4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
The investment facilitation portal is one of its kind in the country because of the following reasons. For the first time in Kenya, investors (both international and local) and the general public have been able to obtain most of the information they require for investing in the country in one website .
Secondly, the initiative is different from others as it documents the procedures as they are on the ground including exact durations with a minimum and maximum duration to ensure that accurate information is disseminated to the public. It details in a clear manner, step by step showing the public where to go (contact details), what to get (results), cost, legal justification, the requirements, and the recourse in case of enquiries including samples of documents to enhance dissemination of information to the public. It brings the government services closer to the public by establishing contact details of the government officials for the public to engage them in case of any enquiries. It also enhances transparency and accountability by provision of channels of communication with government officials. Secondly, public awareness of the cost and even legal justification of these procedures has been created.The portal is also innovation tool as it has a tab for reporting incorrect information and suggesting improvements of the procedures hence allowing incorporation of the public feedback during decision making and also enhancing simplification of such procedures.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
The initiative was implemented by Kenya investment authority. The target population was investors (locally and worldwide), vulnerable groups e.g. women, youth and people with disability and entrepreneurs (both already established and upcoming). Currently, investors from more than 100 countries worldwide have accessed the portal
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
The project was implemented by Kenya Investment Authority with the support of UNCTAD.
The Kenya Investment Authority approached UNCTAD for technical support in development of the web based investment facilitation portal. UNCTAD has over the years been helpful to developing countries by championing solutions to developmental issues. UNCTAD has therefore been a reliable partner to Kenya government and has supported KenInvest in the past in developing investment policy tools and investment guides. KenInvest developed a concept note/ proposal that was shared with UNCTAD. Thereafter, there was exchange of notes on action points, budget and timelines needed to execute the project. KenInvest contributed in designing the action plan and also provision of staff and necessary hardware. The contribution by KenInvest provision of office space, human resource, paying for cost of office equipment, sensitization of stakeholders, training of staff and purchase of equipment (computers, printers, cameras and office stationaries). KenInvest also approached UNCTAD through the government of Netherlands to provide technical support by hiring two project consultants to support in documentation and uploading of the necessary information during the project period. The exercise required frequent visits, interactions and consultations with stakeholders to access relevant information; and therefore the need for extra human resource.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
Kenya investment authority contributed to the design and implementation of the initiative. The organization identified the key investment procedures which were to be documented and then involved the government stakeholders to help in implementation of the project and ensure its success. The key stakeholders included
• The KenInvest Investment Facilitation Project Team
• State law office which is deals with business and company registration. In these, we dealt with the registrar of companies and businesses and officials who served the clients.
• The National construction authority for documentation of the construction permits and licenses.
• The Kenya Revenue Authority which deals with revenue collection. We were able to document the procedures for obtaining the personal Identification Number which assist the citizens In payment of taxes.
• Ministry of Lands which deals with the registration of any transfer of interest in Land in Kenya.
• Department of immigration which issues work permits, special passes, foreign national registration card etc
• National treasury which deals with the issuance of the access to government procurement opportunities certificates to women, youth and people with disability.
• County governments (Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu)- We were able to document county specific procedures which investors have to adhere to . These included Business Permits issued to business to enable them operate in the county government, construction permits, Land rates which are levies imposed on land by the county government etc.
• National Environmental Management Authority- The institution ensures compliance with environmental measures.
• Kenya Power and lighting company for power connections to premises.
• Federation of Kenya employers which protects the interests of employers in Kenya
• National Social security fund and National Hospital insurance fund
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The business facilitation portal has led to increased public awareness on investment procedures. This directly promotes formal investments in the country because through the portal the investors know exactly what is required of them and therefore more investments in the country hence increased economic growth. There is increased feedback from the private sector which consists of suggestions and opinions which are used by KenInvest to advise the respective government agencies on the challenges that the public is encountering during the procedures of obtaining compliances from their institutions.
The portal has led to Transparency and accountability in public service delivery through giving investors the exact information of what is required of them from these agencies to avoid cases of overcharging of even paying agents who may not necessary be required in a certain procedure. The finances which could otherwise been used to facilitate obtaining theses compliance can be invested in the business and lead to the growth of these businesses. Though various interactions with these institutions it has led to improved rapport between government institutions. This leads to better service delivery to the public for the achievement of sustainable development goals
The portal has directed led to increased investments in the country more so with the simplification of the business registration procedures. This makes it easy for investors to invest in the country. With more jobs for Kenyans, poverty is being reduced and families are able to access food and other social services. The portal has indirectly contributed to economic welfare enhancement of women and youth who are able to access government procurement opportunities. Finally it aids in assisting government institutions to identify policy gaps and constraints and therefore develop solution to mitigate sustainable developmental goals.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The main obstacles that were en countered during implementation was the challenge to get photos and contact details of the various officers who are in charge of the procedures and also the procedure recourses. This was overcome through stakeholder sensitization meetings and through written letters to these in institutions explaining the importance of both the contact details and the photos of the officers.
Another challenge was usually during data collection, the officers were giving information as per the organization charters and not as it happening on the ground. This was resolved through constant explanations on the data collection criteria and also letters written to the organizations expressing what is required of them