Akoma Ntoso and Bungeni featured at International Workshop “Identifying benefits deriving from the adoption of XML-based chains for drafting legislation”. The workshop, hosted by the Office of the Promotion of Parliamentary Democracy of the European Parliament in collaboration with the Global Center of ICT in Parliaments, has been attended by participants from 14 different public organisations.
Akoma Ntoso and Bungeni featured at International Workshop “Identifying benefits deriving from the adoption of XML-based chains for drafting legislation”. The workshop, hosted by the Office of the Promotion of Parliamentary Democracy of the European Parliament in collaboration with the Global Center of ICT in Parliaments, has been attended by participants from 14 different public organisations. Prof. Fabio Vitali and Prof. Monica Parlimirani, Associate Professors from the Department of Computer Science of the University of Bologna, explained how Akoma Ntoso, using a single XML schema, can cover the needs and specificities of all the parliaments. In fact, it identifies similarities and differences inside the structure of the most common document types used by parliaments, which are the building-blocks of Akoma Ntoso schema and allow it to be used by all parliaments, localising the schema to their specific requirements. Monica Palmirani, also Chair of the OASIS LegalDocML Member Section Steering Committee in charge of the standardisation of Akoma Ntoso, provided an update on the standardisation process and the opportunities that it may offer to parliaments all over the world. Africa i-Parliament presented BungeniEditor, the application developed by the Project. Such Editor was featured also in the presentation by Mr. Géraud Berton, Project Manager at the European Commission, on the “Status of developments to support the legislative drafting process based on XML”. Africa i-Parliament presented its perspective on how the wide adoption of open source software for internal use of public organisations has not yet been translated into significant public administrations managing open source projects. More specifically, there are currently very few examples of tools implemented within the logic of open source in the context of supporting the legislative production chain. Finally, possible joint activities with European Parliaments – Africa i-Parliament Action Plan to create open tools to support the management of the legislative process were discussed.
Prof. Fabio Vitali and Prof. Monica Parlimirani, Associate Professors from the Department of Computer Science of the University of Bologna, explained how Akoma Ntoso, using a single XML schema, can cover the needs and specificities of all the parliaments. In fact, it identifies similarities and differences inside the structure of the most common document types used by parliaments, which are the building-blocks of Akoma Ntoso schema and allow it to be used by all parliaments, localising the schema to their specific requirements. Monica Palmirani, also Chair of the OASIS LegalDocML Member Section Steering Committee in charge of the standardisation of Akoma Ntoso, provided an update on the standardisation process and the opportunities that it may offer to parliaments all over the world. Africa i-Parliament presented BungeniEditor, the application developed by the Project. Such Editor was featured also in the presentation by Mr. Géraud Berton, Project Manager at the European Commission, on the “Status of developments to support the legislative drafting process based on XML”. Africa i-Parliament presented its perspective on how the wide adoption of open source software for internal use of public organisations has not yet been translated into significant public administrations managing open source projects. More specifically, there are currently very few examples of tools implemented within the logic of open source in the context of supporting the legislative production chain. Finally, possible joint activities with European Parliaments – Africa i-Parliament Action Plan to create open tools to support the management of the legislative process were discussed.
an initative of United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)