Attended by over 110 delegates from regional and national assemblies in Africa and Development Partners the 1st APKN Council of Coordinators and Plenary redefined the path the APKN is to follow in the next years before the next plenary in 2013. A number of pertinent decisions were made with regards the future development of APKN as follows;
Significant changes were made to the APKN Charter, to allow a more proactive role of the APKN Governance structures in the decision making process as well as supporting the secretariat to implement the decisions of Plenary and allow increased participation of both members and other development partners. All the regional assemblies have become officio members of in the Executive Committee to underline that APKN is meant to actually build on, work with the regional grouping and to facilitate increased exchange at both regional and continental level. The first meeting of the new APKN Executive committee is scheduled for January 2011 where the interim Secretariat will officially handover to the new Secretariat.
an initative of United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)