UNPSA Initiatives and the SDGs


Explore eligible 2018 - 2022 UNPSA initiatives and how they link to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the table below. UNPSA Winners are highlighted in light gold. 


For all other previous eligible UNPSA cases from 2017 - 2003, click here

Disclaimer: Content of the UNPSA cases below is provided “as is” as and when submitted during the UNPSA nomination process, including their link to the SDGs, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.

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Pages count: 22
Items count: 1100
Year Country Name of Initiative Institution Name UNPSA Category SDGs
2021 United Arab Emirates Basher United Arab Emirates Fostering innovation to deliver inclusive and equitable services for all including through digital transformation
2021 Russian Federation Moscow Innovation Pilot Program Moscow Agency of Innovations Fostering innovation to deliver inclusive and equitable services for all including through digital transformation
2021 Indonesia PanganKu Dinas Pertanian dan Pangan Kabupaten Kulon Progo Fostering innovation to deliver inclusive and equitable services for all including through digital transformation
2021 Qatar Ashghal Operations management centers Public Works Authority "Ashghal" Fostering innovation to deliver inclusive and equitable services for all including through digital transformation
2021 Peru ACCESO AL REGISTRO DE IDENTIFICACIÓN EN ÁREAS CRÍTICAS DE FRONTERA DE LA REGIÓN AMAZONAS. REGISTRO NACIONAL DE IDENTIFICACION Y ESTADO CIVIL - RENIEC Fostering innovation to deliver inclusive and equitable services for all including through digital transformation
2021 Indonesia Return to Work Program BPJS KETENAGAKERJAAN Fostering innovation to deliver inclusive and equitable services for all including through digital transformation
2021 Republic of Korea Protecting the health of socially underprivileged children and adolescents for their healthy growth Seoul Metropolitan Government Fostering innovation to deliver inclusive and equitable services for all including through digital transformation
2021 Republic of Korea Happy Taxi for Villages Chungcheongbuk-do Fostering innovation to deliver inclusive and equitable services for all including through digital transformation
2021 Republic of Korea The shared Policy of Intelligent Traffic System Including Bus Information System Bucheon City, Gyeonggi Province, Republic of Korea Fostering innovation to deliver inclusive and equitable services for all including through digital transformation
2021 Thailand Development of the telepsychiatry Program in Thailand Galya Rajanagarindra Institute Fostering innovation to deliver inclusive and equitable services for all including through digital transformation
2021 Saudi Arabia Saudi National Digital Identity ( Nafath) Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority Fostering innovation to deliver inclusive and equitable services for all including through digital transformation
2021 Saudi Arabia Estishraf Platform Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority Fostering innovation to deliver inclusive and equitable services for all including through digital transformation
2021 United Arab Emirates تطبيق حمايتي وزارة الداخلية Fostering innovation to deliver inclusive and equitable services for all including through digital transformation
2021 Singapore MyCareersFuture Government Technology Agency of Singapore (GovTech) Fostering innovation to deliver inclusive and equitable services for all including through digital transformation
2021 India A Mission for Empowerment of Tribal Bonded Laborers District Administration, Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs
2021 Philippines Comprehensive Social and Vocational Rehabilitation Program for Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office 1 Area 1 Vocational Rehabilitation Center Fostering innovation to deliver inclusive and equitable services for all including through digital transformation
2021 Thailand Free-dustbin Prachuap Khiri Khan Province/Prachuap Khiri Khan No Trash Prachuap Khiri Khan Province Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs
2021 Bangladesh Formulation and Implementation of Citizen's Charter in Government Offices Governance Innovation Unit, Prime Minister's Office Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs
2021 United Arab Emirates المبادرات الأمنية البديلة Abu Dhabi Police G.H.Q Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs
2021 Republic of Korea Government-corporate work together to create affluent rural areas through CO2 reduction project Korea Western Power Co.,Ltd. Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs
2021 Bangladesh SDG Tracker: Data Repository for Monitoring the Implementation of the SDGs Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs
2021 Thailand Social Housing for the Underprivileged Tha Ruea Phra Thaen Town Municipality Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs
2021 Thailand The System of Service Delivery in Searching Land Parcel Location by Geographic Information System .. Department of Lands Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs
2021 Bahrain Organiztional Excellence Project Assistant Undersecretary for Human Resources-Ministry of Interior Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs
2021 United Arab Emirates The GovTech Programme The Prime Minister's Office Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs
2021 Thailand The LeO-Trap with Community Participation: An Innovation to Overcome Dengue, Chikungunya, and Zika F Department of Medical Sciences Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs
2021 United Arab Emirates UAE SDG Data Hub Federal Competitivness and Statistics Center Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs
2021 Republic of Korea Green Life SOC Project Seoul Metropolitan Government Institutional preparedness and response in times of crisis
2021 Republic of Korea Operation of Cooling Centers to reduce the damage caused by heatwaves Ministry of the Interior and Safety Institutional preparedness and response in times of crisis
2021 United Arab Emirates DCT Business Resilience Department of Culture and Tourism Institutional preparedness and response in times of crisis
2021 Indonesia SiPongi – Forest and Land Fire Early Warning and Detection System Ministry of Environment and Forestry Institutional preparedness and response in times of crisis
2021 United Arab Emirates UAE Hackathon Telecommunication Regulation Authority Institutional preparedness and response in times of crisis
2021 India Digitally Enabled Access for Learning (DEAL) West Bengal State Council of Technical & Vocational Education and Skill Development Institutional preparedness and response in times of crisis
2021 Republic of Korea Safety training by stages of lifecycle for vulnerable groups Chungcheongbuk-do Institutional preparedness and response in times of crisis
2021 Republic of Korea Energy Voucher Korea Energy Agency Institutional preparedness and response in times of crisis
2021 Thailand Institutional Preparedness and Response in Times of Bushfire Crisis The Office of the Prime Minister Institutional preparedness and response in times of crisis
2021 Thailand Village Health Volunteers : Unsung Heroes for Thailand's Health Crisis Department Of Health Service Support Institutional preparedness and response in times of crisis
2021 Republic of Korea Productive Labor & Volunteer Service Chungcheongbuk-do Institutional preparedness and response in times of crisis
2021 Brazil UNIR PARA INCLUIR - SPECIALIZED EDUCATIONAL SERVICE FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES AND ASD PREFEITURA DO JABOATÃO DOS GUARARAPES Fostering innovation to deliver inclusive and equitable services for all including through digital transformation
2021 Bangladesh e-Nothi (e-Filing) Information and Communication Technology Division Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs
2021 United Arab Emirates Sharjah Baby Friendly City Project Sharjah Child Friendly Office Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs
2021 Mexico YUCATAN SOLIDARIO SISTEMA PARA EL DESARROLLO INTEGRAL DE LA FAMILIA EN YUCATAN Institutional preparedness and response in times of crisis
2021 United Arab Emirates الإسكان الطارئ دائرة الإسكان Institutional preparedness and response in times of crisis
2021 Republic of Korea Integrated Emergency Call Service Ministry of the Interior and Safety Institutional preparedness and response in times of crisis
2021 United Arab Emirates Remote Electronic Supreme Case Registration Ras Al Khaimah Courts and Electronic Government Authority of Ras Al Khaimah Institutional preparedness and response in times of crisis
2021 Azerbaijan ABAD Public Legal Entity The State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of Azerbaijan Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs
2021 India free health awarness for women & teenagers sanjay maternity center Promoting gender-responsive public services to achieve the SDGs
2021 United Kingdom Women Involved in Community Transformation Training for Women Network Promoting gender-responsive public services to achieve the SDGs
2021 Republic of Korea The Realization of Equal Value of the Life, Seeking the Answer from the Disaster Safety National Disaster Management Research Institute Institutional preparedness and response in times of crisis
2021 Brazil Instituto Couto Maia : um serviço público de excelência , na assistência a usuários com doenças inf Instituto Couto Maia Institutional preparedness and response in times of crisis

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