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With the start of the new academic year, Boston University School of Law officially launched its new African Parliamentary Knowledge Network (APKN) Law Clinics. The APKN Law Clinics are designed to assist African parliaments draft and enact more effective legislation through an evidence-based methodology.

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The Editor is presently undergoing tests for usability and functionality by external parties. Releases of the Editor have been made publicly available. Additionally an operations manual has been created to enable testers to understand and use the Editor's functionality. Annotated videos and screencasts have been provided as visual guides to using the Editor.

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This is a regional workshop dabbed "Evidence Based Legislation" that is being organized by UN/DESA in collaboration with EAC. The main aim of this workshop will be to engage EAC legislative drafters in a learning process of drafting and assessing evidence based legislation.

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A new clinic designed to assist African parliaments to acquire the skills necessary to draft and enact more effective legislation. This clinic has been designed to assist African parliaments to acquire the skills to draft and enact more effective legislation.

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The Legislative guidelines have been revised to include practical examples that provide clarity. The examples will help in better understanding the purpose of each Guideline.

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The APKN site has undergone major restyling and reorganisation. The main APKN and the different thematic sub-sites have a uniform look and feel (apart from ANM) to better reflect their being part of APKN. The main banners have been changed and a common colour scheme carries through all the thematic sites.

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APKN has so far received endorsement from 13 national and regional Legislatures , the latest member being the Nigerian Senate with the endorsement in March of 2009.

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The President of the Senate of Nigeria's National Assembly, Senator (Dr) David A. B. Mark on the 26 of March 2009 has sent a letter of endorsement of the charter of the African Parliamentary Knowledge Network to the Speaker of the Egyptian's Peoples Assembly.

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Along with this upgrade, several functional and usability improvements were made to the editor. This includes a new document type that was added to the supported document types for the Editor – the 'judgement' document type.

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The portal uses several technologies and applications to present a parliamentary portal that can be customized to suit a parliaments needs. The Bungeni application has been properly structured and includes a workflow package among other reviews conducted to solve some UI inconsistencies that were identified.

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This is a workshop designed to provide the methodologies and tools that a drafter needs to conceptualize, draft and justify a bill’s detailed provisions. Most often than not, when drafters have no clearly laid out guidelines, they result to using methodologies that lead to inadequate legislation.

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The international conference "The Role of Parliaments in the Development of an Equitable Information Society in Africa" was successfully closed in Kigali on 5th of March 2009 with the adoption of the "Kigali Declaration". The conference was hosted by the Parliament of Rwanda and organized in collaboration with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). It brought together delegations from 36 African parliaments and regional assemblies, 31 of these were MP's4 were Speakers/Presidents and 3 deputy Speakers.

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An add-on application to Writer that provides tools to assist in the marking up of the documents in AKOMA NTOSO schemas. It includes a BungeniEditor extension that is able to translate ODF documents into both AKOMA NTOSO XML documents and valid HTML documents.

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A repository of information regarding legislation and policy documents dealing with Information Society and ICTs issues in Africa.

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These modules are developed in conjunction with the International Consortium for Law and Development (ICLAD). This is in the effort of providing adequate information and tools to enable parliaments to perform better and be part of the drafting process.

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A tool to mark up documents based on the AKOMA NTOSO schema. The Editor provides contextual markup tools, where the Editor recommends supported markup based on the position of the cursor within the document. The UI of the Editor has also been internationalized.

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