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The International Conference on Achieving Greater Transparency in Legislatures through the Use of Open Document Standards was convened by the US House of Representatives in collaboration with the Global Centre for ICTs in Parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Washington DC from 27 to29 February 2012.

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The Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS), a not-for-profit consortium that drives the development, convergence and adoption of open standards for the global information society, began the process to establish a LegalDocumentML (LeDML) Technical Committee to set in motion the procedures that will lead to formal acceptance of Akoma Ntoso as OASIS standard for legislative and parliamentary documents as well as judgements.

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This a minor release of Akoma Ntoso with some additions and bug fixes drawn from discussions held at the Ravenna Legislative XML Summer School in September 2011.

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The APKN Secretariat is convening the 2nd APKN Council of Secretaries-General. The Meeting kindly hosted by the East African Legislative Assembly with the support of UN/DESA Africa i-Parliament Action Plan, will take place at the AICC Building in Arusha, Tanzania on the 27-28th of October 2011. The conference will constitute an opportunity for Members of Parliaments, Secretaries-General, Parliamentary staff and officials, as well as external experts and academics working on ICTs in legislatures, to analyze good practices, exchange views on latest trends and institutional developments, learn from each other’s experiences, network with peers, and build partnerships in an international setting.

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Africa Parliamentary Knowledge Network (APKN) with the support of the Africa i-Parliament Action Plan launched a survey targeted at Members and Staff of African Parliaments, aimed at assessing their information needs. Responses will be used to prioritize the activities of APKN around what are perceived as major information needs that Parliaments are currently facing, in order to better support the role of information in Parliaments’ work.

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Africa i-Parliament Action Plan, an UN/DESA project meant to support African parliaments in the deployment of ICTs to increase the quality of parliamentary services and civil society participation in the parliamentary process, has recently published a major release of Akoma Ntoso XML standard for parliamentary, legislative and judiciary documents.

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The Africa i-Parlaiment Action Plan in the last two weeks hosted parliaments from Portuguese and East African countries in Nairobi to discuss issues around localising the Bungeni Parliamentary information System and the Akoma Ntoso standards to the specific requirements of countries present.

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The Africa i-Parliament Action Plan is pleased to announce the convening of a workshop to localise the Bungeni Parliamentary Information System and Akoma Ntoso Standards to the requirements of the different Portuguese speaking parliaments in Africa.

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Localising Akoma Ntoso Workshop was held from the 25-26th of January 2011 in Cape Town. It was attended by 45 participants from 16 national, regional and continental assemblies being legal drafters, IT staff and Clerks of Parliament. The workshop was hosted by the Parliament of South Africa, and organised by the Africa i-Parliament Action Plan of the United Nations Department of Economic Affairs in collaboration with Office for Promotion of Parliamentary Democracy of the European Parliament.

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The APKN Secretariat successfully convened its 1st APKN Council of Coordinators and Plenary at the Pan African Parliament, in Midrand South Africa from the 19th-20th of October 2010. The Plenary was jointly hosted by the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa and the Pan African Parliament with support from the Africa i-Parliaments Action Plan of UNDESA.

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APKN Secretariat and Pan African Parliament are pleased to announce the convening of the 1st APKN Council of Coordinators and Plenary.

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19-20 April 2010 Midrand South Africa African Parliaments have been urged to take advantage of mechanisms that are in place to foster collaboration and inter parliamentary cooperation. Speaking at the official opening of the APKN Conference hosted by the Pan African Parliament the PAP President Hon. Dr. Idriss Ndele Moussa emphasized the need for better collaboration and parliamentary cooperation to ensure that the people of Africa are well represented in their socio political and economic spheres of life. The APKN Conference attracted the participation of over 40 Clerks and Secretary Generals from across Africa and over 100 MPs of the Pan African Parliament.

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The Africa Parliamentary Knowledge Network (APKN) is pleased to announce the convening of an international conference on open and learning parliaments in Africa.

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The training workshop was attended by 30 participants being Members of Parliament from the EALA General Purposes Committee, Members of Parliament Chairpersons of Committees responsible for Health and Staff of Parliament from the Legal Counsels from the Parliaments of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda.

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Participants to the parallel session 'Open standards for parliamentary documentation: cooperative approaches' of the World e-Parliament Conference 2009 co-organized by the United Nations, the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the U.S. House of Representatives and the Global Centre for ICT in Parliament (3-5 Nov 2009) engaged in discussions on converging XML standards for parliamentary and legislative documents.

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Bungeni - Parliamentary Information System was presented at the parallel session "Systems for managing the life cycle of legislative documentation" of the World e-Parliament Conference 2009 in Washington DC. The presentation covered Bungeni bill processing highlighting the amendments, annotations processes and how this can be done by the different stakeholders in the cycle of the bill. The presentation also highlighted the MPs , Clerk and Speaker's work flows in developing and processing the different parliamentary content such as motions, questions, and supporting Committee work.

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One of the upcoming feature additions to the Bungeni Editor is integration with the eXist XML repository. This will allow a unified workflow where documents are marked up transformed to Akoma Ntoso XML and posted to the XML db.

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The Bungeni Portal was demonstrated at the SADC ICT parliamentary workshop in Cape Town on the 14th and 15th of October 2009. A demonstration of the system was also made to the South African Parliament's ICT strategy, training and support departments. Various improvements in the system were also highlighted.

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Parliaments have a role to play in ensuring that there is Internet to govern but also that their constituencies are protected from any malicious activities. This is one of the issues that were discussed by the ICT Thematic Group of APKN at a meeting in Cape Town.

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The Africa Parliamentary Knowledge Network received great support and a massive endorsement during the PAP speakers conference that took place. During the conference the, 28 presiding officers unanimously agreed to endorse the APKN charter.

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