The Population Administration and Civil Registration Office Surakarta ( Dinas Kependudukan dan Penca

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
The initiative of Relation System of Birth Registration Service (Si-Rela) was started in 2004 by agreement with partners in the effort to establish the outreach of birth registration services. Then further developed in 2009 by establishing Incentive Card Program, the integrated and online birth registration services and strengthening outreach services as well. In 2004, the situation of birth registration related issues in Surakarta are as follow: a. The policy on birth registration was not fully stand for the poor and other vulnerable groups, for example there was fines for delays in registration the birth registration. b.Inadequate availability of information on birth registration and access to services. c.The birth registration system and service were considered still conventional, slow, long process of bureaucracy not easy to accessed, not free of charge, less absolute and accurate. Terms and administrative requirements are still considered not easy to fullfiled. For example, the completion time was 30 days. There are no service of innovative services. d.Lack of information dissemination, so that knowledge and awareness of the importance of birth registration and utilization of birth certificates are less important than national identity card (KTP). e. The concerns of citizens about the cost and the complexity of the bureaucratic management of the birth certificate. In 2003, children (ages 0-18 years) who had a birth certificate has only reached 53%, so there were still 57% of children who have not birth certificate. ( Survey on Population and Civil Registration Data, Sebelas Maret Surakarta University, 2003). The percentage of children who have no birth certificate was decreased in 2009, there was 34.61% or 46,645 out of 134,749 children. Among the children who have no birth certificate, 60% came from poor families, immigrants, orphans, abandoned, and children born out of wedlock. By gender, 55% were girls and by age group, the most do not have the birth certificates were children aged 7 to 15 years. [Source: Data SIAK (Information System of Population Administration) per 31 December 2009.Total population of Surakarta City is 525,505 people, consisting of 259,500 (49.38%) were male and 266,005 (50.62%) were female]. These group should get more specific policies and need more cases analogy. Most are people marginalized by the level of economical status, education and access to public services. A birth certificate is recognition as a legal subject is a human right (HAM) that should not be reduced fulfillment by the state under any circumstances, even the state is under a provisional conditions. Because these rights are included in the category of non-derogable rights. The lack of birth certificates in addition to the existence of yet legally recognized, also difficulty in getting public services.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
In Indonesia, the birth certificates services must be a request from the public or reportedly by the public, the Government must be active to improve their quality of service, participatory and also innovative actively, certainly, easy, free of charge, and also there is an incentive which the innovation and initiative creative's way, efficient and effective. Empowerment and become a public assist, especially for the vulnerable groups, it means the children have birth certificates and improve their quality of life and the quality of directly approach it self.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
The initiative designed with all the stakeholders both from Government, NGOs and private sectors to strengthen public participation. Following are the key components of the initiative. First: Online system-integrated with health services. Establishing integrated services and online system to simplify the requirements to provide a birth certificate, family card and KIA in the same time. Beside birth certificate, the online system also register the death certificate Using the national database information system (Sistem Informasi Administrasi Kependudukan - SIAK) for birth registration which is online with the 23 hospitals (public and private) and maternity clinic. The online system is entry to the link at ( In brief the procedure is as follow: every patient who has birth is requested to submit a required document. When the child was born, the birth registration was done by online sytem, and a birth certificate will be issued in a few of days. Application has been equipped with a scanned document requirements. The online services can be access by all people though the link: also in open access on the web site and in android app solo destination can be downloaded from google play story Second: Outreach Service 1) In collaboration with PKK(PKK is abbreviation of Family Welfare Guidance, a community based organization that empowers women to participate in the community development in Indonesia. This organization is established at household level up to national level. PKK famous with the 10 core programs ). at 51 villages. After received orientation and training, the PKK disseminate information to community about the importance of birth registration and the procedure to obtain the birth certificate through PKK; collect documents required to obtain the birth certificate; register by online system using the computer at village office, and give the birth certificates to the citizens when it issued. 2) The civil registration mobile service(The mobile service unit using a car which completed by equipments for issuing civil registration documents in one hour since required documents submitted). . This mobile service is available in every Sunday during the Car Free Day event on the main street, once a week goes around to the Villages and when the event of “Sonjo Wargo Walikota”. It makes the service more closer to the community and very popular because very fast and available on Sunday. 3) Outreach to vulnerable groups including child care insitutions, children with HIV / AIDS, children with disabilities, suburban school. 4) Free charges for all the services and no charges when delay of the birth registration for the poor and for the specific programs that is based on a specific period of time or place (The legal basis of the city Mayor Regulation No. 11-A 2015 dated June 17, 2015 on the exemption from administrative fines on Reporting Delay in Document Handling Population) Third: Child Incentive Card Program (Kartu Insentive Anak - KIA). It was introduced in December 2009, as a discount card purchases of commercial goods or services The KIA requirement is the child must have birth certificate. Children and their families are motivated to make birth certificates to get the KIA. This card is also used as a child's identity card or National Identity Card (KTP) for the Children. As of today there are 51 KIA partners who are consisting of 32 shops and educational institutions, 5 in the health sectors and 7 restaurants. Discounts are given varies between 5 to 50% for every purchase of goods or services. The partners obtain benefits for the promotion and share the company's CSR fund.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
This initiative provides opportunity for public participation as well as other government agencies since designing up to impelementation and evaluation. It takes long time, intensive coordination to be able to spawn a successful program. In addition, the benefits for all stakehoders should be a concern. All parties that involved get the benefit: The private sectors get a chance of promotion to get more customers., the NGOs able on resource mobilization for information dissemination, program monitoring and evaluation, PKK become signicant actors in the social change movement, DISPENDUKCAPIL and other government agencies able to work with more effectively and efficiently. Data integration with the online system as a power of population data base, village officer or health staff can directly find the name of beneficaries/citizens more easily and precisely based on NIK (Resident Identification Number) The simplication of procedures, fast and more accurate, pro-active services through outreach service, more accessable and free of charge are the most positive changes benefit the public and especially the children. Children are the most benefitted by this iniative. Beside fulfil their rights of having legal identity, the children also have more opportunity to improve their potential and fulfil the basic needs through KIA

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
The program is based on community participation, then people in volunteering will support of these activities, for example like the exhibitions, personnel and equipment support from each agencies. The serice to get Birth certificate that quickly and accurately necessarily benefit is the citizens, especially the vulnerable groups do not have birth certificates. The people who want to make the identity of civil registry documents are easier, quicly and also free of charge including late fee. Last time it should pay 100 thousand rupiah/child when you late to process the birth certificate, the children who late over 5 years would be free, if their have three kids it will safe around 300 thousand rupiah. Pick-up service in the Village, it will reducing transportation costs and also the applicant does not need a work permit this certainly effectively. There were 48.172 children from all segments have got the benefits, from have not birth certificate yet with this program they get a birth certificate completly. So that their rights can be fulfilled in an easy way and cheap, plus their identity with the KIA which can be the discount to shop in 51 partners. 51 The private sector / business get the benefit which is the incentives for children and support beneficial activities for promotion. 68.773 children who using KIA have got the discount from 51 stakeholders in Surakarta, and it always increasing, this is data is reported by 51 KIA's stakeholders. As in this news: and The involvement of 23 health services in the birth registration online program, contributes to the increasing of the quality of hospital services. It increases the credibility of the hospital that also give benefit to those hospitals.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Determine the Target Groups The first step is to identifity and determine target groups. In this case divided in two groups: (1) The target group of children (ages 0 to <18 years), and (2) The target group consisting prospective partners from private sector and maternal and child health services. Develop Action Plan In partnership with UNICEF, the action plan was developed together with all stakeholders including health services (hospitals and maternity clinic), NGOs, PKK and private sectors. Started with building common understanding about the birth registration issues and idea on public and private sectors participation in responding issues. On the same occasion, to identify among them in which are willing to participate in the program. Making the Law/Regulation In this stage, with supported by UNICEF and Surakarta Government Legal Division, regulations were drafted to support impelementation of this program. There were some regulations issued, i.e. the Mayor Decree On Incentive Card Child, the Mayor’s Decision Letter on Birth Registration Team, the MOU / MOA on KIA partners, Online System at Hospitals/maternity clinic. Testing, Implementation and Evaluation the Program All the initiatives started with testing before fully implemented in all communities. Improving Birth Registration System and Services through establishing Online and Relation System with basic service providers, Mobile and Outreach Service The first initiative was outreach services in partnership with PKK started in 2004 and tested in several months then fully implemented for all villages until now. While the online and relation system with 23 health providers and 51 village Offices, Religious Court and 5 Office of Religious Affairs have been started in 2012 and also fully implemented in 2013 In 2015 the online system is expanded in collaboration with 12 Churches. Utilization of Information Technology In 2015, an application to asisst the services has been developed, where all civil registration services can be obtained through one door service. The application called Information Management System on Admission Management Population Administration (SIMP3AK) equipped with facilities sms gateway that serves to give information document publishing status, and smardcard barcode reading device for reading the Electronic Identity Card, so the applicants only submit Electronic ID Card for their NIK identified in the application system. This application is support application that integrated with the latest version (version 5.7) of Population Administration Information System (SIAK) KIA (Child Incentive Card) In December 2009, KIA was introduced and tested in Banjarsari sub district After six months, the number of parents who want to make a birth certificate for their children increased. One of the reason was because KIA. The number of partners has also increased. Started with 11 partners at the beginning, increased to 31. Subsequent developments, in 2013 the number of partner businesses is 45 and 51 in 2015. Sources of funding can be explained as follows: 1. Surakarta City budget. Total funds each year varies. In 2013 the funds is IDR 230 Millions ; in 2014 increased up to IDR 800 Million and the 2015 and 2016 increased to IDR 1 billion. Information technology Relation System of Birth Registration and KIA facilitated the central government of the state budget, and started 2016 All card KIA provided by the central government of the state budget. Including most printers KIA, along with the ink or ribbon. 2. Suport funding from UNICEF and other partners such as PUSKAPA UI. Starting 2016 the source of funds merely from Government Surakarta City budget and community participation in Surakarta. 3. The private sectors, manifested in the form of incentives for children and support activities. 4. Health providers in the form of auxiliary equipment setup and Human Resources for the program online.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
The stakeholders/partners that involved in the initiative are: I. Government Offices: 1) The Ministry of home affairs to facilititate the regulation and also to support all activities in Application Systems Information Administration (SIAK) 2) Development Planning Agency to support and faciliate the coordination in planning and budgeting. 3) Public Welfare, Women Empowerment, Child Protection and Family Planning, to support and facilitate children empowerment and participation in the program 5) Social Affair Office to coordinate mapping data of vulnerable children who have no birth certificate and support the outreach service for those children. 6) Education, Youth and Sports, cooperation in awareness raising and outreach services through school. 7) Health Office, validation data of poor children who need health program and services. 9) Cooperation Division, preparation of MOU and MOA. 10) 5 Sub district Office and 51 Villages in providing public services including civil registration and population documenst. 11) Religion Courts, cooperation in data entry of divorce registration data, and istbat nikah. 12) The religious affairs office, to collect the data of muslim marital status and also the mass wedding. 11 NGOs, provide support on awareness raising at community and children group, support the obtaining birth registration for certain group of children such as poor children and children born out of wedlock and from sexual abuse; children in conflict the law, street children, children with HIV/AIDS; children with disablity, children living in child care institution ICommunity Based Organization: PKK at City level and 51 villages provide support community in obtaining birth certificate and KIA. IV. Health service providers (9 Hospitals, 8 Matertinity Clinics, 6 Midwifes) support in implementing online services . V. 51 private sectors, support and facilitate KIA program implementation. VI. Universities, provide support for study, monitoring and evaluation: 1) Sebelas Maret University 2) Semarang state University. 3) Indonesia University

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
This output innovation is relevant with its initiative and role in developing SDGs, particularly Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. Including but not limited to: 1) The increasing of birth certificate coverage for children age 0 – 18 years from 59.33 % in 2004 and 95.91% in 2017. It means the increasing is 61.3%. While children aged 0-1 years who have birth certificates has reached 100%. 2) KIA is the reward for children who have birth certificate. Beside functioned as Identity Card, the KIA also can be used as discount card at 51 commercial goods and services. Until January 2017, there are 68.733 out of 158.046 (43.49%) children have the KIA. 3) The service which is getting faster, more precise and participative. Particularly one day service in the agency and mobile service, where we can get service in the afternoon after office hour from 4.00pm to 8.00pm and in Sunday morning and Sonjo Warga event. This provides an opportunity for working citizens who are busy on business hours can utilize the service in the afternoon and the weekend. 4) An increase of public participation in supporting promotion and fulfillment of child rights. Currently there are 51 KIA partners, 23 health services institutions, government agencies, 3 universities and 11 NGOs 5) This program supports the efforts of Surakarta towards Child Friendly City (Kota Layak Anak/KLA) since 2009. KLA is a child rights based development system in the city that integrates the administrative and the commitment of government resources, public and business are thoroughly planned and ongoing programs and activities in the fulfillment of child rights. Whereas the first indicator of KLA is coverage of birth certificate. Currently Surakarta is ranked Nindya as the highest rank in Indonesia. 6) Increasing accessibility and quality of services by using information technology. Started with vital statistic, digital archive and relation application, now SIAK V 5.7 is integrated. Since 2016 direct online registration and service through integrated service application system.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The obstacles towards Universal Birth Registration and KIA program: • Online registration system is not yet installed in all community health centers to facilitate registration at birth. • Inability to capture movement of the population creating discrepancy on the population database • Lack of mapping and monitoring system of unregistered children in particularly vulnerable children including children from parents with no legal identity • Optimizing of KIA utilization and the low coverage of KIA especially for children from vulnerable group. This is because the limited number of business partners with the kind of service that is easily accessible and in accordance with the needs of children, especially vulnerable children. To overcomes the above obstacles and challenges the Civil Registration Office will continue working with other Government Stakholders and partners to: • Achieving universal birth registration for children 0-5 by establishing online registration system in all community health centers. • Conduct comprehensive mapping involving PKK, Village Offices, Social Affair and NGOs who working for vulnerable children. Unregistered children need to be mapped to determine priority zones for registration services and therefore coordination with those parties needs to be reinforced to register all children. • Amend the regulation to stipulate birth registration should be free of charge for all ages including for the late registration and to address the issue of undregistered children who have legal identity as Surakarta’s citizenship but already move outside the city without notice. • Creating social network such as Facebook and Twitter, socialization in a website and youtube to disseminate information about Birth Registration Program including KIA • Strengthening online registration through website and Whatsapp, pick up through mobile service and at school. • Continuing working with Health, Education and Social Affair on exploring the integration of KIA with basic services for children such as health insurance and services, scholarship or education insurance, psychosocial support activities

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
Since the program begun until 2016, there are several important impacts such as: 1. The increasing of birth certificate coverage for children age 0 – 18 years from 59.33 % in 2004 and 95.91% in 2017. It means the increasing is 61.3%. While children aged 0-1 years who have birth certificates has reached 100% 2. Reaching vulnerable children through partnerships with social institutions and NGOs. In 2015, the civil registration office began working with social institutions, those managed by the District Office for Social Affairs (Dinas Sosial) and by NGOs, to identify invisible and unregistered children. The institutions share lists of unregistered children with the civil registration office who then facilitate the issuance of birth certificates. Even if parents are unknown, birth certificates are issued using special mechanism. In 2015, 104 vulnerable children including children in institutions, children with disability and children with HIV/AIDS obtained birth certificates through this collaboration 3. Quality of service improvement, more faster, previously it took 30 days, now based on ISO 9001/2008 standard and recent regional regulation, it takes 7 days maximum. In practice, now the service is made 3 days maximum, but for those who come to office and just gave birth, will get one day service. Meanwhile on mobile service, it can be done instantly or about one hour. 4. Increased the access of services, by having various of services with more longer of service hours including after office hours and Sunday, also simplify the procedure of obtaining birth registration and outreach services at neighborhood level in collaboraiton with PKK and village office. 5. Children has identity card before having National Identitity Card (above 17 years). This can be used for opening bank account or other transactions, which will help children learn independence. 6. Increased of public awareness about the importance of birth registration, inidicated by signicant increased of birth registration coverage from 2004 up to 2017 as well as signicant increased of private sectors participation in the KIA program implementation from 11 in 2009 up to 51 in 2017. 7. Strengthened partnership with health service providers and religion instution including churches, religion court and religion office, universities and NGOs. 8. Strengthened the CRVS (Civil Registration Vital Statistic) System through the expansion of civil registration into all health facilities and utilization of SIAK Data for development planningg and budgeting, obtaining social security insurance, child health insurance, education insurance

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
KIA initiative increases integrity and accountability in public service. With KIA, children get their rights in citizenship administration, able to access service in all fields in order to fulfil their rights in education, health and others. KIA increases the scope of birth certificate and enhancing citizenship data update. KIA gives access for children to get public service and decrease illegal means and corruption. Easy, fast, free and incetivized service such as what was integrated service, one day service and mobile service will decrease extortion, even get rid of it completely. People without agents can arrange the issuance themselves, easy and fast. Commitment of the officers are developed to serve wholeheartedly and with innovation as per Agency’s motto. The spirit to serve with innovation is in the motto as well as the vision of DISPENDUKCAPIL in Surakarta: “To be the professional institution in giving reliable IT-based citizenship and civil record service” Service application has recorded penalty on its system, therefore the penalty is counted automatically. This acts as internal control so the penalty report can be transparent and accurate, this is for service accountability. Service standard and information is informed through direct socialization, website, social media and pasted in service room. Some information related to the service is aired on running text above the Agency entrance door. Complaint service is opened widely through mailbox, website, social media and always answered and followed up proportionately by the Agency. This effect is measured through internal evaluation that involves NGO and University, ISO, People’s Satisfaction Index (Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat/IKM), and appraisal from other citizen institution such as Legislative, Ombusman, Pattiro and getting Top 33 dan Top 25 awards (highest) in National Public Service Competition which is held by Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform. This program is also getting award from Sindo Government Award (National Media) to Head of DISPENDUKCAPIL Surakarta as Best City in Citizenship Development. As well as award from Ministry of Internal Affairs in Achievement of Birth Certificate Issuance Above National Target

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
Utilisation of KIA as an effort of child and women protection. Based on National Commission of Women report, the pattern of abuse that was handled by service providers often happened in household/personal with 11.207 cases. Many cases of women abuse can be a ground that besides children rights, socialization can done for mothers as well regarding women rights, kinds of abuse and emergency numbers that can be contacted when facing abuse or seeing anyone facing abuse. Second function of KIA is monitoring rehabilitative action post-abuse in children. Children abuse cases can have short term and long term impact. Besides that, children who are abused must get crisis intervention immediately. This crisis intervention is done by accompanying victims to get legal remedy and doing trauma therapy. If they have KIA and on the database, these children will get best treatment from the government, police, national commission of children and healthcare provider to ensure that they are rehabilitated comprehensively in order to prevent and minimize negative impact of the abuse. (Source: )

Contact Information

Institution Name:   The Population Administration and Civil Registration Office Surakarta ( Dinas Kependudukan dan Penca
Institution Type:   Local Government  
Contact Person:   Fahruddin Eka Cahyana
Title:   Section head of System IT and HR  
Telephone/ Fax:   +62271644808 / +62818276915
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   Jalan Jenderal Soedirman 02 Surakarta
Postal Code:   57111
City:   Surakarta
State/Province:   Central Of Java

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