Initiative: Tawakkalna Application
Institution: Saudi Data and AI Authority
Problem: The COVID-19 pandemic has made multifaceted impacts - not only on the health and well-being of the people but also on the economic and social spheres. The COVID-19 pandemic intensified the need for digital technologies in providing accessible, inclusive, and value-added public services to all citizens.
Solution: The Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA) and Ministry of Health developed the national COVID-19 app called Tawakkalna, to support government activities in response to the pandemic in two phases. First, the app provides a consistent flow of information and guidance to facilitate COVID tests and provide digital mobility permits during the lockdown. The second phase focused on progressively returning to normal life by targeting greater business continuity and virtual access to services. The solution was created with a specific goal to supplement the existing COVID-19 preventive and precautionary measures with personalized content in health, education, and social services. The integrated functionality and services are based on ongoing user behavior monitoring, feedback and internal analysis.
Impact: Tawakkalna serves as a conduit for communication between the government and civilians. The app incorporated 144 functions, such as education and social services, while maintaining the greatest levels of security and privacy. Households, children, instructors, individuals with disabilities, and the elderly are all targeted by the new services. Tawakkalna has 25 million registered users and 5 million daily utilization. Information, data, and services are provided from the collaboration of 25 government agencies and are compliant with Saudi privacy and data protection laws.