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Bungeni Editor was featured in the Final Analysis Report of the ISA LEOS Project (Legislative Editing Open Software).
Bungeni Editor was featured in the Final Analysis Report of the ISA LEOS Project (Legislative Editing Open Software).

This Project aims to analyse the tools currently used by public administrations to create and edit their legal texts, with a view to identifying best practices and areas where common efforts and developments are possible, so to make legislative drafting processes more efficient.

Focusing on six case studies, this report presents an analysis of tools for editing legislative software, assessing their benefits and trade offs, re-usability, as well as user guidance and user friendliness.

The study analises Bungeni Editor as unique open source desktop editor for legislative mark-up based on open office. It looks at its structure, technical aspects and benefits, particularly commending the transparency of the management of the project and the expert contributor community supporting it.

This publication is available on the European Commission e-library.

More info on this initiative: