4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Perinatology Unit of Lasinrang Public Hospital provides medical care for neonatals (0-28 days) with high medical risks. It is innovative in at least four different aspects:
a.Online referral system as a product of our cooperation with USAID: this system is superior to conventional system because it integrates the services given by other medical center across Pinrang Regency. It helps the identification of maternity patients with high risk thus allowing better preparation when the patients and their infants are referred to Lasinrang Hospital.
b.The improvement public’s accessibility: our call center provides various information such as medical advice and infant status information, thus helping the society in obtaining immediate and proper health care.
c.Free transportation for patients from poor family.
d.The existence of public complaints and reporting center through complaint box, text message of phone calls.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
The Director Lasinrang Public Hospital, Management Board and all staffs who continuously develop new methods of service betterment.
The impact of this innovation can be felt especially by the public Pinrang districts with a total population of approximately 360,000 inhabitants
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Our Perinatology Unit is an effort to optimize the care for neonatals. The forms of its development are 1) online referral system; 2) service information access; 3) special service methods; and 4) ease of service administration. It is aimed at increasing public’s access to perinatology services, especially for infants with high risks.
The referral system prioritizes the management of information regarding maternity patients who will be potentially referred to our unit, i.e. patients with high medical risks. It opens intensive communication between care givers across Pinrang so that immediate actions can be taken with proper preparations. With this system, information such as patient social information, list of diagnosis and action already taken by care givers can be obtained in due time. Online referral system provides clear instructions for medical staffs and midwives on the proper steps to be taken.
To ease the public’s access towards the information that we have, our unit provides a call center special for mobile phones. This information access is a channel for the society to get direct reference, service information, medical consultation, and the status of infants being cared in Perinatology Unit.
Another type of care that we provide is kangaroo care for infants with low body weight. It benefits the infant because during the procedure its body temperature is maintained by a direct contact with its mother. This type of infant care helps increase its body weight, and accelerate its recovery and creates bonds with its mother. The procedure is only taken if the parents are willing and in healthy condition.
Our unit forms special teams to respond to different types of medical emergencies. Red team attends infants with breathing problems and takes actions such as oxygen therapy or if needed positive pressure ventilation. Yellow team is responsible for the preparation of emergency trolley, prepares fluid infusion and other medications as instructed by the physician, monitors blood circulation and assists in CPRs. Green team controls oxygen supply, emergency trolley and suction, assists in patient’s fixation, contacts the physician, documents every medical actions taken, administers medicine intakes and delivers samples to laboratory.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
The stakeholders are as follows:
a.Pinrang Regent who authorized budget allocation for the formation of the unit. The Regent is committed to provide high quality service for its people and regulates that poor patients will receive free medication in Lasinrang Public Hospital.
b.The Health Affairs Agency of Pinrang Regency as the coordinating body in the public’s health care service provided by both state and private sectors.
c.NGOs especially Madani Society Forum that monitor and evaluate our performance in delivering public service.
d.USAID that assists the management in training and assessment programs for the development of our human resources
e.Ministry of Health Affairs of Indonesia
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Since 2012, infants mortality rate has been reduced significantly. From 11.5% to 5.1% (46 out of 935) in 2013 and 3,75% (53 out of 1.411) in 2014, 3,86% in 2015 (46 out of 1.189), 3,97% in 2016 (38 out of 956). The details are:
a.Immediate actions can be taken thanks to online referral system and information obtained from (and given by) our call center.
b.The improvements of staff’s commitment and motivation thanks to simpler mechanism of patient’s referral system.
c.Reducing the cases where patients are transferred in an already critical conditions or if it’s critical, preparations can be made to accommodate immediate actions.
d.Ease of communications between hospital’s staffs, medical personnel outside the hospital i.e. community health centers and midwives, and between the hospital and the public. It has directly improve the speed of our responds toward various emergency situations and thus reducing infants mortality rate.
e.Eliminating financial barriers for maternity patients who come from poor family because our hospital provides free medications for them.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The obstacles encountered are as follows:
a.The need to procure high-tech equipment due to the uniqueness of medical cases and need in perinatology.
b.Social taboo on separating infants and their mother after birth
The solutions taken are:
a.Improving the allocation of Regency and National budget for the hospitals as well as optimizing the increasing independency of Lasinrang Hospital in managing its own fund.
b.Personal approaches in providing information for the family before, during and after hospitalization.