4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
IPT 300 is a device used to cross-check personal details of a MyKad holder such as name, MyKad number, address and photo. Upon checking, a MyKad is inserted into the device and a biometric scan is done, to check the authenticity of the card.
IPT 300 is a high-tech device that may be used whether online or off-line. When in online mode, a MyKad does not need to be physically inserted, where it is connected online to the NRD system. Upon insertion of the ID number, data will be extracted live from the system.
When in off-line mode, a MyKad needs to be inserted into the terminal whereby it reads the chip containing all the information as printed on the physical surface of the card (name, MyKad number, address, fingerprint and photo).
The initiative is innovative in the sense that the NRD also involves other agencies during the ops, such as the Immigration Department, Police and etc. This is in tandem with the National Blue Ocean Strategy (NBOS), which serves as the basis for the Malaysian National Development Strategy (MyNDS) which will guide the 11th Malaysia Plan from 2016 until 2020. MyNDS focuses on rapidly delivering high impact on both the capital and people economies at low cost to the government. The capital economy is about GDP growth, big businesses, large investment projects and financial markets, while the people economy is concerned with what matters most to the people, including jobs, small businesses, the cost of living, family well-being and social inclusion.
Under MyNDS, strategy formulation is being driven by creativity and innovation, and strategy execution follows the principles of fair process. By reconstructing the conventional boundaries that exist across public and private organizations, the government is creatively unlocking and multiplying national resources. Costs are lowered by breaking down silos across ministries and agencies to unlock underutilized resources, while higher value is delivered to people by creatively deploying those resources to hot spots. This enables the simultaneous pursuit of high income and greater public well-being while keeping taxes low.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
This initiative is implemented by the IED of the NRD, being the only enforcement branch of the Department.
The size of population affected by this initiative is 31.7 million people, which consists of all Malaysians residing in the country who receive all the benefits of a Malaysian citizen (data obtained from Department of Statistic, Malaysia). Details may be obtained from www.dosm.gov.my.
All Malaysians are affected by this initiative in the sense that it ensures the rights and privileges of Malaysians are safeguarded and upheld.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
The strategy is implemented continuously by utilizing existing resources. However, with the increase of the need for better management of national security, more manpower is added into the enforcement branch of the NRD.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
The stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and its implementation is the Director General of the NRD himself. This is done through revision and modification process (whenever necessary) every quarterly, through various reviews and monitoring, especially on the enforcement and prosecution statistics. New measures are also introduced to ensure that this initiative is relevant to the current scenario of this problem.
Apart from being reviewed by the above-mentioned party, the initiative is also being constantly reviewed by the Home Minister himself, from the aspect of its implementation. Various meetings are held from time to time to ensure that the best practices are taken while implementing this initiative.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The most successful outputs were the number of people arrested and prosecuted in 2016, which was 296. All of them were prosecuted under the National Registration Act 1959 (Act 78) and Regulations.
The arrest and prosecution of these people may serve as a deterrent for other people.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The main obstacles faced by the IED are lack of information from the people in the areas identified as hot-spots for fake IDs activities. During information gathering, local people tend to protect their community form being exposed to the authority.
This is overcome by promoting the need for greater patriotism among the citizens to encourage them to assist in Government’s efforts to curb this problem.