Virtual expert group meeting on institutions and governance for accelerating sustainable public proc
Start Date/Time:
Tuesday, November 24, 2020 9:30 AM
End Date/Time:
Tuesday, November 24, 2020 11:30 AM
Recurring Event:
One time event
Normal Priority
Registration Type:


Virtual expert group meeting on institutions and governance for accelerating sustainable public procurement
CEPA Working Group on Sustainable Public Procurement


24 November 2020
09:30-11:30 a.m. (New York time)


Supporting documents


    Concept note
    Biographical notes of speakers

    List of participants 


•    Introduction by Louis Meuleman, CEPA member
•    Sustainable Public Procurement: An accelerator of sustainable development in time of crisis, A financial tool for new markets, jobs and innovation by Lamia Moubayed Bissat, CEPA member
•    SPP as a modern financial/fiscal tool, creating new markets for sustainable products & jobs, improving competitiveness by Juraj Nemec, CEPA member
•    National SPP approach of The Netherlands by Ivo Bonajo, Ministry of Interior Affairs and Joan Prummel, Rijkswaterstaat Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management
•    Remarks by Neil Cole, Executive Secretary, Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative
•    Green Public Procurement of Korea by Mr. Joon Sung Ahn, Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute
•    EU Green Public Procurement Policy by Enrico Degiorgis, Environment Directorate-General of the European Commission
•    OLACEFS Sustainable public procurement cooperative audit using data analytics by Julissa Sáenz,

Audit Area of the Financial Administration System, Supreme Audit Institution of Costa Rica


Other background material

•    Procurement with impact: strategy for sustainable, social and innovative commissioning by central government, October 2019, Government of the Netherlands 

•    Improving the execution of capital expenditure financed from state resources in the Central African Republic, Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative 

•    Walking the Trillion-Dollar Giant, August 2020, Carsten Hansen 

•    Sustainable Public Procurement in Norway – Testing the MAPS Module on Sustainable Public Procurement, June 2020, MAPS 

•    Sustainable Procurement Platform, December 2020, ICLEI 

•    Office of Federal Sustainability, December 2020, White House Council on Environmental Quality, Government of the United States

    Green Procurement Compilation, December 2020, General Services Administration, Government of the United States

•    Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council, December 2020

•    One Planet Network Sustainable Public Procurement, December 2020

•    Blog post by Lamia Moubayed Bissat, CEPA member 


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