A workshop on “Bungeni Know-How Transfer” is being convened by the Africa i-Parliament Action Plan for software developers from selected African parliaments and will take place in Maputo, Mozambique, on 16-19 July 2012. With a view to facilitating the successful implementation of Bungeni Parliamentary Information System, the Africa i-Parliament Action Plan of UN/DESA is carrying out a series of initiatives that involve both parliaments and their local partners such as universities to transfer the know-how for the localization, deployment and maintenance of Bungeni. The sustainability of Bungeni will to a large extent depend on the knowledge and skills available within parliaments as well as within organisations such as local universities or other technical partners that can provide support to parliament in the long run. The workshop will thus gather staff of parliaments in charge of implementing information systems, as well as participants from other local technical partners. By alternating technical presentations and practical sessions, the workshop will aim at:
The workshop is organized by the Africa i-Parliament Action Plan in collaboration with the Mozambique National Assembly.
an initative of United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)