4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
The New system of GERBANG SERASAN is a breakthrough program of The Government Of Muara Enim which is innovative as shown by :
• The strengthening of UMKMK capital through cooperation with banks in distributing bank credit to UMKMK with subsidized credit interest and insurance premium provided by The Government of Muara Enim. Through the system UMKMK get subsidized bank credit to help their businesses and improve their welfare.
• Provision and optimization of KKMB as UMKMK advisors to help UMKMK get access to banks and formulates credit proposals and also monitor their credit repayment in addition to other kinds of consultations.
• Provision of GERBANG SERASAN Secretariat that will implement, monitor, evaluate and report activities of GERBANG SERASAN as UMKMK House. GERBANG SERASAN Secretariat is located in a special office with special employees and KKMB who are ready to give services needed by UMKMK. GERBANG SERASAN functions at the same time as UMKMK House in Muara Enim, to get answers to their problems, to express complaints and for consultation purposes as well as a business partner for UMKMK. So UMKMK House functions not only as a home for social but also for business purposes.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
The partnership between The Local Government and Banks is the right choice as the parties directly involved in the implementation of GERBANG SERASAN program. Where each party has their respective roles that are :
1) Government
Provide budget from APBD for the operations of the GERBANG SERASAN Secretariat, empowerment Partner Bank Financial Consultant (KKMB) as well as interest rate subsidies and insurance premiums.
2) Banking
Distribute credit to UMKMK by optimizing the existing bank credit (KUR Mikro, KUR Retail, KUPEDES, KUKPEDES-GS, KUM-GS).
With this partnership, UMKMK get assistance in improving capital ability, business development and institutional strenghthening of economics enterprises by facilitating access to banking given Local Government through KKMB. Improving the capital ability of UMKMK can accelerate efforts to reduce the number of poor people.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Strategy for implementing The GERBANG SERASAN innovation program (New System) in Muara Enim :
1) After the audit results from BPK on Local Government Budget (APBD) financial statement of Muara Enim Regency that prohibit the Local Government act as guarantor for third party loan because it contradict The Government Regulation Number 54, 2005, Government Of Muara Enim begin to develop concept to improve GERBANG SERASAN program which involve several Local Government Working Units and coordinate with Bank Indonesia Palembang. Several FGD facilitated by Bank Indonesia Palembang was held between Government Of Muara Enim, team from Bank Sumsel Babel and team from Bank Rakyat Indonesia in Palembang. After several FGDs it was agreed the concept of GERBANG SERASAN with new scheme, with following principles : a) to do re cooperate with Executing Bank; b) optimization of banking credit scheme with credit plafond between US$ 149 to US$ 37.355 c) The Government Of Muara Enim provide subsidy of interest loan and insurance premiums for UMKMK that participate in GERBANG SERASAN and supply KKMB officer to assist UMKMK; d) The Government of Muara Enim provide an office as Secretariat for GERBANG SERASAN and it also as HOME BASE for UMKMK.
2) The Enhanced Concept (New System) was submitted to parliament and set into Local Regulation Number 11, 2008 on GERBANG SERASAN.
3) The implementation of GERBANG SERASAN is improved (New System) based on Local Regulation Number 11, 2008 in stages through:
• Provision by The Government of Muara Enim of APBD funds for the operation of GERBANG SERASAN Secretariat, empowerment of KKMB and credit interest and insurance premium subsidy.
• Cooperation Agreement between The Government of Muara Enim and The Regional Office of Bank Rakyat Indonesia.
• Cooperation Agreement between The Government of Muara Enim and Bank SumSel BaBel Palembang.
• Optimizing bank credit scheme by involving Insurance Institution.
• Provision by Bank Indonesia of technical aid to empower KKMB in the form of training resource persons, monitoring and consultations.
• The Regulation Of Muara Enim District Head on The Formation of Organization and Working System for The Executors of GERBANG SERASAN.
• The Regulation of Muara Enim District Head Number 22, 2013 on The Amendement of The Decree Muara Enim District Head Number 23, 2010 on Credit Interest and Insurance Premium Subsidy on Credits of Participants of GERBANG SERASAN (Regional Gazzete of Muara Enim Regency Number 23, 2013).
• The Decision of Muara Enim District Head on GERBANG SERASAN Muara Enim Regency Number 359/KPTS/VI/2012.
• The Decision of Muara Enim District Head on Amendment of the General Reference for the Implementation of GERBANG SERASAN.
• Formulating the requirement and credit application mechanism of GERBANG SERASAN.
• KKMB recruitment
• Program sosialization.
• Program Implementation.
• Monitoring, reporting and evaluation.
Resources used are :
1) Financial Resources
Financial resources come from local government budget (APBD) and banking fund. Muara Enim local budget that is used to finance Secretariat of GERBANG SERASAN average US$ 59.768 per year. Subsidy for interest loan and insurance premium from 2009 - 2016 is amounted US$ 1.091.020 while the GERBANG SERASAN credit realization from Bank Sumsel Babel and Bank Rakyat Indonesia in the amount of US$ 9.778.446 is allocated for 3.828 UMKM.
2) Human Resources
Human resources that support the implementation of this program are Partner Bank Financial Consultant (KKMB), GERBANG SERASAN Secretariat, Banking and Government.
3) Other resources
Other resources which are also important to boost growth and for the implementation of the iniative are commitment, political support, networking, consistency and conducive situation that make the innovation of GERBANG SERASAN Program go well until today.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
The basic idea for refinement of GERBANG SERASAN concept comes directly from The District Head of Muara Enim raised in a meeting attended by Heads Of Legal Affairs, Financial Affairs, Animal Husbandry and Fishery Service and Bappeda. He orders The Head Of Animal Husbandry And Fishery Service to formulate a concept of GERBANG SERASAN refinement and conduct coordination (FGD) with teams from Bank Indonesia Palembang, Bank Sumsel Babel and Bank Rakyat Indonesia and the refined concept of GERBANG SERASAN (The New Pattern) is agreed upon.
The signing of the cooperation agreement is done by The Head Of Muara Enim District, The Head of The Regional Office of Bank Rakyat Indonesia Palembang, The Directors of Bank Sumsel Babel, Head by The Chairman of the Muara Ening Legislative Assembly and Witnessed by South Sumatra Deputy Governor.
GERBANG SERASAN is implemented by Secretariat headed by Head of Secretariat and General Affairs Assisted by head of UMKM Development Section and KKMB Empowerment Section. The implementation of GERBANG SERASAN is fully supported by KKMB and monitored by Coordination Forum involving SKPD concerned which is led by Regency Secretary.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Several concrete outputs of GERBANG SERASAN program innovation are :
1) Empowerment of 3.828 UMKM through capital strengthening using GERBANG SERASAN credit totaling US$ 9.778.446 in the period from 2009 to 2017 and the rate of smooth repayment with Non-Performing Loan less than 1%.
2) Increasing income of GERBANG SERASAN participants (UMKMK) at an average rate of 59% from before becoming GERBANG SERASAN participants and increasing new businesses by 33%. This show positive correlation to decrease in the poverty rate in Muara Enim from 17,98% in 2008 to 14,54% in 2015 (BPS Data).
3) The functioning of UMKMK House as a place for seeking answers, consultation and guidance in making proposals, partner meetings and others so that the house does not only function for social but also business forum for UMKMK.
4) The follow up of the GERBANG SERASAN Program is the establishment of PD. Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (smallholders’ bank BPR) GERBANG SERASAN in Muara Enim which was officially opened on December 5, 2016 to increase the number and reach of UMKMK that receive GERBANG SERASAN credit.
5) GERBANG SERASAN Program innovation has received awards in the form of a) Certificate of Appreciation for Selected Nominator for Innovative Government Award in 2013 from The Minister of Home Affairs of The Republic of Indonesia and b) Appreciation for Muara Enim GERBANG SERASAN innovation as 2015 Top 99 Public Service Innovation From The Minister of Empowerment of State Apparatus and Administrative Reform.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Obstacle being faced in the implementation of GERBANG SERASAN in Muara Enim are among others:
1) At the start of the activity the obstacle being faced is the lack of data base of UMKMK so that during familiarization it is difficult to find participants. To overcome it KKMB intensively conducts familiarization to villages and sub-districts.
2) There is “silent resistance” from loan sharks who threaten UMKMK to join GERBANG SERASAN. To deal with it KKMB approaches UMKMK individually to explain the benefit of GERBANG SERASAN program.
3) Different perception from leaders of executing banks emerge and so everytime they are changed GERBANG SERASAN Secretariat must conduct explanation again about GERBANG SERASAN.
4) Some UMKMK do not meet urgent bank requirements and force to get GERBANG SERASAN credit. To overcome the problem explanation is done transparently regarding the requirements to get GERBANG SERASAN credit.
The problems or obstacles met are also discussed at the coordination meeting which is done per quarter so that all stakeholders know and understand so that they can help inform UMKMK in the field.