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LEGAL HACKS is hosting an International Legislation UnHackathon sponsored by the Hastings Science & Technology Law Journal. Next 19 May, at the Hastings College of Law of the University of California, attorneys and technologists will gather in groups and “mark up” existing laws into an XML format based on Akoma Ntoso.

LEGAL HACKS is hosting an International Legislation UnHackathon sponsored by the Hastings Science & Technology Law Journal. Next 19 May, at the Hastings College of Law of the University of California, attorneys and technologists will gather in groups and “mark up” existing laws into an XML format based on Akoma Ntoso.

This is a confirmation of the momentum that Akoma Ntoso is gaining thanks also to the OASIS standardisation process that makes it available to a wide audience.

The objective of the Legislation UnHackathon is to identify the best methods to markup relevant laws into the XML standard.  Some of the key areas of focus will be Constitutions, Privacy laws and Open Government Laws, but participants will be free to choose to work on other areas of law too. There is also in the pipeline a further event, probably in June.

More info on the event:


More info on the organizer:
