Regional Implementation of SDVS-ABKD
Department of Science and Technology Regional Office No. 5

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
Dengue has been a perennial problem throughout the country and in many parts of the world. It is now a public health concern that threatens lives of both children and adult. In most cases, dengue has greatly affected children who are physically active and exposed to areas with high presence of vectors or adult Aedes mosquitoes. From January 1 to June 20, 2009, there were 10,383 dengue cases nationwide and four (4) barangays in Bicol region had cluster of cases. During the same period, the median age of those infected by said dengue virus was 12 years old, while the age of cases ranged from less than a month to 93 years old. From 2009 to 2016, dengue virus has continuously spread affecting children and even adults. While there are programs such as information dissemination, clean-up, application of chemical and biological controls, initiated and implemented among schools and communities, it was observed that clustering of cases and even outbreaks still happened. Children who have low resistance are severely

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
A proactive and comprehensive approach was formulated to enhance the prevention and control of dengue cases in the region through strategic implementation of school-based Nationwide Dengue Vector Surveillance Program-Aksyon Barangay Kontra Dengue (NDVSP-ABKD). This involves establishment of ICT-based dengue early warning system that alerts communities for immediate implementation of dengue prevention and control measures. In addition, the program includes integration of the dengue prevention and control programs as response to dengue alerts and in support to existing strategies in order to effectively combat dengue.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
The implementation of School-based Nationwide Dengue Vector Surveillance Program (NDVSP) through Ovi/Larvicidal (OL) Trap system and the dengue vector surveillance website served as weekly early warning to preempt any possible dengue transmission. The program aims to monitor mosquito density; continue maintaining and sustaining the installation of OL Trap kits to public schools in both elementary and secondary levels in partnership with Department of Education (DepED), Department of Health (DOH), and Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), and help reduce the population of Aedes mosquitoes, thereby reducing transmission of the virus; establish a dengue vector surveillance website as an early warning system for dengue vector control; and integrate existing dengue prevention and control strategies of different agencies. The DOST – Industrial Technology Development Institute developed the Ovicidal/ Larvicidal (OL) Trap System to control and diminish the emergence of the mosquito vectors Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, causing the dengue hemorrhagic fever disease. The OL Trap consists of a black can / plastic cup filled with approximately 250 mL water, a lawanit paddle placed inside the can / plastic cup and serves as the place where the female mosquito lays its eggs, and pellets made of Piper nigrum L. (black pepper) as the larvicide. The idea is to attract mosquitoes particularly the Aedes sp. (dengue carrier) to lay their eggs on the lawanit paddle. The trap creates optimum conditions for this species to lay its eggs: stagnant, clean, clear water, dark area and damp rough surface. The eggs will either be trapped in the lawanit paddle or find its way into the organic solution, where they are either killed or their growth inhibited before transforming into adults. These OL traps are installed weekly in schools where OL index is generated and submitted via SMS to dengue vector surveillance website. Weekly reports are posted in the website and schools and nearby barangays are notified of dengue alerts. As response, communities conduct Aksyon Barangay Kontra Dengue (ABKD) in their respective areas. Community vigilance and environmental sanitation are also activated. Through this, an evidence-based decision making process as one of the five (5) components of the Integrated Vector Management was established. The program was able to create a more responsive and more active schools and communities to combat dengue virus transmission. It has strengthened the Advocacy and Social Mobilization within the schools and communities. More initiatives are being done such as regular conduct of “Brigada”/Clean-Up (removing or destroying all breeding site) in schools and barangays, proper waste segregation and covering of all waste containers, organization of school dengue brigade, conduct of information dissemination through assemblies/barangay sessions, contests, distribution of IEC materials, integration of dengue subject to their academic lessons, creation of barangay ordinance for dengue prevention and control, application of both chemical and organic larvicides and other mosquito control, and involving the children, parents and the nearby communities in all related activities. Moreover, the children and schools became more conscious about their responsibility of maintaining cleanliness inside and outside their classrooms. Behavioral changes are also attained through this program. Barangays became more involved in taking actions to prevent and control dengue. As a result, this strategic/integrative approach has contributed in dengue risk reduction to effectively combat dengue in the Bicol Region.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
The following initiatives contributed in the success of the program implementation: a. Integrative approach to prevent and control dengue Dengue prevention and control programs and initiatives of DOST and partner agencies were integrated to harmonize all strategies and achieve more effective approach in fighting dengue. The program includes implementation and use of dengue early warning system, Aksyon Barangay Kontra Dengue (ABKD), Solid Waste Management, and IEC campaigns on dengue. b. Use of Health Information Communication Technology (ICT) to inform and disseminate dengue advisories The dengue vector surveillance website was developed for immediate intervention and action to prevent dengue outbreak; to serve as monitoring tool for dengue coordinators, city health officers and other public health practitioners; and to provide information on mosquito density data as well as warning alerts, health advisory and actions to be undertaken from DOH. The website is also integrated with a DRRM/CCA online advisory system and provides an automated reporting system for reporting and uploading of OL Index. As a result, it fast tracks reporting of data and dissemination of dengue alerts.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
This program is a joint partnership between Department of Science and Technology (DOST) V , Department of Education (DepEd) V, Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) V, Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) V and Department of Health (DOH) V. The scope of implementation is region wide, which consists of six (6) provinces. Thirteen (13) DepEd division offices and one hundred fifty nine (159) schools both public and private are implementing said program. While, seventy nine (79) Local government Units (LGUs) are involved in the conduct/implementation of Aksyon Barangay Kontra Dengue, which is the community’s response to warning alerts generated from dengue vector surveillance (DVS) website. The dengue warning alert is utilized by communities in the area of sentinel sites. It provided them with information as basis for taking appropriate interventions, which can be captured by DOH and DILG for the issuance of public advisories especially in areas where there is a high risk of dengue outbreak.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
DOST takes the lead in this program through the Dengue Early Warning System with OL Trap as the main tool. World Health Organization’s Integrated Vector Management (IVM) was adopted as the strategic approach in implementing the program in order to fight dengue. The program was implemented in pilot sites in Bicol region on its first year. While, sentinel sites where added in the succeeding years. To achieve the objectives of the program, the following were conducted: Planning 1.Coordination with partner agencies 2.Planning/Mapping of target areas together with partners Capacity Building 1. Training-Orientation on Dengue Vector Surveillance Program for School coordinators 2. School-Based Orientation Dengue Vector Surveillance Program 3.Annual Re-Orientation on Dengue Vector Surveillance Program in schools Implementation 1.Soft Launch of Nationwide Dengue Vector Surveillance Program 2.Installation of OL Traps in schools 3.Conduct of IEC Monitoring and Evaluation 1.On-site monitoring and desk validation of implementation 2.Annual program implementation review 3.Formulation of monitoring tool It has built strong partnership with other agencies such as DepEd, DOH, DILG and DENR and developed competitive and reliable team among teachers, schools and division nurses in Bicol region. Since then, more agencies and people were involved, mobilization of the communities became possible. DOST-Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD), DOST V and DOH were the source of funds for the program. The funds were able to finance the operations and resources needed in the implementation. This includes personnel services, supplies and materials, travel expenses, training expenses, representation expenses and communication allowance. The fund allocated for the program costs Php 2,589,656, from CY 2013-CY 2016.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
The program involves collaboration among different government agencies namely, DOST V, DILG V, DOH V, DENR V and DOH V to harmonize and execute strategies on preventing and controlling dengue. DOST V spearheaded the planning, coordination and implementation. The roles and responsibilities of said agencies were as follows: DOST V 1.Setting up an early warning system in monitoring the mosquito population. 2.Promoting, assisting and undertaking scientific and technological research and development on dengue. 3.Pursuing transfer of technology that ameliorates the standards of dengue interventions or mitigate impact of the disease. DOH 1.Extending technical assistance through conduct of training and orientation to all the participating agencies. 2.Providing information, education and communication materials. 3.Continuing active surveillance, monitoring and follow-up of dengue cases. 4.Ensuring that all DOH hospitals and staff are prepared to handle dengue cases. 5.Implementing effective dengue control measures DepEd 1.Observing proper sanitation and clean surroundings in school premises. 2.Disseminating information on Dengue, its prevention and control, in its health education classes for pupils and students. 3.Educating parents of the importance of proper sanitation and clean surroundings at home. 4.Continuing dissemination of information, health warnings and advisories throughout the year. DILG 1.Issuing a memorandum circular enjoining a city mayor or a municipal mayor to: - cause the enactment of an ordinance embodying measures on dengue prevention and control - allocate funds to dengue prevention and control subject to national and local rules and regulations - regularize the conduct of community-based information dissemination and mobilization of volunteers on dengue prevention and control - monitor health situation - ensure that dengue patients are provided with timely and proper medical attention 2.Requiring its regional offices to monitor local government actions, and to submit on regular basis reports on local government performance on dengue prevention and control

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
1.Established an early warning system The early warning system was established thru OL Trap system and web-based GIS ( OL index is reported weekly dengue vector surveillance advisory is generated and made available for the public. 2.Ordinances at the municipal level were created The municipality of Ragay, Camarines Sur and Jose Panganiban, Camarines Norte created municipal ordinance on dengue prevention and control in support to the implementation on School-based NDVSP-ABKD. 3.Community Mobilization for Dengue Prevention and Control Through dengue early warning system, the community were mobilized to combat dengue. The schools became more conscious about their responsibility of maintaining cleanliness inside and outside their classrooms. While barangays became more involved in taking action in combating dengue. 4.Created/Developed Bicol Integrated Dengue Vector Management Program (BIDVMP) The BIDVMP is the integration and collaboration of various regional strategies for dengue prevention and control being initiated and implemented by different government agencies in the region, such as Department of Health (DOH), Department of Education (DepEd), Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and Department of Science and Technology (DOST). It aims to adopt the Global Strategic Framework for Integrated Vector Management (IVM) by World Health Organization with five (5) major components or key strategies: 1) Advocacy, Social Mobilization and Legislation; 2) Evidence-Based Decision Making; 3) Integrated Vector Control Approach; 4) Capacity Building; and 5) Intersectoral-Collaboration. As a milestone, BIDVMP was launched last 03 March 2016 at Ninong’s Hotel, Legazpi City, which was attended by Government Agencies, LGUs/RHUs, schools and other stakeholders. These outputs contributed to activation of interventions to prevent and control dengue. It has resulted specifically to source reduction that would eventually prevent dengue epidemic in Bicol region. The impacts of the program are great contributor in achieving the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3: Ensuring healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages and SDG 4: Making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. The program leads to prevention of dengue epidemics thus ensuring healthy and safe environment for the well-being of the people. In addition, it will also contribute in to SDG 11: Taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. As environmental sanitation is being conducted in the communities, it does not just result to preventing dengue but to reducing the contributory factors of climate change.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The main obstacle encountered during the implementation of the program is getting the involvement of barangays near the implementing sites. To cast the vision of the program, to encourage, and get their support and commitment, orientations were conducted. During the launching activities in the school, the barangay officials and other stakeholders gave their pledge of commitment. Second, problem in the consistency and regularity of the program were also encountered. Guidelines were created to establish a uniform and consistent implementation.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
Through the established dengue early warning system, information are made available for the public as basis for actions to be taken from the regional up to the barangay level. This information system developed by DOST provided a tool for reporting of data, monitoring of reports and dissemination of advisories. This resolves the gap in gathering, generating and relaying information for public health purposes, thus activating immediate response to combat dengue. The program was also able to create a more responsive and more active schools and communities to combat dengue virus transmission. It has strengthened the Advocacy and Social Mobilization within the schools and communities. More initiatives are being done such as regular conduct of “Brigada”/Clean-Up (removing or destroying all breeding site) in schools and barangays, proper waste segregation and covering of all waste containers, organization of school dengue brigade, conduct of information dissemination through assemblies/barangay sessions, contests, distribution of IEC materials, integration of dengue subject to their academic lessons, creation of barangay ordinance for dengue prevention and control, application of both chemical and organic larvides and other mosquito control, and involving the children, parents and the nearby communities in all related activities. Moreover, the children and schools became more conscious about their responsibility of maintaining cleanliness inside and outside their classrooms. Behavioral changes are also attained through this program. Barangays became more involved in taking actions to prevent and control dengue. Lastly, the program resulted to a strong partnership among government agencies and other stakeholders. These agencies and stakeholders became more active, involved and united in working towards the achievement of one vision, to combat dengue and save lives.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
Not Applicable

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
Not Applicable

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Department of Science and Technology Regional Office No. 5
Institution Type:   Government Department  
Contact Person:   Lhea Dyn Bellen
Title:   Program Coordinator  
Telephone/ Fax:   +63527420911
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   Department of Science and Technology Regional Office No. 5, Regional Center Site, Rawis, Legazpi City
Postal Code:   4500
City:   Legazpi City
State/Province:   Albay

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