4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
This was the first time in the world that almost 50 Lakhs children of 0-5 year’s age group were screened for malnutritionas per WHO guideline. Also children identified with SAM weremanaged with integrated approach by facility and community based management. Recording of Nutrition Parameters, Treatment, and Follow up data was captured in e-Mamta i.e. Online MIS system developed by Government of Gujarat.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
This initiative was implemented by Dept of Health and Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat under the banner of Kuposhan Mukt Gujarat Maha-Abhiyan. Total 43 lakhs children of 0 to 5 years were screened in the year 2015 and almost 50 Lakhs children of 0 to 5 years age group were screened under this initiative in the year 2016.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Under "Kuposhan Mukt Gujarat Maha-Abhiyan (KMGA)" frontline health workers carried out the screening of 0 to 5 years children to evaluate the malnutrition status. Facility based or community based management of the children were carried out based on their nutrition status & medical complication.Under this campaign, SAM children who failed appetite test and/or with medical complications were referred& treated at Child Malnutrition Treatment Centre (CMTC) / Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre (NRC) and those who were appetite test pass and without medical complications were admitted and managed under Community Based Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) for 12 weeks with Bal Amrutam (Complementary Therapeutic Food). Bal Amrutam is a therapeutic food, homogenously prepared as per the WHO guideline. UNICEF played a major role as a technical partner. Guideline and protocols for campaign were developed with the support of UNICEF. Almost 50,000 health personnel were trained to carry out this activity. UNICEF allocated grant for training health personnel at State & District level. Government of Gujarat allocated the budget of 30 Crores for the management of SAM children at facility level as well as for purchasing of Bal Amrutam.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
The planning, funding and implementation of the program was carried out by Department of Health and Family Welfare. Program advocacy, strategy planning. Technical inputs, guideline development & training were supported by UNICEF. Capacity building was done with the support of faculties from medical colleges. Support in program implementation at ground level was done by Department of Woman & Child. Procurement, quality testing, supply chain management were managed by Gujarat Medical Services Corporation Limited (GMSCL). Ms. Amul (Anand,Gujarat) produced and supplied Bal Amrutam.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Almost 43 lakh children in phase-1 and almost 50.32 lakh children were screened under "Kuposhan Mukt Gujarat Maha-Abhiyan (KMGA) Phase II" identification of 47,955 SAM children of age group 0-5 years was done from June to August 2016. Total 10,868 SAM children have gained weight of more than 5gm/kg/day at CMTC/NRC. Under CMAM, 12,137 (59.14%) children were cured.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The main obstacles were:
• Equipments (Stadiometer, Infantometer) for screening of children were not sufficiently available&caliberated at all health facilities. To overcome this gap 15000 equipments were procured and supplied.
• Unavailability of any energy dense food to treat SAM children at community level. This was overcome by supply of BalAmrutam which was prepared according to WHO formula in conjugation with Ms. AMUL Dairy.
• It was found difficult for health workers to classify the children in SAM & MAM as per the complicated Z-score chart of WHO. So, an android mobile application named ChildNutriCalc (Available on Google Playstore) was developed which proved user friendly for health workers to calculate weight for height/length SD on the basis of parameters like Height/length, weight and age of child.
• Case based recording of screened children was not available. So an online MIS was developed in e-Mamta, which made possible to track each and every child individually.