Local Revenue Office of East Java Province (Badan Pendapatan Daerah Provinsi Jawa Timur)

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
Each year, vehicles' owners in the Republic of Indonesia are obliged to perform the following actions. (i) Performing Re-registration of Vehicles to identify and to protect the vehicles' ownerships; (ii) Making three payments: Non-Tax Revenue to finance operations of the Indonesian National Police; Vehicle Tax to finance infrastructure development within a municipality and a province; and Traffic Accident Insurance managed by a state insurance company (Jasa Raharja, Ltd) to cover costs of treatments and fatalities from road traffic accidents involving a vehicle owner. Based on joint regulations by related authorities in 1999, those actions are being performed simultaneously and integrated at an office named SAMSAT (One Roof Integrated Administration System). SAMSAT Offices have operated nationwide including in East Java Province. East Java covers an area of 47,157.72 km² and was a home for 12,967,458 registered vehicles in 2013. The number has increased each year as of 2016 scores 17,078,429 units, which belong to 13,469,866 vehicles' owners. The rapidly increasing number of vehicles has made East Java SAMSAT Offices busier and overload. Before “EASY SAMSAT” initiative was being implemented, there were many problems faced by the SAMSAT Offices: (i) The number of personnel was shrinking due to the mandatory retirement age and the zero growth policy of civil-service officers; (ii) In person service was vulnerable to moral hazards and corruption; (iii) Inadequate infrastructure due to low budget allocation; (iv) Time deposit restrictions and limited payment options; (v) Negative opinion regarding the government's services quality office, including services provided by the SAMSAT Offices, were difficult, slow and non-transparent; (vi) The large number vehicles’ owners who neglected their obligations. Vehicles' owners faced different problems when carrying out their obligations at the SAMSAT Offices, as the following: (i) Lack of information to the service procedures; (ii) Time limitation due to busy schedule; (iii) Incomplete documents because used as loan guarantees; (iv) Long queue; (v) Risk of extortion from in-person service; (v) Additional costs from hiring third-party service providers. Directly, low-quality services of SAMSAT Offices affected the vehicle owners. However, in general, the whole communities of East Java received negative impacts from the situation due to a lower rate of tax collection used to finance regional development.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
In order to facilitate, accelerate and solve problems in the service-related of Re-Registration of Vehicles and payments of Vehicle Tax, Non-Tax Revenue, and Traffic Accident Insurance, the East Java Provincial Government in collaboration with the East Java Regional Police and Jasa Raharja, Ltd of East Java branch have established an initiative based on Information Technology (IT) named "EASY SAMSAT" (URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghOaTPoawZU). “EASY SAMSAT” has developed eleven public services namely: SAMSAT Link, SAMSAT Drive Thru, SAMSAT Payment Point, SAMSAT Corner, SAMSAT Islands, Mobile SAMSAT, SAMSAT Delivery, e-SAMSAT, ATM SAMSAT, SAMSAT On the Spot, and SAMSAT-the Indonesian Postal Ltd Collaboration aim to simplify, accelerate, and expand public access to the East Java SAMSAT Offices services without distance, time, and space limitations. “EASY SAMSAT” has pushed down the cost of services, increased the number of transactions, improved consumers’ satisfaction, and optimized related stakeholders’ outcomes.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
Generally, "EASY SAMSAT" promoted synergies among relevant agencies in East Java consists of the Provincial Government, the Regional Police and Jasa Raharja Ltd, the Indonesian Postal Ltd, banking industry, and other parties. The initiative has improved public service quality supported by information technology through the following five efforts. Firstly, cutting down long bureaucratic services by applying information technology-based measures that made consumers enjoyed quicker and more accurate services. Electronic documents e.g. e-registration and e-identification were used to improve transparency, accountability, and security of vehicles’ documents. Secondly, increasing the number of service centers that can be accessed anytime and anywhere with lower costs. As the consequence, “EASY SAMSAT” can save customers’ time spending and allocate it to more productive activities or family’s quality time. Thirdly, providing 24 hours 7 days non-stop facilities and payment service points that featuring self-service mode. For in-person service mode, there is option for non-cash payment. The features have prevented unofficial charges and extortion, lowered costs, and improved the level of security and privacy. Fourthly, improving access and increasing the number of vehicle owners in daily basis by making appointments electronically through social media, SMS push and broadcasts, and e-mail. Fifthly, providing similar and standardized services for all people from all background, regardless of their socioeconomic classes, education levels, and special connections to the authority. Everyone is treated equal without discrimination including groups of people that had been marginalized. "EASY SAMSAT" implementation has benefited more than 38 million people in East Java Province. Revenue from the vehicle tax is used to finance the following activities: (i) Road infrastructures to connect intra-cities; (ii) Public works to employ labor force in 2015 about 95.53 percent or 19.37 million people; (iii) Education infrastructures built since 2013 are 2,691 kindergartens, 97 schools for people with disability, 236 elementary schools, 313 junior high schools, 62 high schools, and 459 vocational high schools; (iv) New health facilities built are 115 units focusing on remote areas and vulnerable people to health problems; (v) Poverty reduction resulted on the decreasing number of the poor (more than 4 million people) by 1,8% from 2013 to 2015; (vi) Food security by providing rice and meat surplus on the market; (vii) Environmental protection and disaster mitigation e.g. planting trees, drought control, floods prevention, etc.; (viii) Worships facilities and social activities; (ix) Rules of law enforcement and human rights protection. In addition, the Non-Tax Revenue collected by the National Police is utilized to improve the quality of policing operation. Additional financial resource gathered from “EASY SAMSAT” is legal and monitored by the fiscal authority. The governance mechanisms have improved the police members and the police institution’s integrity and can break the corruption chain. As for the Traffic Accident Insurance premium is used by Jasa Raharja, Ltd to create an insurance system to help motorists and their families when accidents occur. The insurance schemes will cover health treatment costs and compensation for death. This arrangement improves social welfare for motorists and their families.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
"EASY SAMSAT" with the slogan TRANSFORM OFFICE INTO MACHINE has creative and innovative elements as follows: (i) e-Registration. It allows registration service performed electronically using a Smart Card or mobile phone number. Smart Card is a motor vehicle owner identification card provided when a vehicle owner registered a vehicle in the SAMSAT Offices for the first time; (ii) e-Identification. It allows vehicles data identification and value determination performed electronically based on data stored in the Smart Card; (iii) Non-Cash Payment. It can be performed through Internet and SMS banking; (iv) One Stop Service. The services can be performed without distance, time, and space limitations to satisfy customers; (v) Self Service. Services is performed without interaction with any officer; (vi) Transforming Office Into Machine. New building is no longer necessary because customers can utilize Automatic Transaction Machine (ATM) SAMSAT. "EASY SAMSAT" promotes the following aspects: (i) Efficiency of resources utilization for vehicle owners and the SAMSAT Offices; (ii) Security of payments and transactions using non-cash method; (iii) Accountability of value determination; (iv) Comfortable service because customers can avoid long queue, brokering fees, and extortion; (v) Connectivity and Integration of electronic-based services; (vi) Sustainability of commitment to improve the services quality.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
The East Java Governor initiated “EASY SAMSAT” along together with the East Java Regional Police Chief and supported by Jasa Raharja, Ltd of East Java branch. The SAMSAT Offices Technical Team East Java, consists of technical staff from the three agencies above, has managed the program. Payments management through Internet and SMS banking are performed simultaneously via banking and non-banking industries: East Java Bank, Mandiri Bank, Indonesia Nation’s Bank (BNI), Indonesia’s People Bank (BRI), Nation’s Saving Bank (BTN), and Indonesian Postal Ltd. In addition, the provision of facilities and service support system conducted through collaboration with the competent private sectors. There were more than thirteen millions vehicle owners in 2016 (35% of the East Java population) that experienced "EASY SAMSAT" benefits. Every vehicle owner at least can save money of 10.000, - (USD 0.7) per transaction used to pay a paper folder and copies. Thus, with an estimated 50% of vehicle owners are using “EASY SAMSAT", there were about 6,781,043 transactions per year equals to potential cost savings of Rp 67,810,430,000,- (USD 4,8 million) per year. This amount does not include losses and costs from using brokers and extortions. "EASY SAMSAT" has supported major development and welfare program for almost 40 million people in East Java from the Vehicle Tax revenue. In addition, "EASY SAMSAT" helped the Regional Police to update vehicles database used for security and operation purposes. In addition, Jasa Raharja, Ltd guaranteed the availability of compensations for victims of traffic accidents. If “EASY SAMSAT” is being implemented in all SAMSAT Offices nationwide, it will bring massive impact to the whole Indonesian population.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
"EASY SAMSAT" has been started with the implementation of computerization in East Java SAMSAT Offices in 1990. The initiative has made service delivery faster and easier. In 2005, the software was upgraded that enabling multi user and multi tasking services. Accordingly, SAMSAT Offices have developed an online service called "SAMSAT Link" that allows public to fulfill their obligations in any SAMSAT office in East Java without registered vehicle’s limitation. In 2008, all East Java SAMSAT Offices has implemented standard services of ISO 9001-2008 to achieve and maintain international standard service quality. In addition, various publis services have been launched as the following: (i) “SAMSAT Link”. It allows vehicle owners to receive public services regardless their vehicle’s registration locations; (ii) "SAMSAT Drive Thru". It adopts fast food restaurants service model where the vehicle owners can obtain services without dropped out from their vehicles; (iii) "SAMSAT Payment Point". It allows public to access service in many offices and bank branches; (iv) "SAMSAT Corner". It operates in shopping centers; (v) "SAMSAT Islands" is created to reach people who live in the outer islands, e.g. Bawean and Kangean Islands; (vi) "Mobile SAMSAT". It uses a dedicated vehicle car to make scheduled visits in public areas; (vii) "SAMSAT Delivery". It performs door-to-door services; (viii) "e-SAMSAT JATIM". It is the first internet-based service among SAMSAT Offices in Indonesia to serve 24-hour non-cash payments via Internet Banking, SMS Banking, and Automated Teller Machines; (ix) Automatic Transaction Machine (ATM) SAMSAT. A machine is built equipped as a One Stop Service provider without time services limit and does not require the presence of officers in the service process; (x) "SAMSAT On the Spot". It enables public request for a specific service through the Call Center to be presented at a SAMSAT service location; (xi) “SAMSAT-the Indonesian Postal Ltd Collaboration”. It opens better access to people who lives in rural areas. This cooperation enables the SAMSAT Offices to have access to 1,508 branches of Indonesian Postal Ltd. The collaboration is scored as the first time in Indonesia among SAMSAT Offices nationwide; (xii) In addition, the East Java SAMSAT Offices have performed to provide services at one counter as instructed by the President of Indonesia to improve public service delivery. "EASY SAMSAT” design and development was done by a Technical Team consists of human resources from the Provincial Government of East Java, East Java Regional Police and Jasa Raharja, Ltd. Supervision, monitoring and evaluation of "EASY SAMSAT" implementation for both database and operations are performed periodically by the SAMSAT Technical Team that reports to SAMSAT Steering Committee to discuss services development. Budget for design, system development, infrastructure, and dissemination of "EASY SAMSAT" is allocated from the Regional Budget (APBD) of East Java Provincial Government. Meanwhile, the provision of systems and infrastructure expenses associated with online banking payment borne by the banking partners.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
Stakeholders of "EASY SAMSAT" program can be classified into three categories: primary stakeholders, secondary stakeholders, and external stakeholders. They are indispensable to the success rate of the program. Primary stakeholders were all vehicles owners in East Java province. The amount is estimated at 35% of the total population in East Java. They were the most relevant party that is directly affected by "EASY SAMSAT" program and to whom “EASY SAMSAT” was dedicated. Secondary stakeholders were parties that playing significant role in designing program, preparing legal instruments, and implementing initiatives of "EASY SAMSAT" program. They included the Technical Team and SAMSAT Steering Committee that are combined from the East Java Provincial Government, East Java Regional Police, and Jasa Raharja, Ltd of East Java branch. Other secondary stakeholder parties were national banks such as East Java Bank, Mandiri Bank, Indonesia Nation’s Bank (BNI), Indonesia’s People Bank (BRI), and Nation’s Saving Bank (BTN) which are setting up the infrastructure of vehicle tax payments to the local government treasury. The types of services they offered include Internet and SMS banking. In addition, the initiator also invited external stakeholders including community leaders and related NGOs that were closely link to SAMSAT development in the future. In addition, private companies that consist of data communications network providers, software developers, and manufacturing machinery companies were part of the stakeholder. They were parties that set up the infrastructure of computer systems that allow the service results from "EASY SAMSAT" program worked and replicated in several other units in East Java. Other external stakeholder parties were politicians or members of Parliament who were involved in drafting the budget to fund the program, including jointly with local governments prepare necessary legal tools to facilitate the implementation of "EASY SAMSAT" program.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The implementation of "EASY SAMSAT" has managed to generate several real outputs. Firstly, accelerating time standard of service. Initially, Re-registration of Vehicles and payments of Vehicle Tax, Non Tax Revenue, and Traffic Accident Insurance takes days and a long process. After the implementation, only within minutes, customers can fulfill their tax obligations easily and quickly. Moreover, vehicle owners are also no longer need to carry a physical document. It is certainly very easy and increases the compliance level of vehicle owners. Secondly, reducing the cost of services procurement that financed by the national budget. In order to increase the number of SAMSAT offices, now every vehicle owner in East Java is facilitated by the presence of a variety SAMSAT service online, The budget has spent to build products of program services "EASY SAMSAT" is much more efficient compared to build the physical infrastructures e.g. new building. In another perspective, the initiative also aims to reduce dependency on human resources (personnel services) and replacing their role by the automatic system. Thirdly, breaking the chain of corruption that may arise as a result of direct interaction between users of the service and the officers. The frequency of in person services has been reduced overtime. By minimizing interaction between the two parties, then the public also feels more comfortable to fulfill their tax obligations. Fourthly, increasing public satisfaction as shown by surveys of "EASY SAMSAT" program service. Citizen gave positive feedback toward a variety of public service delivery mechanisms. In addition, public audience was offered multiple channels of complaints that have successfully reduce the number of dissatisfaction. Fifthly, compliance costs for vehicle owners has become very affordable. "EASY SAMSAT" program has tried to obviate the physical file, thereby reducing unnecessary expenses like purchasing paper folder or copies that had been required by the field officers through a monopoly of on-site kiosks. In addition, many allegedly brokering practices that are harmful to society also become disappear. No more extra fee charged in using brokerage services because all processes are running well, online, and transparent. Overall, "EASY SAMSAT" program promotes Sustainable Development Program (SDGs), particularly in creating strong public institutions and to realize synergies across agencies to achieve great goal of development. This program also has succeeded in promoting the practices of good governance and anti-corruption spirit through initiatives offered.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The main obstacles in the design process and service implementation of “EASY SAMSAT” program divided in technical and non-technical constraints. In terms of technical constraints, “EASY SAMSAT’ depends on Internet network. However, not every area in East Java has good access the Internet network especially in the highlands, countryside, and islands. To overcome this problem, SAMSAT office cooperated with the relevant parties and launched some efforts. Firstly, establish e-SAMSAT service through channel Payment Point Online Bank (PPOB) cooperated with banks. PPOB is an online payment service by utilizing banking facilities held by individuals or business entity. Public who want to pay Vehicle Tax, Non Tax Revenue, and Traffic Accident Insurance may approach the counter PPOB that spreads in residential areas. Secondly, cooperate with Internet network providers to solve Internet network problems by installing wifi in public places. There were three non-technical constraints. Firstly, lack of public understanding towards "EASY SAMSAT" and lack of participation in the earliest stage because the program is not a conventional way. Therefore, all stakeholders were encouraged to provide intensive dissemination to public audience. Secondly, preparation of legal instruments and discretionary services associated with "EASY SAMSAT" to avoid problems in the future. Some regulations have been launched to alleviate that problem. Thirdly, the absence of best prastices in the implemention a number of innovative services because East Java SAMSAT Offices was the pioneer. ATM SAMSAT is an example of SAMSAT service model that has never been introduced before in any area in Indonesia. To deal with it, SAMSAT Offices invited banks to provide the appropriate applications.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
“EASY SAMSAT” program provided many key benefits to the community. Firstly, changing the public's view of government services from bad, not transparent, complicated and takes long time become accountable, professional, and fast. The initiative allows people to pay vehicle tax with easy and comfortable. Secondly, “EASY SAMSAT” program were capable to boost public trust by cutting off the corruption chain. The program applied non-cash transactions and eliminates physical interaction between officers and commoners. Thus, it supported the bureaucratic reform and good governance. In addition, the use of non-cash transactions has had proven to eliminate the practice of brokering and expanding public service accesses. Thirdly, increasing public participation by providing various facilities in the payment of taxes. This initiative made people to have many choices in paying their vehicle tax. For example, people who has high mobility can use SAMSAT Link or e-SAMSAT. For those who like to visit crowded places like malls or tourism sites and people in the urban area, they can take advantage of ATM SAMSAT located in the shopping center or Mobile SAMSAT that are often in the city center, tourism sites, or the city park. Fourthly, improving accountability by educating public to switch from in person transactions to use banking services. This program also encouraged banks to participate in dissemination to their customers to use e-banking services. "EASY SAMSAT" program also attracted the attention of bank industries. It can be seen from the increasing number of participated banks. Fifthly, inspiring other provinces in Indonesia to adopt a similar system in their SAMSAT Offices. At present, the province of Central Java and West Java also have had enabled e-SAMSAT program. It showed an evidence that the government is committed to support bureaucratic reform and willing to improve a better working ethics and positive mindset. Sixly, contributing to collect a significant amount of revenue to the provincial government. It can be seen from the realization of the vehicle tax revenue in SAMSAT EAST JAVA as follows (1 USD = Rp 14,000): (i) In 2012, the target of Rp 3,243,000,000,000,- with realization of Rp 3,287,115,434,460,- (USD 234,793,959) or 101.36%; (ii) In 2013 the target of Rp 3,594,000,000,000,- with realization of Rp 3,896,191,221,560,- (USD 278,299,372) or 108.41%; (iii) In 2014 target of Rp 4,150,000,000,000, - with realization of Rp 4,309,074,694,585, - (USD 307,791,049) or 103.83%; (iv) In 2015 the target of Rp 4,800,000,000,000, - with realization of Rp 4,911,629,320,175,- (USD 350,830,665) or 102.33%; (v) In 2016 the target of Rp. 5,000,000,000,000,- with realization of Rp 5,300,947,249,143, - (USD 378,710,517) or 106.02%.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
"EASY SAMSAT" program has improved the integrity and accountability in three aspects. Firstly, improving system and culture. "EASY SAMSAT" has changed public image towards public services that required visiting to the public offices, meeting the officers, then lining up to wait for their turn. Now, everything can be performed alone without leaving home. People can use the Internet or using ATM SAMSAT that spreads over the shopping centers. People can fulfill their tax obligations without disrupting their routine activities. Payments through the banking system also facilitate monitoring tax payments into the local treasury so that accountability can be improved. Secondly, improving synergy among relevant parties. Collaboration among institutions is difficult in Indonesia due to agency’s egocentrism. However, the implementation of "EASY SAMSAT" program proved that cross-agency cooperation is possible and being the success driver. The synergy also played a significant role in improving accountability. In addition, the district/city government can conduct a joint mapping to explore ways to optimizing vehicle tax payments. Furthermore, collaboration between SAMSAT and banks/non-banks companies in the implementation of non-cash transactions was successful indicated by the increased number of banks involved and the extensive payment options that can be selected by the public. Thirdly, providing communication and feedback channels. The face-to-face service was allegedly has the potential to sustaining corruption practices. In order to cutting down the chain of corruption, it is necessary to introduce a service model self-service based without in person service. "EASY SAMSAT" program has adopted this service model and proven to reduce potential compliance irregularities as well as increasing public compliance. Moreover, the initiative gives a wider opportunity to public services user to provide feedbacks that push officers to be more professional. It can also be an effective monitoring media to improve government performance in providing public services. To measure this, the SAMSAT Offices technical team has provided Public Satisfaction Surveys provided by electronic machines installed in several places.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
"EASY SAMSAT" provided service equality to all people, regardless of genders, social groups, income level, and economic backgrounds to enjoy the services offered by SAMSAT Offices. This commitment was important to contribute to the sustainable development goals in reducing inequality of opportunity, promote gender equality, supporting efforts to strengthen institutions, and promote cooperation in achieving common goals. In addition, "EASY SAMSAT" program paid attention to women needs and vulnerable people by providing special services and special waiting room for pregnant women and women bringing infants and children, elder people, and people with disabilities. At the special service, vehicle owners simply submitted the required files to the official guides then waiting in the special waiting room until the service transaction is completed and the clerk handed back the file transaction service results to them.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Local Revenue Office of East Java Province (Badan Pendapatan Daerah Provinsi Jawa Timur)
Institution Type:   Local Government  
Contact Person:   Bobby Soemiarsono
Title:   Head of Local Revenue Office of East Java Province  
Telephone/ Fax:   +62816538702 (Hp), +62315941165 (Fax)
Institution's / Project's Website:  
E-mail:   pajakdipendajatim@yahoo.co.id  
Address:   Manyar Ketoarjo No.1
Postal Code:   60116
City:   Surabaya
State/Province:   East Java

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