4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
The initiative identified the problem i.e. non-inclusion/non-participation of persons with disability in the rural employment scheme, a systematic enquiry was conducted to understood the reasons for non-inclusion/non-participation of persons with disability and based on the results of the study, consultation meetings, strategies to address the problem through an inclusive approach was developed. Understanding that hitherto the thrust of the government programs for persons with disability in Tamil Nadu was towards the employment of educated youth or distribution of aids/implements or providing sustenance allowance. For the first time, focus was on Persons with Disability from vulnerable and less privileged backgrounds including women and the elderly who were willing to work. The initiative sought to bring about economic empowerment of persons with disabilities and provision of employment within the precincts of their own village borders and ensuring that the persons with disability were working shoulder to shoulder with other people from their own village a positive step for promoting social inclusion and equity. The thrust has been on awareness creation of stakeholders i.e., Persons with disability, their families, village panchayat leaders, this has led to sustained participation in the scheme.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
This initiative is being implemented by the Department of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj, Government of Tamil Nadu. The Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department is responsible for the implementation of various Centrally-sponsored, State-funded, and Externally-aided schemes for poverty alleviation, employment generation, sanitation, capacity building, women’s social and economic empowerment, Tsunami rehabilitation, apart from provision of basic amenities and services. The Department is also entrusted with the responsibility of enabling the various Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRIs) to function as effective units of Local Self-Government. There are 12,524 Village Panchayats, 385 Panchayat Unions (co-terminus with Blocks) and 31 District Panchayats under the purview of the Department. In Tamil Nadu, the program during the financial years 2012-2013 to 2016-17 engaged between 63,141 to 80,451 persons with disability per year. The scheme provided work opportunity to 414,817 to 505,136 persons with disability per year during the same period across the country.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
The strategies adopted for bringing about the transformation and positive impact are:
i. Identifying special provisions for inclusion of Persons with Disability
ii. Identifying a range of activities for PwDs
iii. Issuing Government Order to provide clearly defined guidelines for ensuring easy implementation.
iv. Establishing Monitoring and Evaluation mechanism in collaboration with civil society organisations (CSOs).
The approach to this was systematic and consultative throughout the development and implementation phases of the initiative. The steps included:
1. Discussions with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)
Meetings were conducted with CSOs to identify reasons for not participation and specific activities for persons with disability under MGNREGS and work on the modalities to assist such persons under the scheme.
2. Development of a framework for action
• A consultative meeting was conducted to identify Village Panchayats where the pilot could be tested through a Time and Motion study.
• Sensitisation meeting was conducted for select Village Panchayat Presidents, Project Directors, DRDA, Engineers, District Rehabilitation Officers to finalise the list of village panchayats.
• Conduct of Time and Motion Study
• Draft recommendations for programme design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation developed.
3. Time and Motion Study
A comprehensive Time and Motion study was undertaken in 4 districts in 4 regions of Tamil Nadu viz. Coimbatore, Madurai, Tirunelveli and Kancheepuram along with selected NGOs. Pilot Panchayats were selected in each of the districts. The CSOs worked on enrolment of PwDs and assessing capacity and nature of work to ensure wider enrollment in the scheme.
4. Outcomes of Time and Motion study
• Special activities to be earmarked for Persons with disability in MGNREGS work.
• It was ascertained that Persons with Disability can be engaged in excavation of earthwork with an expectation of 50% output of regular MGNREGS work.
• An optimum requirement of 4 hours of work at full pay was suggested for PwDs vis-a-vis 8 hours of work. The study found that PwDs could work without fatigue for upto 4 hours.
5. Issuance of Government Order
Based on the outcomes of the study, a Government Order (vide. G.O. (MS) No. 52, Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (CGS. 1) Department, dated 25.06.2012) was issued with the following provisions:
• Special Activities - Watermen/Water-women at the worksite, who can distribute water to the workers, Caretaker to look after the children.
• Minor Activities- Clearing uprooted jungle from the site (Only Scrubs, Light Jungle), Watering (wetting) the area to be desilted (especially in summers), Compacting the earth deposited on bund by using spade, solid rods and earth breaking rods, Benching and leveling the bund, Sectioning and sloping the bund.
• In the worksite(s) where the number of PwDs are less in number then they must be engaged only in the special activities enlisted above.
• In the worksite(s) where the number of disabled workers are high then they can be engaged in earthwork. In such cases, they can be grouped into group of 5 or 10 and the pre-marking shall be done only for 50% of quantity earmarked for regular workers.
• Special Wages - When the PwDs complete 50% of outturn of the above listed works for a day, they should be paid full wage rate. Considering the physical/mental limitations of these workers, intermittent rest/break are provided during the working hours and the workers are permitted to leave once they complete the required out turn before time.
6. Issuing Job cards for Persons with Disabilities across Tamil Nadu
Identification and issuing of job cards, identifying activities to be executed and engaging PwDs in MGNREGS was initiated in March 2012. 100% enrolment of all the PwDs who were willing to work under MGNREGS was mandated from 01.04.2012 onwards.
Project Funding: The project is a Government of India and Government of Tamil Nadu funded program.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
This initiative was conceptualized by Dr. S. Vijayakumar, an Indian Administrative Service Officer while working as the Commissioner, Department of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj. Several stakeholders were involved during the initial discussions to understand the non-participation of persons with disability that included Officials of the Rehabilitation Department, Officials of Rural Development & Panchayat Raj Department, District Level Functionaries, Panchayat Raj Institution Representatives etc., for implementation of the new initiative of engaging PwDs in MGNREGS works.
Extensively worked with NGOs who were already working with PwDs in evolving strategies, conducting time and motion study and finalizing the activities best suited for PwDs. Engaged NGOs in motivating field level stake holders including the persons with disability so that any gap in communication and awareness on the part of the official machinery could be negated.
District officials of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department and Rehabilitation Department organised special camps in every panchayat union to sensitize PwDs about the provision of employment opportunity under the MGNREGS, which resulted in large scale participation.
PRI representatives especially the President, Village Panchayat a key stakeholder for this initiative. It is the President, Village Panchayat who is the first point of contact for the persons with disability and their families. When the panchayat leaders were motivated they ensured that the persons with disability were enrolled within a short span of 3 months.
The Department of Welfare of Differently Abled through District Differently Abled Welfare Officers provided data on people in possession of National Identity card for disabled. The following data of persons with disability above 18 years of age who can participate in MGNREGS. Total disability identity card holders above 18 years of age in rural areas was 222,027 persons of which 179,029 were physically challenged, 25,804 were mentally challenged and 17,195 were visually challenged. Nearly 189,000 Persons with Disability as stakeholders positively responded to the new initiative and enrolled with the program, the active participation over a five-year period has been between 63,141 to 80,451 persons with disability per year as the program was based on the concept of willingness to work.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The most significant outputs of the initiative towards achieving the SDG 8.5, to achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value are listed below:
• Work inclusion of persons with disabilities through provision of employment opportunity within the precincts of their own village borders was a positive step towards promoting social inclusion and equity.
• Enrolment of PwDs in the scheme over the period 2012-2017, has been between 65,000 to 80,000 indicating sustained involvement in the program over a period of 5 years.
• Financial Inclusion & Economic Empowerment of PwDs was a step towards providing an opportunity to the marginalized and disadvantaged persons to be considered productive members of the society. Bank accounts were opened for the PwDs a first for most of them. Change from being dependent to being contributing members of family, has changed not only their lives but their families too.
• Independent evaluation studies have shown significant improvement in the self-esteem of the PwDs and improvement in their overall quality of life
• Number of person days generated: During the 5-year period 2012-13 to 2016-17, the average person days of work that was generated per year was 3.454 billion person days, a potential that was not utilized thus far. Annual wages paid was to persons with disability employed by the scheme during 2012-13 was USD 1.8 Million and during the year 2015-2016 was USD 10.26 Million. The person days shows a 114% increase from the baseline and wages paid shows a 158% increase from the baseline (Baseline FY 2012 & Reference period FY 2015)
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The main obstacle for the engagement of persons with disability under the MGNREG Scheme was the stakeholders themselves. Though the MGNREG Act had provisions to engage persons with disability, they were not actively participating in the MGNREGS work. The first step was the most difficult understanding why and how persons with disability could be engaged under the scheme. This was overcome by conducting a Time and Motion study to understand the reasons for non-participation and the extent to which persons with disability could be engaged under the MGNREGS. A process that was conducted involving multiple stakeholders including civil society organizations and the beneficiaries. The next step was to create ownership and supportive environment for the implementation of the initiative by different stakeholders. The initiative ensured this through active involvement of different line departments, CSOs, village panchayat leaders, beneficiaries throughout the process. The periodic consultative processes ensured that the initial implementation challenges were addressed.