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Along with this upgrade, several functional and usability improvements were made to the editor. This includes a new document type that was added to the supported document types for the Editor – the 'judgement' document type.
The release of 3.0   brought many performance improvements, features and a more stable word processor core. The Bungeni Editor was upgraded to use 3.0.

The Akoma Ntoso standard makes various recommendations regarding naming a file and structural storage of the file (path names) relevant to the type of document - a module / library was added to the Bungeni Editor to support Akoma Ntoso Universal Resource Identifiers (URI). The structure of the URI is configurable per supported document type.

Support for a Document Transformation engine was added to the Bungeni Editor - this will allow converting marked up documents into Akoma Ntoso XML and subsequently into HTML and PDF for presentation purposes.

A new document type was added to the supported document types for the Editor - the 'judgement' document type. The judgement document type allows marking up Judicial judgement documents using standard AkomaNtoso prescriptive metadata.

The User Interface of the Editor was updated to provide better usability and aesthetics. Various performance improvements and stability improvements were made. A User-Interface theming engine was integrated with the Editor to provide an improved visual experience.

The UI of the editor was also internationalized to support i18n message strings and provide a clear separation between screen / display text and application functionality.