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Entries for May 2012

Akoma Ntoso and Bungeni featured at International Workshop "Identifying benefits deriving from the adoption of XML-based chains for drafting legislation". The workshop, hosted by the Office of the Promotion of Parliamentary Democracy of the European Parliament in collaboration with the Global Center of ICT in Parliaments, has been attended by participants from 14 different public organisations.

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On 19 May, the International Legislation UnHackathon was held at Hastings College of Law of the University of California, in San Francisco.

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Bungeni Editor was featured in the Final Analysis Report of the ISA LEOS Project (Legislative Editing Open Software).

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LEGAL HACKS is hosting an International Legislation UnHackathon sponsored by the Hastings Science & Technology Law Journal. Next 19 May, at the Hastings College of Law of the University of California, attorneys and technologists will gather in groups and “mark up” existing laws into an XML format based on Akoma Ntoso.

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