4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
1. Service Procedure and Requirements
“Newborns Go Home with Certificates” program by Banyuwangi Regency administration has changed birth certificate service procedure which was typically complicated, unclear, uncertain, not transparent, intricate into simple, certain, quick and free of charge.
Prior to this program those who wanted to get a birth certificate, had to get a Family Card (KK) first (which usually took 2 weeks). Then, they had to go to Citizenship and Registry Office to get a birth certificate which took one month to finish. However with “Newborns Go Home with Certificates” program, people don’t have to go to there anymore because they can get the birth certificate from the place the baby is born or from the sub-district office.
Family card is not mandatory anymore. What parents need to prepare are only legalized copy of their identity cards and marriage papers. And voila, they can get the birth certificate already, in one day only plus new Family Card complete with identity data, Resident’s ID Number(NIK) of the newborn – free.
2. Information Technology Utilization.
Information technology is used in the implementation of “Newborns Go Home with Certificates” initiative. Officials and health centers’, hospitals’ and sub-district’s operators then verify the data and upload it online at certificate application system (http://akta.banyuwangikab.go.id/). The application simplifies and accelerates Birth Certificate service.
3. Birth Certificate Becomes Various Sectors’ Responsibility.
Birth Certificate service, in executing “Newborns Go Home with Certificates” program, involves other bodies, they are 45 health centers, 2 Public hospitals, 10 Private Hospitals, Banyuwangi sub-district offices and Banyuwangi Post Office.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
Banyuwangi Sub-district’s Citizenship and Registry Office (Dispendukcapil) organized, controlled and monitored the execution of the initiative. The office had every right and power over the implementation and operation of “Newborns Go Home with Certificates” initiative program. The office operators would monitor and ensure the flow of the service runs uninterruptedly. This right and power was executed under Banyuwangi Regent’s Decree Number 42 Year in 2013.
Citizenship and Registry Office involved Health Department to coordinate community health facilitiesin Banyuwangi sub-district to support the program.
Citizenship and Registry Office also involved Transportation, Communication and Informatics Department. They were responsible for preparing online certificate information system application. They also had to prepare and coordinate IT’sequipment and infrastructure associated with the initiative. Last but not least, they must integrate birth certificate software with citizenship administration software.
Meanwhile, Banyuwangi regional secretariat of Law and Organization Department were responsible for coordinating and helping the implementation of the initiative in terms of planning, drafting of Regent’s Decree, launching of the program as well as evaluation stage.
In addition, 25 Sub-districts and community health centers throughout Banyuwangi Regency(nurses, 45 community health centers) joined forces. They appointed some of their employees to work as operators of the initiative.
Banyuwangi Post Office were responsible for collecting the finished birth certificates from Citizenship and Registry Office which were then distributed to related hospitals/community health centers/regencies.
The initiative was proven to have solved their community’s problem. Year by year demands on birth certificate keeps increasing. Offline birth certificate demand kept going down the day the initiative was launched in 2013. In contrast, online demand keeps rocketing.
After 2.5 years of implementation, “Newborns Go Home with Certificates” initiative has issued 31,706 birth certificates. Offline program has only issued less than half or 7,848 birth certificates.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
1. Program Planning
The program planning was sparked from identification of public service problem in Banyuwangi Regency by Local Task Force (SKPD). SKPD consisting of Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda), Citizenship and Registry Office (Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil), Education Agency (Dinas Pendidikan), Health Agency (Dinas Kesehatan) and Regional Technical Service Unit (UPTD), Community Health Centers and the Regency. Deutsche Gesellschaf Fur InternationaleZusammunarbait (GIZ) along with Banyuwangi Regency Organization Board act as facilitators.
Three problems were indentified in terms of public service during the identification stage: service problems in education, health and residential affairs. In the end, they agree on the most problematic service, which is residential affair, especially in Birth Certificate.
2. Coordination
After the identification process, they held follow up coordination in drafting Quick Wins Bureaucracy Reform by involving Bureaucracy Reform Team which consists of Local Secretary, Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda), Citizenship and Registry Office (Dispendukcapil), Law Department, and Organization Department.
Finally on 23 August 2013 Banyuwangi Regency officially established “Newborns Go Home With Certificates” program as the Quick Wins Bureaucracy Reform of Banyuwangi Regency Government. This is proven by the issuance of Banyuwangi Regent’s Decree Number 188/588/KEP/429.011/2013 regarding Quick Wins Bureaucracy Reform Establishment of Banyuwangi Administration. “Newborns Go Home with Certificates” program as Quick Wins Bureaucracy Reform was to be carried out by Citizenship and Registry Office, Health Department as the center of Local Technical Service Unit (UPTD),community health centers (puskesmas), Local Public Hospitals (RSUD) and Private Hospitals throughout Banyuwangi Residence.
3. Implementation
Next step,the local administration enacted Banyuwangi Regent’s Decree number 42 in 2013 concerning Online Certificate Management Service. Service process of “Newborns Go Home with Certificates” is carried out online through application of Online Certificate Application System set up by Banyuwangi Regency’s Transportation Department, Communication and Informatics.
Service mechanism of “Newborns Go Home with Certificate” was as follows:
Online birthday certificate management service was exclusively given to babies of 1 – 60 days old. Applicants asking for birth certificate must follow below provisions:
babies of 1 – 2 days old can apply for the birth certificate in Hospitals, local community health centers where they are born (Newborns Go Home with Certificate)
babies of 3 – 60 days old apply for the birth certificate to sub-district’s head office. Applicants must bring with them the papers needed for the certificate, and give them to the official in charge to be verified.
After checking the forms, verifying them, ensuring they are complete and correct, the officials in charge then input, scanned and uploaded them. They also sent the softcopy to the operator in Citizenship and Registry Office through its website http://akta.banyuwangikab.go.id/. Each official in charge in community health centers, hospitals and sub-districts office has their own user name and password.
4. Publicization
To publicize the initiative, they utilized leaflets, billboards as well as newspapers and radios. In addition, the Regent always promotes Newborns Go Home with Certificate in meeting forum such as Three Pillars Forum Meeting, Regional Leaders Forum (Forpimda), Religious Members Harmony Forum (FKUB), Village Heads Special Coordination Meeting (Rakorsus Kades), etc. so that in no time people are already familiar with the initiative.
Resources Allocation
To fund the program, the local government utilize Banyuwangi Sub-district’s Regional Revenues and Expenditures Budget (APBD).Yet, there is no special allocation to support the initiative. They use infrastructure available in community health centers, sub-district’s office, hospitals as well as Citizenship and Registry Office.
Human Resources
Verifier Officer:
Sub-district: Head of Administration Section
Hospitals: Head of General and Supplies
Community Health Centers: Head of community health centers
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
1. Regent and Vice Regent of Banyuwangi
- Provide the commitment and support to the implementation of the initiative
- Establish strategic policy in the implementation of the initiative
2. Citizenship and Registry Office of Banyuwangi Regency
- The operator of “Newborns Go Home with Certificates”
- Formulate the Regent’s Decree Number 42 in 2013 regarding Online Birth Certificate Registration
- Formulate the Initiative’s Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
- Coordinate the implementation of “Newborns Go Home with Certificates”
3. Health Agency
- Coordinate community healthcare facilities (midwives, 45 community health centers (puskesmas), public and private hospitals) in the regency to support the innovative program of “Newborns Go Home with Certificates”
4. Transportation, Communication and Informatics Agency
- Prepare the online birth certificate system application
- Prepare and coordinate the facilities and IT infrastructure regarding “Newborns Go Home with Certificates” program.
- Integrate the application of birth certificate and the system of citizenship administration
- Information Technology workshop to the operators in healthcare facilities to execute Civil Registry and Information System Application
5. Legal Division and Organization Division of Regional Secretariat of Banyuwangi Regency
- Support, coordinate and assist the implementation of “Newborns Go Home with Certificates” initiative from the planning, formulation of Regent’s Decree, initiative launch to initiative evaluation.
6. 25 Subdistricts and Healthcare facilities in Banyuwangi regency (Midwives, 45 puskesmas, Blambangan, Genteng General Hospital, Islamic Hospital Banyuwangi, Yasmin Hospital, Fatimah Hospital, NU Mangir Rogojampi Hospital, PKU Muhammadiyah Rogojampi, PKU Muhammadiyah Muncar, Bakti Mulia Muncar Hospital, AL Rohmah Jajag Hospital, Abdi Famili Hospital, Al-Huda Hospital Gambiran and Bhakti Husada Hospital.
7. Public Relations and Protocol
- The making and building banners for “Newborns Go Home with Certificates”
8. PT. Pos Indonesia Banyuwangi.
The birth certificates finished in Citizenship and Registry Office were sent to hospital/puskesmas/the sender’s sub-district administration
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
1. To ensure that the communities are able to get birth certificates and family cards easily and for free. With the “Newborns Go Home with Certificates” initiative, there will be no more newborns who do not possess birth certificates or family cards. This is because every family which delivers a baby in community health centers will immediately be registered to get birth certificates and family cards by the community health centers officers for free.
2. The increase in birth certificate application. This is shown by the growing number of birth certificates for babies aged 0-1 year old which were 14,517 birth certificates issued in 2013 to 21,331 birth certificates in 2014, or in other words, there was growth of 46.9%.
3. The realization of adequate facilities and infrastructures to serve the community. The “Newborns Go Home with Certificates” program is held by using information technology such as computers, internet network and Online Certificates Information System application. This shows that public service in Banyuwangi Regency has been given by making use of proper facilities and infrastructures.
4. The improvement of the officers’ skill in performing public service. The “Newborns Go Home with Certificates” program needs Human Resources who can use a computer very well. This is because the requirements of birth certificates application will be sent online via Online Certificates Information System; hence operators who can use a computer very well are needed. (Verifier and operator officers in community health centers, hospitals, sub- districts)
5. The clarity of procedures and requirements, time and cost of birth certificates service.
- Procedures means there is a clear SOP so that it will be easier for the community to process the birth certificate application.
- Requirements means the community only need to submit birth certificate application files to the community health center officers, and it is the operator officers who will send the files online to General Directorate of Citizenship and Registry Office.
- Time means the length of time to give birth certificate service is 1 (one) day after the baby is delivered provided that the files are complete and right.
- Cost means under the “Newborns Go Home with Certificates” program, the community needs not to compensate for anything in applying for birth certificates (free).
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
1. There are still many people of Banyuwangi who give their baby a name one week after the baby is delivered. Whereas with the “Newborns Go Home with Certificates” program, parents must prepare a boy as well as a girl name in order that as soon as the baby is delivered, birth certificates service can be processed.
2. The lack of awareness in the community to immediately apply for birth certificates. Before the baby is delivered, parents must prepare birth certificates application files such as Family Card, parents’ ID Cards, a legalized marriage certificates, an official birth statement from the person who help deliver the baby and ID Card photocopy of 2 witnesses.
3. The large area of Banyuwangi Regency makes publication and socialization need to be carried out continuously.
4. There is still part of community which is afraid to give birth in hospitals or healthcare centers hence choose to give birth with the help of traditional midwives.
5. The unstable internet network in community health centers and hospitals in the beginning of “Newborns Go Home with Certificates” program.
Concerning the reality of the obstacles, a process to deal with and solve them is needed to be carried out as follows:
1. To do outreach work in the community by involving healthcare officers, religious figures and public figures about the importance of birth certificate functions for the future of the children and the families.
2. To do continuous socialization on radio and via posters in strategic places about the “Newborns Go Home with Certificates” program.
3. To raise awareness in the community about the importance of giving birth in healthcare centers such as midwives, community health centers and hospitals.
4. To improve the quality of internet network in hospitals, community health centers and sub-districts in Banyuwangi Regency.