4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Based on “Smart Municipality” system the official websites of communities were created. Significant part of its context is generated in an automated manner due to the work of the subsystems.
The community leaders, members of local council, community servants communicate with each other and carry out their functions through using the same system while each of them logging in with their username and password, and receiving the respective authority to access this or that component in the System.
Via entering the community websites citizens can receive information, submit applications and observe the process of their implementation, see their tax liabilities and the status of received permissions, register community problems and recommendation, participate in the discussion of issues and programs of community importance, ask questions to the community leader, members of local council and community servants, impact the decisions made by LSGB. Citizens can receive certain services online, not going to the municipality and making extra costs.
Due to implementation of the networking concept, thousands of users can communicate with each other, create groups, exchange information, ask and receive answers to various questions, organize both professional discussions, as well as discussions on issues related to the community and the state.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
The initiative was implemented by the “Information systems development and training center” non-governmental organization.
“Information systems development and training center” non-governmental organization (ISDTC) wa founded in 2000. Still in 1993, the organization operated as an information analytical center, and in February 2001, it was registered as a non-governmental organization. The organization carries out activities throughout the Republic of Armenia and its stakeholders are the local self-governing bodies, community servants, representatives of the non-governmental organizations, etc.
The mission of the organization: to contribute to the formation and development of information society in RA, democratic and effective activity of the local self-government and other bodies through applying innovative technologies and solutions.
The initiative was implemented in more than 550 communities of all 10 marzes in RA, where almost 93% of those marzes live. To maintain/operate the “Smart Municipality” system, as well as to provide services to the population in the offices, the ISDTC has trained almost 4000 community servants.
All the residents in those communities, the local self-governing bodies and the community servants are the main stakeholders of this initiative.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
To implement the initiative it was necessary to solve the following strategic problems:
• Build the capacity of LSGB and municipal staff, to improve services provided by them via innovative methods and means, to ensure accountability, publicity and transparency of their activity.
• Create opportunities for community residents to participate in the community governance process through modern methods and ways, and to easily receive the services provided.
Accordingly to develop an action plan:
1. Improve technical capacity of municipalities (computers, networks, associated equipment)
2. Create a modern and developed Municipal Management Information System (MMIS) for LSGBs.
3. Install and launch the created system in municipalities.
4. Launch official websites for communities based on the installed system.
5. Train community servants to operate MMIS.
6. Establish Citizen Offices in large and amalgamated communities to operate with the principle “One stop-shop”.
7. Constantly develop and maintain the installed system.
The initiative started in October 2006. Initially Version 1 of the System was created and installed in 217 communities. During the following 7 years and until now the System has been constantly developed and installed in more than 550 communities, engaging more and more users, and serving more citizens in hundreds of RA communities. 4000 community servants have been trained to operate the System.
Main stages of implementing the initiative:
I. Creation of Version 1 “Smart Municipality” MMIS (2006-2007).
II. System installation and launching in municipalities of 217 RA communities (all 48 urban, all 12 districts in Yerevan city, 155 large and medium size rural). Improving ICT Infrastructures in those municipalities), training specialists (01.09.2007-30.09.2009).
III. System installation and launching in municipalities of additional 363 RA communities. Improving ICT Infrastructures in those municipalities), training specialists (2010-2016).
IV. Establishing citizen offices with system application in 21 large and amalgamated communities of RA (2008-2016).
V. Launching official websites of municipalities (2012-2016).
VI. Regular monitoring and evaluation of efficiency of the initiative and the gained (2008-2016).
VII. System improvement, development and issuing of new versions (so far 20 new versions have been issued) (2008-2016)
VIII. Organizing public awareness raising events (conferences, seminars, presentations, meeting-discussions, mass media, social websites) about the System and innovative solutions (2012-2016).
IX. System maintenance (2008-2016)
Resources attracted for implementation of the initiative
Financial costs:
For the implementation of the initial stages of the initiative nearly 1.565.000USD have been spent, of which nearly 1 million USD was spent by the RA Government to procure computer equipment, network devices and licensed software for 217 communities and 54 CRO territorial offices. The funds were allocated by the RA Government within the scope of Public Sector Modernization Program.
Human resources:
To coordinate activities of the event, to control, assess and accept the gained results according to stages, a working group was established at the RA Ministry of Territorial administration with the first Deputy Minister at the head.
The initiative was implemented by the professional staff (23 specialists engaged) of the “Information systems development and training center” NGO (Project manager – 1, Programmers– 9, Trainers- 2, Web Designer– 1, Experts for Different Subsystems – 6, Network Specialists– 4).
During the implementation of further stages of the initiative, the biggest support was provided by the German GIZ organization. Through cooperation with the RA Ministry of territorial administration and development, the GIZ organization supported the creation of Citizen offices in 21 RA communities and installation of the “Smart Municipality” system in 190 communities.
In 62 communities, the System installation activities have been implemented by the “Strategic Development Agency” NGO.
In more than 80 communities the System installation and launching activities have been carried out by the own funds of the communities.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
The program was initiated by the RA Ministry of territorial administration and development. The program was implemented by the “Information systems development and training center” NGO.
The RA Ministry of territorial administration and development, based on the provisions of the “Concept paper for informatization of the LSGB activity and development of local information society” adopted by the RA Government, coordinates the programs for ensuring sustainability of the initiative and institutionalization.
During the creation and continuous development of the “Smart Municipality” system, the needs and opinions of the wide strata of the society (including community residents) were taken into consideration. Community servants, representatives of NGOs and mass media, and active citizens actively participated in the designing, processing and development of the System.
To decide the directions of further development of the System, and the mechanism of increasing the level of its usefulness, regular conferences, seminars, presentations and working discussions are being organized with participation of various stakeholders. Namely, during the 2010-2017, the ISDTC has organized 17 similar events in which hundreds of representatives from 197 various municipalities, 5 ministries, 10 governor’s offices, 47 NOGs, 10 international organizations, 22 private sectors and 20 mass media participated. During these events, they registered good ideas and the introduced recommendations, and later implemented in the new versions of the System.
A consortium made up of 6 NGOs carries out huge amount of work for wide dissemination and coverage of the System, to make public application of the tools for e-participation available in the System, which is carried out by the Civic Engagement in Local Governance (CELoG) Program: CELoG is a USAID funded five-year (2014-2019) activity, aimed at increasing civic engagement in decentralization and local self-government reform. It provides citizens with reliable information and strengthens civil society’s capacity to promote effective, accountable and participatory local governance.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The initiative has been implanted for 10 years already. The most successful outputs are:
- A developed management information system was created for the local self-governing bodies (“Smart Municipality” Municipal management information system” (MMIS)), through which LSGBs effectively implement functions based on their powers, ensure provision of high quality services, communication with citizens, as well as with public and private entities.
- At the initial stage (2007-2009) the System was installed and launched in only 217 RA communities. The received positive results contributed to the dissemination of the System. Currently it is installed in more than 550 communities of all 10 marzes in RA, where almost 93% of the population of these marzes live. Through the use of the System the quality of work by LSGB has significantly improved; the data processing, document preparation, service provision and decision making process has sped up.
- Almost 4000 community servants have been trained to effectively use the System, of which almost 67 % are female, and 33% are male. Professional skills of the trained specialists has significantly improved: they have gained knowledge and skills to work with the modern information-communication technologies and management information systems. Along with the System development, respective conditions have been created for the community specialists to participate in training courses regularly and get the required new knowledge.
- Through the System the official Internet websites of LSGBs have been launched, which helped to improve the transparency, accountability of activities by the latter has improved while contributing to the reduction of corruption risks.
- In already 21 communities citizen offices have been established, the operation of which is based on the “Smart Municipality” MMIS. At the office the citizens receive various types of services, the number of which in communities with different sizes varies between 16-27.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Frequent replacement of trained personnel in municipalities, flow of human resources
-How it was settled:
The System training courses are constant. Respective courses are organized for new specialists. Modern effective opportunities to receive advice and professional assistance are ensured for the specialists.
Problems with Internet access and availability, especially for remote and small communities.
-How it was settled:
At the initial stages of implementing the initiative access and availability of quality Internet was very challenging. Accordingly, in many municipalities the System was operating only in Intranet media. During the last 4-5 years, as a result of enhancing the competitive field and application of new technology, the situation has significantly changed. Currently the Internet is accessible and available in almost all communities.
RA legislation did not contribute to the process of making active the informatization of LSGB activity օրենսդրությունը.
-How it was settled:
The effectiveness of using the System and positive results received during the first years became basis for RA Government to develop and adopt the “Concept paper on the policy for informatization of the RA LSGB activity and development of local information society”, and then to make necessary legislative changes.
Low level of development of information society in the communities. Low level fo awareness and using the created opportunities by the citizens.
-How it was settled:
Due to implementation of a number of programs, during the years various events have been organized to raise awareness, to introduce the official websites and available in them services and e-participation tools to the citizens in the communities.
In this respect, in the recent years huge amount of work has been carried out by Civic Engagement in Local Governance (CELoG) Program implemented by a consortium established by 6 NGOs.