Pacto pela Vida - 40 CIPM
40 CIPM da Policia Militar do Estado da Bahia

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
The Brazilian Favelas (Brazilian ghetto) are typically lacking a structure of a social well-being, public services and urban infrastructure. Principally (and sometimes the only one)the organization that offers a gift for the Brazilian favelas are the Military Police, which are the only one responsible for operating a maintenance and a guarantee of law. Although, it is not well seen by the favela resident population. The youths (children and teenagers) living in many favelas in Nordeste of Amaralina , Salvador – Bahia, also as the majority of the favelados (a person who lives in the favela)are restricted in the neighborhood in which they live in, they are socially isolated from the city, with no access of public services or use of urban apparatus. The youths that abandon the city, they end up being more socially venerable, and becoming easily recruited by organized crimes. This form many poor youths that live in Nordeste de Amaralina, end up abandoning school, and consequently evolving themselves in great difficulties finding jobs, also unfortunately many of these youths end up associating with drugs, and local criminal organizations

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
Bringing the community closer,the Military police ensures law and order, using local Military police human resources and equipments, building (everything) to present and integrate the resident population for the favela to the city; Military Police offers in courses , physical activities , speeches, under the military supervision.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
The Military Police organization are responsible for Nordeste of Amaralina favela taking the youths out of the favela to the community, especially the younger ones, with the following main objectives: (i) to increase the relationship of trust and security between the community and the police; (ii) lowering the capture of these young people involved in criminal organizations of the neighborhood; (iii) offer the population sports and academic activities beyond those available at their local schools; (iv) presenting the urban apparatus to the needy population; (v) improve the population's self-esteem.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Essentially, in Brazil, the Military Police forces only carry out order maintenance operations, mainly through ostensive policing actions. Often the Military police activity, ends up driving the community away from the police, our initiative has sought to reduce the distance between the military settled in the favela and the local community. In the Nordeste-Amaralina we try to encourage a police force that is not limited to guaranteeing law and order, seeking a police approach, focused on preventing young people from getting involved with drugs and criminal activities instead of just arresting them when they already have turned into criminals.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
Initiatives were implemented, through the authorization of the general command of the Military Police, by the police of the 40th Independent Company of Military Police of the state of Bahia, through the Quality and Telematics Section (SQT) and its Communitary Security Bases (BCS). The complex of favelas in the Nordeste of Amaralina is composed of about 120 thousand families and the initiative directly affecting in the year 2016, 2500 people mostly children and teenagers.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
The first problem addressed was the lack of trust between the residents and the Military Police. Firsty, in 2011, three "Communitary Security Bases - BCS" were created, subordinated to the 40th Independent Military Police Company - 40th CIPM, with the aim of permeating the presence Police in the favela for allowing the community to get closer and getting know the Military Police structure and its members. The residents did not want the police presence in the neighborhood as the military did not want to approach the community, there is a culture in the Brazilian police, where the police are limited to carry out operations to combat crime through armed intervention, initially the military were trained to carry out social actions brought by the Military. With the progressive acceptance of the idea that the Military police can carry out actions of a social nature, both by the favela residents and by the military itself, the development of social programs led by volunteer Military personnel began, and they began to participate in community life beginning to take measures to prevent crime in the Nordeste of Amaralina. After four years of a policy in approaching the Military Police with the community in 2016, a number of projects were carried out with emphasis on: (i) the holding of the "1st Youth Games in the Nordeste of Amaralina", a tournament that ended the year in which children From 10 to 18 years old were able to compete for the first time in one or many of the sports activities that were developed during the year (soccer, volleyball, boxing, swimming, karate and athletics) for a week, youths organized by teams, A contest, winning medals for the first time in their lives; (ii) school reinforcement provided at the BCS's, with two basic objectives, first to act in a complementary way to the school activities, allowing a better use of the students, together with the school and for the adolescents, study activities aimed at entering colleges and Universities through In ENEM (National High School Exam); (iii) the program "With the police taking them out of the favela and bringing them to see the theater / cinema" because the community has neither a theater nor a cinema and due to the social isolation of which the inhabitants of the favelas are probably not even a resident of the community, without the help of an agent will watch a play or watch a movie, in this program the Military organize excursions with the interested residents to leave the favela to have access, even for just one day, to entertainment and culture options, the Military volunteers not only organize but also accompany the excursions (also with the aim of protecting the favelados from possible acts of symbolic violence) ... The state government of Bahia indirectly finances the actions through the relocation of some Military to the social activities and eventually provides transportation in vehicles of the corporation; In addition all other sources of resources come from donations from local merchants and all the rest is financed with the resources of the Military involved. Examples: During the Youth Games, several children competed barefoot, as they did not have sneakers; to solve this problems, the female Militaries (and those with the small foot) gave up their shoes, leaving the Military polices barefoot during the event. When it is necessary for the Mlitary to travel through the city (to book cultural activities, to contact other secretariats, to present the initiative to society), it is carried out with the vehicles of the military themselves at their own expenses or in the making of "kits" for the acquisition of materials necessary for the activities, when these are not provided by neither a secretariat.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
The main actor of this initiative is in fact the Military Police of the State of Bahia, for the implementation of the BCS program along with the permission and assignment of human resources. However, I emphasize that the most active organization for social improvement in the favela complex is the 40th CIPM through its Quality and Telematics Section (SQT), which together with the subordinate BCS (Nordeste, Santa Cruz and Chapada) Implemented. The following Military Police officers contributed significantly to the initiative: By SQT, Cap PM Flavia; Ten PM Ingrid; Sd PM Pine; Sd PM Gildo; Sd PM Eloi; Sd PM Vianna; Sd PM Maite; By the BCS, Cap PM Elder and her commanders, Cap PM Sheila and her commanders, Cap MP Eva Cachoeira and her commandos. The following private institutions participated in the programs for the approximation and inclusion of young people: Faculty of Technology and Sciences, During the accomplishment of the sport activities in the modalities of athletics the Brazilian Army through the Military College of Salvador was fundamental yielding to Military Police its Olympic track. The following citizens: the teachers of the colleges situated in the favela complex under the leadership of Professor Pimenta.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The growing demand and interest of school students in participating in the academic and sports activities organized by the Military Police, with the expectation of a 50% increase in the number of young people enrolled in the initiative; reduction of police incidents within neighborhood schools, since the beginning of the policy of approaching Military Police and the community, there has been a progressive reduction of the presence of criminal organizations within local schools, as well as a decrease in the prevalence of drugs among young people, especially youngsters who participate in the social activities developed by the Military Police. Improving the self-esteem of the young people involved in the program, there is a greater interest of the young people in the formal job market, especially in the higher-level professions which require admission to a university / college; a reduction in the number of armed clashes between the Military Police and organized crime in the neighborhood, signaling to a clear, but still modest, evacuation of the organizations responsible for local drug trafficking.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The main obstacles encountered can be divided into structural difficulties of the Military Police and resistance from the community in participating / approaching the activities provided by the military police. Among the institutional difficulties are: (i) lack of will of the majority of security agents to carry out activities considered of a non-military nature; (ii) the absence of an institutional guideline with its own budget and the complete absence of military obligations to carry out the activities contemplated by the initiative. On the side of the resistance of the community: (i) the influence of organized crime in trying to prevent the carrying out of sports and educational activities available to the community, (ii) lack of confidence of the residents in the person of the police and (iii) For the performance of sports activities.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
The main benefit to the community is centered in reducing the social vulnerability of the poorest layers of the city, promoting a gradual inclusion of the residents to the economic-social system of the city of Salvador. The target population is precarious of the most diverse services of inclusion in the labor market, where due to the lack of perspective and the "seduction" of the drug traffickers facilitate that a great amount of young people ending up being involved in criminal activities that, generally, takes The imprisonment of these young people as a result of the crimes committed or, in the worst case scenario in the death of these young people (sometimes children) in clashes with the security forces. Preventing crime and reducing social vulnerability is difficult to measure, indirectly the results of the initiative are observed through ethnographic research and by reading the statistics of crimes practiced in the favela complex and the frequency of arrests of local residents. We also have reports from local schools that point to an improvement in children's self-esteem and a greater interest in regular (academic, sports, and cultural) activities.The reduction of crime in the favela complex allows more partner organizations to take care of assistance to the population.By 2016 there were no longer any regions where organized crime was sovereign, the level of confidence of the community in the Military Police allowed all public areas of the complex to be returned to the community, although organized crime still exists for criminals no longer Ostensibly through the streets.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
Not applicable.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
The initiative of the 40th CIPM has ramifications that are dedicated especially to the female audience: with activities to improve the self-esteem of girls in the neighborhood by holding an annual beauty contest only with candidates living in the slum complex, "Girl BCS", Which in 2016 had its third edition; Activities of support and military security to the Secretary of Health in the programs of feminine health care, control and family planning and research and diagnosis of breast cancer. The other policies have as their main objective to reduce the social vulnerability of the poorest strata of society, through the social inclusion of this population, either through sports programs, academic programs or to reduce the symbolic isolation to which the favela populations are subjected.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   40 CIPM da Policia Militar do Estado da Bahia
Institution Type:   Public Agency  
Contact Person:   Bruno Vianna
Title:   Policial Militar  
Telephone/ Fax:   +5571981961639
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   Largo do Porto da Barra, 3
Postal Code:   40130180
City:   Salvador
State/Province:   Bahia

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