Basic Info

يرجى المراجعة قبل الإرسال

معلومات المرشح

المعلومات المؤسسية

الدولة تايلاند
اسم المؤسسة Khon Kaen Province
نوع المؤسسة وكالة عامة
المستوى الإداري إقليمي
اسم المبادرة The Project of Siew Partnerships Against Poverty
السنوات التشغيلية للمشروع 2
موقع المؤسسة

السؤال 1: حول المبادرة

هل هذه مبادرة من القطاع العام؟ نعم

السؤال 2: الفئات

هل المبادرة ذات صلة بأحد فئات UNPSA؟ تعزيز فعالية المؤسسات العامة للوصول إلى أهداف التنمية المستدامة
لم يتم العثور على العناصر

السؤال 3: أهداف التنمية المستدامة

هل المبادرة ذات صلة بأي من أهداف التنمية المستدامة ال 17؟ نعم
إذا أجبت بنعم أعلاه، يرجى تحديد أهداف التنمية المستدامة الأكثر صلة بالمبادرة.
1 لا للفقر
2 القضاء على الجوع
3 الصحة الجيدة
أي نقطة لها صلة بالمبادرة ضمن أهداف التنمية المستدامة المحددة أعلاه؟
1.2 تخفيض نسبة الرجال والنساء والأطفال من جميع الأعمار الذين يعانون الفقر بجميع أبعاده وفقاً للتعاريف الوطنية بمقدار النصف على الأقل بحلول عام 2030
1.3 استحداث نظم وتدابير حماية اجتماعية ملائمة على الصعيد الوطني للجميع ووضع حدود دنيا لها، وتحقيق تغطية صحية واسعة للفقراء والضعفاء بحلول عام 2030
1.4 ضمان تمتّع جميع الرجال والنساء، ولا سيما الفقراء والضعفاء منهم، بنفس الحقوق في الحصول على الموارد الاقتصادية، وكذلك حصولهم على الخدمات الأساسية، وعلى حق ملكية الأراضي والتصرّف فيها وغيره من الحقوق المتعلّقة بأشكال الملكية الأخرى، وبالميراث، وبالحصول على الموارد الطبيعية، والتكنولوجيا الجديدة الملائمة، والخدمات المالية، بما في ذلك التمويل المتناهي الصغر، بحلول عام 2030
2.1 القضاء على الجوع وضمان حصول الجميع، ولا سيما الفقراء والفئات الضعيفة، بمن فيهم الرضّع، على ما يكفيهم من الغذاء المأمون والمغذّي طوال العام بحلول عام 2030
3.5 تعزيز الوقاية من إساءة استعمال المواد، بما يشمل تعاطي المخدرات وتناول الكحول على نحو يضر بالصحة، وعلاج ذلك
3.7 ضمان حصول الجميع على خدمات رعاية الصحة الجنسية والإنجابية، بما في ذلك خدمات ومعلومات تنظيم الأسرة والتوعية الخاصة به، وإدماج الصحة الإنجابية في الاستراتيجيات والبرامج الوطنية بحلول عام 2030
3.8 تحقيق التغطية الصحية الشاملة، بما في ذلك الحماية من المخاطر المالية، وإمكانية الحصول على خدمات الرعاية الصحية الأساسية الجيدة وإمكانية حصول الجميع على الأدوية واللقاحات الجيّدة والفعالة والميسورة التكلفة

السؤال 4: تاريخ التنفيذ

هل تم تطبيق المبادرة لمدة سنتين أو أكثر؟ نعم
يرجى تقديم تاريخ التنفيذ 27 Mar 2019

السؤال 5: الشركاء

هل شاركت الأمم المتحدة أو أي من وكالات الأمم المتحدة في هذه المبادرة؟ لا
ما هي وكالة الأمم المتحدة المعنية؟
يرجى تقديم تفاصيل

السؤال 6: المشاركة السابقة

1. هل قدمت المبادرة طلبًا للنظر فيه خلال السنوات الثلاث الماضية (2017-2019)؟ لا

السؤال 7: جوائز UNPSA

هل فازت المبادرة من قبل بهذه الجائزة ؟ لا

السؤال 8: جوائز أخرى

هل فازت المبادرة بجوائز خدمة عامة أخرى؟ نعم
إذا كانت الإجابة بنعم، يرجى تحديد الاسم والمنظمة والسنة. State Excellence Award, good level, year 2020

السؤال 9: كيف عرفت عن ال UNPSA؟

كيف عرفت عن ال UNPSA؟ Office of the Public Sector Development Commission, OPDC, inspires our organization to impove and leverage our services and importantly, encourages us to submit this awards.

السؤال 10: الموافقة على المصادقة

أوافق على الاتصال بالأشخاص والكيانات ذات الصلة للاستعلام عن المبادرة بغرض التحقق من الصحة. نعم

Nomination form


السؤال 1

يرجى وصف المبادرة بإيجاز ، ما المشكلة أو التحدي الذي تهدف إلى معالجته وتحديد أهدافه (300 كلمة كحد أقصى(
Khon Kaen Province has been announced as a Khonkaen Smart City and prepares to support the Thailand 4.0 policy for a concrete drive towards a stable, prosperous and sustainable country. Meanwhile, there is another part of the province that suffers from chronic poverty and inequality. Therefore, eliminating poverty and developing people of all ages is of primary importance in order to reduce inequality in society by participating from all sectors under the concept of "Pracharat" which is mutual with a network of business alliances under the philosophy of sufficiency economy. From the data from the Basic Minimum Need forum in 2018 and from the community forum, there were poor households whose average income per person/year was lower than the threshold of 38,000 baht. The throughout 3 years statistics, there were 1,540 households in 2016, 2,560 households in 2017, and 1,174 households in 2018. Governor of Khon Kaen Province was foreseeing the problem of this poverty, thus proceed The Project of Siew Partnerships Against Poverty as a goal of integration and a cooperative collaboration of all sectors in the province in order to the greatest benefit to the people according to the roles and missions of each department. Challenges in the implementation of the project are an integration of development partners, budget, Function Area Agenda, personnel dividing the work for the same goal. The main objective is 1. To solve poverty problems and improve the life quality of poor households to have a good quality of life, have a good income, and have good welfare. 2. To integrate the work of the government sector, the private sector, and the people, at the provincial, district, sub-district, and village levels in a civil state form.3. To respond to the government's poverty alleviation strategy and the development of Khon Kaen Smart City.

السؤال 2

يرجى توضيح كيفية ارتباط المبادرة بالفئة المحددة (100 كلمة كحد أقصى
The Project of Siew Partnerships Against Poverty of Khon Kaen is the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), eliminating poverty in all dimensions, and integrates the work of the government sector, private sector and educational institutions. 1. Government sector: Integrate information, budget, mission, hold “people” as important goals. 2. Private sector: support for inputs of production, basic subsistence factors, employment, worker awareness-building budgets 3. Educational institutions: scholarships for children, being a mentor, visiting the work area, giving suggestions on occupations in the targeted households. 4. People: community leaders, local community funds, primary care and assistance to households.

السؤال 3

a. يرجى تحديد الهدف أو أهداف التنمية المستدامة التي تدعمها المبادرة ووصف بشكل ملموس كيف ساهمت المبادرة في تنفيذها (200 كلمة كحد أقصى)
The Project of Siew Partnerships Against Poverty of Khon Kaen aims to develop in all dimensions, consistent with the SDGs as follows: Goal 1 End all poverty, aiming to reduce poverty in all dimensions such as economic, social, and environmental. This includes enhancing income, improving livelihoods, environments, and sanitation. The three well-hygienic conditions are well-being, good income, and good welfare. Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security, enhance food nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. To create food security for households, conform to the project “This house has love, grow your own vegetables”, to raise animals for every household to have food for eat like “the kitchen next door”, and if there are leftovers, they can be sold as extra income, as a means of enhancing food nutrition. Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives, promote well-being for all ages, and promote hygienic living through public health systems. Including the implementation of the basic rights of the state as required by law, such as the elderly card, disabled people, welfare of the state for all rights.
b. يرجى وصف ما الذي يجعل المبادرة مستدامة من الناحية الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والبيئية (100 كلمة كحد أقصى)
Economy: To improve people's quality of life by focusing on the development of the basic economy and advance the quality of life of households 3 well-hygienic conditions: (1) well-being, reducing expenses, reducing production costs, having better health (2) good income, training, collecting savings, supporting community grants to the household occupation (3) good welfare, full state welfare for all ages, welfare from community funds. Environment: To create understanding for people in the community to be generous, volunteering to care for poor households, adjusting the household environment to be hygienic, and the government sector as a reinforcement.

السؤال 4

a. يرجى توضيح كيف عالجت المبادرة النقص الكبير في الإدارة أو الإدارة العامة أو الخدمة العامة في سياق بلد أو منطقة معينة (200 كلمة كحد أقصى)
The problem of redundant work in the government sector due to each sector’s assignments on their own causes the provincial to have an unclear overall image of work goals and results, and some households lack of aiding. There are dividing duties and responsibilities, as follows: 1) The field operation teams have to analyze the problem and find a solution. 2) Support teams have to solve problems according to the mission of the organization in 5 dimensions of problems. 3) The responsible working committee has to direct and follow each dimension by using the database in the TPMAP Logbook system, as troubleshooting 5 dimensions. Occupation and income: Promoting occupational knowledge, supporting production factors, coordinating with various sectors, according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy. Education: Taking the information of the children to access to poor student fundamentals system or scholarships from all educational institutions, foundations and associations. Health: Receiving of scheduled health checks, health service system, and sub-district health fund. Housing aspect: Repair the target household's house, Budget of the government sector, private sector, and foundations, with people in the area participating in activities. The welfare of the State: Citizens can receive each privilege from all departments.
b. يرجى وصف كيف تعالج مبادرتك عدم المساواة بين الجنسين في سياق البلد (100 كلمة كحد أقصى)
Child Education Problems: Children of all ages can receive scholarships, mental and physical conditions, and interdisciplinary care in order to reduce sexual harassment. Working-age women's problem: Skill-based occupational support, and community-based occupations, able to work from home, for example, broom making, weaving, silkworm farming, animal husbandry, agriculture, which is in accordance with sufficiency economy philosophy, moreover, to support the employment of the private sector in the community, and nearby communities. The issue of the elderly and disabled person: support citizens for access the welfare of the state. (Elderly card, bed-ridden patient, disabled person, government welfare, basic factors)
c. يرجى وصف المجموعة (المجموعات) المستهدفة ، وشرح كيفية قيام المبادرة بتحسين نتائج هذه الفئات المستهدفة (200 كلمة كحد أقصى
In the project, target households amount to 1,174 households, there are 661 developable households and 513 relief households, which receive collaboration integration of government sector. dimension 1 Occupation and Income: Aiding for occupation support about agriculture and animal husbandry and by actionable 95.20 % dimension 2 Education: To support the education system by the private sector as giving education scholarship, country children develop fund and establishment for education by mutual to solve the problem the scholarship in district level and bring the list into the CCT system for the same target with the system of the Ministry of Education. Therefore, the government systems have to support the education of children and operational 72.47 % dimension 3 Health: about 564 households were taken care through the system of Village Health Volunteers, Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital, Red Cross, Office of Social Development and Human Security. dimension 4 Residence: to get taking care of the hygienic environment, to get the house repair about 134 households by the government sectors and the private sectors budget dimension 5 state welfare: access to government services (elderly welfare card, bedridden card, handicap card, receiving state welfare) actionable 100 %

السؤال 5

a. يرجى وصف كيفية تنفيذ المبادرة بما في ذلك التطورات والخطوات الرئيسية وأنشطة الرصد والتقييم والتسلسل الزمني 300) كلمة كحد أقصى)
1. Planning (August–September 2019) 1) The conceptual framework for working the civil state model. 2) Building awareness for all of the departments. 3) Creating knowledge, understanding, and increasing the potential of using tools, such as recording, and displaying household data for targeted people development (TPMAP Logbook: Thai People Mapping) 4) Provincial and District Community Development Office responsibility as an operating center.5 ) Kick off the project. 2 Operations (October 2019) 1)The village committee has checked the households and present the information on the conference and set a target for work. To create awareness and participation of people in the villages to cooperate solve the problems. The village committee office is an operating center.2) Data storage Government officer visits the household, collect household data, analyze needs, and record in TPMAP Logbook. Department brings the data to analyze the solution, and provides assistance according to the potential of the district, and then reports the problems and needs to the provincial for providing further assistance. (Part 2 between October 2019- July 2020) 2.3) The District Poverty Eradication and Life Cycle Development has a conference with the government sector to analyze the problem and solution, to set up a plan to help, and coordinate the transmission of information. 2.4) To take action to solve problems with 2 Strategy power, The power within the community and the external power. 3. Evaluation (October 2019- July 2020) 1) Government officers "Siew Partnership" report the performance every month. 2) The Poverty Eradication and Rural Development of the district and the provincial are Follow up, support, cooperate with the village committee. 4. Performance Summary (August 2020 – September 2020) 1) Siew Partnership Seminar for associated sectors are supported, analyze, and develop working styles. 2) To study from best practice household and set up as a Learning Center.
b. يرجى توضيح العقبات التي ووجهت وكيف تم التغلب عليها (100 كلمة كحد أقصى)
1.complex poverty problem To classify problems in 5 dimensions and assign to the working group in each dimension for problem-solving and coordinating with development partners to mobilize cooperation from all sectors in order to solve poverty problems. 2. target household attitude Some households were not cooperating, thus to use implement 4 processes (attitudes, skills, resources, solutions) in order to be self-reliant such as sufficiency economy, self-sufficiency, happy family and perform 4 Life-processes (pointing life goals, life compass, life management, life care) as the main procedures to enhance the process of people's participation.

السؤال 6

a. يرجى توضيح الطرق المبتكرة للمبادرة في سياق بلدك أو منطقتك (100 كلمة كحد أقصى)
Originally: Government sector assign their duties according to budget, function, service population at the office and all departments solve poverty problems in context and define goals by themself causing unclear vision of work. Innovation beginning: The Project is an integration of work from all 33 sectors in Khon Kaen that have mutual the goal to planning. And utilize guidelines from China by one government officer responsible for taking care of target households and be guidelines for field government officers to match their partner.
b. يرجى وصف ، إذا كان ذلك مناسبًا ، كيف استلهمت المبادرة من المبادرات الناجحة الأخرى في المناطق والبلدان والمحليات الأخرى (100 كلمة كحد أقصى)
Development has been extended from poverty alleviation approaches (1) poverty alleviation through the philosophy of the Sufficiency Economy on living self-sufficient enough. (2) An approach to solving the problem of poor households on the 4 operational processes of visiting households, and participation of all sectors in order for the households to participate in their own development. (3) The concept of “Pracharat” in driving projects, government associates with the network are working for strengthening local communities. And (4) ideas from the People's Republic of China on each government officer responsible for target households, to be regarded as their own home.
c. إذا تم استخدام التقنيات الناشئة والرائدة، فيرجى ذكر كيفية دمجها في المبادرة و / أو كيف احتضنت المبادرة الحكومة الإلكترونية
In the implementation of the project, the target households that out of criteria from the TPMAP (Thai People Mapping Analytics Platform) by NECTEC (National Electronics and Computer Technology Center) were recorded in the TPMAP as a government officer performance report, and to follow up and asses the work of the head at the district, provincial, and national levels, and receive information on households about problems, needs and supports. In addition, information systems are used to work for quickness, and as a follow-up activity to receive a report on visiting target households, and to publicize in the public.

السؤال 7

a. هل تم نقل المبادرة و / أو تكييفها مع سياقات أخرى (مثل مدن أو بلدان أو مناطق أخرى) وفقًا لمعرفتك؟ إذا كانت الإجابة بنعم ، فيرجى توضيح أين وكيف (200 كلمة كحد أقصى(
(1) State Excellence Award, good level, year 2020 (Participative Government Administration Award category for the Poverty Reform of the Office of the Public Sector Development Commission) (2) presentation of the operating results to Deputy Prime Minister at Samut Songkhram Province in regard to provinces with a successful poverty alleviation model to be a model and expand the results at the national level (3) PEOPLE'S DAILY, the largest newspaper in China. An article has been written about solving Thailand's poverty alleviation. Release in newspapers on October 2020 about visiting Pueai Noi District and an interview with the governor of Khon Kaen on issues of 1) Poverty situation, 2) Causes of poverty, 3) Poverty resolution policies and goals, 4) Measures and solutions to alleviate poverty, and success in solving problems. 5) The Project of Siew Partnership Against Poverty 6) Thailand-China cooperation on poverty alleviation. 7) The area has been successful in solving poverty. (4) A developer of a government service system and a government officer in a new generation change management development project have studied the project to apply the project as a model to expand poverty alleviation and reduce the inequality that can be used in other areas in the country.
b. إذا لم يتم نقلها / تكييفها بعد مع السياقات الأخرى ، يرجى وصف إمكانات النقل.

السؤال 8

. a ما هي الموارد المحددة (أي المالية أو البشرية أو غيرها) التي استخدمت لتنفيذ المبادرة؟ 100) كلمة كحد أقصى(
Financial: Integrate regular budgets of each sector to seize the same target households Human Resources Integrate government officers at each sector to work on the same goal. Including participation of people in the area, village committees, community volunteers, community leaders, volunteers from various government agencies working in the area such as the Women's Development Committee volunteers, Volunteer for Community Development. Educational institutions, Universities in Khon Kaen Province support the knowledge and working techniques to the project government officers. Network in district area: District center seeks a budget and promotes the village community funds, livelihood assistance, education, and resource allocation.
. b يرجى توضيح ما الذي يجعل المبادرة مستدامة مع مرور الوقت ، من الناحية المالية والمؤسسية 100) كلمة كحد أقصى(
Economic dimension: A district fund was established for developing poor households. Social dimension: Matching care in “The Project of Siew Partnership Against Poverty” is amechanism for solving poverty problems by government officers or community volunteers responsible for helping the poor household. Positive attitude adjustment, focusing on helping yourself is an important turning point in solving poverty problems to achieve sustainabilityby adopting the philosophy of sufficiency economy. Policy dimension: Khon Kaen Province policy for all government sectors to operate to become a Khon Kaen Smart City without leaving anyone behind to satisfy the Sustainable Development Goals and hold people-centered.

السؤال 9

a. هل تم تقييم المبادرة رسميًا داخليًا أم خارجيًا؟
b. يرجى وصف كيف تم تقييمها ومن قبل من؟ 100) كلمة كحد أقصى(
Internal Assessment by Monitoring, auditing and evaluating the results the assessment of the Poverty Eradication at the district and provincial level from the monthly performance “Siew Partnership” report 2) To use the assessment criteria, Basic Necessity No. 22, income 38,000 baht/person/year. (3) Evaluate executives, monitor the performance. External assessment by Receiving a performance evaluation from the Office of the Public Sector Development Commission on Public Sector Excellence Awards 2020. And recording partnerships data on the TPMAP Logbook system. (3) Association with educational institutions, Khon Kaen City Development (KKTT) Co., LTD, College of Local Administration, Khon Kaen University.
c. يرجى وصف المؤشرات والأدوات المستخدمة 100) كلمة كحد أقصى(
Project Implementation Goals to improve the quality of life of households 3 things, (1)well-being, reducing production costs, good health, building food security for households. (2)Good income, vocational training, community funds to support household occupations. (3)good welfare, public welfare, community welfare, assistance for the elderly, children, the underprivileged and poor households. Tools: (1)TPMAP Logbook is a system that government officers record their performance. (2)To use the questions under the Basic Needs Assessment Criteria No. 22, and measure income from occupations. (3)Assessment by government officers, community leaders, inspecting households for resolution of problems by the inquiries.
d. ما هي النتائج الرئيسية للتقييم (مثل مدى كفاية الموارد التي تم حشدها للمبادرة ، وجودة التنفيذ والتحديات التي تواجهها ، والنتائج الرئيسية ، واستدامة المبادرة ، والآثار) وكيف يتم استخدام هذه المعلومات للإبلاغ عن تنفيذ المبادرة (200 كلمة كحد أقصى)
RESULT: At the government agency level (1) the power of integration, work, budget, targeted information, process driving the work of the government sector provide assistance in 5 dimensions (2) Participation in working in the form of a civil state, participation of the people, self-management of the community (3) Build the sustainability of the project by stipulating that the project is included in the provincial strategy, and create awareness among all government officials in the curriculum "Khon Kaen Education". At the community level: (1) To create sustainability in the community by using The Project Of Siew Partnerships Against Poverty to be a tool for develop people, cooperate to strengthen the community, build the community as a community of support, able to help the poor households in their own community. (2) Create awareness, knowledge for community leaders and local government organizations as an advisor to the public in household problems and coordinate with aid agencies to prevent people from depriving themselves of their rights.

السؤال 10

يرجى وصف كيفية إدراج المبادرة في المشهد المؤسسي ذي الصلة (على سبيل المثال ، كيف كانت موجودة فيما يتعلق بالوكالات الحكومية ذات الصلة ، وكيف كانت العلاقات المؤسسية مع تلك تعمل (200 كلمة كحد أقصى)
Government Sector: Integrate the work of 33 government agencies as the center for The District Poverty Eradication and Life Cycle Development according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, and an order appointing 726 civil servants in the area to perform their duties in the area of 577 villages, 147 sub-districts, 26 districts. Local government organizations cooperate with the local level, village headmen, and community leaders to take part in solving problems, and support the operational activities of the target households. Educational institutions are involved in solving the problems of poor households, by providing advice, concepts for the development of poor households to government officials such as Khon Kaen University, Rajamangala University, Vocational College, College of Agriculture and Technology. Providing students with activities in support areas, giving scholarships to children including an overall performance evaluation with recommendations.Private sector: budget support such as civil servant seminars, awareness-raising, production factors and subsistence bags for all households, repairs or building houses, participating in seeking project support funds. to establish as "District Fund". Consul-General of the People's Republic of China in Khon Kaen Province Support for home repair budget, basic subsidies, knowledge of China's success, and publicize the project.

السؤال 11

تركز خطة التنمية المستدامة لعام 2030 على التعاون والمشاركة والشراكات والإدماج. يرجى وصف الجهات المعنية التي شاركت في تصميم وتنفيذ وتقييم المبادرة وكيفية حدوث هذه المشاركة (200 كلمة كحد أقصى)
Driving the project with the power of "Pracharat" cooperate in helping people in their own community, the key strategy used is “Intra-Community Power”, the village committee who is the village's administrator, who is closely related to and affected by poor households in the villages. Therefore, the project area is a tool for strong community management, learning to develop a strong foundation economy, creating a harmonious living community of their own. “External Powers”: planning operations, integrating capital work within the community and external community-funded grants, includes seeking cooperation from the government, private, provincial, and central sectors in planning poverty alleviation, adjusting positive attitudes for officers and targeted poor households, providing assistance to household members of all ages and all dimensions of problems, connecting the relationship between Thailand and China on driving the project. People: Participation of the People's Sector In participating in the decision to provide assistance and taking care, as well as the participation of the target households themselves to learn and improve themselves.

السؤال 12

يرجى وصف الدروس الرئيسية المستفادة ، وكيف تخطط منظمتك لتحسين المبادرة (200 كلمة كحد أقصى)
At the district level, there are exchanging of knowledge, and consideration for choosing households that can be role models for other households. Government system developers, government officers in the new generation management development project have taken the project as a model to expand the results of reducing inequality and poverty alleviation to be more effective. Senior Community Development Executive Program Bring the project to further study in order to present the project to expand the results at a broader level. Provinces that have been successful in solving poverty have been identified as provinces that can be role models for driving poverty alleviation at the meeting of the Poverty Eradication Committee, and sustainable development of people according to the philosophy sufficiency economy. And suggestions from all sectors are the sustainability of the project, therefore, bringing the project to include in the conference and follow up with the Public and Private Sector Consultative Committee to solve economic problems, creating awareness for civil servants who relocate or repack in the province. "Khon Kaen Studies Curriculum", a project to include in the provincial strategy on Smart City.

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