vulnerable people and increases economic value of land. Consequently, the increase of economic land value fosters the economic empowerment of these people and finally this will augment their prosperity and well-being. c. Public participation delivered in forms of complaints, reports, suggestions, or opinions is well facilitated through SMS Center at all times. Accordingly, this has established an effective social control mechanism, inclusiveness in public service, the creation of public monitoring and evaluation as well as mutual partnership between the public and Kantah Pemalang. d. Web-based GIS service eventually succeeds in reinforcing the realization of appropriate land use and utilization in accordance with relevant regulations and the spatial planning so that: 1) the citizens are protected with legal certainty assurance and able to control over their land; 2) the conduct of policy-making and development planning can be more accurate and comprehensive. e. Wakaf land certification by AYO WAKAF is successful in providing legal certainty of wakaf land used for social and religious activities. f. INTAN BERKILAU gives rise to the diminishing of corruptive and discriminative actions recalling that this system allows transparency in the administration of land services so that public has adequate access to control the given services and to assess accountability and integrity of the administrators in an objective manner. These impacts are measured through the following indicators: a. The significant upsurge of land services volumes. b. The considerable increase of non-tax state revenue from land services deposited by Kantah Pemalang. c. The important rise of local tax revenues of Pemalang Regency Government collecting from land and building title transfer duties of land transactions and transfer of land rights. d. The noticeable augmentation of land mortgage certificates along with the increase of land mortgage values. e. The declined numbers of public complaints. f. The growing trend of public awareness in submitting applications directly without intermediaries or brokers. g. The rising extent of public participation in social control and dissemination of information.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
The improvement of integrity and the diminishment of corruptive actions are inseparable from the system developed in INTAN BERKILAU, of which it is also intended to function as anti-corruption instrument. INTAN BERKILAU supports and facilitates: a. Public participation and social control, which are represented with the availability of: 1) complaints service through SMS Center, as a mean to accommodate complaints, criticism/protests, reports, questions, other inputs as well as a part of whistleblower mechanism. 2) mobile services provided in distant locations that allow public to control and to monitor services objectively. b. Transparency and responsiveness in complaint handling, which is given no more than one minute and subsequently followed with verification and pursued by the authorized officer no more than one hour by phone or with on-site inspection. c. Transparency of information regarding general information about land services, relevant information concerning 12 land services, and notification that gives sufficient and affordable access for public to trace and to update their applications. d. The implementation of electronic and internet-based land services that works effectively: 1) in minimizing potential chances for any unlawful transaction of land services to happen recalling that all stages of land services are undertaken and recorded on-line and electronically so that this enables effective internal supervisions and public control; 2) in producing accurate and reliable spatial analysis as the control and pre-requisite instruments for licenses relating to land use and utilization, conversion of land use, and spatial planning, which corruptive actions jeopardizing public interests are averted and diminished. e. Cashless and electronic payment that obliges any payment is done through EDC or direct payment to designated banks as appointed by Ministry of Finance as national treasurer. f. The improvement of public awareness regarding eradication of corruption that is done for instance with the enclosure of features containing service declaration and pledge. The following indicators are used to measure the: a. The decrease of public complaints. b. The growing trend of public awareness in submitting applications directly without intermediaries or brokers. c. The mounting appreciation and trustworthiness of the public to value the service quality. d. The noticeable reduction of unlawful land services transactions. e. The punctuality of service completion is better improved and even earlier than the duration defined in the SOP. f. The extensive public participation and social control in the performance of land services. g. Reduced backlogs of service applications and submissions.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
INTAN BERKILAU provides special measures aiming for people with special needs that comprise the following: a. retired, senior citizens, widow, pregnant and lactating women, women with children, and disabled; b. the poor and low income people, small farmers and traditional fishers. Special measures of INTAN BERKILAU is given with the following mechanism: a. The visits of pro-active mobile services LAJU PEMALANG and STAR are dedicatedly scheduled and given priorities; b. The locations of pro-active services are accessible and well-known for instance in sub-district office, post office, public square, or car-free-day route. c. Social approach to their families, parents, relatives or guardians to accompany the retired, elderly, women with special circumstances, and disabled during the process of given services. d. Co-operation with local government social services, social homes, nursing homes, and facilitating banks to open mobile services in their domains. e. Priority of queueing system and direct service guidance is given by dedicated officer. f. Dissemination of information and public awareness relating land rights and land services.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Pemalang Regency Land Officer (Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Pemalang)
Institution Type:   Ministry  
Contact Person:   Deni Santo
Title:   Head of Kantah Pemalang  
Telephone/ Fax:   +62 815 1054 5462
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   Jl. Pemuda 35, Mulyoharjo
Postal Code:   52313
City:   Pemalang
State/Province:   Central Java

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