4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Organization’s performance will increase if it applies clear set of standard (system). Nevertheless, no matter how perfect a system is, the man behind its implementation still holds the key to its success. Even a system with international standard will not bring positive changes if the human resources don’t have integrity and commitment. Standards are easily deviated when the man behind it is so willing to gain personal gain.
We bear that in mind when we design the collaboration of those system and standard: employee’s integrity is the top priority. Thus every employee in Fish Quarantine and Inspection Agency Officeof Semarang must sign an integrity pact as the first step. Signing the pact of integrity officers with service users is a commitment of service users. to realizing the Corruption Free Territory.
The stages for the certification by our Office are submission of request for inspection by service users, sampling, laboratory testing, the payment for laboratory testing, and the issuance of certificate. In every stages, gratifications are prone to take place and the integrity of employees involve in it must be maintained. Corruption Free Territory initiative is the perfect strategy to ensure a high level of integrity.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
Head of Fish Quarantine and Inspection Agency Office of Semarang and their staffs have initiatives to address the constraints faced by users of the service. The problem-solving initiative is making innovations to improve the quality of public services is by collaborated on some systems/standards have been applied in the service followed by a fish health certificate by build area is free from corruption. As for the system or the standard applied is the Standard Services, Systems Licensing Online Quarantine integrated with Custom Clearance Online System (INSW), ISO 9001:2008 for service system that has been upgraded to ISO 9001:2015, Laboratory based on Molecular Biology with assurance system testing by 17025:2008 for laboratory testing, E-payment payments quarantine services, compensate customers, investment resources and build information systems to ensure the openness of the public and build a territory that free of corruption (Territory Free Corruption) that is packaged in an innovative management of public services in the form of "Qualified Services of Fish Quarantine in the Territory Free Corruption". Why is that, as reliable as any system or standard that we apply when carried out by personnel who do not have the commitment and integrity, that will not be qualified.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
The financial of the innovation inQualified Services of Fish Quarantine in the Territory Free Corruption comes from the state budget (APBN). The budget is used among other things to increase the competence of human resources services and laboratories, equip facilities and supporting infrastructure services including an increase in bandwidth capacity, material Information and Media Center, e-payment devices, the application of ISO 9001:2008 which has been upgraded to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 17025:2008 as well as the fulfillment of the elements of Territory Free Corruption.
Fish health certification services carried out by the human resources that have the commitment, integrity, work in a professional, friendly and courteous in providing services to end users. Optimizing the supply of infrastructure services such as room service comes with a comfortable waiting room. Media center and information system built, it’s also provide access to public information disclosure. Technical competence should be owned by every officer is an understanding of the laws and regulations, Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) and standard acts of quarantine fish service to realize quality services. Increased competence is achieved through training and technical assistance gradual and sustained. Along this service officers carry out the signing of integrity pacts, enforcing codes of conduct of employees, and gratification control in Territory Free Corruption.
The officers of Fish Quarantine and Inspection Agency Office of Semarang who have understood the rules in the scope of their duties and the principles of excellent service will be able to provide quality services.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
The implementation of Qualified Services of Fish Quarantine and quality in the Territory Free Corruption involves multiple stakeholders including:
a. Quality Assurance International Certification who set the certification standard of ISO 9001:2008.
b. QuarantineFish, Quality Control and Safety of Fishery Products as the Competent Authority of ISO 9001:2008 management, has the authority to do the evaluation of the consistency of the application of ISO 9001:2015 to verify the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) reports of Fish Quarantine and Inspection Agency Office of Semarangevery month.
c. National Accreditation Committee (KAN) as the competent authority establishes the accreditation of ISO 17025:2008,and carry out surveillance at least once a year to see the consistency of application of ISO 17025:2008 and re-accredited every 5 (five) years. Fish Quarantine and Inspection Agency Office of Semarang as the operator of ISO 17025:2008 coined the obligation to conduct internal audits and management review.
d. Tanjung Emas Custom Office of Semarang as the operator of Indonesia National Single Window portal who conducts custom document’s clearances with the confirmation from Fish Quarantine and Inspection Agency Officeof Semarang.
e. Bank as a provider of e-payment services and provide EDC (Electronic Data Capture).
f. Ministry of Administrative Reform of the National Assessment Team who monitor the evaluation of consistency implementation of Territory Free Corruption at Fish Quarantine and Inspection Agency Office of Semarang once a year.
g. User who also actively participate in the preparation of the standard of service, satisfaction surveys of the users. Service users, as a member of the Independent Monitoring Team, is expected to play an active role to monitor the implementation of anti-corruption program. And engage in integrity pact between officers and users.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Qualified Services of Fish Quarantine in the Territory Free Corruptioncarried out by applyingthe Service Standards, quality standards (ISO 9001: 2012, ISO 17025:2008), INSW and based on Territory Free Corruption, requires commitment and consistency is high. The condition has been gradually give output:
1. Increased professionalism of employees in providing services, it is the result of commitment and consistency in implementing service standards, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 17025:2008 and PPK Online-INSW.
2. The user of the service being familiar with the simplification and adherence to procedures, the clarity of the officer and the standard of service time. Public disclosure either by leaflet, posters, website and email as well as the availability of Media Center has provided convenience of users in accessing information. The availability of fare information in the room provides convenience for users to calculate the estimated costs to be incurred.
3. Efficiency of the time and costs of service, such as trimming service time from the original 10 days into 4 days has reduced the economic costs to be incurred by users. This course will shorten the shelf life of fisheries products, making it faster to the consumer, so the quality is guaranteed and safe to eat and the nutritional value has not dropped.
4. Determination ofFish Quarantine and Inspection Agency Office of Semarangas a unit of work is predicated Region Free of Corruption has encouraged the growth of the public service of quality and integrity. The fulfillment of the indicator elements ofthe Territory Free Corruption indirectly raise awareness and the spirit of anti-corruption thus improving employee integrity and a positive image.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Internal constraints to keep the consistency of implementation of standards/systems that are already committed. Efforts to deal with such things is by doing Refresment and Monitoring Evaluation.
The Efforts on applying Territory Free of Corruption still had external constraints where there are still some users that are giving the change of payments to service officers. Solutions conducted socialization to users as well as the officers that Fish Quarantine and Inspection Agency Office of Semarang already implemented as a service unit that is predicated as Territory Free Corruption.