A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
Corruption: According to Transparency International, Kenya is ranked at position 145 out of 176 economies with corruption perception index score of 26; Similarly as depicted by Ng’aru & Wafula (2015) publication, 80 % of the firms’ make informal payment to get things done and to circumvent burdensome bureaucratic requirements; This implies that Citizens are asked for bribe more often so as to get a service and that it cost more for businesses who seek to invest in Kenya hence in-part contribute to low compliance levels to the laid down regulations and low ranking of Kenya on World Bank Ease of Doing Business. Confession from one of our customer was that he was asked to pay Kshs. 10,000 to search for a business name while the actual cost of the service was Kshs. 100 only. This depict the level at which the Citizens were exploited. Time Wastage: Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) have been working in silos and had their respective service points at different offices/locations thereby, for a Citizen to access more than one service, they had to walk from one office/location to another and in most cases they could get lost given there were no directions or information on the desired service location. On arrival at the service station, the Citizens did not get anyone to direct them to a particular counter hence some could gather outside the service point hoping to meet someone who knows someone at the Service Station to assist while some could line up for long hours only to be told that they were on a wrong service queue, and upon lining up again and reaching the advised counter, to be told of a requirement that they were not aware of hence are forced to come for the same service the following day. To therefore get a Government service, individuals used to take leave from their jobs, farms or businesses in order to go through the back and forth process accustomed to access Government services. Inaccessible Public Services: Prior to the implementation of the Huduma Mobile Outreach Program, Government services were highly concentrated in the Major cities and towns. For instance, application of Higher Education Loans Board facility by needy students required one to travel to as far as Kenya Capital City - Nairobi to obtain application forms, go back home, fill the application form and do another trip in the city to submit their applications. Equally, the retired Civil Servants needed to travel from across the country to Nairobi to follow up on their Pension claims. Information on Government services were also scare.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
Huduma Kenya Secretariat latest innovation is availing simple, seamless, acceptable and accessible Government services to the marginalized, the old, the poor and the vulnerable through the Huduma Mobile Outreaches dubbed Huduma Mashinani (swahili phrase meaning ‘Service to the Grass Root’). This is made possible by leveraging on Huduma Centres (in the Counties) as the hubs hosting at least 2 staff for every service provided and conducting outreaches in the Sub Counties (spokes) whereby, on rotational basis, one the staff at each of the selected counters go for outreach programs in surrounding and far-flung areas to extend their respective MDA services. These remote services are provided in the open; under tents and move from sub county to another thus reaching a wide audience who could otherwise not access the provided informational, interactive and transactional Government services.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
Corruption Free Environments: Corruption remains the major impediment of economic growth in Kenya. It is on this premise that Huduma Kenya Program was established on 7th November 2013 to transform service delivery in the Public service through the adoption of an Integrated Service Delivery (ISD) model where various government services and information are provided to citizens in a one-stop shop open environment using multiple channels to meet the varied and different needs of customers. The six channels of service delivery developed by the Huduma Kenya Secretariat are the physical Huduma Centres, eHuduma; On-line Portal, mHuduma; mobile platform, Huduma Contact Centre, Huduma Card; the Huduma Smart Service Card and Huduma Mashinani; Huduma Mobile Outreach Program. Since implementation of this service delivery platforms, corruption has been eliminated in the provision of public services to which the Huduma Kenya Program has widely been credited to have improved overall Kenya rank on Ease of Doing Business from position 129 in 2014 to 113 in 2015, and to position 92 in 2016; The Huduma Mashinani initiative in particular has been uploaded on the role of disseminating vital information about public services related to the SDGs thereby created public awareness on the requirements for the service and the set service charter on the services hence eliminate need for brokers. The Huduma Mashinani also provides real service to the citizens in a corruption free environment hence further eliminated need for informal payments. Save Time and Provide Dignity and Respect to Citizens: Service counters at Huduma Mashinani are clearly labeled therefore ‘no wrong door’. This is enhanced further by use of Queue Management System in the Huduma Centres and provision of comfortable seats for Citizens as they wait for their turn to be served. A case in point was one Old man who came to one of our Huduma Centre and was amazed at seamless service received in a comfortable environment. He compared his experience to being at Heathrow Airport despite having not stepped there! In other words, he felt highly dignified and respected and could not compare the experience received to another but best. To similarly exceed customers’ expectations, services at Huduma Mashinani are guided by well stipulated turnaround times and dictated official fees which are continuously monitored for improvement and compliance. Accessible Public Services: Huduma Mashinani provides services at locations that are convenient to Citizens who could otherwise not be able to access the services or who could spend a lot to access the various Government services. The one-stop-shop service delivery points eliminate long travel time and huge travel cost earlier incurred by Citizens in accessing Government services at far off service points. With the Huduma Mashinani therefore, the poor and the marginalized can now access high quality public services at no or minimal cost possible.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Use of technology: Huduma partnered with various MDAs to automate/semi-automate their processes for deployment at Huduma Mashinani. All these services required access to their backend systems thus we used secure VPN connections and configured access to authorized front desk staff only. With enabled remote multiple access capabilities, numerous outreach programs were possible thus ran multiple outreaches simultaneously. To power laptops at locations without electricity, we used generators and rechargeable batteries. Leverage on existing infrastructure: We reused resources already invested in the 45 operational Huduma and any other locally available resources or those that were cost effective. For instance, staff at the Centres were scheduled and facilitated to go to the outreach stations with transport, tents, chairs and public address systems used at the outreach location sourced from other Government Agencies or hired only if they are not available. Stakeholders Involvement: Involved the village elders in mobilization citizens to come to the outreach locations and various MDAs to provide their services. Publicity Campaigns: Designed, printed and distributed branded Huduma Mashinani T-shirts and conducted road shows in creating awareness on the location, dates and services to be offered during the Huduma Mashinani outreaches. Creative banners and fliers were also printed and distributed.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
Huduma Mashinani initiative is implemented by the Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs. Huduma Mashinani Governance are; the Summit, the Technical Committee and the Huduma Kenya Secretariat. The Service Delivery Summit is Chaired by H.E the President and His Cabinet and provides policy direction on the Huduma Mashinani Program. The Huduma Kenya Technical Committee on the other hand is Chaired by the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs and comprises all Principal Secretaries and CEOs of Agencies and Departments with services at Huduma. The Committee defines the strategic actions to be undertaken in the rolling out of Huduma Mashinani. The Technical Committee similarly has the Huduma Kenya Secretariat as the Operational Secretariat responsible for the implementation of the decisions of the Technical Committee and day to day management of the Outreach Programs. The Huduma Mashinani are implemented by staff at the 45 operational Huduma Centers across the country which serve an average of 35,000 Citizens per day thus have served more than 10 Million citizens since inception. 10% of the reported customers served are those served through the Huduma Mashinani initiative. To guarantee excellent customer service, the HKS has trained over 3,500 Officers seconded to programme on Customer Excellence and Huduma Service Standards which has led to continued reports of high standards in delivery of Public Services and Customer Satisfaction ratings of above 95%. The Customers surveyed laud the courtesy of staff, receipt of vital information provided by the staff and on time fulfillment of services sort. On the flipside for Government, more services have been subscribed to and compliance to prevailing regulations enhanced thereby have collected 12 Billion Kenya Shillings in revenues through Huduma.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Identification of suitable sites for the outreach program: The 45 operational Huduma Centres are located in 41 out of the 47 Counties in Kenya with 5 Centres co-located in Nairobi County because of its high population. All these Centres are Managed by a Centre Managers who work very closely with the County Commissioners who are the National Government representatives in the Counties and with the County Governments Executives. In consultations with the County and the Local administration, the Centre Manager identify suitable location where the Huduma Mashinani shall be held and on which dates. The venue and dates of the outreach are thereafter communicated to all stakeholders. Deployment of Services for Huduma Mashinani: Through the Huduma Centres, there are 60 different Government services that are extended to Citizens with an average of 45 end to end services at each Centre. For the Huduma Mashinani program, portable services identification processes are as follows; 1.Hold a meeting with the MDA. 2.Specify services (subject to if they are commonly sought after by Citizens) 3.Determine their impact to citizens 4.Map processes involved 5.Agree on which procedures to observe 6.Determine equipment or materials required 7.Determine space required – counters/desks 8.Determine optimal staff required 9.Agree on service turn-around time Some of the Services choose by the various Centres and extended through the Huduma Mashinani initiative include; •Issuance of initial and duplicate Identity Cards – help the Citizens of age 18 and above to be registered as Kenya Citizens and for those who lost their ID to replace them. This is vital as gives one identity and entitlement as a Kenyan Citizen, and empowers one as is required to get a job, in opening a Bank account etc. •Issuance of Birth Certificate – Registration of births and possession of a Birth Certificate is a requirement by Government as is vital for every new born so that they are not susceptible to any dangers such trafficking and is required for enrollment for Primary and Secondary Education Examinations. Not having a Birth Certificate therefore deprives children of education and the right to belong. •Universal Medical Insurance – National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) medical insurance enable families to access free medical cover when sick and for expectant mothers and new born to get free prenatal and postnatal care thereby cushions the family’ income and assets when with a medical emergency. •Retirement Savings Plan – National Social Securirty Fund (NSSF) enrolments enable Citizens to save for their retirement •AGPO Certificate issuance – Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (AGPO) certificate are issued to women, youth and persons living with disability to get Government Tenders which in principle is set at 40% of all Government procurement. •Affirmative Action Services – this entails Youth Enterprise Development Fund, Women Enterprise Fund and UWEZO fund loan schemes for Youth, Women, and persons living with disability to start and expand new ventures that create employment. •Others services extended during the Huduma Machinani outreach programs include; Adult Education enrolment, Students Loan application, Registration of Voters, receiving of Complaints on discrimination, unsatisfactory Government services and corruption, issuance of Police Clearance Certificate and Police Abstract, and registration of Self Help groups among others. Financial Resources: Innovative and cost effective strategies are used in extending services to villages. Average budget provided for each outreach is Kshs. 50,000 to cater for any need to hire transport, tents, chairs and public address systems whenever they are not available by any other Government Agency near the Huduma Centre. This is accounted for as a standing imprest with reimbursement as par use.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
Institutional stakeholders who participate in the Huduma Mashinani in diverse ways include the following; 1.The Presidency 2.The Ministry of Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs 3.Huduma Kenya Secretariat 4.National Registration Bureau 5.Civil Registration Department 6.Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development 7.Access to Government Procurement Opportunities 8.Ministry of Labour& Social Services 9.Office of the Attorney General 10.National Police Service 11.Department of Criminal Investigation (DCI) 12.National Social Security Fund (NSSF) 13.National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) 14.Kenya Revenue Authority 15.National Transport & Safety Authority (NTSA) 16.Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) 17.National Cohesion & Integration Commission 18.Ministry of Health 19.Kenya Power 20.Independent Electoral & Boundaries Commission (IEBC) 21.Ombudsman 22.Ethics & Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) 23.The Treasury- Department of Pensions 24.Kenya Accountants & Secretaries National Examination Board (KASNEB) 25.Women Enterprise Fund (WEF) 26.Respective County Government 27.Kenya National Human Rights Commission 28.Kenya Red Cross 29.Adult Education Services

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Advancing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Besides reducing Inequalities, through the Huduma Mashinani, more citizens are provided services that promote the attainment of other SDGs. For instance; More than 8,783 Citizens received Affirmative Action services during the Huduma Mashinani events. This included individuals and groups that applied for loans and got hence empowered to invest in new ventures that improved their lifestyles thereby contributed in ending poverty. Promoted well-being of more than 45,977 citizens who visited the health desk during the Huduma Mashinani outreaches. Health services provided during the outreached included; measurement of Body Mass Index, Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar, and distribution of health promotion messages. Improved Quality of Education by serving more than 25,704 prospective students seeking to enroll for the Kenya Accountants & Secretaries National Courses and Examinations and more than 219,641 who got student loan services. These service enable the citizens pursue higher education thereby advance in their career and empower to then to effectively participate in nation building. During Huduma Mashinani outreaches, many women were able to apply for various services that empower them which include application for Identity Cards hence enabled to transact businesses as private citizens thereby contributed to achievement of Gender equality. Promoted peaceful and inclusive societies during Huduma Mashinani by extending services of National Cohesion & Integration Commission, Independent Electoral & Boundaries Commission (IEBC), Ombudsman and Ethics & Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC). Why Huduma Mashinani is Effective: Political Goodwill - Great support of H.E the President of the Kenya and high involvement of the Cabinet Secretaries and Principle Secretaries in aligning their respective MDAs in supporting the outreach initiatives have highly contributed to success of Huduma Mashinani. Good Management - Great leadership of the Huduma Kenya Secretariat staff has contributed to the successful execution of the policy directions in extending public services to the masses through outreaches Public Confidence and participation - The public goodwill, referrals and continued feedback has made Huduma Mashinani program a success in reaching out to the poor and the vulnerable of the societies. Members of public for instance have proactively suggested venues for outreaches which have proved to be more ideal and have demanded for certain services during outreaches that have benefited many. Staff Training - All staff who serve customers have been extensively trainined in their repective arears of expertise and in soft skills that include; Positive attitude, Courtesy, Friendliness, Professionalism, Respectful and Being helpful.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Information, Communication and Technology (I.C.T): Deploying services that require restricted (VPN) access to backend systems in the field was a challenge at first. In liaison with the various MDAs technical teams, firewalls were modified to accept traffic from specified computers used during the outreaches. Source of power: Lack of electricity at some locations. The teams hired and used generators to power their computers and printers, and the public address systems. In some instances rechargeable batteries were used to power Computers. Multi Stakeholder Management: Operational gaps in aligning the different partners for the successful roll out of the Huduma Mashinani impacted on the time taken to set up the outreach stations. To solve this, effective communication was employed to ensure all are informed and mobilized in good time for the outreach. The Village elders similarly used to mobilize the citizen to locate the service stations.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
Huduma Mashinani value to the citizens include: •Improved lifestyle of more than 1,000,000 Citizens who have had convenient access to Government services that fit their unique needs •Saved more than 1,000,000 Citizens 4.5 man hours that they previously needed to access a Government service. Huduma Mashinani services on the flip side are not only conveniently availed at Citizens neighborhoods but are also faster and simpler services. •Provision of single access point for a variety of services saved citizens time and money. Huduma Kenya programme direct savings to Kenya Citizens as at 30th June 2016 was estimated at Kshs. 12.6 Billion. The benefits to the Citizens was computed based on cumulative savings on transport costs that they could otherwise be spend to accessing Government services, bribe that they could have been parted with to be served and cost of time spent in lining up or waiting to be served. This findings have been published widely; Value to the Government: •Through the Huduma Mashinai initiative, the Government was able to engage more with the citizens and have provided more services to Citizens thereby increase compliance to set regulations, increased revenue generation by the various Government Agencies and availed services that promote the attainment of SDGs. Revenue collected across all Huduma channels since inception in 2013 stand at Kshs.12 Billion. •It cost less for Government in providing consistent service through the mobile service points instead of constructing and equipping Huduma Centres in all sub-counties in Kenya. •Division of labor has improved staff productivity; The more than 3,500 front office staff seconded to the Huduma Kenya Program are fully engaged thus more productive and motivated while the back office staff can now specialize in processing applications thus are similarly more productive and by extension, services to the Citizens are now faster.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
Yes. Through the Huduma Mashinani initiative the Citizens are extended to services in a corruption free environment and are educated of the official fees and time taken to process an application thereby they are equipped to demand for accountability. According to Transparency International, the average size of brides for the various Government services are as below to which the citizens saved by accessing services through Huduma; •Application of duplicate ID card – Kshs. 5,000 •Issuance of Birth Certificate – Kshs 1000 •Assessment of Stamp Duty – Kshs. 3500 •Issuance of AGPO Certificate – Kshs. 1000 •Self- Help Groups/ CBOs Registration – Kshs. 1000 •Registration of welfare Societies – Kshs. 1000 •Business Name Search&reservation – Kshs. 3,000 •Issuance of Police Abstract – Kshs. 35 •Police Certificate of Good Conduct – Kshs. 3,500 •Seasonal Parking Tickets – Kshs. 3000 •NSSF Claims – Kshs. 4000 •NHIF Statements – Kshs. 1000 •Issuance of Pupil Pass – Kshs. 1000 •Renewal of Driver’s License – Kshs. 1000 •Application for Student Loan – Kshs. 100 •Provision of constitution permits – Kshs. 3000 •Issuance of Film Regulatory Licenses – Kshs. 1000 •Issuance of Films Classification Labels – Kshs. 1000 •Collection of Films for examination and classification – Kshs. 1000 •Receiving feedback on film and broadcast content – Kshs. 1000 Customer immediate feedbacks are sort during the Huduma Mashinani outreached and surveys conducted to pick out areas for improvements and any complaints. Every complaint is recorded, acted on and the customer notified of the resolution. This has highly promoted the accountability in provision of Government services by Huduma staff and the Government Agencies at Huduma.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
Yes. Huduma Mashinani takes Government services to a location that easily accessed by women and girls. To accommodate the various times that the women could be available, the services at the mobile locations are run up to two days and run from morning to evening. The services provided at Huduma Mashinani ranging from Issuance of Identity Cards and Registration of Self Help Groups to application of Affirmative Action Funds that help the poorest and most vulnerable to improve their lifestyles.

Contact Information

Institution Type:   Government Department  
Contact Person:   KENNETH AMWAYI
Telephone/ Fax:   +254 720996984
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   47716
Postal Code:   00100
State/Province:   NAIROBI

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