
Sustainable Development Goal 1

End poverty in all its forms everywhere


Explore 2018 - 2019 UNPSA initiatives and how they link to SDG 1 and its targets below. 
For all other previous UNPSA cases from 2017 - 2003, click here.

Goal 1: No Poverty


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Items count: 211
Pages count: 11

Year Name Of Initiative Category Country Institution Name Institution Type
2022 Personal Alert Button (PAB) x Government Assisted Living Ecosystem (GALE) Category 1: Fostering innovation to deliver inclusive and equitable services Singapore Government Technology Agency of Singapore (GovTech) Public Agency
2022 “BOKDIN” Project on Survey of Land Information to Accommodate Governments Category 1: Fostering innovation to deliver inclusive and equitable services Thailand Department of Lands Ministry
2022 “Suksala” Cooperative Mechanisms for Increasing Accessibility to Primary Health Care Category 1: Fostering innovation to deliver inclusive and equitable services Thailand Department of Health Service Support Ministry
2022 PATRIOT (Fish Biomass Detector with Internet of Things (IoT) System) Category 1: Fostering innovation to deliver inclusive and equitable services Indonesia Research and Development Agency of Badung Regency Public Agency
2022 Pukmai Self-Management Community Category 2: Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs Thailand Pukmai Subdistrict Administrative Organization Public Agency
2022 Energy Security and Sustainability by Micro Hydropower Development Project at Ban Poeng Khloeng Category 2: Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs Thailand Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency Ministry
2022 The Project of Siew Partnerships Against Poverty Category 2: Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs Thailand Khon Kaen Province Public Agency
2022 Non-Khoa Model Category 2: Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs Thailand Khon Kaen Province Public Agency
2022 Development of Crop Varieties and Soil, plant Management Technologies Category 2: Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs Bangladesh Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture Other
2022 依托北京12345的“吹哨报道 接诉即办”机制 Category 2: Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs China 北京市政务服务管理局市民热线服务中心 Public Enterprise
2022 Kohkha – A Community Driven by Social Equality and Social Safety Net Category 3: Promoting gender-responsive public services to achieve the SDGs Thailand Koh Kha Municipality Other
2022 Cleanliness Survey Category 1: Fostering innovation to deliver inclusive and equitable services India State Urban Development Agency (SUDA) Public Agency
2022 Housing For Egyptians Category 2: Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs Egypt Social Housing and Mortgage Finance Fund Public Agency
2022 Support implementation of solar water heater for households Category 2: Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs Jordan Jordan renewable energy and energy efficiency Fund (JREEEF) Ministry
2022 Comunales por las vías de la Paz Special Category: Institutional Resilience and Innovative Response to Covid-19 Pandemic Colombia Gobernación de Cadas Public Enterprise
2022 Program Kartu Prakerja (Pre-Employment Card) Special Category: Institutional Resilience and Innovative Response to Covid-19 Pandemic Indonesia Project Management Office of Program Kartu Prakerja Ministry
2022 Cash Transfers Channel-Bogotá Solidaria District System Special Category: Institutional Resilience and Innovative Response to Covid-19 Pandemic Colombia Planning Secretariat of the District Public Agency
2022 Enabling Responsive Governance through Grievances Monitoring Category 2: Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs India Chief Minister's Office, Goverment of West Bengal Other
2022 Directorate General of Fiscal Balance Category 2: Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs Indonesia Ministry of Finance Ministry
2022 SMART fire for Chiang Mai Breath Category 2: Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs Thailand Chiang Mai Provincial Administrative Organization Other

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