Statistik Papua Barat
Statistics of West Papua (BPS Provinsi Papua Barat)

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
There are some problems faced before this application invented, such as: a. BPS data utilization is still lacking, this can be seen from the Integrated Statistics Services (PST) visitors still less than the target, which areapproximately 60 visitors in 2013 and 10,000 website visitors. b. PST visitors in BPS West Papua Province mostly come from the college students who live very far from our office where the distance to gois above 15 Kilometers, that require distance, time and cost a lot to obtain the data. c. Many PST visitors asking for data, which is already available on the website d. Website visitors complained about the size of the content on the website because Internet network in West Papua Province is poor and only available in certain areas only. e. Most of the data users only need quick information of each publication presented on the website. f. Geographical conditions in West Papua, especially in remote areas that is complicate data users to obtain an up to date and accessible information who located in a remote area.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
We developed an android application called “Statistik Papua Barat”. This brings ease of statistics data access in remote areas. With this application, users simply install it on android smartphone and download the data then the application is ready to use wherever and whenever they want even in the remote area which is no internet connection available (offline)

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
As the massive development of information and technology, statistical data needs in BPS West Papua Province is aslo increasing. Efforts to comply with the statistical data has been done through various ways such as Library Services andthe Provision of Web-Based Data. However, web-based statistical data services are still often complained by users because of geographic factors and poor internet connection. But with this innovation, users dont need to visit our office but simply install this application on their android smartphone and get statistical data and information faster, cheaper and easier wherever and whenever they want.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
With this application, users can obtain data and necessary statistical information quickly, easily and cheap because they don’t have to download all the content of publications,only the summary data, considering to the available internet connection is poor. In addition, users only need to download the data once when they are connected to the internet and access the data wherever and whenever they need to, even in the remote area which is no internet connection available (offline). This is very helpful for many heads of regional government who visit capital of the province once a month to collect data from BPS and go back to their place of duty in remote areas.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
•Implemented by users who mostly from Local Government of West Papua •Affected to anyone who install the application from our official website or google playstore
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
The steps that have been taken to introduce application “Statistik Papua Barat” : a. Socialize to the public, Regional Governmentsand any other users in every chance, for example Head of BPS West Papua Province oftenly present this application in every seminar or meetings with other local government stakeholders. b. Through Press Releases that are held regularly by BPS West Papua Province c. Commanding all regional BPS to participate in socializing this application. d. Socialize the application through the official website of BPS West Papua Province and other social media. Project Resources : 1. Technical Resource This application using database that available on official website of BPS West Papua Province for synchronization and maintenance data. The application itself is built using an IDE that supports Android platform. 2. Human Resource This application is made by a team consisting of the entire personnel of IPDS Division BPS West Papua Province. 3. Financial Resource Making this application is voluntary or do not use any cost.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
• Students • College Students • Researchers • Regional Goverment • Contractors • Investors • All of BPS West Papua staff

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The successful output from this application is: a. The increasing of BPS West Papua Province data users, it can be seen from the number of data users who download the application from the website and use it to access the data. b. BPS West Papua Province is getting famous. c. Both internal and external Stakeholders giving testimonials because the feel easy to access the data and support their determination of policy. d. Data users can operate these applications anytime, anywhere although not connected to Internet (offline). e. Application and its content size is small (<2Mb) rather than downloading publication softcopy which size is very large (> 6MB) per book. f. Inspire and motivate BPS Regency/City in West Papua Province to compete making other statistics innovation, and even this application is being replicated by the Headquarters office to contain many statistical data in Indonesia.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The main obstacles divided into two, a. Eksternal Obstacle: data users complained about out of date data content, and no notifications for applications and database updates. Solution : Applications patch will be made to provide notification for update the application or database. b. Internal Obstacle: limited number of human resources available in the BPS West Papua Province, especially for IT so the application development is hampered because the working volume increase annually. Solution : Do scheduling in such a way to create sufficient time to develop applications.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
- Increasing number of BPS data users through PST and website - Data Users dont have to spend much money and time to get public statistical data service - Reduction in complaints related to huge size of data content and acessibility, even data users start asking about advanced statistics. - Change user’s perspective of getting information and statistical data in west papua that was once considered inaccessible, slow and high cost but now become very easy, quick and cheap whenever they want.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
with this innovation, it diminish corruption possibility in the statistical public service because users dont have to spend money and time to gain statistical data and information especially in West Papua.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Statistics of West Papua (BPS Provinsi Papua Barat)
Institution Type:   Government Department  
Contact Person:   Bayu Prima Sanny
Title:   Head Section of Integrated Data Processing  
Telephone/ Fax:   +6281381213430
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   Jl. Trikora Sowi IV no.99
Postal Code:   98315
City:   Manokwari
State/Province:   West Papua

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